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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Oh i love you guys, and trust me we are very fortunate here, Yes my country is a beautiful place but as usual in the wrong hands any country goes ugly. I worked very hard here and i went hone every year full things like Santa and yes it is a very hard thing to do to go away from your family but i always thought it could get better one day, it never did one bad president after another. I became citizen in 1998. I feel sad to see my home this way now and wish i could pull my family out but its not so simple. Anyway yes i ll keep you all posted. Thank you again for always listening when i vent, or when i am down. You guys are the best. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    mnDeb, ThumbsUp   Thank you!   Smile

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ugh - bad night... REALLY bad night. Had a few flurries of dizziness the past few weeks but they were transient and went away.

    But last night they hit with a vengeance - couldn't even stand up straight.

    Took Valium (a pretty reliable vestibular suppressant) and meclizine (anti-motion sickness drug) and at least I didn't get sick.

    Today it's better but still having trouble walking, so am staying put in bed.

    I hate this - it's such a helpless feeling. It would be a lot scarier if I hadn't been plagued with it ten years ago. I know I have at least four separate vestibular issues, but DANG! It was so nice to be in remission from them for so long! Wish I knew what the trigger was....

    Hope everyone in the nest has a good day!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yay - Owlettes in their proper sizes.

    Enerva - Hugs for you and your sister. Hoping she and your brother in law get some answers soon.

    I must have been tired. It snowed some overnight and I slept in in the warm bed. Makes for a short day but hopefully DH and I will get something accomplished in the house this afternoon.

    DOG LOVERS - Don't forget the dog show finals on USA tonight.

    MMM - 2nd time - Mexican hot chocolate. Do you use anything special. I think somewhere I have some Ibarra's buried - like I said I collect hot chocolate. I'm with you on cleaning the kitchen. Whatever I make has to make at least 2 meals pref. 2 meals and 2 smaller lunches. But with just us 2 that's easier.

    MNDeb - Don't feel bad. I'd never heard of chocolate coke either till I came here. Lime Dr. Pepper sure - love it. Cherry coke not so much. Didn't know you could get choc coke at Sonic. Will have to try there. We have one in town woohoo.

    Happy birthday Smaarty. How's the unveiling coming?

    Blessings - ?stress related. Hope your swimmy feeling is improving.

    We managed to get place for chest cleaned out and it's in place sort of. I need a flat back extension cord - guess I coulda checked our local building supply but didn't. Our little town is getting an Ace hardware. The building supply is a regular lumber yard too as well as a small showroom for builders. Hope they can co-exist.

    The big thaw is under way. We may see a bit of sun and glorious one weather outlet is predicting 80 for Sunday. That prob. means spring thunderstorms are next. We never got the bigger snow/freezing rain. Don't know whether Tang got much.

    Can you tell I've been composing for a while?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Thanks Luv, and that is my brother lol my sister is divorced actually divorced since her baby girl was born she is a Lawyer and well lets say things didnt work and she got divorced never dated any more has a beautiful girl whos Father took of and never even care to call and ask aboit her my niece  is now 13 and also named after me lol I have a big family which is good, tomw my other sister and another brother will take her to the capital city Caracas, our house is not too far from ccs only 2 hours. I have 3 brothers and 6 sisters and yes our parents did not have any television lol I thank them cuz now that they are gone we are still very close and look after each other. Thank you for all the support 

    Ya chocolate coke never had one and here is where i found out about it too lol 

    Blessing hope you feel better soon, i will see a doctor in March to talk and see if i need any medication, since it seams i am getting depressed. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay Enerva.....  Don't go gettin' depressed!  Sassy will come up with all kinds of things you should do.... But me?  I say just go fix yourself a chocolate coke!  You know, chocolate is good for you!     And think about reading something....  Some good in-expensive book....  Or crochet!  If I crochet, I'm not thinking about sad things....   I've been just lost today thinking about Lacee....  Sometimes I'm alright, but today I'm just lonely without her....  

