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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty, yes on the shock question, but will look to see if it's ever been studied.

     MY answer:  The paddles or pads would not be placed on a normal boob in the anterior placement. >>>right upper corner of front chest wall below the collarbone, and left lower rib cage on chest wall.  So, the key is chest wall placement.

    There is an front back placement---rarely used b/c of quicker access to front chest.

    No Evidence based research on the net, I'm on the phone with  the headquarters tech support for Physiocontrol--Lifpak manufacturers

    The verified info with Physiocontrol is as I said above.

    I also got a question answered for myself. I likely will need a pacemaker. The usual placement of a pacer battery is the left anterior chest wall below the clavicle. Mine will likely have to be right b/c of foob on left.  So, I clarified what the correct placement for paddles/pads were for a battery on the right chest wall.---answer front/back placement.

    Asked Tech that was so helpful if I was embarrassing him talking about boobs and foobs -----LOL he said he had FIVE daughters and a wife.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Here is what I know so far. 

    I just heard from Dr XXXX's new nurse. She was a bit confused and gave me my Mammo results even though my note asked clearly for my MRI results.  As I understood her tentative reading of my test results I have a "fractured C1 it is a narrowing and my spinal cord is not transected." " There is also something at the T1" At this point I asked her to email me the test results. I asked if she could do this right away and she said she would try to this morning.

    Wow I am glad I don't have a transected C1, that would make me dead wouldn't it? She is new and sounds even newer than new. I miss My Onc's previous nurse who was a wealth of knowledge. I had to wait a week for these results totally unlike my facility .

    I am really anxious to read the report. I was afraid I had mets to my spine and am still not reassured given the tentative reading. I'll be back.   

    Love you all

    . Ginger

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chevy - Sorry brain like an effin sieve. Prayers for your sweet Lacee.

    I managed to poke dog in eye yesterday with fingernail playing with her. PTL it looks OK today.

    Sassy - Stewart Granger. King Solomon's Mines

    Smaarty - I would love, love to have a quilt of plaid shirts - woven or flannel? I resisted looking yest. at my fav. thrift store for more flannels. One reason was I had only small amt. of cash and it was place that might have compromised my card a couple years ago - so cash only there. I did buy a blue 3/4 length T, a floaty flowered skirt - each $1.90. AND Tada a pair of jeans that were $5.70. It is huge - an old grocery store and not crowded during the mornings. After school/weekends fugitaboutit. It is right near where we used to live to so I frequented it often. Not so close to where my mammo. appt was yest.

    Sassy - Love the tech you talked to. Seems I have no trouble in life discussing my BC. Guy carried out my wine yest including a bottle of champagne. I said we were celebrating my clear mammo. from BC 2 years ago. Gosh could you imagine your mom or GM (don't think she even knew boobs existed) discussing such things with liquor store guy.

    Speaking of liq. stores we've had a glut of superstores open. I could just get lost in there looking at stuff. We don't need it, don't drink that much but I love looking esp. at some of the names. I splurged - Ha. 2 bottles cheap sweet red, one champagne, one bottle of sherry not the "good" stuff not even Baileys good. DH got his 7 oz Corona's.

    Yay - Mr. Bucky has a 1:30 appt tomorrow for meet/greet with prospective buyer.

    Gotta go carry hot water to goats. Spoiled rotten. Down to 30 - supposed to be high of 36 - must have been at midnight.

    Ginger - Geesh. Hope you get your email soon.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Aly , What's the conclusion on the origins of the nodules on thyroid and vocal cords? You may remember that I'm being followed for a lumpy/bumpy thyroid. Yesterday got lab results on some more thyroid tests. Thyroglobulin elevated 52 ng/dc, normal high is 30. Follicular cells in bx and Tg together don't sound good based on my searching, but not going to second guess my docs until we all talk. AH the waiting game.

    Ginger On your MRI results  you can pick them up from medical records? We have the legal right to do so here. You just need to have a picture ID and sign a consent. Call ahead and ask if the radiologist has signed it. Can't be released without them finishing report by signing their name to it

    Jazzy, love the mom and baby owl. They are so beautiful, it's hard to believe they are real:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Luv I was going to say Stewart Granger, but Farley also came to mind, altho those days he was a bit younger.

    Chevy hasn't that damn Vet called yet. Geeze we're all waiting--why don't u call by a certain time--I know u'r earlier than IL now so give it a little time.

