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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Pylofunny that was an incredible video, thanks for sharing.

    Sas I just read that post too, Personally I've only been buying made from America for a while--I realize it's cheaper when buying from other countries but why is it cheaper cuz they have to import and send it to companies so if it were top quality it would actually be more expensive--that's just how I think, it's not a fact written anywhere. And u wonder just what things have been added for the (any) country to save money. And most only have to put in the top fibers used not every fabric or whatever.

    This is a disclaimer about anything said about China or any Asian persuasion or third world country that may engage in importing goods to the US I 'm sure there are products sent that meet all standards of our living. Thought I'd put that in.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy we all know how loose u are, so we figure Colorado has to catch up to u--it has more to do BTW

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, so WHAT did you say?   Did you mean by the way?  Or BMW or something?  Or was it byob?  I'm confused.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy I think u can figure out just what I was saying. Ahem

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh "ahem" my butt!  Are you insinuating  that I am loosely?   That I somehow run around .... oh never mind.... I thought it was our secret! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You know I accidently bought DIET coke, instead of regular COKE, and it is NOT the same when you put chocolate in it!  Besides, not only THAT, I had it outdoors in the  cooler, like there is not enough room in our fridge...... and when I tried to OPEN it, it SPLAT all over!    I mean Coke everywhere!   It was almost froze to death!  But I managed to hold my hand over it, until it settled down a little....  DAMN!  The trials and tribulations of everyday living!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi still haven't caught on up on reading. But now I'm pissed.

    I realized that the time was 4:15. The facility where I had the IV closes at 4pm.. I sat here and stewed a bit. Several things happened that shouldn't have. The nurse instead of having me come in for the IV site to be evaluated, chose to call her Risk Manager first. Major boo-boo. Patient safety is first under all circumstances. Her not requesting to have me come in to be seen. Is a breech of safety.

    I called and filed a grievance with the insurance medicare HMO/POS. Shit will hit the fan. My HMO/POS does follow through on these things like a stalking panther.

    My regret is I used the gals name that told me about the teflon caths from surgery. Hopefully janis nurse didn't write that down. Even though the OR/Specials nurse did nothing wrong. Hospital hierarchy's make nurses life hell.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I caught upwith midnight deb........ 

    Believe it or not I only had 2 glasses of watered down wine(I put ice in them). Party was great :) 

    BBL need to chill out The SMOKES still coming out my ears.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    So I'm home, about 3:30. Tired but can't really sleep. Just catnapping. He put in the larger implant like I asked. A little more sore on the sides where in put in a couple of sutures to close the pocket up a little. I should be able to drive in about 2 weeks, so shorter recovery time this go around. Yeah! Drains should come out In about 12 days. Hopefully.

    .I'll post more when I can keep my eyes open and unread what's new. Bye

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Yay, Smaarty, welcome to the squishy side! Try to get comfortable and just relax, stay up on the pain meds and fluids. Sleep will come in time (hopefully sooner than later).

    Sassy, you been busy sweetie, you don't have to try to make for lost time.....

    mdngtDeb, how are you doing today?

    Happy Monday, y'all! That is, what's left of it

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    This might help everyone get to sleep.


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    One year ago on January 31 I found the lump that turned out to be my recurrence.  Not long after I found the STFU thread and settled in there.  Now I'm here with some of the same remarkable women.  

    I would like to thank you all for putting up with my sorry chemo ass for the past year. You guys make me laugh, snort and sometimes cry.  Sometimes you make me say "WTH are they talking about?". 

    You've been a lifeline.  That goes double for you, Miss Sassypants.  I am so glad you called me that day.

    If I could drink,  I would raise a toast to all of you weird, wild, wonderful womanlinesses.  Also to your humor, kindness, empathy and orneryness.  You're the BEST!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Phyllo how sweet--now what step is that in recovery.

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    congrats smarty for successful surgery.  Hope recovery goes well and the drains are not too bad!  I get that last drain out tomorrow.  It hurst like you know what, not sure why but super sensitive.  My last three were not like this.  I dread having it out, it hurts to look at haha, any suggestions for numbing the area?  I have Emla for my port, not sure if I cAn try that?  Port surgery on Friday now and chemo next Tuesday.  Mo wanted to start chemo with no port, um no way I have non existent veins, not the way I want to start. Plus I need that one non existent vein for surgery on Friday!  

    This thread moves so fast hard to keep up!  Thanks Chevy I'll be a ninja if you want, and we can talk about anything we want to, we all know what each other is going through.  It's those who don't know, and I feel like I repeat myself talking about the same thing over and over. Maybe I'm selfish cause they are just concerned.  I guess no sleep,again for me!

