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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Olive71
    Olive71 Member Posts: 3

    Well, I found a lump in my upper left breast on Friday.  It's hard and round/oval.    I am so scared.  Doctor appt tommorrow morning.  Does breast cancer usually feel like this?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    80% of lumps that are biopsied are benign, that's what the statistics are, I have been told.

    My cancer is Lobular, it does not form into a lump so I or Dr. Could not feel it.

    I am sure you are very nervous & upset, that's normal when you find a lump. Good Luck tomorrow, try to do something to distract yourself, hot bath, movie whatever...

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Maddy...sorry, for some reason the site won't let me PM you back. Will try again later, but thank you!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Olive..... Please don't worry!  All the gals around here, will always be around to talk....

    My Daughter has had lots of lumps also, and so far, they are only cysts....   So I don't know about how they "feel"..... My annual mammogram found mine, over 4 years ago, and I am NED.... which means No Evidence of Disease! 

    Even if it IS, there are so many newer treatments now.... Not only mastectomies, but Lumpectomies....  AND besides that, most of the women on here take other meds for the hormone stuff! 

    Just have to wait and see what your "team" tells you!  And take a pad and pen, and write down any questions you have.... then write down the answers...    And let us know... Okay?  (((Olive)))

  • Olive71
    Olive71 Member Posts: 3

    thank you so much for your support, Chevy and Holeinone.  I can't tell you how much it means to me.  I will let you know what the doc says tomorrow.  Thank you, again, so very much.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    Retail therapy, sometimes we have to indulge. I live in rural Idaho so shopping is not so hot. We have a TJMaxx, a very small basic Macy's & JC Penny's. They  do not carry the same merchandise as the stores in Boise do. It's sad. I got a King size duvet. My DD bought me a down comforter for Xmas, the comforter that is on my bed was a cheap one that needed to be trashed.

    I also got a gift, for a young ( 37 ) friend who is having a little boy soon. She is a ski instructor, I found these Spyder brand ski suit, size 2, which were pre priced $110 for $20. That brand is high end, a little frivolous but the price was right, & she & her hubby will be the type of parents to take him skiing when he is a toddler. There is a seam to pull & they get longer by 4 I bought that stuff @ TjMaxx...

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Hi, Ladies! How is everyone doing tonight? A big thank you to all of you for your hugs and concerns! 

    Luvmygoats - I should get path results tomorrow. Thanks for asking. Yikes! Hoping for "clean margins" and no lymph node involvement. I have stitches...think the glue would be better. The axillary incision hurts more then the other two. Ugh!

    Maddy - Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Warm hugs!

    Olive71 - I'm a newbie here as well, but I can tell you...these are a great group of ladies! In a matter of just a few days they have opened their arms and hearts to me. They have shared important information and offered great suggestions. You can't go wrong with this group!  

    Has anyone ever experienced swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet after surgery? My surgery was friday...assumed all the fluids they gave me would've been reabsorbed already, but the swelling is very noticeable. Especially ankles and feet. Should I be worried?


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Umm rural Idaho. DH and I toyed years ago with moving to Lewiston or Helena MT. My DM lived here and I couldn't move away. Can't afford now to move but we are rural though 25 minutes into Ft. Worth suburb and another 15-20 to better shopping.

    We need new bedding too. I like a heavy dark bedspread and bedspreads are hard to find, besides bed is odd height so impossible to fit bedskirt right.

    I think I will indulge some on Thursday even though only 30 degrees (cold for daytime temp for us) and snow flurries - none sticking. We'll see. My eye doc appt is 9:30 so need to leave no later than 8:40 or so. I made it early so plenty of time to shop afterwards.

    Deb - are you sitting with your legs dependent, that is hanging down? Bet you are just not used to inactivity. Try propping them up on sofa or recliner. Can even prop ankles higher than knees knees higher than hips to encourage fluid to return to circulation. Point/relax your toes to flex your calf muscles. It may sound counter intuitive but are you drinking enough fluids? Any pain or redness in calves? Please answer no. Try the propping and if no success give BS a ringy-dingy. Maybe Sassy has other ideas.

