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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome TangandChris, It's not unusual that u can't sleep now and being itchy is another thing that our skin just loves to do,, It must be dryness or some type of allergy--it's different reasons for all of us, but the bottom line is we usually have so many things in common. I din't tke my Xanax yet but did take my pain meds, it just depends how it wants to work. sorry u'r having this problem it is frustrating when u'r trying to be awake all day. This thread tho is a 24/7 one, it's evolved into that so come back anytime and there are a great group of women on here.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Well, I took a pain pill earlier. I haven't taken any in a few weeks, so I"m wondering if that is causing it. grrr, its driving me crazy.

    Gonna try and lay down now, but I'll be back around :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Tang good luck and yes do come back/

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    welcome tangandchris, now you have a place to stop by at any hour, pj's are not only welcomed, they're encouraged! Just be prepared that your name may be shortened, especially for those of us at late hours. 

    Cami, didn't mean to imply anything about Joey's age, just plain forget. I think I remember reading it when I was lurking on some other thread. He's at a great age, not really young, still a couple more years before tween, loving and lovable. So glad you're having a great relationship.

    I know today is Australia Day, is it spooky technology day too? This morning, my iPad mysteriously lost all our bookmarks and wouldn't let us create any. Had to search any site, just annoying. About an hour ago, bookmarks magically returned. WTH? Then, T-mobile is such that I'll usually get emails like bunched together. Was getting them fine this afternoon. This evening I haven't been getting any - turns out the sound was so low I didn't hear the emails or Insomniacs thread notifications about a foot away and I didn't touch the sound! Very strange, cue the Twilight Zone music. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ginger - my mom had a spinal compression fracture. NOT fun. But she had no treatment for it, as she was already in the nursing home by that time. Hope you get some answers and some relief soon!

    camillegal - I can't keep time differences straight, either! But right now it's 11:20 p.m. in Cali. I forget - have you ever posted a pic of Joey?

    Wren - hope you are feel better soon.

    Alyson - keep 'em coming!!!

    tangandchris - when my itching gets too bad, I take Atarax (Hydroxizine) - it's a very old prescription antihistamine especially for severe itching. It is also used as a sedative, and as a medication for anxiety, but with no chance of addiction. I only take it at bedtime. Itching can be a common SE of pain meds - if you think it's from that, be sure to keep an eye out for any other signs, such as hives, rash, or shortness of breath. In that case, you need to be seen by a doc ASAP. Hope you get some relief soon!

    And Miss 2TA - it is very late, young lady!!! Time for beddy-bye!!! If you start heading in that direction now, you just might surprise yourself. Loopy

    Me, too. Church tomorrow. One of only a few times I actually set my alarm to get up early. The only thing that makes it bearable is the thought of sleeping in the other 6 days of the week. Hmmmm... I think my priorities are messed up somehow... 

    Nighty night, Owlettes!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi T&G - have to shorten things or I will forget. I am a terrible sleeper but that's me. 

    It's not late here of course but will have a very late night as I intend to watch the final of the tennis from Melbourne.

    Of course I was once a Brown Owl for a number of years.


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, is that really you? Hmmm, I thought she was heading off to bed a while ago.... Talk about me heading off to bed, what about you? Technology can be addictive. PS, my reference about not getting email/messages meant yours too, just got it a bit ago. Interesting comment about sinuses vs migraines, maybe that's why sinus meds weren't very effective this past week. After reading about migraines that's closer to what I had, I never really had a runny nose. Hoping I never got another migraines but I now know to treat it differently (a friend also suggested these migraines patches that stick to foreheads, i have them now too).

    I think it's time to shut the iPad down and try to sleep. Not sure if DD will be home tonight or not (she usually does come home Saturday nights after working, then working in the church nursery in the afternoon and dinner with her BF) but I give up waiting. Big surprise for her: since she thinks she's now too much of an adult to let me know what's happening, she's too mature for me to pick up after her.,her BF just gave her a juicer for her birthday the other day, she made a nice mess after I left for yoga; the mess will be waiting for her to clean up. Tired of the "magic" that she messes and I clean up,

    Ok, I'm rambling and know its time to call it a night. 