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Hi, Ladies! Trying to catch up with everyone's posts...hope everyone is doing well tonight! Sounds like a busy day for most. To those who are hurting, sad, mad, frustrated, and/or recovering...big hugs! Yep, that's all I can do (remember, the newbie can't really give much advice just yet)...but I can give lots of hugs and warm wishes! 

    You are all truly amazing women who have awed me with your genuine care and concern. xo 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Phyllis, what a nice sentiment, and ol' Camibell makes fun...we tried to teach her some manners...

    Smaarty, hope you get some sleep, Glad you have that behind you, but sounds painful..

    Njmom, breathe does get easier

    2ndtimeMaddy & Alyson....wavying hello..

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Water works again! Bandages came off and's like I was hit with a huge reality check. This newbie really needs to learn how to breathe! 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    ROFL.  Cammi, you're sucha brat!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    mnDeb: bring air thru nose (or mouth) to lungs, hold a second or two, the expel thru mouth (or nose). Repeat often, very often. (Woulda said suck air but that's another thing). Glad you came back, we're here for you.

    Chevy, thanks for the happy Monday, I need that as a poster.

    Sassy, you been busy again, woman. I liked the idea about saving info, I must have missed a step. 

    Aly, I thought the dancing owl video was cute, 

    Phyllo, congrats on a year! Reaching any milestone is a reason to celebrate. 

    Hi1, waving back atcha!

    Sorry for those I forgot, brain is getting tired.

    Spent 7 hours in front of the computer job hunting (ok, and a little BCO thrown in). Getting desperate to get a job, DH hints I should get one flipping burgers, just don't know if I'm ready for that, at my age! With teens as my managers. In my mind, I think I have more to offer than that, but I need to help bring money in. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hey night owls, it's 2:30 a.m. and I'm awake.  Thinking of all the work I have to do this week.  No matter how fast or how hard I work, I'm never caught up.  Tossed & turned and finally said heck with it.  Got up, made coffee, and came here. 

    Maddy, maybe register with a temp agency?  They have lots of different types of jobs so there's bound to be something that suits.  The place I work hires temps who have an inside edge when there's a job opening.

    ((midnightDeb)) something that always cheered me up is the PInk Glove Dance.  Reminds me of all the people who care.

    It's been four years for me and I still get emotional so please don't get down on yourself for the tears!  ♥

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just found this!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi Badger! It's 1 am here, getting sleepy. If I had coffee at this hour, I'd be wired till tomorrow night, don't know how you do it. Tried to see the video, won't play on my iPad, darn. Thanks for the suggestion, I spoke with one agency, the lady all but laughed at me when I said current computer used is Mac, and I used PC/windows for many years but all those years don't count. Guess maybe I should look at another one. 

    I should post my latest photo of me with Snoopy (taken Saturday). Later.....

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi Aly, hi Maddy!

    My usual wake-up time is 4:30 a.m. so I'm "only" up a couple hours early.  Loopy

    coffee GOOD

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Badger coffee sounds so good right now, but it's to early. I know that--I woke up to pee and viola here I am/

    That's a great idea about a temp job, cuz if it's something u really hate u don't have to do it and u'r still bringing some money into the house and they usually don't last that long, so it's a good introduction to going back to work. Never thought of that--good thinking.

    Hole I have a hard time with certain people holding my manners at bay. They just seem to ask for it, don' u think. ?

    Deb I'm sorry this is so difficult for u, it's just not an easy thing to go thru, but it rell does get better.

    And drains are no fun, they are a nuisance and it's amazing when they tke them out cuz u think where the hell was that thing. but they come out and u go to the next step. This can be a slow process, patience is needed and u usually get it after a while and when u have a good team it means so much.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi Cami, I'll have a second cup for you - cheers!

    Milk no sugar OK?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm still awake my cat comes to me like a sad little kitty so she wanted to cddle, then I started watching a scary movie, not something that puts u to sleep, the my cat decides he wants to lay down on my pillow---there's so much going on here badger in these 4 walls. LOL

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    LOL Cami, just don't go down into the basement!  Shocked

    OK time to go make my lunch and get ready for work.  ((hugs))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh no badger now u have to go to work----Oh I'm so srry but I hope u have a great day--and since we don't have a basement I'm good staying out of it. LOL

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Badger- Love the pink glove dance! Especially the guy at the end! Thank you...that got a smile.