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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy I haven't driven in at least 2 yrs. I don't trust my leg reaction--See I can care about other people. Altho if I still had a car I know I would use it on occasion, I loved my car--it was my dads and it was 22 yrs old with original milage of 32,000 on it. Well I worked across the street. I could walk then. LOL All I did was take it to the store once a week basically hahaha--it was rusting out some so I got thse big magnetic band aides and put them on. I don't think I was ever fully sane.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Man!  It took you long enough!  I was sitting here waiting.... and nothing!  So you loved your crippled car?  That's precious!  I mean, we take care of them like they are one of our kids or something!   Band-aids?  Did people give you a second look?  Or 2?  (See, that's the same.)

    I think I have to go take a shower...  That appointment today... to get my ears sand-blasted.  I am NOT looking forward to this....  If this fails, I'm going to marry that guy that sells me the candles, so I can get them for free.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy take u'r shower and just lite a match and throw it in u'r ear that will melt anything.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    I don't know what you mean Chevy..  Ha ha ha. I thought the owl house was cute..  Have a good day...


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cindy, interesting owl cabins ? Is that what they are? My guess is Chevy was trying to figure out what the were, or there purpose ?  

    Chevy, I have waxy ears, never tried the candle thing, I use that over the counter drops, oil stuff, with the suction bulb...I have had them vacuum out, and flushed out ( easiest, from a Dr. In the box ). They seemed to be going thru a real waxy time right now...Dry air ? I do not know..

    Cami, do you think it's possible you ran out of Propel water due to the fact that today is Friday eve? Or all the vibration, making you work up a thirst? 

    Happy Thursday Owleetes or Fri.Eve ( for Cami )

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    CINDY!  That WAS darling! If you show me stuff like that, or like these hanging darling bird-houses, I think I have to go buy one!  I have decorated a couple, with bark, and twigs, and moss stuff! ...  The birds don't really care, but I think they're cute anyway!

    GG....  Yes.... she ran out of her water...  She doesn't think tap-water is exactly the same.... so don't tell her.  

    Did you see what SHE said?  About me lighting up my ear?  Well, it's a thought, anyway....Winking   My ears STILL hurt! 

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Holeinone.   I saw the picture on Facebook and wanted to share it here.  No explanation with it other than it said Owl House.....  I also wanted to learn how to post a picture here and I figured it out.

    I was just fooling with Chevy..  

    Chevy let me know if you ever find the owl house to buy.  It is so cute.  

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    morning all! Just slipped into slumberland after last post and not on the recliner as has been usual, fell asleep blissfully in a comfortable bed. Turns out I even forgot to turn on the heating pads, not much pain when I woke up though.

    Cami, when I go under, I have a very difficult time waking up. My brain is awake, body isn't. I can hear what's happening around me but evidently I don't respond. I still remember as a teen when I had my wisdom teeth removed (oh, so that's where my problems started), mom and doctor kept saying it was taking forever and I should be awake. Also, lots of PONV, they don't listen or get it right, so they get just their just reward! Leave it at that. Plus for mx, they used gas to put me out, it smelled so nauseatingly disgusting I was fighting it, probably not the best way to begin a surgery. I remember everything pre- and post-surgery immediately after and then it rapidly fades away.

    Cool owl house!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Loved the video of ducky's GD, what a sweetheart she is!!

    Blessings, well that sounded like an interesting appointment.  I wouldn't ever discount medical treatments that have been in use thousands of years.  No doubt it was way out of the expected for us, but give it time and you may be well surprised.

    Jazzy, Love the Dos Equis guy, so handsome, he reminds me a lot of late DH.  So sorry going back to work has messed with the good night's sleep.

    Chevy, I have read about ear candling but never saw the results.  Who says natural ways are not better???

    Spookie, OMG those triple M melons look frightful.  I can't imagine functioning in any capacity with boobs that size. It's amazing she doesn't fall flat on her face.  Geesh, certainly fulfills the fantasies of most pre pubescent males!!  I sort of feel sorry for her that she feels she has to do that.  That photo makes me appreciate being flat even more. LOL 2nd_time, she could probably save 3 people from drowning!!

