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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Olive, Welcome and best wishes for tomorrow. Your doctor will probably want a mammo and ultrasound, so don't freak out if that's what happens. You do want it checked out thoroughly. I tried a chat room once and couldn't keep up. This thread goes pretty fast, so it's almost like a chat room.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, great... I just popped in for a quick minute to catch up on posts (so I won't have 147 pages to read later) and what do I get?



    song running through my head!

    Thanks, Cami!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2TA - hope you are feeling better. Want me to sing you a song?

    Let's go out to the LOB beee

    Let's go out to the LOB beeeeee


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blessings how are u doing? I hope whatever we can put a quick smile on u'r face---this has been a rough week.

    I slept 4-5 hrs with my Katie -Kat in my arms, makes it more relxing---everything is closed up so I haven't even looked out side yet. Some Chicago schools are closed, but I doubt here.

    I just wanted to stp by and say my first Good Morning, cuz today is shower day--OOOOO I had a Onc. app't but cancelled again, my ride can't come til later and if the weather is bad I don't want anyone to drive me, I'd feel terrible if the streets are bad. Besides I just get aggrevated going so see I'm not aggrevated.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  WHY didn't you wake me up?  I read all of you, and seems to be that Cammi is the Chief of Stuff?  Ha,ha!  That's a good one.  Yes!  Appropriately enough, as well she should be!  Except I have more stuff.   Winking  I can be "chief of mornings!"   Seems I'm the only one here, anyway?

    "Grasshopper"....  That's so funny!

    It is soooooo cole here..... 'HOW COLD IS IT?"  she asked.  It is 6 below, with a wind-chill of 33 below...!     And still a LOT of frozen snow and ice... like about a foot around here....   It's so cold, I don't know if the sun will come out!

  • browniefranks
    browniefranks Member Posts: 18

    It is hard to heal and function on < 4 hours of sleep.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi owls and welcome Olive, good luck today!  Easier said than done but try to stay calm and stay away from Dr. Google!

    Deb, if (distant) memory serves, newbies may be limited in the number of posts & PM's for a while.  It's an anti-spam measure.  How do they keep selling the stuff anyway, Spam that is, I know no one who likes it.  Fingers crossed for path report results today!

    Tangerine, for me it was five weeks between surgery (2/2) and starting chemo (3/9).

    Working from home today as work is too chaotic and I have GOT to get some work done.  I have a great boss.

    Happy Hump Day everyone!  Smile

    edit to add welcome browniefranks, yes hard to function w/o enough sleep.  Naps are good!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hello and the top' of the morning Owlettes, I don't think I'll ever get caught up. Been working on the polyurethane cath problem.

    Well, all this may turn out to be a positive. The proverbial silver lining behind the cloud. Risk Manager is being very cooperative. He has sent out the proper FDA reports. He has contacted Materials Management. They have been charged with the responsibility of creating a list of items that have polyurethane, isocyanates, or coating on the materials. One citation on the internet identified that the IV caths had an antimicrobial coating. They have pulled the docs "procedure pick list" That list contains all the materials that would be used in the surgery for me on 2/28/14. I had already asked that endotracheal tubes, bladder caths, and sutures, drains be evaluated for any common elements as to the IV caths.

    In the early days of the recognition of latex allergies, we created "Latex Free "equipment boxes for use with patients. Essentially this is what is going to be created for my surgery. The greater outcome is there will be a policy written for the entire institution. Products will be identified. Any other patient entering the hospital and ancillary areas will have available the similar materials list that is being created for me, but by the time this is completed all products coming into the facility will be categorized as to composition. That categorization will determine if they should be placed on a LIST of items not to be used with patients with this type of allergy.

    All in hospital units will have the teflon caths available as an alternate to the polyurethane. Perhaps there will be a change back to the use of the teflon caths for the entire system. This is just a guess, but methinks the teflon caths were more expensive. Very often in hospital evaluation of using new products, price is a consideration. Many elements are considered in the process. Safety is always the first consideration. Then other elements such as ease of use, available manufacturer teaching support, availibility of product etc. If two products appear to match in all areas, price can be the determining factor.