    Sweet dreams to all!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Hey, Paula!  Love that photo of Gus!  I've never seen a Dachshund like that. 

    It's 2:20 a.m. and I've had a melatonin and a generic Ambien and here I am -- still awake.  I'm going to google Doxycycline to see if it can cause insomnia. 

    Camille, the pink sugar stuff sounds quite lovely.  

    Wishing everyone good rest.  :-)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  See?  I've been UP, and you gals are just going to sleep!  So I have this place all to myself...

    Lee, I broke out in a rash with Doxycycline, and a lot of other antibiotics...  but that's just me....  But I think almost ANYthing can cause sleeplessness , in some people?

    And CAMMI!   Joey is 10?  I was in San Francisco, and my Daughter sent Brandon to me to "meet" my Dad...  He was 11 at the time.... I remember he shoveled their car out of the driveway, because he was afraid they wouldn't get to the airport! 

    I picked my boy up at the airport, and it was the most beautiful trip of my life!   SO many memories, being with him, and watching my Dad and him tease each other, and Dad's neighbor Jim show him what salt did to those huge snails!  When I saw that I screamed at BOTH of them! 

    I took him to Alcatraz, ate Clam Chowder on Fisherman's Wharf, went down the Crookedest Street, and I got to see things through HIS eyes!  We went exploring down through the Persidio, under the Golden Gate Bridge... Oh wow!   And watch him fall asleep on the way back to Dad's house! 

    Then on another visit, our Daughter sent Chase out...  same age!   And I got to do it all over again!  He even made a scrap-book of his trip with Grandma, for a class project!  

    We are still "close" to them, but about 2,500 miles apart... Ha!  And they are 27 and 25 now.... but still "my boys."

    Lacee is a little better...  She can put weight on her hind leg now.... Don't think THAT had anything to do with everything else though...  He is treating her for Addison's disease...  And I take her in again Monday for another round of fluids with IV and another Penicillin shot, and still the 1/2 Prednisone every other day.  But she is resting better... Just doesn't want to eat....  Maybe about 10 of her liver treats yesterday....  Still carry her around a lot so she can be out front on the lawn...

    Sassy, you are like our "go to girl" for everything, Ha!   You can be the Mother Moderator of this group!  Happy  And don't forget we have a "new girl"!  Tang something or other!  Winking Welcome Tang...!  We, I mean Sass, can fix ANYthing that is wrong with you!

    Sometimes we are serious, but other times we make NO sense whatsoever!  At least Cammi and I....  We are the token "crazy" ones.  They let us hang around  because they need a break from serious stuff....

    You guys, I LOVE all the OWLS!  Sass is going to be the Queen of "copy and paste"!     She will be Queen Paste! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!  You and Joey!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Owlettes another glorious day,and the night has been very BUSY. Off to a brunch 

    Wren here's the referrence

    1. Correspondence to John P. Forman, Channing Laboratory, Third Floor, 181 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail


    Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin are the most commonly used drugs in the United States. Although the frequency of their use has been associated with hypertension, prospective data examining the dose of these drugs and risk of hypertension are lacking. Furthermore, whether certain indications for analgesic use, particularly headache, mediate the association is unclear. We conducted 2 prospective cohort studies among older women 51 to 77 years of age (n=1903) from the Nurses’ Health Study I and younger women 34 to 53 years of age (n=3220) from the Nurses’ Health Study II who completed detailed supplemental questionnaires pertaining to their analgesic use and who did not have hypertension at baseline. We analyzed incident hypertension according to categories of average daily dose of acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and aspirin. Information on indications for analgesic use as well as relevant confounders was also gathered prospectively. Compared with women who did not use acetaminophen, the multivariable adjusted relative risk for those who took >500 mg per day was 1.93 (1.30 to 2.88) among older women and 1.99 (1.39 to 2.85) among younger women. For nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, similar comparisons yielded multivariable relative risks of 1.78 (1.21 to 2.61) among older women and 1.60 (1.10 to 2.32) among younger women. These associations remained significant among women who did not report headache. Aspirin dose was not significantly associated with hypertension. Higher daily doses of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs independently increase the risk of hypertension in women. Because acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used, they may contribute to the high prevalence of hypertension in the United States.