    Spookie, sorry about the node, hope that the rads did kill it and you don't have to worry any more. 

    Oh, Paula you crack me up octocock & octopussy...rotflmao!!

    Cami, you know you are an angel to these people who have had their furnaces go out right?  It may disturb you and I understand that, but to be on the other side, so cold and wanting it fixed now, you are a godsend to them!! 


    (Wrote this last night and forgot to post...a miracle, it was still here!)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cindy..... THAT is a beautiful little house of some kind!  The only "owl" houses I've seen are ones like this...  Your house could be used for reading, and just relaxing! 


    And this is sort of like the one thousands of us watched Molly & McGee raise their owlettes in! 

    Except they even had perches, so they could learn to flap their wings, and then they learned to take off! 

    Where did you find that picture?  I think it was made for all of us....  We just have to find it!  Winking

    The shingles on your house look like "feathers!"

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Spookiesmom, thanks for sharing your story, ( sneaky, bad-ass nodes ) with me yesterday...It always help to know others have been there, done that, and get along just fine...I will keep pestering him, he still has to see me weekly for the next 5 weeks...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi Sass, thank you for all your help i was able to request a surgical record from the hospital. Also was able to tell my PS how dissatisfied i am. This will be the last time she see me.  

    Tmw i will see my family doctor, she will give me a referral for another PS to see in 3 months.  

    I will now go back to read all i missed :( 

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Chevy nice owl house.  The owl house I put on I think is for people.  Thought we could use it as a get away relaxing place to like you said read a book or just to get away for a while.  Now wouldn't that be nice????   The picture found me.  It was on one of the pages on my Facebook feed...  When I saw it I thought of all of us here and knew I had to figure out how to post it here...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Is it okay to post this same thing here?  I posted this on the older womens thread, but I copied it, so I don't have to type it again!

    I just got back from going to the ENT!  You know, I haven't been able to hear hardly anything for over 2 years.... even with my hearing aids!  And I've been using ear candles, and getting lots of wax out....BUT the ENT said don't use them anymore, because some of that "wax" has dripped down through the candle and had hardened, and he finally got it all out!   I could get some wax out, but some went back in....!!!  For 2 years I have been fighting this! 

    I even had my ears flushed by my PC, but they couldn't get anything out!  Neither could Urgent Care yesterday.... But I went to the ENT, and had to pay $100 because my Doctor "Dud", who is my PC would not give me a referral, because SHE said they could do it THERE!  

    (It didn't do ANYgood 4 months ago!)  So I paid, damnit, and I was so happy that I could hear!  He used some sort of vacuum, but finally had to use that instrument, with the light, and pull those hardened plugs out. ... and they were black!     I promised I would NOT use the ear candles again..... He said I should even use the Water-Pik I bought, when I think I have a wax buildup!   Or even come in like in 6 months for a check-up.

    I can hear my car running!  And my sink faucet runningt!  Right now I took my hearing aids out, until I get used to all this noise....Ha!  

    I just thank God I can hear again.... 

    So Sassy..... You were right!  I promise I will NOT use ear candles ever again....  So girls, don't use ear candles....  Man,  I just had no idea what was going on in my ears.  And for so looooooooong!   And no-one could help!   I promise, I promise, I PROMISE!!!   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Chevy now I want to know seriously do u promise not to do that again?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, CAN you hear me now ? Ahh, what a good feeling, I had done years ago...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Shasta Daisies!!!   I am 9 pages behind.  Oh dear, oh me, oh my.  All I know is about owl houses, Sassy getting blotto and posting weird stuff on here and Chevy getting charcoal out of her ears.

    Chevy.... Finally!!!  I'm so glad you can hear.  Just think what archaeologists would have thought a million years from now when they found that you had charcoal stuffed under your hearing aids.  I would love to hear that analysis!    Chevy, have a chocolate coke and hear yourself slurp!

