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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Smaarty.....hope you are doing better by now...  Just take it easy....

    Yes, it IS hard to catch up, because we want to say Hi to everyone, and when we go do something else, more posts flop in, and THEN we have to start all over! 

    I liked your video Aly!  That was cute! 

    So Phyllisorryass is with us!  With her paint-ball gun!   Yes, NO, oh wait!  You don't HAVE to know what anyone is talking about.... WE don't!  But we act like we do...  Sometimes we are serious, but mostly just full of beans!  (I cleaned that up for the more lady-like ones here)

    Just hang with us little Phylly...  we'll take care of you!

    Morning NjMom..  No, don't worry about saying the same things over again!  Me and Cammi don't have a clue anyway... and we can't remember, so every post is new....  When you gals are going through sooooo much treatment and pain, all I want to do is say something that will maybe get your mind off of it...   Cause Lord only knows, I can't offer any good advice...  I'm just here for to maybe give you all hugs, and say you ARE the best!

    Hi MidnightDeb!  Same here... I can't offer really helpful advice, except sometimes I could possibly know what I am talking about...  Like drink Aloe mixed with juice or hot tea, for your digestive problems... 

    And don't hang out clothes in THIS freezing weather...   Also, walk sideways, on the ice...

    And when all else fails, fix up a good Chocolate Coke, and sit back and watch a funny movie.

    You took off the bandages!  Get rid of all the mirrors...  It's going to be alright...    I'm sorry you have to go through Sooooo much, to get better...!  (((gentle hugs))))

    GG...  We are teaching the Cam manners?  Is it working?  How can you tell? 

    And Howdy Maddy!  Yes, post your photo...  I love my Dell-desk computer... actually the 23" screen!  I'm just afraid something will go wrong, and I'll have to buy a new one, that I would NEVER figure out!  I would just want the "tower" part...  But it's too hard to get used to something mechanical like this... 

    I could have Cammi help me set it up...  She knows all about furnaces and flannel nightgowns and phones ...   And Cammi is "thinking?"  Good God, what will she think of next? 

    Morning Badger!  Sleepy, eh?   You are just egging Cammi ON!   She has 4 walls to keep her in check! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    For Phylli..... and Cammi! xoxoxoxo

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Morning Owlettes, 

    Alyson, that is the sorriest looking owl I have ever seen, poor thing looks like I feel some days, old, tired, dried out, needing a little lift, maybe coffee ? I do love coffee...

    Maddy, I've got 2 jobs, I have not showed up for work in over 6 months...which one do you want ? Seriously, it's hard when you have been out of the work place for awhile. No one would hire me for my computer skills. I love my job at school, good hours, summers off, medical benefits. That has always been number 1 priority, having good benes. 

    Tang, Mdmghtdeb, Smarrty & Njmom, thinking of you with those drains. Eeeeooww, not fun.. & rads

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


    Gotta go see the PS this morning, I'm so not in the mood and I officially do not like him. I am finding a new one, but this is a follow up after my surgery last Monday. After that I go have an EKG and then see my infectious disease doctor! Wheeeeee!!! good times at the doctor's office.

    Love all of you crazy girls though. Ya'll bring a smile to my face and that is all we need sometimes. ((hugs))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning--Teka where are u going pn this cokd day?

    Tang tell us ow the Dr. thing wet today.

    And chevy that so for Phyloe not me===I;VE been good well compared tp her,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cami honey.... read what you just wrote...  Or tried to write...  THIS is why we love you....  You don't care and neither do we...Ha! 

     It is so crappy out... More snow, but we DARE it to stop it from us getting out, needlessly, to shop for "nothing" and keep us boringly IN! 

    I even took a short nap already.... I get so bored, and I have hurt my crotcheting hand...  and I'm wearing a thumb stabilizer.  It was hard to even spray my hair!  And I can't get my darling, UGG look alike boots on!  So I'm wearing my fleece lined Crocs... To hell with them all... I just needed to say that....

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Tang - how far do you have to drive to see PS and infec. doc? Just in general, not asking specific names etc. Hope you find another PS. I know surely down into Rockwall/Garland should be some. Hope all is OK with EKG and Levaquin is doing it's job.

    Yes, coffee. Yum. I collect coffee and hot chocolate. DH is using up bits of coffee I didn't like one TBS at a time in coffeemaker. Too cold to drink sodas. Ordered more tea from Amazon on DH's order.

