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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Helloooooooo Owlettess....Wide awake, pain semi, ready to play anyone up?

    Smarty great kiddo.. what fun........

    Blessings, I have been lurking on Hermit's b/c so many are from there. Nice group. Fast too. You made some more comments on hermits thread of the diet your on . If I get one of my burst of energy days, I will have to go back and look at the diet. Sure, I read some years ago that the person that came up with it did it a very long time ago---30'40'50's very long ago. Somehow it got thrown away by orthodox people in control at the time as quackery.  It was rediscovered(but never was forgotten). Obviously, it works.  AS Cami mentioned awhile ago I like to know the hx of things. The diet used for diabetics for so long now just wasn't/isn't doing the job. Please, write often about it. I know I find it encouraging to read about your success with it. 60lbs and 4.4%HBA1C and feeling good says it all , with good lipid/triglycerides/HDL. Who put you on the diet? What kind of oral hypoglycemics were you on? Insulin? How has this affected your meds? Details? Did you have to be convinced to go on the diet?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger, you went back and read from the beginning, how funny, all the night meanderings of sleepless minds. Loved our visit in Melbourne. Too short. 

    Chevy, chicken sit, cheicken, sit chicken shit......nope can't do it. Glad you are taking care of the peeps. Too bad you couldn't shovel the chicken poop on tweedle dee& dum. Still can't figure out why they would get chickens............... I put mouse on NYE, hand problems by AM. Happy to at least put the mousse on the no list. Used it allot last spring when the trouble started, but didn't make a connection.

    Earthquakes::: worked on a disaster committee for area hospitals one time. It was suggested a new couple both RN's that had moved from California to get away from earthquakes might be a resource in planning. Shortly after they moved to northeast Ohio we had a quake. Poor folks, they chose the area b/c of no quake activity, then the shaking started it.

    I was watching the TV when the 1989 SF quake happened before the ballgame.  Lou(?)Michaels was talking and the shaking started. He had to do on air communication b/c his was the only feed getting through. He was very shook up, but rose to the occasion Remember the collapsing highway. It took awhile before the national folks were clued in that it was an over/under highway. Whomever wrote about the serendipity of why the highway was realtively empty during that time. Thanks. Never knew that.

    Littlegoats, have they RR folks figured out what's up with your shaking?

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


    anyone may copy my pics - it just means I've found a home for my warped sense of humor....  Loopy

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Mostlymom, I have that same sense of humor!


    See what I mean?!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals....  Sassy, my PC told me I could be allergic to several different things, I mean with our hands etc! 

    I just think my problem has no rhyme or reason... It comes and goes.  Right now it is fine... But honestly I love that cream I was telling you about...

    It smells  "different"... but it works...  The "Lantiseptic" Multi-Purpose Daily Care Skin Protectant. 

    Morning GrammaB and GG!    Are you feeling okay GG?  Wish I could lose about 20 pounds 3 times.... Ha!

    And Phyllidinker is with us again!  You still required to wear that ankle bracelet you were issued, by the ..... ahem..... authorities?   And how are your neighbors?  Been yelling at them lately?  Or scaring the kids in the block? 

    You can let me and Cammi do that...  Ha,ha!  See now?  That pain-ball gun is going to get you in trouble!  Who do you think you are?  Dog the Bounty Hunter, or BETH???  MY GOD, have you ever seen such a huge pair of breasteses in your LIFE?   

    It's a wonder she doesn't have to get Social Security numbers for those "girls!"

    You baked bread!  Now isn't that just precious!    Oh man, I love Beer Bread...  but my favorite is San Francisco Sour Dough... from the Wharf!  I ordered some one time from that bakery, and it was.... get this..... over $24 for 2 loaves!   Imagine how much WEED I could have bought! 

    LittleBreadGoats!  image  Okay it IS your middle name!  image


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Soteria!  