    oops BBL 

    Chevy your so funny

    Hello Tang:)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I remember the ENT Doc telling me about hearing loss from Aspirin...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all, haven't been here for several days and holy chit lots to catch up on.  ♥ you guys

    Was listening to oldies station in the car the other day, and this song played, a classic from the 5th Dimension I hadn't heard in years.  The DJ mocked it by saying what a nonsense song.  I thought, well geez I get it, and I know a whole group of people who would get it - the Owlettes!  Maybe not, but it reminds me of this thread and its denizens so thought I'd share.

    Love’s Lines Angles and Rhymes

    Songwriter: Dorothea Joyce

    Love leads the lines of love
    In circles and angles
    Love runs deep like a tunnel
    With a pendulum beat

    That touches the heart
    In many directions
    Moving the mind
    In silent reflections

    Of the lines that touch
    The corners and fibers
    Of the feeling that keeps
    Running inside you

    Cycles of fears
    With the longing and tears
    Letting out the
    Needs and laughter

    Of sunshine, love shine
    Touching the fibers of
    The feeling inside you
    Letting out the things you hide
    Oh, yeah

    Need leads the lines of
    Love in circles and angles
    Need runs deep like a
    Tunnel with a pendulum beat

    That touches the heart
    In many directions
    Moving the mind
    In silent reflections

    Of the lines that touch
    The corners and fibers
    Of the feeling that keeps
    Running inside you

    Cylinders of hope
    Turning and yearning
    Into pendulums of
    Weary hesitation

    Of the angles and rhymes
    And the triangle lines
    The feeling touching
    Mine with time

    Want leads the lines of love
    In circles and angles
    Want runs deep like a
    Tunnel with a pendulum beat

    That touches the heart
    In many directions
    Moving the mind
    In silent reflection

    Of the lines that touch
    The corners and fibers
    Of the feeling that
    Keeps running inside you

    Cylinders of hope
    Turning and yearning
    Into pendulums of
    Weary hesitation
    Of the angles and rhymes
    Of the circles and lines
    With the tunnels of
    Love running over
    Taking the line and
    Triangle rhyme and twisting it
    To bend the mind
    In all directions
  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I'm baaaaaack lol

    Well, I got some sleep, but man not enough! Alot of my stuff is the fact that I can't shut my mind off. Why is it though that my 4 year old can go from a deep sleep to ready for the day within seconds??? whew...wish I had what she does.

    I have surgery tomorrow ladies, keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I'm having TE's removed to get an infection under control.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Welcome Tangandchris,  I will be in your pocket tomorrow, lots of positive energy bouncy around. Those TE sounds like painful trouble.

    2ndtimeMaddy, I hope you are sleeping & NO more migraines

    Chevy, great stories about your grandsons...cute owl of Joey & Cami

    Alyson, who are you rooting for? Nadel or Stan...

    Good morning all.....Happy Sunday....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning I slept good and late this morning.

    Tang u didn't say u were having surgery no wonder u'r mind is going all over the place. OK u'r getting things taken out? This is another big project--we'll be with u in spirit and when u wake up just think of all the owl faces u'll see and hopefully we'll put a smile on u'r face.

    Chevy I didn't come here first I should have to find out about Lacee--if she's walking just a bit better it's a good thing--I'm so glad she see the Dr. tomorrow too.

    Maddy I never took u'r question about Joey in any way negative--I know I talk about him to much but living with him he's my fun. hahaha and as he puts it he'll be entering into the double digits this year meaning more responsibility. He's just a goofy kid. But he treats me like I'm so special so I feel that way.

    It's Sunday and supposed to get horrifically cold tonite thru Wed. we had more snow last nite well with these lousy wind chill things like 50 below, oh maybe 40 below whew big difference. So my SIL is running all over the place to get things done today--A lot of schools have closed already because they don't want kids outside waiting for a bus, plus teachers drive in from all over. so we'll see.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy we sounded like we weren't crazy in our last posts, we don't want to scare Tang away, like u have with so many others--cuz of u'r craziness. We done good.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey owlettes, just home from brunch. My other addiction ---i love going to eat with friends. First addiction is thrifting. Found two pieces of glass yesterday. 

