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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami --great thought I just ran out of wine---I'll go get a bit to chew Lol.............naw ...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    L&H's I think I'm signing off for the night, but never know :) God bless you, g'night Mrs. Kalabash wherever you are!

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    Sas - congrats on your cancerversary!  

    Doing well after the surgery Tuesday.  Found out today that chemo is up next. Need to get a port and then drains out so I can begin, really not looking forward to this but at least I know I am doing everything possible...

    Hope all are doing well and hopefully asleep!  I feel asleep at 1030 yes teals tonight, what a luxury!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka :)

    NJ just answered you on the Port thread :) I'm trying to be flaky when I can. On port thread I'm serious and try to sound professional cuz the folks there are usually newbies that don't get our goofy, disrespectful, dark BC humor. It was hard to behave myself with you :) Was my answer okey dokey?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka--goodnight and sweet dreams---:)))))))))) hugz sassy

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    sassy love bc humor, some people look at me like I'm crazy. They are all serious and I'll say something off the wall and it trips them up.  I'm not into the whole, omg I'm so sorry, blah blah blah...

    Anyway ur answer was great and responded there as well with some long winded story that doesn't apply. Sorry the less sleep I get the more rambling I do.  But thank you!

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117

    Sass congratulations!! Kicking Cancer's F-a**!!! U are amazing such a wonderful teacher! Wish I could have worked with you!! Can't believe they would do that... Find something case management, quality, teaching, director of nursing  scholar program... Hugs and more hugs u are awesome!!! Cheers 

    NJMom we will be in your pocket every chemo.... Not fun but u can do it!! Kick cancers a***

    Healing Hugs to everyone!!

    Sweet Pea xoxoxoxo

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Well done Sas, hope you managed to celebrate.

    All the owlettes have gone to sleep it seems.


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    ok, Owlettes, trying to catch up, had to go back a couple pages. Hoping I'm all caught up

    Sassy, happy cancerversary! 5 years - that's an awesome accomplishment, almost like back before BC (don't we all wish!) Remember thinking it was a HUGE milestone reached! 

    Chevy, what's the latest with Lacee? Hoping she's on the mend and back to normal quickly.

    Blessings, I appreciate the Pinterest page! Need to pin it so I don't lose it.

    Smaarty, great idea starting the new thread! I'm sure the newbies will appreciate it

    Aly, I'd like to join the happy dance too. Angus looks so sweet

    Lovewins, welcome! Great place to come to any time of day or night. Usually someone's awake to respond.

    Luv, has Mr. Bucky found a new family? 

    Pawprints, hope you're checking this out and doing better.

    Paula, congrats on the babies! They're fighters, they'll be catching up in no time. This is so much more common now, DS (step son was born 3 months premature, he's 31 and doing well). It might be difficult for mom and dad but they'll be home in no time.

    And about the topic so sex, please discuss it here so I can enjoy it vicariously thru all of you? Can't even remember what that is

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    I'm here Aly!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I will be awake for ages as I want to watch the tennis tonight. 2nd isn't it getting near your bedtime.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Aly, probably as it's after midnight here. Have been sick since Sunday and all I've done is sleep so it feels good to be awake still. Not sure how long I'll last

    Are you having the heat and winds there too?

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hey 2 nd you have a new avatar pic...very cool. Haven't been posting in awhile, but stalk you all occasionally now and then. Since having Truffs my Japanese Chin put to sleep a few weeks ago, it's been a tough adjustment. My youngest dog a Pekingnese has now gone completely blind. So the people in my house are helping me help her learn to get around with sounds of a clicker, or taps on the floor. She has run into the walls more than once and got lost and confused when she happened to walk behind the sofa. I want to pick her up, but I know she needs to map out the house and yard on her own. Her blindness is from diabetes...such a terrible disease.

    Congratulation Sas on your cancer anniversary date.....celebrate :) 

    Chevy, My heart goes out to you and Lacee

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks for all your owl pix! They are so cute!

    When I see "Auckland" under your name, reminds me of our former neighbors, the husband was from New Zealand. They have this sweet, New Zealand hunting dog, I don't remember the breed. She was small to medium size, had short legs but that silly dog could jump straight up, she jumped over a wire fence so many times the rope got tangled on the top and she nearly strangled herself. Had to call the police to save her.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Pawprint (sorry, I seem to want to make it plural), I had a feeling you were lurking. this year hasn't started out on the best note for you. Am so sorry you're going thru all this. Besides the Pekingese, you have another dog? You said the youngest so it sounds like more than one. Do they help her out? Hoping you're on a single level as stairs might be difficult and dangerous to navigate. How are you feeling?