    Fingers/toes crossed for your path results tomorrow.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Good evening ya'll!

    I ran around all over the place today and I wore myself out. I went to the PS, got one drain more to go. I then had my EKG, looks good. After that infectious disease doc said things are looking good, but she is going to recommend no chemo until my last drain is out to my MO. grrrrrrr.....I know MO will do what she wants, but I'm just so stinking tired of waiting to get my treatment started.

    Olive-Please try not to stress too much, I know easier said than done. Keep us updated though...we are here for you!

    So, just a poll of sorts, but how long did ya'll wait between surgery and chemo?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Olive, I didn't feel a lump either first so I hope this helps. Like it was above (sorry, forgot who said it), probability is higher that it's not BC. So, try to keep busy, keep your mind busy, and try not to go down the "what if" path.

    Edited to add:

    My dad called, so I decided to post what I had before losing it. Mom is really acting more strangely, she made the comforter disappear off the bed last night, he searched and couldn't find it and he was in a panic. Then this morning it just appears. Like he said, she could make an elephant disappear in a crowded room!

    Thanks for the good wishes Cami and mnDeb! Very much appreciated! Not sure if it's the beginning of something so taking it easy.

    Hi1, sounds like you scored big time, both in price and cuteness!

    T&C, not sure if this helps, as I remember, my 1st UMX was like the 3rd week of October, began chemo just after Thanksgiving, so maybe about 4 weeks? That was in 1996, I can't remember clearly. But then again, they also did things differently back then. 

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    Hi Tang, I got my last drain out today, yippee, so chemo starts next week.  They wanted to start mine today, but with the drain no dice!  So my surgery was 12/20 and I will start on 2/10 which is around 7 weeks.  My mo did not want me to wait more than 8 weeks, so I should be ok!  When do they think your drain will come out?  How much output do you have?

    Olive, I know easier said then done to not worry but we are here for you.  Look around the topics page, I believe there is one for people in your situation. It's great to get advice and comfort from people who are experiencing the same thing.  One word of advice, stay off of dr. Google.  It will only freak you out needlessly.  This site is great for real honest answers from people who know!  Good luck to you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Deb I think u heard this before, but loads of fluids, u reall have to wash things out and right keep u'r legs up. this affects u'r whole body not the the surgery part. But when u see u'r surgeon  always ask, and results tomorrow???? Good Now we'll know everything.

    Olive Hi, I hope we can give u some ease on what's going on with u. We're not as fast as the chat rooms, and when I started that's where I started and those women were absolutely wonderful, the only thing everyone typed at the same time and I couldn't keep up, but that was just me not them, they knew how to talk to different people at the same time, and I just looked for u but it's all different so I don't know how u get in there now. But they are great people in there too. Olive we're pretty good too tho.

    Don't freak out yet until u have this all checked out, try not to anyway

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Hole n 1, what type of work do you do at school? I was with my district 23+ years. No way was I ever going to work nights, weekends, holidays and summers. And the benes. The pay was lousy, but I stuck it out, now get a retirement check from the state. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Njmom-Hopefully my last one wil come out next week, I am going about 40-60ish a day still. PS said we need to be 30 or under, he has changed his tune because in the beginning it was 20 or less. I had my biMX 11/27.....about 10 weeks ago. I've read that 8 weeks is the best, 12 is the longest they want to push it.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628

    Four long pages behind again...........((((((( big, big hugs )))))))))))))))) and lots of happy thoughts and  spring-time dreams as our 8 or inches of snow keeps falling.  Yikes  ( serious scream inserted here ) .  Getting winter-weary.


  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    So, let me see if I understand what you ladies are saying...In order to rid myself of this awful swelling...