    There's no longer smoke coming out of my ears. I see this as a very positive occurrence. Positive b/c I didn't die or have an anaphylactic response. In the early days of Latex problems these events did occur. Had I not understood that what was happening was unusual, and the two nurses making the statements re: the caths that they did, I could have entered surgery on the 28th and gotten into serious trouble. I.E. Tracheal allergic response to a polyurethane tube. Uretheral allergic response to a bladder cath. Either could lead to localized tissue damage or a systemic anaphyllactic response. Drains/sutures used in surgical area could lead to a serious wound response mimicking infection. These events depending on the occurrence could/ would have gone without recognition of causative reason.

    Now it's known, and I can tell you there are many people working on a plan. Cool.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Plus, as I said earlier I had my HMO/POS  insurance company working the problem from their end.  They aren't just an insurance provider. They own three hospitals, many sattelite ancillary units, many docs, Homecare, Hospice, and Private Nursing divisions, three wellness /fitness centers. 5,000 employees. This will lead to changes in all their facilities. Then someone will publish b/c it's a safety issue. It will go national through the different publications affecting areas i.e risk management, materials management, nursing, docs, American Hospital Association, Iv therapy, infection control, on and on . FDA will include it in their report sent weekly /monthly to thousands of facilities nationwide.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Wow, Sas! That is great news! Sounds like they, and you, are on top of this! Really enjoyed reading your post and learning about what is going on. Good for you for pushing forward and being your own best advocate! This is really awesome news! Awareness is the first step, and it sounds like you have created that. Wtg! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    SASSY you ROCK!

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

    (and here's the proof that it can be done by one determined woman!)

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Sassy!! You are proving that we are and have to be our own best advocates!

    Anyone have an iron infusion before, I was just told I'd need one tomorrow because of my iron being so low. It takes 4hrs?? sheesh! I wonder if it'll make me constipated?


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    good morning, sistah Owlettes! Though it's probably afternoon in some areas.

    So I crawled into bed around 1 am, I check my phone last thing. I get the notifications for this thread. What's the last one? Blessings singing me a song! Laughed and lubbed it! Went to sleep with a laugh and a lullaby. This thread serves many functions.

    NJ, so cool, now rest up! Don't do too much too fast. 

    Sassy girl, you da best! Ditto what Badger said.

    Brownie franks, can you rest during the day? We need our sleep to heal.

    Have a good hump day all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628

    Tee-hee, Tee-hee...."like an explosion of peanuts".  Cammi you soooooo crack me up at times.  I'm behind  as usual so not even trying too hard.  I'm just voting over and over mentally about what a great thread.  Sorry I'm always chiming in so late....never turning up with too many good ideas, but my heart is there even if the rest of me is elsewhere. 


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    2ndtimeMaddy, I started getting notices to my email also, I thought I hit a wrong button somewhere.

    Spookiesmom, sorry I missed your ?. I have worked at the school for 13 years, as a " para professional", meaning I do not have a teaching degree. I have worked with a range of kids, aspergers, austism, emotionally challenged kiddos, from neglectful parents. I have loved it. I was there long enough to get a small pension. So, I need to decide this spring whether to go back next Sept. or quit. Hmmm. If DH & I would become snow birds for a few cold months, I will quit. If we are going to stay home and freeze than I might as well work.  Suggestions Anyone?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Just catching up. Took me forevah to figure out a URD-LP alumni.

    Chevy - we have actually seen the sun today but it has done no good. Have an eye doc appt tomorrow at 9:30 but saying 40% chance of snow/flurries. If I lived in the city, no problem but 45 minutes NW could be problematic. High tomorrow of 28. Brrr - maybe not much shopping. Maybe a nice warm mall. That and my usual stop at Lowe's - it's always something.

    Oh, don't think any limit to posting of newbies. See if with those blitzes of spam on multiple threads. PMs maybe. It was months b4 I was brave enough to try one of those.

    Speaking of PMs - Yes Phyllis I'll be around in March. No plans - Nada - to go anywhere special. Just let me know. Are you spending that night in metroplex? PM me - added you to my friends list.