    I've been a tad bit busy, but again it's cold so people's furnaces are going out. Poor people, I feel bad for them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger ---WTF, don't turn your head sideways or up down or back-----Call me right now I'll pm phone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh just want to say something silly (shut up Chevy) remember when I told u my nails on both my ring fingers fell out--OK does anyone read what I say?---anyway they are really growing, one is growing like a curly fry and the other is growing downward back into my finger--of course I have to cut them very low but this is the stupidest thing I ever saw. Just so u know

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Ginger, How soon can you talk to the doc about your results? I remember my MRI results seemed to take a long time coming, even tho they were a rush due to surgery scheduled. I think my neck and back are a mess, probably not from BC, but I really wish someone would xray them.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger I PM'd you my phone number please, call need details-----till I get details don't turn , or move head from central position. Is this new old-----Krips girl.  If this is new you should be in a Halo.

    If new call EMS and responders would need to DO  a standing backboard with collar

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all. Checking what folks are up too.

    Chevy waiting to hear what the vet has to say. 

    Sas, will discuss thyroid with doc when I see her which I must do next week as I need drugs.

    This is what I need


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    DUH_______________should have posted this first thing this morning

                                                 TODAY IS MY 5TH CANCERVERSARY

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger I likely am over-reacting, but until I here this is ten years old and healed. I'm my typical OCD self. Yeah, new fx at that level would make you dead with a turn of the head. So, hope to hear from you soon or hear you called the squad. But flummoxed b/c if it were new the radiologist would have never let you off the table with that kind of report.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    hello Owlettes

    Ginger, I am clueless what all that means, sounds a little scary, I hope you get good answers soon

    Chevy, hope your sweet Lacee is ok...not diabetic? 

    Cami...with the alien nails, is it painful? I do not remember any nail discussion, with all the sex, drugs and polar vortex going on. I have one big toe nail that is looking & feeling funky. I think the Taxol did a number on it. Hate to think of it coming off, I lost a toe nail a couple of summers ago, it is a long slow growth period.

    Luvmygoats, would you miss Bucky?


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Sas, HAPPY CANCERVERSARY and many, many more!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas-a-fras....what do we say, I do not know the proper greeting for your 5th cancerversary....

    I want to say Congrats....but sounds a little odd, but then again ? are living well, so.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi gals....  Good luck trying to translate those results Ginger!  Wow....!  Are those problems around  your neck, not down on the lower spine?  My problems were with the LS4 & 5.... Lower spine.

    Vet called about Lacee...I'm taking her back after 2...  Something about kidneys, affecting her adrenal glands?  An infection somewhere, that he will put her on antibiotics and prednisone pills, and more fluid?  He said I could bring her back for 2 or 3 days, or I could do it myself?  

    I told him about several months ago, she lost control of her bladder, when she was laying down, twice one day, but has been okay ever since!   Yes, he did blood-work, that's what he called me about... Will do urine soon he said.... or maybe today?  I was just upset, trying to understand what he was saying... 

    But I feel kind of relieved right now..... I think. 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    luvmygoats-shirts were always woven.

    SAS-thanks for the info. Nice tech. I have no problem talking about the foobs with people. Maybe too much! Wanta feel???

    I gotta go get some stuff done. It's almost noon and I havent done a dam thing except eat and play on the iPad. This thing is the greatest time killer they have ever made! I promised myself to get a couple of summer dresses cut out. I won't be able to do that right after the next surgery.

    See ya guys later.

    Good Golly- can't type fast enough and you guys chime in while I'm talking!

    SAS-congrats!!  Is this BC crap always riding In the back of the brain? I was hoping that once I hit April I'd forget about it! Probably not going to be that easy. Naive much!?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, Congrats on the 5 yrs. And many many more.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I haven't done anything either but goaties were very appreciative of warm water. Well, have done 2 load of clothes but per DH that's not work. Lol.

    Golf Girl - Yes I would miss him and no I won't miss him. I don't plan on any more baby goats. They are an expense to neuter, disbud and anything goes wrong with kidding I love them too much not to take them to vet. I do have an excellent livestock vet who likes goats so in that respect I have it easier than many who can't find a decent vet. He is stinky - goat natural perfume. I could open up their pasture and not have to worry about him beating down a fence or escaping to the does. There is a huge elm tree slowly disintegrating just beyond them. Luckily the giant limbs it has dropped have fallen just beyond their yard. I could lock that gate and they would be perfectly fine where they are till I could get it removed/replaced. Bucky and his "it" buddy have small shed but it has a lovely heat lamp in it. So some could bed down in there. Does have a nice sheet metal barn - 30 degrees in there with no wind and 3 heat lamps. It's 29 outside and windchill 17 so they are toasty nice.

    Sassy - shall we do the Spock greeting? JK - congrats on 5 years. My biopsy was 2 years ago on Saturday. Those charges are falling off my insurance d/t age of them so I have to work hard to remember the dates or go thru my records. Except surgery date.

    Chevy - thinking about you on the way to vet with Lacee. Prayers that the ABT will clear up what ails her.

