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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

      Well its 1:07 am and here i am again :( 

    2nd timer, tomorrow i see my PS first time after my exchange. I hope i don't argue i just need her to take my strips,  and cut the nylon which she left sticking out of my incisions. Also hoping she gives me the information regarding the implants, and what went on during my surgery cuz she took off right after and never saw me or my relatives so i dont know the details. Friday i ll see my family doctor and hopefully ll get a referral for another PS. Maybe in 3 months will get a second opinion. 

    I really love the owls pictures you ladies post here, for some reason i cant save any :( 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Dear Chevy, I wasn't trying to diss candling. I think it needs serious scientific review. I hope, I repeat, I hope you saved the search I did on it. What I believe I uncovered in that search was fraud and collusion on the part of the FDA, NIH, NCCAM. Shocked me to the core. I believed in all. It lead to the Federal Trade Commission to establish import rules. It was all , all trash.

     All, all was based on one publication 199(?) around 1995 based on a very substandard experiment on 8 people. The experiment was never repeated---bad , horrible science. Even at the time it was first published, it was to the level that I would have expected a middle grader--5th-to 6th grader to do. I can't even believe it got published. Then all the agencies that made rules based on this substandard work. WTF.

    Why should we pissed?

    What else is being messed with? Cancer cures?

    Chevy I never saved the page on my results. I think it was around 100 on STFU. But if you go back and find it------------I PLEDGE to take it forward.         Hell, we may cause so much problem for all the agengcies that they will think twice about messing with an Owlette.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OKay --wine on board. DBF sleeping for couple hours, I'm up, actually working on getting a bit wined. We used to say 'potted', but that now has a different connotation. My Goal is to play the guitar for the first time in front of him. I used to play allot. 1960's stuff.  Most of that is forgotten. But I'm--used to be a very good improvised classical in the Segovia way---in a wined state.  BUT b/c my DH didn't like my play, it only came out after he was abed. Doesn't mean I sucked, DH just didn't get it. Dear Brother who has played since the 60's, was very respectful and had many kind words. He once said long ago he wished he could do what I did with the finger picking and strumming, and making it up. -----hey that came from an adored big brother. I was blown away. OMG we love our big brothers :)  Be back this could be fun, or not.................................................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva--40 years experience as a nurse --working OR/RECOVERY/Post-op-------WHEN THE doc talks to YOU in anyone of those areas --YOU- will not remember anything---b/c of the amnesiac drugs. Amnesic drugs are great. It's the purpose. They are given so the BRAIN doesn't remember the assault that the brain/body  just went through. You talk well , seem yourself, but you won't remember anything. Your doc saw you and talked to you in recovery room. You don't remember it. I'm not saying it's right. It happened. Surgeons just don't get amnesiacs. They cut, remove, sew. Try to tell them anything else---outside their thinking as I just said to you-----they are blank.  Why he didn't talk to your family--------not right--------but if he/she did ---------What can happen to family is their adrenaline is so high, they only catch smatterings of words. If the surgeon uses words---as they often do -----that the family can't understand------------the family is left confused.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I understand, i just hate that she saw my sister before the surgery and asked us if she was going to be there so she would come and look for her to let her know how the surgery went. Then she just never did that. Can i ask you since you are a nurse, say this doctor tomorrow decides not to give me details of my surgery, is it possible to request a surgical report from the hospital? 

    The reason i ask is because i am not happy with not knowing, i need to know. I am one of those patients i hate when doctors held information from me.     

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    SO - still have the hickeys on my back. Decided to do a little research on Traditional Chinese Medicine/Cupping (o.k., a little after-the-fact) and it is a legitimate treatment option for many illnesses and injuries in the U.S. It is recognized as "complementary" medicine, but the problem in making it more well-known and well-accepted is the lack of published clinical trials.

    Even the NIH reports good results with a variety of conditions, but says the trials that have been done so far have lacked not credibility, but a standard against which they can measure results. Like, how do you do "placebo" cupping? Kind of hard, so the data is skewed. But the professed improvements they've seen have been verified. 

    SO, I guess it's not TOO voodoo!!!

    Although if you're squeamish, I wouldn't advise watching the procedure on Youtube.

    Gotta go - have an early morning tomorrow - have to be up by 10 a.m.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well dbf woke up I did my thing, he negated it-    thought it was nice , but had to go to bed------------Often thought that had there been a music supporter in the house what the difference would be. But over the years, when I needed my guitar, it has been there for me. I just wished there was someone to share it with. Now I'm Smchuked-------------and I would love to play for all of you . I would amaze you. B?C ihear myself play and I don't believe it-----well I suppose that's fun..............Since that was the plan..... I'm going back

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    blessings, ha ha, early morning at 10, funny. Check your PM's

    Enerva, sounds like time to shop for another PS! And yes, you can get copies of all records. You should be entitled to all info regarding your health. There may be a slight charge and not available immediately but you can get them. I have probs with anesthesia, don't wake up easily and have PONV so I wanted to inform anesthesiologist for last surgery. Records dept required a request in writing specifying what I wanted, took a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, didn't have in time for the surgery but did discuss my concerns just prior to surgery. Like Sassy said, I have very vague memories of pre-op and less of post-op even though I was aware at the time. Good thing though, no PONV the last time. I should get those records so I know what to include on my medical history if there's ever a need for future surgery but hoping its unnecessary. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sassy, you posted while I was typing. are you still there or did you leave already? You could record your guitar playing and start a F-B page? 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    2nd Timer thanks i will walk over to the hospital tomw. 

