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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Read about Gbowee--long time ago had to reconstruct the memories

    Gbowee Leymah changed the world. If you read her history, one day she said enough is enough. Her family had been killed, her village decimated. She started a grass roots organization that changed Liberia and her influence has been felt around the world.

    Women's Uprising--article about how many women in the Third World Country are changing there countries. In the body of the article about half way is a discussion of how the micro loans work to improve life for women and their children.

    Ontario offering loans to help low-income women start businesses---Todays news

    Enerva---------Hooting at you girl ----go get'em  :)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas said it ! I just love this thread ! I AGREE !  All of you have gotten me through the hardest time of my life and not to get mushy here but Thank-you !  I started Arimidex yesterday, so another milestone on this wild, stinkin' ride. 

    Tang, do you start chemo soon? 

    Blessings, family stress, dysfunction is exhausting. My 2 BIL are starting WW3, I am not involved or will be, but my kids have gotten sucked in. 

    Enerva, you have become the resident artist...impressive..

    Cami, our little one, sleep girl, you were up too early..

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I start chemo tomorrow, I'm working today trying to keep my mind off of it...but it's not working. I am anxious and irritable and all I want to do is get in bed and go "fetal". I do NOT want to do this and today I'm feeling angry about it.

    I"ll check in later ((hugs))

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    morning all, I didn't see any flying owls! Mine look very normal. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty, the owls were all over the place and duplicating and being very stubborn, but they are behaving right now.. How are your girls?

    Tang, sorry sweetie, wish I could make it better. Chocolate & Cavit Pino Grigot & Cheese & grapes & crackers, and most of all hugs and a warm blanket to hold you tight :)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    How are you feeling ? So far are you happy with the new " girls" ?


    as much as chemo sucks, I think getting started helps. Even when I was weak, or had bone pain, I  really looked forward to each treatment, I knew it had to be done and I wanted it done "now".  I, of course did not have a small child to care for, and I quit working ( took a leave, I am supposed to go back), my family was good about running around, getting whatever I craved. I was like a pregnant women, had to have chow mien, or Wendy's frosty. You have so much more going on, I hope it treats you gently...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    the girls seem fine. For some stupid reason I thought I wouldn't feel them, like the TEs. I know they're there. I think once the right side quits bothering me I won't care about them sitting on my chest. I assume you just get use to it. I was reading in the exchange thread that it could take Months for the sutures to stop, release, dissolve??  Does that mean it going to hurt until it doesn't? I'm glad both sides don't hurt, but wish it was my left instead of the right.

    Tang-I have a friend who is going through her second round of chemo. She started up a friends page on Facebook and everyone she knows signed up and offers encouragement and best wishes. She keeps us posted on how things are going.  Would you be interested in anything like that? She only posts once a week usually so she doesn't have any of the work to keep it up. Just a thought. Hope you get through this next phase pretty easy.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Smarty-not sure I know what you a seperate FB page for her chemo?

    Helo-I am glad to be getting this going, its been delayed for too long. However I'm just pissed that I'm having to deal with this at all. I just want my life back! I want to not have to worry and wonder.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    yes, that's it exactly. I think her DH set it up. They didn't have to add people, anyone they knew could sign on and see the updates and comments. Maybe something to think about. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Bluebird – meant to
    tell you I liked the Knitted Knockers… and the fact that they come in different
    cup sizes!!!

    Patty – did your
    migraines ever go away? I don’t have the head pain… just the associated crap
    that goes along with migraines.

    Alyson – pretty
    snow owl!

    Cami – my gosh, you
    sure had a “To Do” list!!! How much did you get done? Me, I’d look at the snow
    outside and snuggle back into bed. Happy Hump Day to you!!!

    Chevy – so what
    was the cause of your sudden hearing loss? Cute kitty pic…

    “I can’t sleep!” said
    no cat, ever.

    ~ ~ ~

    Still a bit woozy, hanging on to the walls for guidance.
    Letting my brain rest. I do have a pedicure appt this afternoon, so maybe I’ll
    have DH drive me. Or not. My toenails aren’t clicking on the tile, yet, so I’m
    good for another week.