    No, Cammi.... all you need to make beer bread is BEER!  Just pour it in a baking pan, and after about 45 minutes, drink it all up.  Same thing.  It's less trouble that way....You can double or even triple the recipe, by just adding more beer...image  Man, I can't even stand the smell of beer....  I just never learned to like it...  even after working for Coors for almost 19 years.   I LOVED the smell of the Malt House! 

    Cammi, that vibrating phone of yours is going to get you in trouble!  It isn't the phone so much as it is your HANDLING of the calls.... I think. 

    Maybe you need an assistant.... like me for instance.   Wouldn't THAT be a kick?    See, you could ask those people if they want a "Floor Furnace" or a stand-in-the-corner one...  Then you could transfer them to me, and I would tell them the benefits of burning coal, as compared to wood... Ha, ha!   And we could ask if they would like  some weed to burn WITH their wood!   And the whole world would be happy.

    Cammi, don't go to the Doctors.... anymore.  They just throw a wrench into our days... and we don't like them.

    No Blondie.... Cammi had to take a leave of absence....  she won't be back for a few days, until they sort out how many people got screwed up.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So none of you could get a word in edge-wise?  Aren't you glad I sleep all night?  Winking


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So somehow I was going to "post" another whole page, and it is not posted!  I must have forgot to "paste".... dangit!

    I was SAYing, Smaarty, what a beautiful New Years you had!  That really is a miracle....!   I think we are all jealous!

    And 444444444444isinthehouse!  So happy the kids haven't hurt each other yet...!  Are you feeling better? 

    Morning Maddy!   I just want to ask you a serious question.... Did you take any of the Als, or like Tamoxifen after your first DX?  I'm always thinking since I quit Tamoxifen after just 14 months, that I will get BC back again, or a new DX.... 

    Have any of you taken those drugs, and than had a reoccurrence? 

    Blessings, I love how you "bold" everyone!  I know!  I agree with the texts....  I don't do them unless there is no other way, like there is never really a reason to text, instead of call...   I know everyone does it.... but I would just rather email or talk.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    I only text my daughters.  It's usually the only way they will respond as they hate talking on the phone!  I kid them that they must ignore any call from our home phone number.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    good morning, ladies! TGIF!

    Chevy, first DX was triple neg. original plan was 6x chemo (CMF), several rounds rads,my hen 6x chemo. Long story, but after 3 x chemo, went to a local specialist, said in his opinion, no chemo should have been, definitely no rads; he sent me to another specialist, he agreed with that opinion. Told with 4x chemo, 96% chance that BC wouldn't come back, they were right. Because it was 3N, not hormone positive, no AI's. This time, was hormone positive, so AI's suggested. Started Anastrozole, bad SE's, now Tami. Been told now 95% chance this BC won't be back....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blessings & Luvmygoats, soak up all that warm sunshine, the rest of us are freezing are nips off..

    Chevy, if you hook up with our little Cami, as buisness partners, lets get it reality would be a hit, would not need a laugh track..with the likes of you 2...

    Off to rads.....enjoy the First Friday of 2014......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay Thanks Maddie!  I think I understand now.... Good luck with the Tamoxifen!  My SE's weren't all that bad, while I was on it...  Just the hearing thing, but I also understand what happened now....   Have your eyes checked also.... because cataracts are one of the possible SE's. 

    Holeinone...  Aren't you GG?  for Golf Girl?  Make me understand...Loopy  The Cammi is probably asleep....  she is delicate, you know....

    Yes, we could be business partners, only I would be an assistant....  I would like for her to be boss.... Wouldn't pay a lick of attention to her.... Ha, ha!   We could sell ANYthing...  Is that what she does?  I actually think she is one of those phone operators that men call in to, and the "girls" talk all kinds of fantasy stuff to them...!  

    She thinks I don't know.....   we can't wake her up.  Ssshhhhhh!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576

    Just dropping by to wish you a happy morning right before it becomes afternoon here.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Holy Cannoli--I'm so late this morning--I'm relly sleeping way to much lately. I don't get it.

    Maybe when u get deboobed the BS doesn't really need to see u as much???