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Yes 2nd I have another Pekingnese, very laid back happy dog that sleeps a lot. I was hoping she would help out my blind dog, but so far she just watches her and probably wonders why she walks like a drunken sailor ;)

    Yes, it's been a crazy start to 2014. Immune system still down. Lost my voice this morning. Always something. I hope you start feeling better. Take care. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks, Prints! I really need to get out tomorrow - I have overdue library books. Hoping you ca get some rest this weekend, at least the weather isn't cold and damp to make it worse.

    Think I'm going to call it a night. Sweet dreams!

    Chrissy and Aly, hoping the weather has cooled off a bit

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Pawprint I'm so sorry about u'r furbabies--they tug at our hearts just like people, in fact better than most. So I know that feeling. Things have to get better.

    2nd u didn't sleep so well last nite. I hope u feel better today.

    I fell asleep pretty much on time, I woke up once and realized I was using my cat as my pillow, so I moved, but she stayed there.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning girls!  It seems like I'm getting up when y'all are going to bed!   So which one of us is normal here?

    I'm so glad I can get up and read what you all say...   It really means a lot to have all my friends here, and know that we can get together like this...

    And Cammi!  WHAT was that you said a page ago?  That we drink and smoke???  Well yes, but  if we didn't drink and smoke we would be out chasing cars, and procuring  money for what nots!    Do YOU drink and smoke?  No you don't.... I just know this.....  But yes, I DO drink sometimes!   But not enough, I don't think.Winking

    Lacee got up this morning.... and yes little Sass, she went out on her own.... even last night!  I saw paw-prints in the snow where we shoveled her a place to go...  She goes out and stops to eat snow all the time!  But her eyes are brighter and her ears perk up!  She still won't eat though.... just snow....

    I'm taking her back again this afternoon for round 2....!    I wake up, and then start thinking about her, and can't go back to sleep, so I'm WITH all you folk that can't SLEEP!

    Cammi!  Are you still awake?  I'm going to read back, and write more, but this is just a "spurt!"...

    Oh WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Lacee is eating a little of her food!!!!!!! I put down treats, cheese, hamburger, roast-beef.... oh she quit!    Oh well...  Maybe she IS getting better?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    And yes Sass, Dangit!  I thought your friend Lovey would get lost down the cracks somewhere!  Lord knows I couldn't help her...Ha!  

    Aly!  Cutest picture of little owlette!  Did ANY of you guys watch the family of owls in San Diego grow up?  The "Mom & Dad"  were named Molly and McGee!  This guy set up a live Cam in one of his trees, in their Owl box!  And hundreds of us got to tune in and watch those eggs hatch, and the little babies grow up.... get fed, etc!  

    We even got to see them try their wings, on their out-side perch!  

    But they all flew the coop.... I mean house, and now I'm watching the baby Panda live cam from the Washington Zoo.... ! 

    Morning Pawprint.... so sorry about your little Truffs...  It's just hard to even think about....  I don't think Lacee has anything wrong with her eyes, just her hearing!    But that's okay....  I'm thinking "just like her Mom"...... but those things just happen....   Going blind is even worse... I'm sorry.

    What's this about heat and winds 2nd time?  You've got to be kidding!   I would love just a LITTLE of the heat.... even the winds! 

    Cammi, so you smashed your cat?   I don't think that's a good idea... I mean seriously!    I love hearing about you guys and your pets!   But Cam.......  give her some room....image

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good Morning, Chevy, Teka, Cami, Pawprint, Alyson,   & all Owlettes still snoozing..

    2ndtimeMaddy, sounds like you are feeling better, just have your days & nights mixed up?

    Paula, I have gone back until I'm dizzy, nothing about twins, only sex...sorry did you get twin grandchildren? 

    Cami, if only your precious Katie-kat could talk, she would have one hell of a story...

    Alyson, ladies final ! It is going to be exciting, I do like Ling Na, but either  way.....

    It's Friday :). Today zap 23....only 10 more, I am super itchy...toasty, roasty & rashy

    Golf girl

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    holeinone-what do you do for the itchy? Mine boobs are itchy from the stretching, not as bad as it was but it can drive you crazy. I searched for anything here on itchy boobs but nothing came up.