    Wow Sassy you might be famous. Nice to rub shoulders with you. Interesting story on the 10 pm news last night about back billing in ER. Largest hospital network in metroplex has ER docs not part of major insurance provider here. This channel made it their investigative report last night - it is February sweeps after all. 2nd part tonight - stay tuned. Who the heck checks when they're in ER if doc is part of their network? Evidently it's in paperwork you sign - that you're aware it's a possibility. I guess your radiologist/pathologist etc. could just as well not be too. I personally have not encountered this with 2 different hospitals and an outpt GI in the last 2 years. Maybe just luck with my insurance.

    2nd time - Oh that the explanation for the "love this thread" late last night. Me too!!!

    Scary - Cami is spelling better.

    Browniefranks - talk to us.

    Deb - in your pocket for your results.

    Olive - also with you for your appt today. Your pockets may feel a little weighty. We try so hard not to make much noise though sometimes we step on each other and squeal.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good afternoon (here) everyone--I think I saw a name with the word brownie in it--of course 'd remember that--welcome to this sleep and no sleep place.

    I'm going thru my all the time tired again--I got much better for a couple of weeks now I'm back to  can't keep my eyes open. Oh well it will pass,--This weather is chit---my app't was cancelled again, now we moved it for 2 weeks hoping all weather will calm down.

    How is everyone doing? I mean really.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami, our little herniated Doctorate of Readers Digest....BrownieFranks is the newbie, she was posting last night...

    Tang, I had to wait one month between port placement & 1st. Chemo. Wish I would of started sooner. My MO is a stickler for let's wait....I see her next Tues for Arimidex, might need a happy pill before I go. She does not talk to me, she has the nurse hand me a print out from the Internet. I have not seen her in almost 2 months.  I am going to ask away and hope that maybe we will have better communication now that I will be done w/chemo & rads...I was an easy patient, no extra appts., no ER, or transfusions. 

    My PCP is great, so glad I have her to spill my guts too. 

    Smaarty, hope you are comfy, and not too much pain...

    MgnDeb, Olive, let us know what's happening....

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Today I'm stressing about college and how to pay for it.  I'm a single mother trying to help my kids with college.  I usually make to much to be considered to have financial need.  I made alot less money last year and had higher medical bills.  My ex is in hiding and hasn't paid support for the last 18 months.  Bill collectors keep calling here looking for him even tho we have been divorced over 10 years.  I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help but will I even be here when she graduated from college?  Well I be working?  Want to know something funny (not really funny), if I die the back child support gets written off.  The kids may be able to take it to court and fight for it.  Even then he just won't show up or pay it so the kids would just lose attorney fees and get nothing anyway.  So he can just wait for me to die and he'll be in the clear as far as child support goes anyway.  That money could have help with college.   I'll die from cancer and he'll get a lucky break.  Meltdown...sorry.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi all, I'm doing ok. The right side is bothering me a lot where the sutures are but the Norco works so I'll keep taking them. I haven't seen the new girls yet. Was feeling the tops of both and very nice and soft. I hope it stays that way.

    Hope everybody is ok. I managed to get some good sleep last night, the cats weren't chasing each other as much.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Dear Dutchiris!  I'm glad you found us!  Wish I could just send you tons of money....  BUT....  See what kind of financial aid you can get!  We could not give our Daughter any money for College either.... But she got student loans, grants, and worked for the school in her spare time. 

    I had to fill out a lot of papers, I remember...  and we still had a house payment, and we didn't have ANY money to help her out, but she was determined to go anyway, and we all found a way!    It isn't hopeless...   It might seem like it is right now, but talk to an advisor at her school!  Get some information from a college that she wants to attend! 

    Never mind that Husband of yours.... what a dead-beat!  Are you working with the State, or an attorney?    And no, don't go dying off...   We will help you as best we can... But those are the only suggestions I have right now....   And you have to stay with us...Okay?  We'll all help you....  Don't worry....  (((hugs)))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh hey Smaarty!  Good job!  They are "squishy" right?  Sounds good to me...  I know.... give the cats the pills!  Ha! 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    No need to be sorry, sending you hugs and a shoulder to cry on. Seems like you can't change exDH, so kiss that headache goodbye. The sad thing is your kids do not have a dad that they can be proud of and lean on.