    If YOU feel better, then I will too!  Deal?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    yippee!! Drains are out, took a shower and need a nap now.  Here's us. Aren't we cute little fuzz balls?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Lol Chevy you are right i ll crochet i got really good at crochet wile on chemo. I ll pick it up again. See i am better already ;) i ll be ok i am very strong or at least i try to be. its just last time i saw my onco i started to cry and she send me to see a dc. cuz she says maybe i am getting depressed. Ok Crochet it is 

    I love those babies.. .....

    i need to steal that picture, can i?


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty....hoot, hoot. 

    Happy Day, you must feel better, hope you have a relaxing evening, and don't have to cook or clean.SillyHeart

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Enerva!  Go to Walmart.... get some of that "scarf" yarn/thread.... It's about $4.50, and enough to make one darling scarf!  There is a video online, on how to DO it!   I am addicted to making those scarves! 


    Congratulations Smarty!  Yay!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh I'm so far behind but this thread goes zippy.

    Enerva I feel so bad , I never ever knew that the situation in Ven. was like that. I thought u could come and go to America easily--I am so sorry, I'm sure u feel terrible but I do pray u'r sister gets good care and is well taken care of. (((HUGS)))

    Blessings do u'r Drs. know about all this dizziness, that is extreme. I know we all get dizzy sometimes but not to that extent--did u have some tests?

    Oh and the owls, my stars they look good OK Sas?

    Smaarty can take a shower---yeay it's about time--how do u look,, or are u still covered?

    Chevy u can take a shower right? Ohhh u just do whenever. OK, well I have a system--every other day, cuz I don't go anywhere expecially now with this horrid weather--so that should be enough or I can just roll around in 3 feet of snow--like I could ever get up then. OK I'll be back soon--my phone is on hold hahaha makes them think I'm really busy. 17 seconds is the rule.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    LMG, about the hot chocolate, it wasn't the tablet kind of Mexican hot chocolate, just one with cinnamon, which was the big draw. Tablets of chocolate seem to complicated, it was just something interesting.

    Smaarty, cute little owlettes!

    Chevy, interesting looking scarf! I do the old-fashioned knitted or crocheted ones. Will try to check that out.

    Had my dexa scan earlier. Seems like it's always something. Now, just the big hurdle of colonoscopy (been putting that one off)

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Hello my little owl beak-ers.  I noticed that I'm 11 pages behind so I just started reading on page 291. 

     CUTE baby owls! Beautiful scarf Chevy.  You rock.

    We got up to 31 degrees today!  Yippee!  At least the sidewalks were no longer icy slip-n-slides.

    Good to see you all. Sorry I can't stay.  I have some research to do, dagnabbit.  I put it off as long as I can.  No more excuses, or  naps, or alcohol. (sigh)


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Chevy here are a few things i crochet 

    imagefor my nieces baby, i crochet a lot last year has many pictures lol 

    Cammi thanks 

    its ok i know my sister is well taken care off by my other relatives and i will help by guiding her. 

    Chevy i have so much yarn i love knitting too   

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I'm exposed! Not sure how I feel aBout them. They're the same size as I was with the expanders. He said they won't drop. I think once my side is back to normal then I'll see what I think. The Teri (sp) strips are still on and a little misshapen from the bra. I'll just wait and see. Can't do anything about anyway. 

    Cute baby outfit. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wow talent again--how pretty

    All u gals have so many interesting hobbies it's got to be so relxing for all of you.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Enerva, There's a thread 'Stitching the pieces together' that has a lot of women who crochet, sew, knit, and quilt. They'd love to see your work. That is so cute.

