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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Paula, i had rad in june and lots of hard scar internal tissue. Do not stress until you get a test that says something is wrong cuz Rad does lots of damage, I hope it all turns out ok sending hugs your way.



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blessings, I have not googled your hickey, voodoo hoax yet, but I will....will you consider doing it again?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Enerva- I work in healthcare systems and know a lot about medical records. You can request your complete medical record from the HIM dept that will include labs, scans, etc. as well as doctors notes from the surgery. Usually they refer to it as the Release of Information (or ROI) area. As others have mentioned, there will be a fee, and I have done it through doctors offices as well. None of it can be withheld from you, it is a right to have access to your records.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Paula-it's easier said than done but try not to worry, your appt is soon. If you can't wait, can you email your doc ask him/her to check the scan before your appt?

    Love all the owl pics, especially the little bitty one. I'll have to try the choc coke soon. 

    Not really likeing the new feel with the TEs but what can I do??  Time will pass and before I know it, it will be February. 

    Glad everybody seems to be doing well. Do you guys stay in your pjs during the day if you don't go out? 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    No, I cannot sleep with pj bottoms on, too confining. I live in yoga pants, & soft fleece shirts in the daytime, that way if someone pops in I am dressed. Also another sweatshirt or vest, as it is cold....I am always cold....

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117

    Sorry takes so long to respond... Between recovery, casing Austin, and now returning to light

    Duty I am crazy...

    Sue thank u for sharing you are right not too bad... I pre-medicated before I went in bc they were doing the fill and removing drains. But OMG that night it hurt like hell!! Today not to bad took Ultram and that was all I needed. It was scary looking at the needle and 60cc syringe... Ugh what a long road....

    Maddy thank u so much for your kind words!! U are my inspiration!!! Austin is so handsome, cute, sweet. Smart, funny..., I don't know how I would ever have gotten through this without him. Him and my wonderful husband and God have gotten me through some very dark moments.

    Jazzygirl thank u for your support this transition period is so weird... May I ask what is routine for you with follow up scans ??? I want to be proactive not obsessive...

    But I don't want to wait till I have this weird symptom then find out the cancer has spread to multiple places....

    Blessings that is too funny... Cupping does leave you with a hickey appearance. I am a cardiac RN and my poor patient get a local

    Skin reaction to the adhesive on the electrodes... One guy told me he went for a massage and the lady wouldn't touch him bc she thought he had ringworm...

    Paula I am hoping just scar tissue but.... After going through all of this have them ultrasound the area and if

    suspicious have them biopsy.... I regret not going in sooner when

    I felt the lump breastfeeding

    Everyone said oh u are lumpy and engorged don't worry.... Three month later after checking it was cancer and it grew into an adjacent lymph node. So I say u have he RIGHT to have anything looked into. I am so proud of u for noticing and being your best advocate!!

    Healing hugs xoxoxo

    Sweet Pea

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    Evening all pleased to see some owlettes out playing.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Snowy_owl : Pair of Snowy owls, male and female Stock Photo

    Snowy Owl pair

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    love all the owl pix! So darling!

    Enerva, love the new avatar! Glad you could get your records. How long till they get them to you? 

    Stacey/Sweet Pea, ah shucks, you make me blush! Just reminder we don't have an expiration date and that medical professionals give us their best view of the situation and they may or may NOT be correct. Try to get the stress factor out and keep dreaming your dreams!

    Paula, try to settle your mind as it's probably nothing and you have an appointment scheduled. Keep busy and keep your mind busy. Don't go down the negative path if you can help it. 

    Smaarty, have to admit there are days I don't get out of my pj's. Too bad, it doesn't matter at this time what I wear. I know it will be different when I get a j-o-b so enjoying it now. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Luv, chai hot chocolate? That sounds really yummy! Would you share the recipe?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I used to buy a decafeinated hot chocolate at Kroger that was called Goodnight Hugs. The white chocolate was especially good. I haven't been able to find it for some time now.

    We just watched the first episode of Chicago PD. It's a spinoff from Chicago Fire. It's pretty good. I DVR everything so DH & I can watch it together when he comes in from work at 2:30 am.

    It's almost 4:30 am now and I think I hear my pillow calling.

    I hope you all have excellent sleep.