    Chevy of course I would be de boss, I'm always that and it means nothing to anyone ever, I never figured out why no one ever took me seriously when I was boss.

    Smaarty a beautiful picture with a beautiful baby.

    444444 u must be exhausted with the kids home---ooohhh

    I have to start getting ready to see my Card Dr. now--  means I have to take a shower--big deal for me. LOL But I smell good for him and the whole office.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ok, last pic of Kylam. Looking much better.  Have to go have lunch soon and then grocery shopping. Be back tonight.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    sas, I think you are talking to me re the low carb/high fat diet.  The original was designed by Dr. Atkins in the '70's.  The first rung, Induction, works very well for diabetics because it keeps carbs very low.  A diabetic just can't tolerate carbs.  (Atkins was designed for weight loss, not diabetics, so as you go up the rungs carbs are added back gradually which is fine for a normal person, but not us. That is why the first rung is the only one suitable for a diabetic.)  The ADA/CDA recommend diets that are way too high in carbs.  Their theory is, you can eat anything you want in proper portions and then just inject insulin or take oral meds to bring down the high glucose the foods cause.  Gradually over time it means more and more meds and they work less effectively.  That is where the severe complications start, kidney damage, amputations, blindness.  All totally preventable if you don't let your body go through all the stresses of the high spikes and drops.

    I was dx'd in Feb of '12 with a fasting blood sugar of 243 and an A1c of 9.5.  In total shock, I came home and hit the computer looking for info.  I found the ADA boards and several other diabetes forums.  I read until my eyes bled! ;)  I started with the diet my Diabetes Nurse gave me: 3 meals 45 gr carb each and 2 15 gr carb snacks.  And I was put on Metformin 2 500mg pills a day, no insulin.  The more I read the forums, I saw much more improvement in the people on one forum, and they were very helpful and caring folks. (Eventually I dropped all other d forums.)  They were following a low carb/high fat way of eating.  I dove in headfirst and cut carbs drastically, replacing them with good saturated fats.  In 3 months I had lost weight and my fasting #'s dropped down through the 90's to 80's and then even some 70's.  My A1c had gone from 9.5% to 5.8%.  That decided it for me.  I then went on to get into dietary ketosis, which means my body is running on ketones, not glucose. It also means I need to keep my protein intake moderate as excess is converted to glucose and stored in the fat.  I eat around 20 gr of carbs a day and my fasting #'s are now in the 60's to low 70's.  I have dropped down to 1- 500mg tab of Metformin and if I remain steady for a couple more months, I will try dropping the other. My latest A1c was 4.4%, the low end of normal. :)

    The thing is, this is not a "diet" it is a way of eating. I will eat this way the rest of my life.  I watched my late DH go blind, have a 5 way heart bypass, have his leg amputated all from his refusing to manage his diabetes.  On top of that he then was dx'd with Leukemia.  I was not going down that road and will not.  There are people on that forum that have had diabetes for years and following lc/hf have not had any progression of the disease and in fact have had some symptoms improve. 

    I chose this way of eating, my PCP was not thrilled, but looks the other way now considering my success.  The drs and the ADA/CDA are backed by big pharma and agra and don't want to see people going off meds and high carb foods.  It takes money out of their pockets.  And the saddest thing is that people are suffering needlessly following their guidelines.

    Opps sorry, didn't mean to get so long winded!!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    GrammaB, I was dx T2 in Feb 2009 and have followed a low carb diet since then (not as low as yours). My latest A1c is 5.6. Would you mind posting your typical day's meal? I'd like to get an idea how you keep your carb intake so low.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    savgigi, T2 here also. Oh and I didn't mention that I count net carbs as I believe the fiber has no effect on blood sugar.  Here is a typical day:


    (when I first get up and check my fasting blood sugar I will eat a slice of cheese just to keep from getting a rise before I make breakfast which can be a couple of hours on occasion

    bacon 2-3 slices

    1 egg fried or scrambled in the grease from the bacon

    a wedge of apple, or an ounce of raspberries or blue berries

    2 cups of coffee each with Heavy Whipping cream and Coconut Oil

    (The above meal including the cheese is 5 gr of carbs.)