    Paying for college is so difficult for almost everyone. I wish I had better advice, alot depends on where you live. Can your kids live at home and go to a local college for the first 2 years? 

    Try to stay strong, which is silly, cause of course you are trying... Keep posting, please do not think of the worst...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    1. Sharon, Chevy actually has some good advice, that u can work on--I too couldn't pay for anything but somehpw I remember my DD1 took some grant borrowed some money and got what she wnted to do. Soo there must be a way and Hole is right the first couple of yrs. especially u'r DD can go to a Community college as long as she takes classes that will transfer over if she needs too. Now remember u might feel like chit but u won't die u'll see no one will let u,so put that out of u'r head right now.
  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    wow! I've missed a lot!  I haven't been around ladies, cos my days have just been ridiculously busy with appointments, and even though sleep remains an elusive thing, I've tried to avoid checking in here cos I knew I'd just want to keep on talking to you all instead of trying to sleep! Well, I've given up tonight. It's 3am, and I've been awake for an hour. I've just made tea (again) and I gave into temptation and came here to see what you're all up to......


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I will have to tell her she'll have to go to school here, either the tech college or university.  The university here was here 1st choice all along.  When she got accepted everywhere she applied she started waivering a bit.  She also wanted to stay in the dorm but I don't think that's likely. ...very expensive.  My son is really thinking he wants to move back in with me to save money.  They're both great kids.  

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Dutchiris- as a single mom, I bet your children would qualify for scholarships, low interest student loans, etc. One of my friends where I live is a single mother, also a breast cancer survivor, etc. struggled through some of the same decisions. She had some money saved for her daughters education, but going to college can cost as much as buying a house these days. 

    Her daughter wanted to go to an expensive private school in Atlanta and would have had to take out $120,000 in loans she knew she would never have a change to repay. We all hear the stories about college kids coming out with over $100K in student loans after college and no hope of repaying them. She opted to stay in state and go to the Univ. of NM and her mother will be able to pay for it. She is living at home right now, but going to go share and apartment with friends soon and then get a job. They found a way, and you will too.

    Finding colleges in your state are the way to go with in state tuition breaks. Many kids also work through college to help with the cost. I worked PT through both college and grad school. Maybe target some schools you know might be good options for your kids, and figure out how much each will need roughly. From there, you can then research options.

    Sorry to hear your ex husband is a deadbeat father. Sounds like he is not keeping up with his financial responsibilities with anyone. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    ((Sharon)) your ex sounds like a real piece of work.  Please don't despair!  Your kids can always work part time to help pay for school, that's what I did, plus I took out student loans (back when that was an affordable option).  Or would they re-think a four-year degree and consider a skilled trade?  There was a guy on public radio last week talking about the number of unfilled job openings and the good pay in the skilled trades.  Earn 25-30/hour right off the bat.  Anyway there are options.  ♥

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Nicky, hello, good to see your drop in. Cold weather in the states for most of us. We are finally getting some storms that are producing snow,  which we need desperately for agriculture.

    My DH & I are looking forward to the Olympics, maybe I will not feel so guilty for spending so much time in the recliner. I have 2 more radiation zaps & then I will be my skin is raw but will heal. 

    Nicky, how is your leg? Do I remember correctly, did you break it ?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    She's actually taking a college class right now at the UW school here.  She works part-time, is a three season athlete, and is in the select chior.  She needs to share a little of her energy with me.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    hi Teka and Holeinone! 

    Hmmmm, my leg.......

    I have a spontaneous fracture in my tibia, which means I have to use a stick (crutches not possible). The ortho specialist told me last week that because it wasn't as a result of a trauma it could take up to 18 months to heal, so I'm not impressed. Have PT in the pool 3 times a week, added to the twice a week I already have PT for LE, so that makes an appointment a day before I do anything else!

    Weather here is still the same. It hasn't stopped raining for months!  The soil here is very sandy, but even still it's completely waterlogged, all the rivers and lakes have overflowed. Luckily there hasn't been too many homes or businesses flooded, but we're all mightily sick of the rain.