    Smaarty - I passed up some of the prettiest plaid woven shirts at thrift store. Don't remember why - assume wrong size. I've had to start in their larger size racks that go all the way up to whatever size. Geesh that's where they keep the 16s. I thought 16 was still a pretty normal size. So bet these were really large shirts. Wish I was crafty. Don't sew. Bought last year (2012) crochet snowflake book, thread, hook and still in bag from store. Don't crochet either but figured I would try. My DM did, sewed, quilted. Me - Nada but did counted cross stitch but unfor. cannot wear that or keep warm with it.

    Sassy - I'm always suspicious if they even look at the films right away on a walk-in. Hope Ginger has found an answer in the meantime. See nothing recent from her anywhere. You are on dah ball kiddo.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay, I can let the adrenaline wear off Ginger has an old injury, EMS doesn't need to be called. Piss on the nurse the way she said it. Deep breath and blow it all the way out.

    Cami Stewart Granger---yes, he had smoking hot eyes, but didn't seem to get the recognition that Clark Cable did. Gable looked like he was drunk all the time for decades. Word had it he was. Was it here that we had a discussion about Lorreta Young and him having a Love child that all of Hollywood kept quiet

    Littlegoats---yay for Bucky--hope it happens, I know you've been thinking about this for months. Noticed you're a junker too. I'm addicted to it. Went by three of my usual stores yesterday and I had a physical response to not going in

    Aly, okay thyroid buddies...."it's always something"

    Kathy, nice to see you here, and thanks

    Golfgirl & Smarrty I know what do you say-----------yay I'm alive, each moment is precious. Cancerversaries without the return of cancer  are better than birthdays. I'll bring something I wrote along time ago. It's about staying and moving on.(below)

    Chevy, sorry looks like I didn't read everything the doc did. By now you are on your way to the vets or at the vets. it's 4:30 EST that makes it 2:30 Colorado time? My hearts with you.............Did you know that Vets have a more difficult program than docs, they are better than people docs. Just trying to say have faith that all will be okay, and ..........sorry at a loss for words.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hmm opened a bottle of wine, thought about these few hours in 2009. 11:55 am--I had a phone call from a nurse that said  "DR.  L wants you to know you have a brain tumor"----no answers to what, where, what kind,etc. Said to her "Well, going out the door for a 1pm bx, we know is going to be positive" "I quess when the shit hits the fan".

    Talked over films with radiologist, I pointed some stuff out on the films and said "This tells me it's very aggressive". He looked at me, with the look of --should I be honest with her or not. He said "Yes"

    Figured a good little nurse would tell her boss that she had a brain tumor. DH and I already figured out a plan for him to drive me on my homecare nursing calls. Told boss of tumor and plan. Her words "We need to know you're safe with patients, I have to relieve you from work". I never worked again.

    In the space of four hours, I had a triple hit. A brain tumor, breast cancer, and lost my career of 40 years.

    But my Lovey's, It's five years today. We never know why anything happens the way it does. I wrote the following in 2011 it appears. Probably on a glass of wine then too :)

    Nov 4, 2011 03:47am, edited Aug 14, 2013 06:58pm by sas-schatzi

    This thread is about being prepared------------and will continue to be so, but add to your list about ending it.

    There will come a time that you will no longer need BCO. It is different for each person. Some need to stay here b/c no one in their life gets what they have experienced.

    Others need to stay b/c they have developed friendships, that are beyond dissolution, by leaving.

    Others want to stay b/c they love helping others.

    Why we stay or why we leave, is to each our own, we love when we are here and remember when we our gone.

    But always , remember you are valued, and your return is received joyously, because you LIVE.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sass! That was so sweet!

    And Lacee is home!  The Vet IS very good, and spends a lot of time with us....  They gave her an IV, for the fluids......  and Prednisolone pills for me to give her 1/2 every other day, and he gave her a Penicillin shot, and will do all this again tomorrow and Saturday! 

    Her Kidneys and her Adrenal glands indicate some sort of infection....  Her white count was high.... But next week, if she hasn't improved, he will test her for Addison's disease, which is also treatable.   Her Electolytes were also high.... 

    Anyway,  we think we can "fix" her.... I am sooooooooo relieved! 

    Man, I wish he were MY Doctor!   He IS very caring....  He helped me carry her out to the car....  She should be feeling better within a couple days.... 

    Geez Sass....  can anything else go wrong with you?   My gal-friend has had a benign brain tumor for years.... and so far, she is still alright!  But had very bad spells of dizziness for awhile.... couldn't drive... That seems to have gone away.  She had breast cancer before I did...... But it is her congestive heart failure that is so bad.....

    Heart problems are in her family, but she has nitro for when she has "problems."