  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234

    Just stumbled into this thread and realize there are other insomniacs.  Ever since my surgery last August I am awake in the middle of every night caused by pain on my mastectomy side.  My chest wall burns or my right arm aches.  Does anyone know if this torment will end?  I go to bed each night and then around 4 hours later have to finish sleeping in my recliner.  Thankfully my AI does not bother me.

    Paula, glad you will see your doctor soon and so sorry that you have new fears to face now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    honeybair, is this pain since rads, or just since surgery in general. I didn't have any lingering surgery pain except for those first few months when the nerves were regenerating. That felt like electric shocks to the area.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Everyone my first time up, then u know I go back to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Honeybair sometimes everything takes so much longer than u realize to feel better, and waking up during the night because of discomfort is so natural.

    Paula it does sound like scar tissue, but please don't worry  few more weeks and u will know for sure.

    GG I remember going to the soda fountain everyday after school with everyone, every drugstore had them, who ever thought the drug part was really important. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay..... first of all.....

    "CHOCOLATE COKE  All we ever did was put chocolate syrup in a glass with ice and pour the coke and stir. It was super popular back in the day. All the soda fountains were busy making those, unless Chevy has a different recipe????"    (I high-lighted you!)

    First you get a glass, then chill it if at all possible.... like set it outdoors for 5 min. Loopy Then put ice in, then syrup, then the Coke!  Just like Cammers said...   And be careful whilst stirring, so you don't have to slurp it all up when it runs over the glass!  "Back in the day!"  What are you, the old man  on American Pawn?  He always says that...ha, ha!

    GOOD one GG!  I HEARD that!  Remember when those cokes were served in those cone shaped little plastic cup things, and set in the black holder?  Man they were tiny...  But mine were only a nickel!  I would get one after dance class when I was finished, and walking to the bus... I think I was about 13. 

    You know what ELSE is really good?  Okay, heat up Dr. Pepper in a cup until pretty hot.... Then add a slice of lemon!  I workde for Pepsi, handing out samples of pop, and in the Winter, we would set up a huge pot of Dr. Pepper.... I mixed it with their syrup and water!  It was sooooooooo good!   I would cut up fresh lemons

    Enerva.... cute picture!  No...  best not try the ear candles...  I could get wax out, but didn't know some was going through the other end, and staying there forever and an eternity! And becoming hockey pucks!  And who said charcoal?  That was funny..  About right though!  My ears STILL are sore...  they've been traumatized... I put them through hell...   They whined all night....  sniff....

    Paula, that is RIGHT!  It's like my Daughter not being able to see very well.... After she got her glasses, when we stopped at the store, she said "It looks like a Circus in here!"  She could finally see definition and colors!   She was just in about 3rd grade...  But YES!  I could hear my floor squeak, and the refrigerator running this morning!

    DH always said "Can't you hear that?"  when a huge truck would drive by, or go down the alley...   Are you kidding ME?  I couldn't hear a bomb go off.... 

    I'll show them ALL, ha!   You know what is loud?  When you flush the toilet!  Good Lord that almost scared me!   I could do without THAT one....   

    But Paula, when you can't hear, you just don't know what you are missing!  I have my hearing aids in, but for the last 2 years, I got such a build-up of wax, that I lost MOST of my hearing...   I just want to hear a flea fart in a wind-storm like DH can.  He can hear......  a whisper from the next county!    He's such a show-off.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OMG!!!  There is a whole nuther page!  And yes Blessings!  That was so funny!  I would be my own candle!  I'll miss "that guy" though...  I was rather smitten with him....  See, that's what they used to say in the old days...Ha, ha!    But DH always went in with me, so there was not a chance in hell of any hanky-panky goin' on.

    You guys sleep in WHAT?   Am I supposed to be wearing something?  I WEAR my panties....  and that's about it.... sometimes my compression stockings...   So do you guys SHOP at Walmart in your Pajama bottoms too?  I'm going to tell! 

    Have you SEEN those people shopping?  Even the guys!  Maybe that's a new dress code or something?

    Sweet Pea, so good to hear from you.... these guys are saying silly things to me....  I need help..... shut up Cammi.

