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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Back for a few minutes, First thing this morning after the pain med the computer was DEAD. Try to trouble shoot a dead computer when pain med kicking in. Unplugged , pushed buttons did a bunch of things and then it started , no clue why.

    Then had to take care of a question on the constipation thread. Also, not easy.

    We have quite a few Newbies----HELLOOOOOOOOO (waving)......usually am much politer(sic?)

    I like having the pain controlled, but do not like how it makes me feel. Though spacey may seem my normal, this spacey is not comfortable.

    Smarrty, hope all is well post-op and Nj the same

    Maddy, sorry about DD, she needs counseling. Wish I could share mine. 

    Solty, ohh your poor bottom, glad nothing broke. I hate falls. Still recovering from last two dog falls in Sept&oct. Rt shoulder the worst, still hoping it continues as it is and surgery won't be needed

    Wren did any of that info on NSAIDS help. I have thought that my bias may have affected what I wrote. But then the articles stood on there own. Did you attempt reading the government NIH study?

    MNDeb thinking of you, hope today goes well...............

    Okay off again MUAH!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I'm doing ok. The right is definitely worst than the left. Last pain pill was at 4:30 am, I'll take another in a little while.  

    So here I sit broken hearted, trying to chit but only farted!

    Remember that when we were kids? I'm not constipated yet, but very gassy! Will be taking something today to help things along. Yes, I'm drinking lots of fluids.

    Hope everybody is surviving their weather. We got rain all night and another storm is moving in. Yeah!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Just a shout-out to Nicky - thanks for sending us the rain!!! It's been POURING since about 3 a.m. ThumbsUp

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Hello Smaarty, 

    We know what "I am doing OK, means", sore, uncomfortable, wondering how long this bull chit is going to last...thinking of you...

    10 degrees out, and breezy with snow flurries, cold but pretty..

    Tomorrow is THE day ! Last radiation....

    2ndtimeMaddy, sorry DD has not matured as quickly as she should/could. My kids at 27 & 30 are different people than they were at 20... Sadly in the last 2 years, 2 friends have committed suicide, & one  friend was murdered...I cannot believe it, still, but it has made a impression. So so sad..These 3 moms have to deal with the worst. Small town, everyone knows everyone...

    Probably TMI, but your daughter will change, she will realize that her life is hers...and it's up to her to make it happen..

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Got some sad news...some friends of ours in a support group at church....the husband passed away early this morning. I had seen them a couple of weeks ago at group, he was battling bladder cancer. He was in good spirits and giving me a pep talk about chemo. I'm really shaken up by this and so is dh.

    Just venting or expressing...I thought ya'll might understand.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh honey, I'm sorry!  It just hurts us to the core sometimes....  Especially like you.... going through stuff yourself!  Yes, we understand....   Just hold DH tight, and know that this will get better.....  (((hugs))) 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang whew same bad stuff happening here. Dear friends Boyfriend in ER now may not make it . On my way up to be with her. Sorry about your friend and condolences to his wife.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Tang, Hugs to you and DH. I agree it shakes me up when it's too close to home. Condolences.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Oh Tang - so sorry. (((((Big Hugs))))) and for your DH too.

    Sassy - not sure who is in ER but ((((Big Hugs)))) for you as well.

    Just catching up. It was an interesting morning with snow. Our schools (even though DD long grad.) delayed then just closed. Think it will be bad icy in the am. DH called in personal day off today and Yay he's off tomorrow. I called and cancelled the eye doctor. Printed off our school closing as ammo if they try to charge me. Like I said of all docs used to dealing with old people (? me) that don't drive in bad weather it should be a glaucoma doc.

    And now we're under a power warning. We've been threatened with rolling blackouts and this is prime time power usage. Dang - I was going to wash a load of goatie sweats. I have one with pink eye so doctoring her eye gets our clothes nastier. Have to squirt antibiotic in 2x/day. Needless to say she's not a happy goatie.

    Town NW of us has no natural gas. May not have any until Sat. Something about getting something in the lines and having to flush it out. Brrr. Expecting 100 at the shelter - that's a lot for a small town. Our church is a designated shelter - it has a commercial kitchen and separate mens/womens showers. My town seems OK but my prayer group was cancelled tonight - imagine that.

    Posting and moving onward.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Tang I'm so sorry for the loss of u'r friend, and for u'r DH too--it's always sad to hear.

    Sas whoever is in ER I hope it all works out OK.

