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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Nicky--wow u have lots of PT to really keep u busy, I'm surprised u'r not knocked out right now--it's just (pm here now--I hope all of this does u really good, that's a lot of work--I did PT for my back and LE--actually it just consumed my time, but I did go. LOL

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Nicky, I remember the last time we chatted, you were headed to a sporting event with your son, what sport does he play?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Hole.   I'm in the prime snowbird state. Retired almost 5 years ago. Lovin every minute. If you can, retire!  There was a nice couple who came to the dog park for several years. With their mini Aussies. From Nebraska!!!!

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Camille, luckily the PT who's seen me for the last 15 months for LE is the same one I see for my knee. She's about my age, with kids the same ages as mine so the time passes quickly cos we've always loads to talk about!  And I agree - I should be asleep, but no go. It's 4 am now!

    Holeinone, both of my sons fence. A proper French sport for 2 Irish boys!!! My youngest who had the competition I was talking about is 12, and this is his 8th year of fencing. He's actually really good and he does all the competitions on the circuit. I like going with him, because I get to see other parents that I've now known for years. His older brother prefers to fence for fun in the club, but is also in training to umpire a competitions. It's a great sport to watch; extremely graceful and skillful - and it's indoor - a great bonus in the winter!!


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    You must be so proud of your hard working sons. My daughter competed in tennis in high school. I loved watching all the kids. Those years go by too fast.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    I am proud of them, and my daughter too! But mostly I'm pleased for them, that they've found something they enjoy doing. The school day is so long here - 8am to 5pm, that it's important to have an outside activity. Often during the week there's no time to see friends. School and homework take up too much time. So having an outside activity is important. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    That is 2 hours longer than what our kids spend in school. I guess it keeps them out of trouble..I think our kids summer breaks are too long, 3 months, they lose too much knowledge and get bored.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Wow...8a-5p!! Interesting, is 5 days a week as well? My preschooler is only in 2 days a week 9a-2p.....I really think she is ready for 5 days a week.

    Hope everyone is having a good night. ((hugs))

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Dutchiris – I spent 20 years counseling at the university
    level. Feel free to PM me for ideas for your daughter.

    NickyJ – oh, pleeeeeease…. Send us some rain! California is
    the middle of the worst drought in decades!

    ~ ~ ~

    Oh, Lord, please spare me from dysfunctional family members! Can't say any more, or I'll get myself all worked up.

    Gonna watch me some mindless TV – Americal Idol. Yes, it’s only
    8:30 here in Cali. That should knock me unconscious, eh?

    Nighty-night, Owlettes!!!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Anyone gonna go see Vinnie any time soon? Happy


  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Tattoo is cool, but creepy.....who's vinny??

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Good to know about the newbies and PM's

    Hi Nicky, good to see you again

    mnDeb and Olive, any word?

    Sassy, thinking of you....

    Blessings, still have that ear worm? I thought about that song a couple times today.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Dutchiris/Sharon, you're telling my story. I get Insomniacs notifications on my cell, when I read your posts this afternoon, I was brought to tears. 

    Since 2007, either DH or I have been unemployed. Hasn't been easy. DD is very bright, started writing stories in kindergarten. One of my brothers is really smart, MIT graduated, she got his brains (and before you say it, yes, it skipped me). IB program since 7th grade (more strict than AP), replicated (simplified) a study about soy and it's effect on BC for freshman/sophomore years for science fair projects, went to state-level competition both years, write a book about BC as her sophomore personal project. It was just planned she would go to university, at the time she wanted to be BC researcher or oncologist. 

    She started working for the Y as life guard/swim instructor summer after junior year and continued thru senior year. She never told us she didn't apply to universities because of financial situation. Bottom line, starting her senior year she started holding me responsible and hating me for wrecking her dream. She moved out the day after graduation (moved I with friends she worked with), attended a city college (turns out Mark Cuban, Shark Tank/basketball owner says that's best for kids today: good education, low cost for classes that can transfer). Because of her resume and background, and choosing chemistry as a major, they couldn't wait for her to enroll. She even has a student job in their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) program. A couple months after she started, came my BC DX. Instead of compassion, I had to deal with her anger. After she turned 18, we no longer claimed her as dependent as she was paying for school and apt by herself (what she didn't take into account, we paid for health/car insurance, car registration, phone, gas, car maintenance and little things when we could). She had to move after freshman year ended (the condo was sold).