    Wren, that article was from 2005. it's the one I found when I was dx'd with hypertension in feb 2006.The article was effectively hot off the presses then.  My only drug at the time was tylenol or tylenol pm. Not fair to the subject if I don't see if I can find any newer research than 2005.  I'll let you now either way. But I'll catch up reading first LOL, the owlettes were busy busy.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, just for the record, we don't "let" you and Cami hang around, we need you both to hang around! You keep us from getting too serious, keep us on our toes. Wouldn't be the same without you!

    Cami, your avatar is Joey, right? Hard to see the picture clearly on my iPad even when I make it larger. Boys are so much fun at that age! It's too bad I was going thru so much chit with my DS/step son then, we missed having good fun times like you're having with Joey. He was 8 when I met him but his birth mom had him so messed up it took lots of years (and counseling) before he finally got how much I love him, wanted him to succeed and have a great life and that I wasn't leaving him. (His birth mom went cuckoo after he was born and hasn't been in his life for over 25 of his 31 years.) Enjoy all the precious time you have with him, it is shaping him to be a better person now and his future. Can't beat unconditional love!

    Hi1 - thanks! No more migraines! That is, till our dry winds return. At least next time (hopefully there won't be one) I'll treat differently, no more sinus meds. 

    T&C, you didn't mention surgery, that makes a world of difference! Keep busy and don't think of it, have as much as possible! And a little Xanax doesn't hurt! Hospital stay or out-patient?

    Sassy, what kinds of glass do you collect? Glad you got to get out with friends.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, I love your stories about Joey. So wish my DS would find someone. I want to be able to do things with the Grandkids.But casa sa ra sa ra...?...

    Chevy, Lacee >>hugs

    Maddy I wish I could send you some of my sleeping dust or whatever it is......figuretively, I'm in a bit of good sleeping time, but haven't counted the days. Pains been better too. it kind of drives me crazy when this happens b/c I keep trying to figure out if I've changed something........If i have, I'd keep on doing it...........but clueless 

    Tang in your pocket tomorrow.

    LeeAwhoot we used to joke in nursing school learning or drugs, that we could say>>>nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and _________(one more)........Littlegoats, Blessings, GarmmaB-----how could I forget the fifth.  Anyhoot, I agree we could say insomnia too. Pain meds.&  AI's ARE big culprits for me. BTW I was reading what I wrote on "Panicking about pain" DUH forgot what my doc told me about OXY and other narcs. i.e that if narcs are taken on a regular basis the problem of sleeplessness will go away. I don't take mine on a regular basis so, I guess I'll have to put up with sleeplessness.

    OH TEKA, you sound particularly HAPPY today, I'm happy for you

    Love the OWLS Aly & Chevy. Owls are just so cool 

    Okay off to see what's new in hypertension :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    NSAIDS , tylenol , Aspirin, and Hypertension: I'm going to add links as I find them with a short note about what I think off the article.

    This is from WebMD from 2002, it's old, but had similar findings to the 2005 Journal of Hypertension--JH article. I am looking for more recent articles, but the value of the WebMD article is it uses lay language. The abstract from JH2005 can leave you scratching your head with the technical mumbo jumbo

    Full JH article not just the abstract

    This article is from the Government. Do not read it unless you feel like punishing your self. BUT I will post a couple of things from it. This article will NOT let me cut and paste. NSAIDS have cardiac and gastrointestinal problems, but do have a good pain relief score.I will leave it here for now, until I can find a better article. I need a nap just from reading it. I did say it was written for the government right? I decided to leave this article link here. It was produced in 2007. It is the resource for other published articles.

    This page is from a patient center web site from St Mark's Hospital. This is on the pain relievers. You may want to wander around the web site to see what they have to offer. I did. I was impressed, nicely done topics and they keep it simple.

    This is an article on heart attack. I will post the section referring to:

    NSAIDs and COX-2 Inhibitors

    All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) -- with the exception of aspirin -- carry heart risks. NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors may increase the risk for death in patients who have experienced a heart attack. The risk is greatest at higher dosages, but not necessarily for length of time.