    Have a great day in the Roost, Owlettes!!!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Those incredible owls that change size in the matter of a couple of hours. Oh my.

    Cami - Time change isn't until March 9th.

    The sun, I'm blinded by the sun. What is that thing up there?

    Chevy sounds like you're getting our warm up too.

    Yes a couple of states don't do daylight savings time - Wikipedia says Arizona except the Navajo Nation does, Hawaii, and various territories. I think Indiana did not used to because it always messed up my time calc. for the Indy 500 but it does now.

    GolfGirl - sorry about chitty BILs. I agree be the nobler one and don't get involved. There are days I'm thankful I have very little family. Can you feign selective hearing?

    Tang - hugs coming your way. At least our weather is cooperating. What time do you go tomorrow so we can send out special vibes your way? So give us the countdown on how many and when you will be done.


    Sassy, I'll get to the constipation thread. I think I've got to get some - I hate to even type it - housework done. Want DH to move some furniture this weekend and dread what will be under them. TTYL. Oh - what video of Chevy's did I miss????

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Holeinone - WW3.... yup! That sounds familiar.... 

    I just feel stupid for getting sucked in to it in the first place....Sad

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    That sort of explains my mood but this is how I feel!


    It was a hard day yesterday and sometimes I hat the fact that I have been landed with the family problem of my sister and her rotten family. My brothers have opted out and I am pissed off. Will explain later.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OMG!  No WONDER I have a hard time keeping up!  YOU kids are here ALL the time!  And I just try and be in your same boat!

    Okay, Sass woke up swinging!  Ha, ha!  I get to be her little turtlehead...  for lack of a better word...!  Actually I love her....  You have to love someone with more brains than you....   So yes....  And read your post once more.... the part about what you said to Enerva, about how she should pursue her "crotche!"  So do you mean crotch?  How is she ever going to pursue her crotch?  It is WITH her.... always.  Just like ours.... but if she is going to pursue it, I guess that's good too! 

    She would be better off to pursue ANYthing else, but her crotch, I'm thinkin'.......

    The rest of your post was brilliant though....  so I won't intervene anymore...image

    Oh but yes.... about occular migraines.... Mine were never with a headache!   My first one happened about 20 years ago Sass.... way before  BC....  (Not Before Christ)....  I was really worried at the time, but now, when I get one, like about every 3 months, I just know what it is, and take it easy, and wait for it to go away....  Don't know if there is any link to BC....  Maybe has something to do with falling on my head  when I was about 15????   That was only amnesia, and a concussion...

    Teka.... good cartoon...Ha!  

    Sass, are your birds scared of you now?    They must see you coming, and scatter!  They look fine to me now though! 

    Yes, the chickens DID intimidate me.... I mean with their beaks, and claws! And just the way they LOOKED at me!   But I stand up to them now....  Little chits!

    Morning GG!  Oh wait, it is not morning....  who cares....   You guys, don't let family crap draw you in.... we always want to fix something, but it usually doesn't work...  Sorry GG...

    It's okay Tang....  I don't blame you....  We'll all go with you if you want...   (((hugs)))

    Smarty.... Glad the girls are behaving...  "sitting on my chest!"  Good one!  You will own up to them soon... 

    Blessings.... I was taking Tamoxifen for 14 months....  All of a sudden, one morning, I woke up and could not hear in my left ear!   Then I lost hearing in my right ear a week later!   Finally I went to the Doctor.... (My husband kept saying, it HAS to be something you are taking!....) Doctor said, okay, it's probably allergies....  Claritin, Nasal rinses, blah blah....for a month!  Nope, nothing helped.... Sent me to an ENT.... hearing tests.... "Permanent nerve damage caused profound hearing loss in my left, but only 50% loss in my right.".... 

    I stopped the Tamoxifen!  My Oncologist knew it was an "ototoxic" drug, which WILL cause hearing loss in SOME women with this certain gene....   But I was too afraid to try Femara.

    With further research, and tests, and talking to other gals on here who have lost their hearing,  we found that there IS a warning label on Tamoxifen about "strokes".....  A stroke near the 8th cranial nerve in the brain stem, will cause sudden hearing loss, in SOME women.  