    Luv u've got u'r hands full with this weather ice storms are the worst, and all the blackouts and infection. Geeze I hope u don't loose power, wow this weather is immobilizing this whole country just about.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Has everyone run off to play in the snow?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh yes, how did u know luv--I made snow angels and a snowman--Yea right. It's so cold u can't even move the snow. LOL

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    We had rolling brownouts here in 89 on Christmas Eve. Yes, it was that cold and snowing here. People were trying to cook for the holiday, no power. The citrus growers lost most of the crop that year. Was a mess. 

    Hugs to all. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178




  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Just wanted to send big warm hugs to all of you today!!! xo

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Well, I've done my part, sitting in the almost dark bundled under DH's coat and a blanket. It's just that cold in here even with the thermostat where we usually leave it. Can't wait to go to bed and get under electric blanket. But 1st I have to watch Leno's last show though I rarely make it all the way through.

    And oh goodie we may get more snow (light - ha that was what today's was supposed to be) and maybe worse stuff next week. Then maybe a warmup. I just don't know how you Teka, Cami anyone else in the frozen north do it. For sure I need bigger clothes so I can stuff more layers on. We don't have snow pants, snow jackets and such things. I have a fuzzy coat and a great wool one that smells of cedar closet. It just never gets and stays this cold. Ask Tang - she knows. School cancelled for tomorrow. There has been little traffic out tonight even "go home" traffic. I live at the bottom of an "S" curve and small rise. Tomorrow may be very interesting??!!

    Dutchy - I'm sorry your ex is a major a@@. Apply using what Sassy said - I can't go back right now. Any fraternal organizations - Elks, Masons, etc. in your family? Our DD went to state university. Good education - business degree. Had her own loans to supplement what we could do. She got scholarship and grant money - DH lost his job the year she grad. HS and has not ever made that salary again. She buckled down and paid off her loans very early. As far as the creditors calling you can you use harassment defense with them? That would tick me off big time. Is it your home phone or cell? I have a call block on my cell - I keep getting calls from odd area codes in the Caribbean. Yahoo had a warning about them.

    2nd time - I've always heard girls are hard to raise. I was a good kid but boy could I slam doors and still can slam a cabinet with the best of them. Several times I knew my DM ruined my life by moving us after her divorce and death of my stepfather. DD knew we ruined her life by moving her out of Ft Worth and her friends 45 minutes away to the country when she was 12. Note she lives back in the city again and spends little time "in the country". I could imagine my DM's reaction to things like that - tough, live with it. Only a couple years b4 she passed did she even find out that as a teenager I was pissed that she moved us from FL back to small town TX. What teenager in their right mind want to move out of Florida?

    I'll miss someone if I try names. How is everyone that's had surgery? Olive - how was your appt?

    Soteria - so glad the only thing injured was your dignity. Darn that ice.

    Hey Deb warm hugs back. Saw yours when I was previewing.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Spookie- love that photo! What a riot!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    So true, those of us in sub zero temps, wind, shoveling those icy sidewalks that photo is looking pretty good....thx Spookiesmom...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Blessings - glad you got some rain - you can have plenty more if you want it - it hasn't stopped here yet! We now have high winds to go with the rain. Oh joy!!

    I can't imagine what it's like to have the really cold bad weather you ladies are having. I hope you're all keeping warm and that it comes to an end really soon!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thank you ALL for your kind words of support! Means more than you'll know. I'm hoping she wakes up one day and realizes all I've done for her (which is WAY more than DM did for me). Until then, I like the philosophy of one smart friend, "Suck it up buttercup!" Winking

    Blessings, thanks for sending the rain done this way, has been raining off and on for almost 12 hours now, hoping it continues.

    Tang, so sorry for your loss. 

    Spookie, why is your avatar upside down? 

    Nicky, those are some long school hours! Then kids have homework to do? When do they sleep or have time to be kids?

    Thinking I may need to visit my parents, so I may be absent a couple days. I can hear the stress in Dad's voice. He will do anything to keep my mom happy so he doesn't stand up to her. Not that it would always help, she's nutty with the Alzheimer's. Hearing lately that she has refused to take a shower or get her hair washed and problems keeping clothes on. Need to speak with the memory unit supervisor to see if they can help (bigger problem will be getting dad to go along with them). Note to self: take out swim suit or light summer clothes that can get wet. Plus, eye glasses have gone missing. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nicky u must get rain like we get snow--amazing how much u get. Of course our snow is a little much  this year. More is on the way.

    2nd That has to be hard to go see u/r parents and try to help under the circumstances. None of the is easy for u and it sounds like u have to be the one in charge-crummy for you. But I hope it goes well for u and some positive things come from it for u'r dad.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    She IS a brat!  See, I told you!  Her sittin' there where it is in a normal part of the world, and we are freezing our arses off!  It is only 0-5 out.... Wamed up from -8...