    Thanks for the info. ;) 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy, you have my #, but if I'm in a deep sleep --nothing wakes-----happened today scary, but still try a call. I can sleep through fire alarms and dogs barking.  I think I need to apply for atherapy hearing dog.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm here-and well wined

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MY belief is that  we survived as a species by watching everything. I'm no special person in this, many fields of science have proved this to be so. What's different about my belief is that I believe it.

    That belief came out of others studies. But then I noticed that to much happened by non-observance of things happening within the today . That scared me. So, when I seek the hx on things, it is to put it into a historical sequence....1.Is this new and unknown. 2. Has this been known and ignored  3. If this is known and ignored, how do we seek to decipher it.

    What is happening in science is that those three questions are happening or may not be happening.

    OMG OMG never put it that way ....... BUT 1,2,3 that's science in a nutshell.. I'm a genius

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Look gals, save that last post---it's good------------doesn't matter the wine----------------too bad I didn't go beyond............ the ability to raise questions >>leads to research>>>research leads to answers. If you can't ask a real question, then you can't work towards and answer.

    Many researchers do............but are blocked by "the whatever" The grant from a foundation/ government/hospital. .......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ya'll won't believe it, but those three notations of mine will be taken and used by teachers on all levels. They are succinct. WE have so many lurkers. Those lurkers are NOT just members, they are people that want to learn from us

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    To the Morning Hooters CHEVY and Cami-----I've been up all night... It sucks..........May your morning reporting be wonderful as usual

    Mostlymom Yep your owls were special and make what we feel right on mark.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    good morning all.   I have a picture I would like to share but don't know how to do it.  I am using my iPad and don't have a clue how to do it.  Can anyone help me with this...  Thanks. Cindy

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324


    An OWL House!!!!!!!

    wow I just figured out how to put on a picture...  Cool!!!!!   Is there a way to make the picture smaller??


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning for the first time---Sas get some rest.

    2nd time u said u have a problem with being put out please explain to me what it is, I have one too.

    Chevy still sleeping or is she feeding those chickens, I think her neighbors from the Addams Family are back home, so she's barred from any association with those chicklets. I hope u'r tooth is doing good. well u'r space where u'r tooth was anyway. I always get really comfortable right before I go to sleep and think what I'll do when I wake up, then I wake up try to exercise can't really move do nothing and I do the same every night. In my mind I am  neverending powerhouse, In reality I'm a slug. The worse part it doesn't really bother me, that's the sad thing.

    Today is Friday Eve, I don't like Thursday, just like Tuesdays to me, very blah days Why u ask--Oh I see u didn't ask OK.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay....  what do you want me to ask?  Like WHAT I mean.....

    You mean about this being Friday "eve".....?  I don't think it IS Cam!

    Are you there, so we can hash this over?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wait Thursday is Friday Eve any day before a day is eve --the day before--OK u had u'r wisdom tooth out right,?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!  I love you!  Ha, ha!  What you just said, is something I might understand after about 4 bottles of Jack!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    If I'm perkin' on all 2 cylinders here, I'm pretty sure today is Thursday..... and NOT eve!  WTH did you ever hear that big word?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well have 4 bottles then have four Jacks and u will understand everything clearly, plus all u'r skin will clear up.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I used to play jacks!   And I taught my oldest Daughter how to play, and she was a State Champ!  And our little neighbor boy Don, was the State marbles champ!  And so I have a bottle of mayonnaise...  but it's plastic.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    But I don't know about my skin clearing up.....  Unless I could shave off about 50 years..... No, that's not even enough.... make that 60.....Ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cam, I don't think anyone would understand us..... ever!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    See, I'm all perplexed....  I know Sass....  we've talked about this stuff before..  And yes, I remember and have seen all the pictures and YouTube things.... about ear candles... 

    But the whole thing is, is so far, no one or no way can anyone here on this earth get wax out like those damn candles...!  Ha!

    I'm going today, to an official otolaryngology person... ...   Same one that tested my ears 3 years ago, and said, "Yep, you've lost your hearing!"

    Now when you THINK about it, no-one has to TELL you this...  You have surmised this on your own!  In fact, I told HIM that when we sat down!  I think these people get too much info from "Deafness for Dummies." So I'm going today to supposedly have him clean out my ears once and for all...  Yeah, right!  It hurt so bad yesterday when she was using that pinch and pull ice-pick, that I thought she would pull my brain out through my ear!   It is STILL bleeding a little.  Glad I don't any more than 2 ears.

    I am just in a quandary...... kind of like that owl-house you posted Cindy!  Or do I mean a quarry? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Haha I'm one up on u I just need 50 yrs. Oh Chevy I'm out of my propel wter this is horrible for me--the taste of reg. bottled water is so disgusting and there is no fruit to squeeze into it--Now I'm really going to be crabby/ OMG this is a catastrophy for me, u have no idea-I don't drink this horrid water but my mouth is so dry--wait I know ice and vodka, that'll do it. OK I'll make it work.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You GO girl....  But wait... water is your friend.   Can't you go run to your local Walmart?  Maybe use the car...

    TRY water...!  I've heard it is good!   I don't much drink it plain either...  unless it is mixed with coffee, or hardened in ice cubes..  I DO drink it whenced taking a pill, although.