    But it's okay.... could have been a lot worse....  I have great hearing aids....  Had them for just over 2 years now...

    Sorry Aly....  hang in there kid....  Don't take it all on yourself.....  It's okay to get pissed....   Just don't let it get to you.....  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Aly I hope it gets better fast.

    Wow I was so far behind, u do know I have to sleep and work and somehow I seem to do it at the same time---It's really weird too. I know I'll loose this job. One customer was asking me so many technical questions, I kept on saying I don't know he got upset and said don't u know anything? GRRR Yes I said I know how to answer the phone and hang it up. Now this isn't good customer service, so I don 't recommend it.

    Oh now I can't remember everything.

    Blessings I hope u'r better

    Tang I know u must be all mixed with feelings now, but when u first start they walk u thru it and before u know it u'r hooked up and actually relaxing--Getting the chemo isn't so bad and usually if u'r in a room with others everyone is talking so the time goes by quicker than u realize and they give u juice and whatever u want, after a short while u get everything u'rself, but at first everyone will welcome u, I know some people like it private so it might be that way, personally I liked being with a lot of people, cuz I talk a lot and so did they. I hope u'r experience with this is as pleasant as mine was, just keep us up on u'r everyday feeling and we can help u there too.

    Chevy my Chevy u'r so funny, I love it. I'm sorry I' not getting into the whole owl thing but wins bother me, even chicken wings--alive that is. I can't help it--I like smooshy kittens and playful pu ps so I tend not to talk about them, but I respect them all so I just thought I'd let u know I think Chevy knows this.

    BTW I did finish all my work around here this morning as soon as I was done I downed my pain meds--hell I try anyway.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OMG Chevy today this "you're so funny and dear my little turtlehead" was meant totally as an endearment. And you interpret as I woke up swinging---good lord I must work on my communication skills.         Crotche did look like crotch without an e, but........... Thought I could get away with --(sic)----apparently not.

    Enerva----however you do that thing with needles---do it and sell it.

    Aly, Must be awful, your so even tempered and forgiving


    My tale of woe---thousands of dollars for a lawyer who 's not doing his questionable, I think the only answer could be substance abuse or gambling....called Clerk of Courts and am actually getting help. I think she was shocked at what I was telling her........

    In Nov, I signed a contract with a highly recommended contractor to finish the bathroom . I've never heard from him since. The tile lady has talked to him, and the tile has been there for weeks------same bathroom that's been out of commission since Jan 7th 2013............

    late Nov talked with a sales guy about a Jenn-aire down draft stove 17-18 hundred dollars. I thought no problem I'll go buy one after Xmas---called yesterday, it was sold last Saturday. He didn't tell me in Nov it was the only one. It's now going to be 800  more. Stuck with the brand b/c I would have to revamp existing architecture. The existing one is 25 y/o....... decided in Sept to refinish a chair that DH and I bought in 1975--quality lent itself to be considered for really doing right. A metal bentwood upholstered rocker. Decided to do electroplating Price astronomical....... Electroplater in Tampa now not returning phone calls, was supposed to be done in Nov then dec, then Jan. Afraid the upholster will die of old age--he's in his 80's I think.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy - the crutch thing so funny. I love reading your posts ( and everyone else 2 of course ). Sorry to year about the tomofin prob yuck 

    Blessings.  Yes finally figured out it was a thyroid problem. Synthroid was my fix. I still get them rarely.  

    Cami / u r my hero or heroin whatever the right word is. Stage 4 since 07 and u get so much done. I think it is a success if I get a shower, and get out of my Jammie's.  seriously u give me hope. Thanks 

    Sas / lawyers grr. Go get em girl 

    Alyson - love your pic not a matter of when but who. I felt that way at dr appt today grr

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh no Sass!  I was being "funny"..... I thought!  I am so glad you actually get what I write!  You WEREN'T "swinging"..... or I mean not in THAT sense....   Maybe you swing, but ..... oh wait...  No I don't mean that either, ha!   I mean you come out of the gate, wide awake and bushy-tailed!    You keep us on our toes....!  In other words!