    Sometimes for breakfast I will eat a low carb tortilla (Mama Lupe's) with cheese melted in it along with lettuce and sour cream and hot sauce.  I also have found some low carb bagels (The Great Low Carb Bread Co.) so instead of eggs and bacon I'll have the fruit and a bagel w/cream cheese. (The bagel breakfast is 6 gr carbs.)


    I don't as a rule eat lunch, the fat in breakfast fills me up for a long time.  Late in the afternoon I may sometimes have 1/4 ounce of cashews or 1/2 ounce of almonds or a few slices of pepperoni. Sometimes half an avocado.  Maybe a small salad of spinach with full fat dressing. (The cashews are 2 gr of carbs.)   Since being in nutritional ketosis I really have no hunger pains sometimes I have to make myself get busy and make dinner. 


    Protein 4-5 ounces could be salmon, well marbled beef, pork, chicken (with the skin), lamb, etc., often topped with a pat of butter. :))

    Veggies, combinations of or by itself: broccoli, cauliflower, spaghetti squash, kale, spinach, asparagus, avocado, (I eat a lot of avocados) mushrooms, a very small amount of bell peppers and onion, etc. (Basically nothing that grows under ground.) Smothered in melted butter sometimes topped with grated cheese.  

    Thicken pan drippings with Heavy Whipping Cream for great gravies.

    Some nights I might treat myself to a square of Lindt 90% Chocolate bar.

    Glass of wine

    (Dinner is my highest carb meal, obviously, it can run from 9 - 15 gr carbs, but is usually around about 12.) So I end up pretty close to 20 net grams of carbs per day, which is maybe 25-30 grams not subtracting the fiber.  I make things like eggplant lasagna and freeze it in portions to have ready to go meals.  I also make chili out of various meats with black soy beans (the only beans I can tolerate) again freezing portion sized servings.  I get a lot of mileage out of the Miracle Noodles and Rice for stir fries & Thai inspired dishes. 

    So that is about how a day goes food wise for me, hope it helps some.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh u guys have it hard, I know when my DD1 (a few years go) was diagnosed I=we had rushed her to ER and her #'s were over =500 They kept her in for a while and after she really went to work on her diet and does take insulin, eats no sweets and tries to watch her carbs--she's been doing OK but like u she takes her blood 3x a day and watches. Very hard, cuz she's crashed to 30 and she used to get so scared now she knows the feeling and catches it before. It is a life long way of life.

    Well I went to my CARD. I told u I hate them--more tests of course more meds to take of course--Oh well--I was waiting for 1/2 hr before he came in---He did apologize and I told him the voices in my head were getting mad, but I calmed them down. So he was lucky. I  told him what med I needed to increase and he agreed, and of course I said I'm not just another pretty face, I know about this stuff. His eyes just about crossed to try to see if there was any pretty in there-NOPE he couldn't find it. He didn't say that but I know the look. and it all went downhill from there--then finally he said OK we're done for now, u can check out--Excuse me--I told him don't use those words for a heart patient I feel like he should look at the clock and call time of death. I'm such a bitch. Now I' exhausted.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Geez Cammi!  I worried about you all day!  You COULD have stayed home, and increased your meds all by yourself!  Is that what he said?  No, HE is a bitch!  You want me to come out there, and straighten him out?  Except you know how I hate traveling in the snow....  

    Our job is going to suffer you know..... running around to the Doctor's like that!  And what's this about your Daughter?  Is she alright?   If I have to watch over BOTH of you, I'll be a nervous wreck! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I like those Chevy LOL

    My DD takes pretty good care of herself, the Dr. is talking about putting an automatic pump in for disbursement of insulin cuz her pancreas is pretty bad. OOHH our kids there is always a worry, she got this from her father and my other DD got extreme mental illness from him--they better not get my stuff.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    i never know anything. Who is Paul Walker and who is his friend?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gramma, I know atkins is in there , but there is something even further back. I know it doesn't mean a hill of beans. What I do remember is he was denigrated for it. Which he was getting good results. Oh well I will go looking, curiosity is getting me. Since my animal sign that we did on STFU is a Black Leopard, I come by the curiosity by my big cat nature sign legitimately. LOL.