    This past year, because she wasn't a dependent, she qualified for financial assistance thru school, a huge blessing in disguise. She also moved back home with us (even though we don't see her much as she stays at BF's parents' home a lot (they're very close to her school and work). Every chance she gets she tries to hold me hostage emotionally because I "ruined" (her life). Don't know how many times I've said that she still. An have her dreams, she just may get to them on a different path than she planned. She's researched a lot of private schools and found a couple that offer grants and financial assistance. 

    I'm having faith this will all work out, for my DD as well as yours.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Maddy, You may have to tell her you've already had that discussion and you're not going to discuss it further. If you really wanted to "ruin" her life, you'd have done a better job than that. I finally got to that point with someone and they dropped it. She will see, when she has kids of her own, how the cookie really crumbles. It used to irritate me to death when I would complain about my daughter and my mother would say, with satisfaction, "I've been waiting for this."

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks, Wren, have had that same thought hundreds of time but it will be a while before she realizes it. We don't talk about it exactly, it's her attitude. 

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    I am having one of those no sleep nights. UFF :)

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    the school day is long here. It's 8-5 Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday, with a half day on Wednesday. Those hours apply from the age of 3!

    I really sympathize with all of you who have to deal with the astronomical college fees in the states. Of my 3 children, only the eldest has finished school - she finished last summer. She's now in university in Bordeaux studying law and political science, and it's not costing is more than €300 a year. Sometimes the world is badly divided. 

    Ndgrrl, sorry your having a sleepless night. It's morning here now, and I've slept 21/4 hours all night so I can sympathize!  It's not even going to be a quiet day- I have PT, then this afternoon I have to go to a meeting about my invalidity pension. Obligatory, or it could be cut off. Oh well, maybe I'll get to sleep through that!!


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Wren: If you really wanted to "ruin" her life, you'd have done a better job than that.

    Love it!!! My tolerance for people whining about how things aren't fair is quite low. I have several favorite sayings for people like that, but probably the cleanest one is "Suck it up, Buttercup."

    Maddy - "ear worm" EEEUUUWWW!!!  That just gave me the shivers! But no, I hadn't thought about that song until you mentioned it right now! Loopy Thanks!

    ~ ~ ~ 

    Well, American Idol was predictable, but not quite boring enough to put me to sleep.

    I did take a few moments to type up a letter to the batsh#t crazy dysfunctional thorn in my side, but I won't send it. Or maybe I will.... GRRR. Devil  

    At least I got those thoughts out of my head and onto paper so I can let go of it and get some sleep.

    Somehow I got the first edition of the new Dr. Oz magazine in the mail. Guess I'll go read it in case there's any life-changing info in there. Oh, I crack me up.


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, you crack me up too!

    "Ear worm" isn't my term

    "Suck it up buttercup" gotta remember that one....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi everyone--u'r probably sleeping now, except Nicky who's running around like a mad woman. Wow Nicky I never knew the hrs. of school that u'r kids would have. I'm sure if are kids were used to it it would be fin, but can't imagine starting them on that--they already think school is so much trouble except to see their friends. I love the sport u'r sons are in, it is so graceful and u'r DD sounds like she's doing very well--It's so good to hear.

    Oh 2nd when my oldest DD was about that age I totally ruined her life too, and I told her then my job was done. Years have passed and we as close as mom and DD can be. she can still aggrevate me tho but now she has a teenage stepdgtr, hahaha she's been her mom for 8 yrs so they good together, but attitudes are changing and she calls me up just to apologize for being the way she was. I raised my girls alone so there was no one else to blame LOL--I do have a hard time getting close to her, she a nice girl and Joey and her have loads of sleep overs but she has a distance about her that it's hard, but her mom died yrs ago so who can blame her--I wish I could get close tho, but she keeps a way a bit so I don't intrude, but haha my DD is paying the price.--So the usually come around and see u did the best u could with what u could and as everyone knows a Mothers prayer is I pray u have a child just like you-----and it worked out that way here--my other DD was easy-peasy and so sweet and Joey is just like her.

    I slept ok last nite with no meds so I know what that means hahaha another infection of sorts is coming on. Damn at least I sleep thru them. hahaha It's so very cold here and when we let the dog out all her parts are way under the snow, so he has to have a section and when he comes in his whole face is loaded so he comes in my room cuz I wipe him up and he gets warm. They're showing the traffic stuff on TV and it's horrible accidents and crap.  OK I'll BBl and nrdgirl I'm sorry u couldn't sleep. I hope u get rest today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    It is so very cold here, and actually I would like to go to bed, and stay there until SPRING!

    This is NOT condusive to good health, or even to a good mood.  Someone said something about "global warming" once... never.