    So I'm up early! Woke up at 4 and really couldn't get back to sleep, so got up at 7, breakfast is done, dishes going, load in the dryer. I will play on the iPad for an hour or so and I think today is a good day to start our taxes. Then later going to buy GD a wedding dress. Wish me luck! I'll post pics tonight when I get back. That girl is going to owe me! 

    Glad lacee is doing better.  We haven't heard from nickyJ for awhile. We need some French stories.

    Was it holeinone or 2nd that wanted sex? Get a Rabbit, girl's best friend. Best way to relax and get some sleep. I have 2!  DH lost interest over 5 years ago. I always thought it was sleep apnea but it turns out he has COPD! And the idiot still smokes! Oh well, I'm not going to worry about his health if he doesn't care. I know it's an addiction, but he won't get help with it and every time I have surgery, he says he's quitting. He last about a week.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    aren't these so cute!  Then they grow up!  Yes, I'm a cat lady.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    I have 2 different burn gels, given to me from RO, Derma Plex Hyaluronic acid gel, and another one with 2% lidocaine. I have also used aloe Vera gel...

    It's was 2ndtimeMaddy, that brought up sex, and she has been sick ! Go figure...I am good right now, thank- you very much...being self centered and trying to get through the circus of tx... 

    Sorry your DH still smokes, never bothered me until lately. My good friend still smokes...ah...

    Golf girl

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Holeinone, I'm sorry. I must have posted on the Hermits thread about the twins.....I have twin Grandnieces, born on 1/18/14, at 24 weeks, weighing 1.3 & 1.2 lbs. They've been thriving. Very active, but during the night one of them had to be moved to Nationwide Children's Hospital. She had ain in her belly, caused by a possible hole in the intestine. They put a drainage tube in her abdomen and are giving anti-biotics, hoping they don't have to perform surgery.

    They are trying to find room to move the other twin there, so as to keep them together.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I just posted this on the older womens thread...

    You know, I started thinking, Maybe it could be the Glucosamine Chews I've been giving her for a month?  I printed off the "Cautions" that are on the label.... and I'm taking it to the vet.... But it talks about "do not give to animals with clotting disorders, being treated with anticoagulant medications, with diabetes or any metabolic disease causing hyperglycemia with a history of urinary tract stones, with known allergies to shellfish...."  I hope I didn't do this.....Scared

    And it seems her main problem is with her kidneys, and Adrenal glands.. so I'm going to ask the vet.....  She really won't eat..... again.... but is out laying in the snow....  I even bought some canned white chicken meat.... thought  something different might help.... but not so far...   I take her back for another IV and penicillin pretty soon.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I just saw your last post Chevy, I hope all goes well with your pet. I wrote all the following before I knew. 

    Chevy, YES Molly and McGee!!!!! I was glued to my computer!   Remember the times McGee Brought home food and we would all be so anxious for him, (or her) to return to the nest.   They were such good parents. I loved watching those baby owlettes.    

    I think I watched some Eagles later on.  

    I have two dogs and two cats.  A standard poodle red 3 years old this year, a poodle, schnauzer, beagle, chihuaha, bishon mix 15 pounds 5 years old. A big grey, black, and white Maine Coon 17 years old, a yellow tabby 18 years old who is so skinny and boney these days. Both cats have always been indoor cats which is a testament to their longevity. All the animals are neutered. 

    I grew up with a Collie and later have had 5 Golden Retrievers. We have had losses to cancer with the Goldens and my husband refused to let me get another. We are bonded to our pets but not like with the goldens, we just loved them so very much.

    I had one rescue that the family insisted return after four years. He would bite men in the back of their legs, he was a puppy mill adult rescue and was traumatized. I didn't know it but he wouldn't let people pet him before me.  I loved that dog so much, he was with me through DX and surgery. When we moved across country my DD husband said that I had to return him because he would never bring the expected baby into our house other wise. He had been bitten and seen him go after every man that came into our house. He also ripped the front of a jeans leg off of a gardener and bruised his knee. That dog  was totally bonded with me and I loved him so much. The rescue group told me they checked and that his sister was also biting men. They took him back and found another home immediately with a woman who lived alone and did not have male company. I have checked on him often and he is doing well with this lady. I still get chocked up when I think of him. He was a poodle schnauzer mix and very sturdy. 

    Don't we all have a lot to write when we talk about our beloved animals.  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning from Downunder


    Must get moving on this lovely Saturday morning. We have had wind but not heat this summer, it looks a nice day out there.

    Chevy hope things improve today.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    hello- busy day, sounds like evryone's moving in thr right direction. Good......... sassy