    Wonder what the stats are for women(men) becoming diabetic after getting cancer or vice versa.

    Is there a thread in here? Think about it. Once you get the header started. things kind of flow----like the constipation thread I did. Things started flowing LOL.

    Sorry Blessings I go you and Gramma  mixed up---straight now.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    On a quest: will keep adding as I find things. Ketogenic diet was started 80 years ago with kids that had seisures. That puts it about 1930. So, I have a place to start. Added this link incase anyone has kids or adults in there sphere that have seizures.

    AH Hah the plot thickens as well as the food. Ketogenic diet goes back to 500 bc. With the advent of DRUGS(always drugs) in the 20th century. It was used less and less. Short abstract.

    Forget where it said Johns-Hopkins never gave up on the diet from the beginning

    Wikipedia, goes the gamut, a personal thingy, I like is in the last paragraph discussion related to Alzeihmers. Family hx on the cancer side is way high in alzheimers affliction. This article while it is long and is associated with seizures as the other two are. Is a beginning.  Plus since this diet hasn't been tested in cancer patients. What does it mean? I had  a brain tumor, if I let it grow would have it become malignant.

    Drinking warm wine. So sorry for everyone that is in the brunt of this storm. We have relatively mild wheather, but very cold for us southernes. Bless all you cold people L&H&P's sheila

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- just surfacing here after a busy week. I was off today and will be off this weekend too. Whoo hoo, three days off in a row. I have been support a new system launch for three hospitals the past month and working ALOT, including through the holidays. Things are going better than expected (whew), and now I am playing catch up. Today was car maintenance day and also made apts for some things that require follow up. 

    I was reading a few things here about the follow up process and why some people see certain people more often, not at all? I see both my breast surgeon and MO ever six months. I have a mammo every six months as well. I did see my RO once post treatment, as I had a less common type of radiation (internal radiation) and wanted to have one 6 month follow up with him. He is very good, very thorough. I begin my next 6 month follow up next month and will see the breast surgeon and MO only this time. I like the MO better than the breast surgeon (she is a very good surgeon and took good care of me, but I find having surgeons are not always easy to talk to). I do trust my medical team.

    I also am going to go see a nutritionist in January. My PCP had been watching my A1C (fasting glucose always okay), and it hit borderline this fall. She put me on a low dose of metformin. I read some articles that a number of women who go through bc treatment find themselves diabetic within a year or two. Not always clear why, but many women suffer from weight gain on the AIs, lack of energy to exercise, etc. I stopped eating sugar immediately (no sweets since Sept), reduced carbs and have lost 15 pounds. I exercise as well (although some weeks are better than others with that).  I think between the bc and borderline diabetes, I can really benefit from seeing a nutritionist to help me further make better food choices to manage all the things facing me these days. 

    Bad storm in the midwest and back east with bitter cold around. Please stay safe and warm insomniacs!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    garden umps, Paul Walker is the star of the Fast & Furious movie series. Good looking youngish guy who was into driving too fast, really sad.

    Reading all your info on diabetes. My glucose was ridiculously high during chemo. Mo said that was no big deal. It was borderline 3 years ago but I weighed almost 40 lbs more than I do now...

    Sas, as always, thanks for your research, but more importantly what kind of wine do you drink warm? It is Friday night, so good reason to relax with a spirit. I am having hot tea...


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Phoo9ey, where'd my answweerr go.

    Golfgirl will try again. "what kind of wine do I drink warm?" (that's such a great lead in line) "THE ONLY ONE IN THE HOUSE LOL!" Happens to be Pinot Grigot.