    And another thing... those of us with THOSE kinds of little Daughter's just have to look at them once in awhile and think...  "WTH did YOU come from?" 

    They sometimes have this need to just let go on their Mom's!   They want to rule us, by any means possible.  So have you ever lived through the SLAMMING DOOR mood?   And the blame you get for NOT doing something when they were like 6???    It's our fault of course.... It's our fault for holding our temper, and thinking this too shall pass.  

    It's our fault for not chasing them down with a pack of dogs, and not spanking the living day-lights out of that smart mouth!   

    But yes, it does come around...   DD #1 is getting this same stuff from GS #1..... I can just sit there and smile, as she is telling me this, thinking....  Oh My, my, my dear heart!   This sounds soooooooo familiar!  Does it ring any bells?   Sound familiar?  And she laughs! 

    They DO grow up....  and it does get better.... when they move to another country... Ha!   Just kidding...  It's like they are either hot or cold!  They are actually 2 people all wrapped up into one!  And it is anybody's guess WHICH one they will be on a certain day, in a certain circumstance.   We just have to be wary, and ever prepared.

    And it is SHE who will be by my side, and clean my wounds, and cry with me when I'm hurting.   That's what makes us always forgive.

    Their siblings sometimes look at them and just shrug, and think they are raving lunatics...    And Dad's are oblivious.... to ANYthing going on!   

    But we can take it...  We are Mom's. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy ThumbsUp

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh little Cammi!  You found a thumb!  Good job, oh ever-observant dahling one! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy I don't see any raspberry signs, that what we need.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    There it is, damn u'r good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    2nd time around- sorry to hear about your daughters perspective on college and you ruining her life. Lets hope she never really meets anyone who has the potential to really do that to a person. Dealing with employment issues and BC too is very hard. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hopelessly lost on trying to catch up, on pain meds too, so, if I sound screwy --I am

    Nicky so glad to see you back, great about the kids, always loved to watch fencing. Thought it was a shame they never give it much time on the Olympics TV coverage here in USA. In re: to leg, I haven't read about it in years, but there is an electrical stimulation technique for promoting bone growth for non healing fractures. I'd do the research and may do it, but I'm up to my eyeballs in stuff.

    Dutch--hello, sorry about all the garbage with your ex. My DBF is in the reverse situation, his ex wife is the awful one. She had four affairs before they divorced. Then she used the law to get child support that wasn't due her. They split the kids. She had one child, he had two. The divorce decree said no child support. She then filled. Got support for two, even though she had only one. The law allowed for her to get 2 years back support. He was put behind the eight ball finacially and never recovered. It's so screwy he's still paying support on a 30 y/o and his Dd he was required to pay only until graduation or 18th B-day --that was MAY 2013. It's a juducial travesty............................. As far as school google " Clark Howard" radio guy --consumer warrior....... check his recommendations on college financing. He has several web sites he recommends. The one I remember is It locates scholarship money. It doesn't cost anything. When filling in the info, BY PASS ---SKIP--- the check boxes of all the advertising thingys. Once the app complete, the fastweb system will send to your email that matches have been found. You then login, look at the match and apply to the ones you want. Scholarships from 50$ to 50,000(Coca-cola).  Can start applying in 9th grade. Last I heard you can apply in college and for grad school money, but could be wrong on this part. When son was of the age and I kept looking at it, it only went up to HS seniors. Worth a look.

    LMG's LOL I won't be famous , I'll be "patient smith", name changed to protect her identity. But it's been an interesting process. Making myself crazy with the research. Legs swelling like crazy b/c of too much dependent time.

    Gootta run BBL---son has resaerch need

    Love to everyone missing you all..........Hope everyone is doing okay

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I'm getting fed up with living in the TUNDRA!!! Jimmy came home from work at 1:00 am and the van got stuck at the end of the driveway. So he helped me walk down the drive so I could steer while he pushed. That wasn't working, so I got out to stand there while he got the van unstuck. 

    I took a step and suddenly the icy snow broke thru. So now I'm standing in snow way above my ankles. Then I wasn't standing anymore! Just sitting there on the ground, covered in snow, can't get up without sliding more.....Butt frozen! Finally called the Fire Dept. They were awesome! Got me right up and helped me walk to the door.

    I'm not hurt, but pretty sure my butt is frost bitten!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Dd was pi$$ed at me about something. Crying screaming door slamming. Yells at me I HATE YOU. I calmly told her I wasn't real happy with her either. Shut her up! Then the look on her face when she realized it went both ways was a Kodac moment.