    Oh Honeybair?  So are you any relation to that sit-com, or reality show with that family and that obnoxious kid called Honeybear?    You CAN'T be!   You sound more sane than the rest of them anyway....    You will get better someday....  sorry you are having pain now....  You have been through a lot....  so just take it easy, and give it time... We are always here....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well Chevy now that u can hear so well. let's get u'r brain caught up--it's Honey Boo-Boo. silly girl

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OH THAT'S RIGHT!  HA, HA!    So who is honey-bear?  Is that the Dad?   Man, that is the stupidest show I almost watched!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Honey Bair....WELCOME......don't let this group scare ya off, we are a little rough around the edges, but have a good time..

    Honey Bear is Honey Boo-Boo father, Mother is Mama June, I think.. Hard to watch sometimes, especially if they are cooking....woo, can not imagine eating that..... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    SEE Cammi!  I got PART of it right!  Aren't they all a hoot???  Get it?  A Hoot?  Aw geez, that was too easy! 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258



  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    Couldn't resist! Now we can eat an owl.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty/Sue.....OMG, that is just darling...I would buy that !

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Teka, great idea on the ultrasound. Thanks.

    Chevy, my DH said, a fellow came to work at Whirlpool Warehouse wearing Batman pajama bottoms the other day. I said, " Well Jimmy, you could wear your Superman Jammie's." He didn't think much of that comment.

    Several years ago Jimmy had neck surgery. I had told Pastor, that Jimmy was complaining about them putting a dress on him (hospital gown). Just before they took him to the OR, Pastor & I went back in to see him. Pastor said, "Jim, I like your dress." By now, he'd been given some pretty good pre-surgery drugs. He threw one Ted Hose clad leg in the air and said, " Yeah, they gave me stockings to match."

    The next day DS & I took his Superman P.J.s to the hospital. I never saw a man move as fast as he did getting that gown off and getting his Superman Jammie's on. I still laugh about it.


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    well, my post from last night didn't post.

    Stacey-you're very brave to watch. If I watch, me or someone else, I'll pass out. Learned that the hard way when I watched my cat being worked on when I was a teenager. Almost watch the last fill but decided it was more important to talk about the implants than freak out the doc.

    I don't where pjs to sleep in, just around the house all day if I'm not going anywhere. I used to have to put on a bra and top but not anymore. It was too uncomfortable to go without. No more bras for me.

    Honey BooBoo just makes me gag! Can't stand Eve the commercials for the show. Ugh! 

    Are things getting better back east?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all, finally caught up on posts - phew! 

    Chevy, doing the happy dance about your ears!

    Must share this!  TLC has a show about people's crazy obsessions, and one episode was on plastic surgery. It featured a woman who had 3500 cc breast implants, which apparently is size LLL.  She wanted bigger implants, double the size.  The PS she consulted with said she couldn't double size because the largest implant is 5500 cc (OMG), that he would not recommend she go larger due to damage to chest, and he would not perform surgery on her.  (Didn't stop him from copping a feel though.)  She went doctor shopping and found someone who did it.  Made her a size QQQ.  Holy chit!

    Must head to the store ahead of the freezing rain headed this way.  TTFN ♥

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    This is a one time post to thank the many who saw and enjoyed Grayson's Utube video........loads of you knew her trauma from many posts going back to 2011 and many threads.....your prayers helped bring her to where she is today and for that we will be ever grateful...she still can't stand alone without the Gait Walker or sit without her special chair, and crawls on her belly ( her only other means of transportation when she gets tired in the other 2, and she tires quickly)....,but she is a fighter."........

    With the help of a dedicated and loving family, Children's Hospital, Philly....Boston's Children's Hospital, Shriner's, and the dedicated therapists and day we may see her walk alone..........

    Thanks again, and thanks to Chevy for bringing the good news to all of you, and Shellshine who did too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image Owl have to think about this.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Teka, my MO will take this very seriously when she knows about it. I just noticed it a few days ago, and since I had an appointment already scheduled with her (I see her every 3 months) I figured it could wait for a couple more weeks.

    I'm thinking since in the past 14 months I've had umx, chemo, rads, & arimidex, it's probably just scar tissue. I had a really rough time with rads which I finished in August. I lost all the skin on my chest and armpit. I had to use Silvadine ointment and ice packs to survive. It took more than a month for the outside to heal, and I heal pretty quickly. I will still have her check it out though.