    I HAVE to tease you..... because I don't understand any Doctor talk....Ha!   So me and Cammi try and bluff our way through all this...   Yes, I WANT to be your little turtle-head.... Remember when I told you guys that when I was in camp-fire girls, I was the smallest one, and I was the only one that could fit under that BOX, that was painted green, so I could be Tort the Turtle?   This was for our "water pageant".....   Did you remember that, or just pull that name out of your hat? 

    Sass, you want me to come out there and straighten those guys out?  We'll ALL come out, with our hands on our hips, and smoking cigarettes, to scare them, with rollers in our hairs, and scare the crap out of the LOT of them!  Damn people anyway!    What do they think you ARE?  Rich or something?   A bunch of inept ingrates I think!

    Cammi!  Just tell that guy to go piss up a rope.... or something appropriate like that!   He was very rude!  After we fix Sass's problem, we'll come fix YOUR mean people!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Can't MESS with us!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Thanks gals :(

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - nottin to apologize for. Just funny Owlettes.

    Did anyone watch the dog show last night? I have a rat terrier now but she looks nothing like the rattie on last night she looks more like a smooth fox terrier. Which - that smooth FT with the black head - Ooo la la. And the wire haired that won. We had a wire haired in early marriage. Give me my rattie any day over a wire haired. She (Skye) is retiring to be a "family pet" and do you think to make babies like her maybe.

    I hate renovations. No more here anytime soon - no dinero. But I will say I had good luck when I went thru Lowes. Their kitchen guys were the best both the one in the store and the head installer. Not made any housecleaning progress. Have laundry oo.

    Sassy/Spookie - batten down the hatches. Just looked at national radar. Hope everyone else has power still.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Tired of work and conference calls, I need a nap!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH Chevy, I do remember Tort the Turtle now, But turtlehead just popped out, Seems to me Holeinone was a campfire girl too---or something in Los Angeles or California. I was a Girl Scout , bu the leaders didn't like me too well. I finagled away to get out of latrine duty. I traded with a gal that didn't like cleaning the black soot off the camp lamps. They made me clean the latrines myself. I remember gaging till I thought my guts would turn inside out. Seems to me I must have thrown up----they weren't happy with me

    All these poopheads that are not following what they contracted for phooey. The guy re: the stove , not his fault. I didn't ask the right question. 

    Plus just two days ago advised DS to bid low on a foreclosed property. Someone came in higher. Told him to do a back up contract with careful wording of an escape contingency. 2nd guessing that now b/c it'd be with Bank of America.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, too funny. :)

    LMG------------hmmmmm thanks no clue. on weather.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Jazzy - bet that computer is warm.

    Spookie - just heard of people stuck on rides at Busch Gardens in the lightening. Oh my.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, chit girl, you are aging well...I remember now, I called you something like a turtle head, or something close. Talk about chemo brain, that wasn't that long ago. It was my Woodcraft Ranger Story..

    Ah it was a good discussion, cause it was a walk down memory lane..& Lil Cami got fired from being the Brownie Leader for  some totally bogus reason

    LMG....missed the dog show, we had Olympics on, should of been flipping over during commercials, I forgot 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I was a BlueBird thru 5th grade. Don't know why I (more likely was DM) gave it up. She helped organize CampFire Girls in Hawaii in 1961. I went to BlueBird camp in Hanauma Bay outside Honolulu. Some of the beach scenes in Blue Hawaii were filmed there. Still have the pin in my jewelry box and beads.

    I was doing the same GolfGirl. I watched the breeds I was interested in and the winners but missed big parts. Kinda like I'm doing with the Olympics. Just something on in the background. I don't think there's much programming on right now. Hockey is suspended till it's over. I said on another thread that I spent Sunday afternoon drooling over Buying Hawaii. Fat chance - but I hear one of the lottos is way up again. Hmmmmm??

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    I just thought they were cute!  signed, Tort!  I LOVE that name!   Yes, when we were Camp-Fire girls, we got to swim in Berkeley Park Lake.... Then they closed it, because of the Polio scare!  That lake was so dirty, you could NOT open your eyes under-water, because it was just like mud!   It's a wonder we survived...Ha!