    I have a headache....probably from lack of caffeine...and cookies.

    Have a lovely evening, lovely ladies!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, a miracle! Or maybe not when you hear lots of the noise and chit you've missed out on. So, you may have to break your date with the candle guy - and break his heart? 

    Can you hear me now, whistling while I type? Now you can listen to Sassy's guitar playing

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks you guys!  I am soooooo happy!   And yes Cammi..... I PROMISE! 

    2nd....  Oh that's right!  I completely forgot my thoughts, Ha!  Dang!  But I also love their little veggie 1/2 sandwiches...   They were so nice there...!  I think they ordered those candles in by the gross!  Just for me...Loopy

    But it sure made sense what the ENT said....  No-one took the time to explain this to me... And I just thought it was okay!  Just goes to show you what I know...Ha! 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Phyllis - Shasta Daisies - Is it Spring? Oh please say it is. Please, pretty please.

    I think getting blotto sounds like fun. Can you make mulled wine out of sangria? I have all kinds of whole spices because I was going to make my own chai tea or chai hot chocolate. But alas I have almost eaten the good chocolate I was planning to use. I don't think I can drink anything cold. Brrrr. You're not a lot colder than us. Says North Platte is 37 (just a guess on where you live) and we're 44 and totally socked in with fog/mist.

    Chevy - wow, sounds like your cleanout was successful.

    I want the owl house in my backyard. Send it please. I will pay postage. Nice nook for reading, festicating, blottoing.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thank you again girls!  And Phyllifromthebighouse, I just couldn't HEAR you before...Ha!  Yes!  A chocolate coke!

    Damn, I'm just so glad that is over!   

    And GG!  That was FUNNY!  Yes!  I CAN hear you now!  I am just so thankful that SOMEthing worked!

    Oh wait till Sass hears this....  She might say "I told you so"..... Ha!  But it's okay....  she was right.... 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ok, how do you make a chocolate coke?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Chevy I'm so glad you're hearing better. A few years ago after struggling for years to hear, my Pastor finally went to get hearing aids. As he & his wife were leaving through their garage that Sunday morning for church, he asked, " Miriam, what in the world is that noise?" She said, " David, that's the birds singing. You just haven't heard them for years."


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Paula that's so true.

    Great now we can't whisper about Chevy anymore, oh yea she can red tho.

    CHOCOLATE COKE  All we ever did was put chocolate syrup in a glass with ice and pour the coke and stir. It was super popular back in the day. All the soda fountains were busy making those, unless Chevy has a different recipe????

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    OMG, i always wanted to try the candle thing, now i am glad i never did. lol


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami, remember going to the dime store as a kid, and getting a chocolate or cherry coke for a dime? Now Chevy might be slipping something special into those chocolate cokes, hard to say....she is a resident of the state of Colorado, and there is all sorts of funny business going on there...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I had a mastectomy October 2012 followed by Adria/cytoxan and 12 weekly taxol. I finished chemo in May, and rads in August. I've been on arimidex since August.

    I've been noticing a tiny lump just above the mastectomy scar. I still have minor pain post rads that I figure may be where it's still healing inside. I lost all the skin when I had rads. It was actually much harder on me than chemo was.

    Do you think this could be cancer that was missed, or could it be scar tissue?

    I had a clean bone scan last week, and in June I had a ct scan, pet scan, & bone scan. All were fine. I will be seeing my MO on January 27.


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    My undergraduate degree is in Audiology, so I knew the ear candling was dangerous, but I didn't want to say anything, because after all, I had a stupid octopus on my back that gave me a dozen hickeys, so what do I know? 

    But just think, chevyboy - had you left that wax in, you could have just stuck wicks in your ears and lit them and been a large, talkative, decorated candle. What a birthday surprise THAT would be!!!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Paula,   Normal to worry, I think that will be with us forever, but I really believe it is scar tissue. Sounds like your poor skin took a beating with rads, if you lost skin, there has to be lots of scar tissue built up. The 27th will be here soon, hopefully MO will be able to assure you...