    So Teka's off for an adventurous day. Not I. I won't get out until Thursday when I go to eye doc. The more I get out the more I spend so saving it for big city. Winking

    MidnightDeb - How are you feeling this morning? First looks are always bad and there's no getting away from the trauma that had to be done. And you with both sides. Big gentle hugs. But it's outta there, positive thinking for great margins. You should get your results soon??  I had glue and not stitches. What do you have? I actually thought mine looked OK, was expecting way worse. SNB site looked worse than excision site.

    Smaarty - how's it feel to be more done-er? See Cami I can make up words too. Make sure your taking enough fluid and beware of sneaky constipation. Gentle hugs for you too.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I see that Aly brought back sex into the conversation! I didn't know owls could pole dance?? To everyone healing up- be good to yourself! It takes time.

    The drains are not too bad. It hurts more on the right side where he put the sutures, hopefully better soon. It would be on the good side!  And I wanted you all to know that I almost lost my drawers yesterday from everyone being in my pockets! Thank you all. 

    See deb- you will get to the other side of this soon too. It's been 10 months since I started this, but I didn't have chemo or rads. I feel like I cheated somehow when I read all the stuff some of you have gone through. OUCH!!!  We each travel the path we are given, there's not a lot of choice here.  

    I did get some sleep but the stupid kittens wanted to play half the night, they like to chase each other around the house and furniture and if you're in their path, too bad. Now of course they're all sound asleep. I don't think my sister got much sleep. 

    Now I have to decide what tv shows to watch before DH comes out and puts on Golf. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OHH Chevy, poor hand, hope it works for other things........  I broke a hand bone one time, couldn't quite take care of bathroom stuff---thank god for the bidet.

    Yes we love Cami's spelling. Amazing how we all get it. You would of been pn to read my typing after brain surgery. I couldn't wear glass. What a hoot to read the stuff I thought i was typing and what was actually on the page, after I could finally see. Squishy's the only one here from those days.

    To all I was writing this for someone else, thought you may want to put it in your storage place.

    "In case you don't have this link. It's a drug site that is great even though it was done by the government. Why is it GREAT! 1. after putting the drug name in the search box and the list is pulled up the first drug manufacturer is the one that originated the drug. 2. importance---all the pre-approval clinical trial documentation is there 3. all post marketing data is there 4. hyperlinks throughout to connect within the report for easy referencing between topics."

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    luvgoats- I'm well prepare this time for any constipation. Have stool softener (they didn't seem to do any good last time), have milk of maganisa that I'll take some tomorrow, don't want to take too soon since I'm eating really lite. Don't want to have the squirts either! 

    Tang-didn't like my first PS either. He was just too clinical and cold to me. Definitely LOVE the one I have! I know the first PS assist but I don't see him. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Have any of you slept, you have been busy...

    Phyllie you have given us so much, please don't discount your contribution to us!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Helloooo blondie......... lot's of sleeping going on just not maybe when we want it too. LOL. Hope you are doing well. 

    To all: the Risk Manager called, all the appropriate government and manufacturer reports are being made re:  the polyurethane IV  catheter. I've asked the RM to take the lead on making sure they have all polyurethane free devices for my thyroid surgery. That's bold, but appropriate. It's now at the feet of the person in the hospital that has the responsibility for safety. If I have a problem, they can't say they didn't know. 

    It harkens back to the early days of Latex being recognized as an allergy problem. First there were problems with many adverse events and even deaths. In the Operating Departments we had a "Latex Free Box" of equipment for patients with allergies. Then the laws were changed and everything had to be latex free. 

    Off to docs to document IV site problem in case we end up in court.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - It should be documented on the EMR somewhere too. I know latex allergy is on there and know food allergies are on there as well. Seems like I remember other allergies too but for the life of me drugs, food and latex are the only ones coming to mind - that mind like a sieve. I suppose things like wool but who the heck uses that in a hospital.

    Smaarty - I don't recall eating much either but do know I came home hungry. No idea what DH made for me. Hope you're feeling generally good one day post-op.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    morning all, my brain finally waking. Last night had trouble falling asleep, woke up frequently coughing so I slept in. My chest hurts (post surgery sites), feeling yucky and chills, not good. BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd I hope u'r not also coming down with something too. keep warm and drink lots.

    /smarty (damn) I lways forget who gets lumpectomies as oppsed to deboobed and now I can't go back a page--but I think lumpectomies hurt more that deboobing does, I never had one,since I just went the boobless way but it shure sounds like it. so all of u be extra kind to u'rself and sleep and sit whatever way is comfortable.