    ...I am to get comfy in the lazy boy, have hubby hand over the remote, and possibly prop a few pillows for comfort. Then he is to rub my shoulders, give me the warm fuzzy blanket and then proceed to kitchen and whip me up a few yummy frozen drinks (alcohol optional)... oh, and dress my yummy frozen drinks with cherries and a cute pink umbrella? Do I have that right? :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    By George she's got it!!!!!!!

    Yes Deb!!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    mdDeb, yuppers, that's right! See all the great support you get here! He could throw in a foot rub and nice warm sox too!

    Sassy, thinking of you and sending hugs your way!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Deb - I think they are all mahvelous ideas. You talk to the office tomorrow right about path results. If it's still bothersome or certainly if it's worsening, ask then. The perfect opportunity. In the meantime, push back and be waited on. Ahhh - bliss.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh little grasshopper u've learned well.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Love this thread!

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Now see...and you ladies weren't quite sure if I could hear all those suggestions through the water works! LOL! I heard, and hubby has no choice but to comply. He really doesn't want to mess with this bunch! :) 

    Yes, luvmygoats...supposed to be tomorrow...I will ask. 

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    Hey mdDeb I had my last drain out today and funny, the best way to recover is the same as your recovery!  Of course I came home, got in the lazy boy and turned around to find dh happily snoring on the couch with MY fuzzy blanket!  Apparently he did not get the memo!  Good luck to you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh NJ before u leave for any app't u have to hide anything u might want to use--then when u come home it's Oh here it is.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Omg, Njmom3! We must have the same Dr.! :) Congrats on getting that drain out, but maybe we need to resend that memo. Hmmm! I think you more then deserve the fuzzy blanket! 

    ps - my hubby is snoring too! :)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    mdmghtdeb, boy howdie, your superman, stud muffin hubby does not stand a chance against these tiger cancer warriors. I actually get nauseated at the cancer warrior referral, of alot of the terminology, cause  it sounds like I signed  up for something...wrong...I signed up for a summer & a life full of service, hard work, & fun activity. Then we get this sh~<, and we go into pretend mode. We pretend to have it together..

    Deb, this group is special, we all want, need to pay it forward cause it has helped us so much to find that unconditional acceptance. I might be in the looney bin tonight if it wasn't for Cami, It took me all day to figure out what in the begeebes she was talking about. That kept me sane & laughing my bald head off.

    Hang in there sweet girl....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    mndeb, please be sure and report back. We have to analyze the DR's findings and be sure he's right. SillyHeart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh PhyloMD we certainly do--all of u=our brains put together is like an explosion of peanuts, the cheapest of nuts BTW--but somehow we come on here and we become graduated from Harvard and all specialty Drs. and of course we know much more the those guys who actually finished med school, or did they? As everybody here knows I have graduated from the University of Readers Digest --Large Print- so I am one of the lead Drs, on call--u might call me the Chief of Stuff, yes stuff Chevy--cuz we have no staff--everyone can make up their own titles cuz we are a democracy of sorts.

    Hole I hate to say this but if this is u'r sanity, oh please don't give anyone credit here for it. hint--coocoo. nuff said.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Holeinone - I have gotten very good at the pretending thing around here and around my friends. What makes it easier to pretend? ...the wonderful company that invented the iPhone. It's amazing what you can get away with when texting. So glad Cami has been able to help keep you sane today! 

    phgraham/camil - Now see, I just learned another new thing tonight. How awesome that we have Harvard graduates and specialty Drs here as well. I will be sure to check in before freaking out (if it's less then good news), so you ladies can analyze the results for me. I would try and do it myself...but haven't quite graduated just yet. :) ...chief of stuff- too funny! Hmmm...going to have to come up with a title for this undergrad. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    cammi you almost made me pee my pants!  URD-LP alumni.  Count me in!

    Mndeb,  see?  Now you can rest easy because we're on the job!

    I love this place!

    Lovelygoatees - I plan to drive to Houston in late March.  Any chance of a visit with you on the way?