    It's just that it freezes even your NOSE when you don't it covered, and you go out to get the paper.... and my fingers stick to the gate lock!  

    BUT it is warming up today.... maybe 30 they said....  And while I'm complaining, we also have over 2 feet of snow piled up, in my gardens!  We have to throw it somewhere, so we have our own spring watering system, I guess.... Hope the  plants come back up, when this blitz gets over with.

    Maddy....  It's a wonder we let our little girls live past 12.  I so remember the ranting little "I HATE you's" and the stomping up the stairs, and slamming of the drawers. It was only because I would not let her slumber over at her little friends house, with the houseful of boys, and the weed!    I was such a bad Mom.

    I think her little Sister watching all this, just scared her, and she didn't get the Tempers!  She just smoked weed quietly.... grew a plant upstairs in their room...  and they both hid beer bottles under the seats in their car.  

    It's even more amazing that we all lived through this, and the girls wind up your best-friends!  And they would go to the ends of the earth for you, Mom....  And that you and them would do ANYthing for each other.   So it all ends up good.  Thank God!

    Maddie....  I remember when my Grandma was in Assisted Living after her heart-attack.... THEN she sunk into Dementia...  Sometimes she would put on 2 dresses, or forget to go eat....  and would hide all her little things...  and then refused to go eat... And I was the only one who could give her a shower...  I was the only one she "remembered".....  and trusted.  She would smack the other old women with her cane, which I was warned about.... and call me 8 times in a row, not remembering the last time...  So I had to have her phone taken out....  

    With her,  it went so fast......  Her money ran out, and I moved her to a nursing home...  She was just kind of out of it.... sometimes okay, but most of the time not.  I feel sorry for your Dad...  Remember that movie? With James Garner, and his wife with Dementia?   Just going through watching someone become a person you don't even recognize, just breaks your heart...   And the rest of the family just trys to avoid  even being around it...  She probably wouldn't know them anyway.  My Grandma forgot about her Daughter, and then my Dad.... I made her a scrap-book from all  of her photos, and a lot of mine, and she would LOOK at it, but it was hopeless...   Her only joy was me going to visit, and brushing her hair, and us sitting together eating hamburgers I had brought us, on TV trays......  Ah geez...... it's kind of sad to remember all of this.   I think the movie was the "Notebook"....

    Spookie, Your avatar is now sideways!  It has a mind of it's own.  Just leave it, it entertains us....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Thank God--I thought it was sideways and then I thought it was me and I never saw it right, then I thought Spookie is trying to spook us then I thought have I lost my mind, then I thought shes mad cuz I called her a brat, then I thought did she change her avatar, then I thought OMG what's happening, then I thought WTF, then I thought this is insanity then I stopped thinking at all. So much easier

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cam.  quit thinking.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I love that pic.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    You know you've had too much snow when you see this!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    2nd time - I had a social worker that taught me not unusual for dementia pt to be afraid of "water coming out of the wall" but for the life of me I can't remember the alternatives. Very common the not bathing - does she get chilled, afraid of being left alone (not that they are), fear of water - swimming etc, - just trying to brainstorm. Try changing the bath routine - diff. place, equipment, time of day. Warm towels, very warm room for her - aide may sweat. I had pt who was supposed to be afraid of washing hair. My aide came in, mama henned her, no problems - hair done. I think it was with her the 1:1 she got from my hospice aide.

    How my mother tolerated me I do not know. I hated to get up in the morning and this was at least pre-teen. "Alright, I'm up. Are you happy?" - she told my DH this and I cant' live it down. PTL my DD was a pretty easy child though DH and I went out of our way NOT to spoil her. I always heard from her teachers that they were surprised she was an only child. Not that she couldn't have her temper tantrums but as a teenager/college kid she was level headed. Does bother me that she is such a loner. Holes up in her apt on weekends - has only a couple of friends that she rarely sees. Still don't know if later this year/early next year she will move. Depends on promo. at work. She is seriously underpaid for her degree/knowledge level of logistics. It's a big co. but corporate office is pretty small. Has talked of moving to Seattle/Portland if can get a job there (knows not to move without job and relocation help). DB has connections and offered at Christmas to shop her resume around. I asked once if she'd sent him one - no - so I dropped subj.

    Kath - love the picture. Our snow might be just a little this afternoon. I need to grocery but think it will wait until tomorrow.

    Think thaw everyone.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Funny photos here today! Especially of the snowman with the noose! LOL! 

    Here is a pretty photo of northern NM in the snow. Taos Pueblo.