    Just to warn u all I'm going to write another post and I'll be screaming and swearing all over the place so step back from u'r computer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


    I rec'd a library of infor with all this medicare ins. No one who can read can deciper all of it. *&^%%&*()) Now I get a phone call from my pharmacy that I'm not covered for my scripts I have ins. from my GOVERNMENT work for that coverage and didn't get anything Oh the throws of inadequacy that I found myself in. So they are trying to figure it out for me. It seems I'm not the only one (they said) that is confused up the wahzoo about all this crap that was thrown at us, She said tis is turning into a nitemare for most especially my age (ahem) who find confusion easily-well she didn't say that I did , but she agreed. I feel lke my life and will has been taken over by an entity that I have no control over--Even thos along the way with jobs I had I did work for ins. Co.s but didn't understand it then, so of course there is no understanding now Wo the hell started this insanity of all this? oh yea the GOVERNMENT--They were insane to work for now they are keeping me under control of their insanity. Now I know what my dad said about all this years ago has come to light and we used to laugh at him, but I can't write it or for sure they'll be looking for my and I will follow in Phylo's footsteps. Only worse now.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Chevy - thanks for the song!  It made me laugh while I was trying to drag my dead behind out of bed to go to a meeting.  Oh yeah, and now we have somebody's blizzard that they left over here....and I don't mean the Dairy Queen kind.  Is it yours??

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Thank you Ducky.... I meant to tell you, thank you again for the sweet Pm about Lacee...  I just heard, I can pick up her ashes anytime....  I didn't know before, because we drove right BY there, and now we are getting another blast of another damn snowstorm!  Hope we can go tomorrow... 

    I think I'm putting her on our dresser in the bedroom, on her fuzzy blanket, and a couple of her stuffed little toys...  Does that sound to obsessive?  

    And is that YOUR pup on the STFU thread?  Or your Grandpup?   YOU and the pup look so cute together....

    CAMMI!  Don't get mad.... just get even..... WE will all back you up!   It's that damn government again, meddling in our stuff!   I mean your stuff.    And you WORKED for them????   Just get on the phone and raise hell....  You want ME to call for you?  Or SASSY?  Oh if SHE gets on the phone with them, they will run for the hills!  SHE knows what she is talking about, whereas not so sure about me and you.... 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Blondie - thank you. You're such a sweetie.  I've missed you!  aand your purple hair!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks, Cami. All this insurance stuff stinks. It's getting worse, not better. 

    Thanks Ducky, nice reminder.

    Chevy, not obsessive if that's what you need to do. Now, sleeping with the ashes might be considered a bit much. 

    Already took a nap, had a big glass of lemon water, juiced a bunch of produce, no appetite now. Don't know if I could tell the difference between hot flashes and fever, but I now have chills. Warm pj's for me today and taking it easy.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    I offered you one of my jobs, did I make you sick ?  Understandable cause I cannot imagine working right now...& it's really cold out & it's snowing...I do love the snow..

    Stopped at TJ Maxx on the way home from rads...$$$ retail therapy...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy that is a beautiful tribute to Lacee, it's not obsessive it's lovely. I like that.

    Smaarty please take it easy and if u do have a fever call u'r Dr.. remember too don't feel tought and strong. Be like me a baby.

    Does anyone remember t the old Drive-in on the screen ther wud be dancing candy and icecream bars ad popcorn, well that's what goes thru my mind when I get confused--always has just never told anyone before and it's going like crazy today-Le't all go to the lobby, I keep on singing that. Does that happen to anyone else? or should I just keep my mouth shut about it?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Golf Girl - share what you bought at TJ Maxx?? I cleaned out Marshall's stash of chocolate goodies leftover from Christmas. They had one pkg of coconut truffles - I'm rationing them.

    Cami - kinda like this one?

    or if you're really bored you can watch 4 hours of ads 50s-60s

    Warning - I have not watched these so can't vouch for contents.Winking

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Littlegoats!  LOVE the commercials..Ha!  Yes, with the girls bundled up in the back-seat with their pillows, in their pajamas, and sitting there eating a dill pickle and popcorn! 

    Thanks Cammi....

  • Olive71
    Olive71 Member Posts: 3

    Hi.  I am new here.  Is there a chatroom still available?  I really could use some support, but my computer says 'application blocked'  Can anyone help me?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi1, so sorry I missed that. Sure, I'll take one, what's being offered? 

    Olive, I can't speak for chat rooms as I can't get them on my iPad. This thread is open 24/7 hours so there's pretty much always someone around.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    Not sure what you are looking for but lots of women post here, ask ? & someone will try to answer..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Olive!  We will always be here....!  Day or night....  I could never get into the chat-rooms.... ever!  I've been here over 4 years.... You can ask us anything.

    So what are you doing?  Started treatment yet?  You must be related to Mr. Garden?  Just kidding...  We have lots of good help on this thread...   sometimes we even know what we are talking about....  Winking

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