    Hi littlegoats!  Talk to you gals later! xoxoxoxo

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    Thanks for sharing your story. Congratulations are in order, I was just struggling with that word. Enjoy your wine, you help so many with your knowledge and never-ending compulsiveness. Lol... girl...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chevy - expect if the Pred works she will eat/drink like crazy. My rat terrier turned into tubby terrier this summer on Pred. even though I rationed her food. So if she begs for food I know you will be happy. Also may pee more than usual. I didn't notice any behavior differences with mine. She was on something mostly until October, decreasing doses to treat her skin allergies.

    Soooo glad Ginger's injury is old. Did it explain any of her pains? Will keep her in my prayers. Drink some wine Sassy and I will join you when I finish goat put up. Too cold right now to drink and go outside. Have more water on heating. Expecting a few snow flurries.

    Others need to stay b/c they have developed friendships, that are beyond dissolution, by leaving. Fits me to a T.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chevy when my dog needed prednisone they told me to not restrict her water. This was a while ago so you might want to check. It is good to hear that your dog is home. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks my friends!  She loves to eat the snow!  And we have 2 water bowls down for her!  I remember when she was on Prednisone once before, she drank water all day!  I hope she starts eating....  He gave me 2 cans of Lamb dog food....  And it says "Renal" on there....  It would be nice if she WOULD eat just anything! 

    Maybe tomorrow will be better!

    "Others need to stay b/c they have developed friendships, that are beyond dissolution, by leaving. Fits me to a T."  That says it all littlegoats!

    Thank you Teka and Ginger.... Love you guys!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sas such a big Congratulations, it wonderful and encouraging to all to hear this. We all thanku too, for all the help u give everyone of us.

    Chevette I'm so relieved about Lacee, it all sounds good and Vets are almost always nicer than people Drs. They really love what they do and truly love our furbabies so it's seems like Lacee is on the mend--GREAT

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Dear Love---BTW , I LOVE to be able to abbreviate your name to Love. I'm sure you won't mind me reposting this to Insomnia thread . Chevy and Cami keep me on my toes and nose about responding to our gals if they think I can help.

    Xanax--one at bedtime---0.25 mg or 0.50mg. Why I asked dose and how often. Xanax is the only Benzodiazipine I don't trust. BUT in the one time a day of taking it, if you should choose to stop it, you will not likely experience much change. Your wish to be off everything by Feb.3rd(?) is doable to a degree. But the inevitable but, read through everything first and see if you find a plan that's doable for you.

    AMBIEN is another drug I don't trust. You stopped this drug 4 days ago. Your nurse today suggested you should have taken half a dose. The implication was that you should have weaned. You are now beyond weaning. So, I would suggest not returning to Ambien.

    You have substituted Benadryl. You have my thoughts on Benadryl.( Imay cut and paste here with the thought that someone may read at a future time)

    Return to work plan: many thoughts here are garnered from reading about readjusting children's transition from summer free plan  to return to school, or just from other reading, or just making it up cuz it sounds delicious

    1. Set wake up time by alarm clock ----if normal wake up time now 8am, and work time wake up time is 6am, set alarm 15 minutes a day and move up every several days for the next two weeks.

    2. After wake up- take shower, get dressed, and take a walk briskly for 1/2 hour.

    3. Set work activities at home as to similar schedule as work. De-cluttering would be good to find something to fill the hours. The key is keep moving progressively.

    4. Limit day time sleeping--no naps, no alcohol, read all the links in the topic thread that apply. Set sleep time at ____pm. Take your Xanax 1 hour before sleep set time. No TV or computer 1 hour before sleep set time. Get a few books or magazines.  Read during period before sleep expected.

    5. Foot massage---delicious if you can have someone do this----I always did my poor DH first b/c then he had to do me. It put me to sleep pronto. I also did this to poor dear twin when I was young, but then it was back massage.

    6. Think or experiment with warm baths, Sleepy teas-----

    Good Luck sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sas Chevy and I just eat or smoke pot,LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH Chevy Yay for Lacee........ Electrolytes were changed b/c she was dehydrated-----that's why the IV fluids. Either Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers. I used to describe Lactated Ringers as Gatorade by IV to make it simple. Yes, the steroids will increase her thirst. I know she's sleeping close to you , or vice versa. Water is important---I know I'm being OCD- Offer frequently. You should see a change by morning or by late tomorrow afternoon. I love Vets. They seem to be so much more sensitive. Set up a pee pad station right close to where she's laying. She may not be strong enough to go outside. Plastic, overlaid by towels.

    Our furbabies are babies/toddlers from birth till 2y/o. Then from 2-3 they are teenagers. Then 4-10/12 they are the delight of life. Then 10-till then we start taking care of them as we would are elders. They also, start doing things that are inexplicable.