    NSAIDs include nonprescription drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and prescription drugs like diclofenac (Cataflam, Voltaren). Celecoxib (Celebrex) is currently the only COX-2 inhibitor that is available in the U.S. It has been linked to cardiovascular risks, such as heart attack and stroke. Patients who have had heart attacks should talk to their doctors before taking any of these drugs.

    The American Heart Association recommends that patients who have, or who are at risk for, heart disease first try non-drug methods of pain relief (such as physical therapy, exercise, weight loss to reduce stress on joints, and heat or cold therapy). If these methods don't work, patients should take the lowest possible dose of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin. COX-2 inhibitors, such as celecoxib (Celebrex), should be the last resort.

    the link to above if interested in reading more about heart attack a to z.

    Going to quit for now. 

    Basically, NSAIDS and Tylenol used at certain levels can/may lead to hypertension.  The first three links talk of the connection.

    NSAIDS can lead to gastrointestinal problems and adverse cardiac events. So tread lightly. 

    Tylenol is not considered a NSAID, but per the first two articles cited,  Tylenol is less risky than the NSAIDS in causing hypertension.Tylenol also has a better safety record re:heart and gastric problems, but it does not have the pain relief ability of the NSAIDS  Acetaminophen generic for Tylenol is included in 600 products by perscription and OTC. Tylenol has a greater liver toxcity than the NSAIDS. 

    Make sure your Pharmacist does an interaction check between your other meds and the prescribed & OTC pain reliever

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Tang, We'll be there with you tomorrow. I'll behave, can't vouch for the others. And of course you're not sleeping before surgery.

    Cami, I shared a bedroom with my great grandmother in 5th & 6th grades. She told priceless stories of growing up on the frontier in Missouri. Very similar to Little House on the Prarie.  (this makes me mad - if it knows it's spelled wrong, why won't it give me alternatives or the correct spelling?)  Those memories are priceless. Don't forget to talk about what it was like when you were his age. GS can't imagine life without TV.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Camicoldcami, we love all your Joey stories & how lucky for both of you to have that close relationship. 

    Cold, foggy & moist here, I walked to breakfast..brrrr...we usually have very dry air, not used to this...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    Late night watching tennis, all very exciting.. However heard just as it ended that my DB is in hospital having had heart attack. He is OK evidently.

    Looking for that coffee.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Aly, saying prayers for your DB.  

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Aly so glad to hear your brother is okay. My uncle felt the sign of a heart attack just outside a hospital and was treated very quickly for a good outcome.   I hope you evening is peaceful. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wren I love your Grandma story. My Grandma was born at the turn of the century and when I was little she was widowed and very poor so her house was like one of many years before. No running water or electricity, a tiny fireplace in the living room /bedroom, a wood stove in the kitchen and a butter churn in the corner. Chicken lived under the house, there was a smoke house out back and a barn across the road. They plowed with a mule. Neighbors hired my Mom and mY grandma to plant tobacco for very little pay but it was a way to get some cash. My Grandma had some pigs and a few cows. I remember so much of it like yesterday and I am 68 years old.   After we ate lunch (dinner) a table cloth was put on the top of the table, to keep insects away, and we ate what was left for supper.   Such memories. 

    Hugs GInger

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Aly, you may want this link from my last post. I was working on hypertension and NSAIDS. This link is the a-z on heart attacks, maybe helpful. Praying.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren, I did learn a bunch of stuff from the research. Read what you can from above.

    The least problematic of the NSAIDS is Ibuprofen--motrin(heart/gastric), but they all can lead to hypertension. 

    Tyelnol ls the least risky leading to hypertension, it's safer then the NSAIDS, but doesn't have the pain relief ability of any of the NSAIDS.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    So, 3rd surgery tomorrow since 11/27. My experience with reconstruction up to this point has been a fiasco. So, tomorrow morning I'm getting my TE out on the left side for sure and I'm going to tell PS to take the right side as well. He'll probably try to talk me out of it, but I'm done with it for now.

    Anyone cooking anything good tonight :)