    Smaarty, The steri strips stayed on me for a long time. You don't need to worry about washing them off. You'd really have to scrub and that would hurt.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Good one Teka!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka LOL, tat even sounds like u would say that.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Lol i never saw any tread with ladies and their crochet or sewing, well i will look for it i made so many things, i learned the basics from mom and then bout a few magazines and been on Chemo was eating me alive so kept on crocheting lol i can make a hat in about 40 minutes. lol 



     I sent so many things to my niece baby and she had nothing, when my sister went home i send a suitcase full of things i made for the baby, here she is now 11 months old. she is going to be a year next month on March 12, my BMX was on March 25.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    How sweet for the baby. You do nice work!! Have you ever thought about selling on etsey? Or making doggy clothes? hint hint

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol i dis a few for my babies i had two dogs, I always wanted to sell baby crochet but never did, i have so many things i crochet and i bag it and storage for if i know someone having a baby to give as a gift. I would know how much to sell this things for lol Anyway are any of you having a baby? lol Crap that reminds me i ll never be a mom. Ok lets not go there lol Chemo have taken away so much from me. But also i have been thinking if sending gift to ladies here. lol I already sent two hats to a lady and she loved them. :) 




    Chevy crochet kept me sane wile having Chemo, i do enjoy it. Maybe one day i will have a way to make $ with it i am not sure i have to look in to it, its just a hobby :) 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva-------here's the link to stitches

    Absolutely gorgeous work :)

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    This group of friends has been very busy.  I read so much but cannot remember the names of all of you yet.  I do know Enerva needs luv from everybody tonight, and a birthday celebration commensed with great fun.  Happy birthday to a new friend here.  And God bless the woman who could make a comment for each and every individual person!  I brought a chicken puppet to treatment today.  She has no name because she keeps running across the road before I can name her.  Good sleep to all.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Enerva, you do amazing work! They're all so pretty!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Thanks I have lots more lol i will go over to the other tread now 

    lol let me know if you want me to post more stuff here, i also bake cakes and that is really good lol

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Enerva, you are so talented! Beautiful!

    You may want to volunteer to crochet for knitted knockers. I got a beautiful pair of knockers from them! They are light, and soft and warm, unlike the heavy cold silicone prosthetic I have.  I love them! They are free for anyone who had a mastectomy. Knitted Knockers

    My beloved knockers!


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, those pieces are very special, you have patience to do that kinda of work. 

    2ndtimeMaddy, colonoscopy sounds a little disgusting but are really easy 

    Blessings, hope you stop getting the whirlys

    Teka, depressed alien? 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Blue that is a great idea, I will look for patters and will look in to it 


    Smarty here is one of my cakes for you lol


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Cami - yeah, the dizziness was extreme. It's crazy scary to not be able to walk without crashing into furniture. But I've been here before, even worse.

    Warning - big long honkin' post!

    About 14 years ago, I had my first spell. It took nearly ten years of exhausting diagnostic tests, and a few misdiagnoses along the way, but I finally narrowed it down to four different vestibular disorders.

    The first ENT said I had "Atypical Meniere's" disease. What rot. That's a garbage diagnosis that means "I have no idea what's wrong with you, so I'll call it Meniere's." (Atypical meant that I did not meet all the criteria for Meniere's.)

    So I pursued with my own research, and with the help of some awesome friends on a Meniere's website, came up with the four disorders I have: 1) Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo /BPPV; 2) Debarkment Syndrome;  3) Visual Oculomotor Processing dysfunction; and 4) Migraine-Associated Vertigo (MAV).

    Then finally, Kaiser got an awesome ENT who had specialized in Meniere's disease and other related disorders. I met with him, and presented my findings. He ordered more diagnostic tests, and validated my research.

    Bottom line: BPPV means the crystals in my inner ear suddenly dislodge and jam themselves into the canals in the labrynth. Certain maneuvers can dislodge them.

    Debarkment syndrome means that once my body is in motion (car, boat, etc.) my brain can't tell when I stop being in motion. That's why I can't go on a cruise.

    Visual oculomotor processing dysfunction means that my brain does not process what my eyes see if I move my head too fast.

    And finally, what I believe brought on last night's episode: Migraine-associated vertigo (MAV). 

    Additionally, some neurologic testing revealed some left-sided vestibular damage, so that when I fall, I always fall to the left. 

    MAV does not always mean vertigo - it can mean an extreme dizziness, imbalance, disequilibrium, and the feeling of walking on mushy sofa cushions. I have no idea of which way the floor is tilting.

    But it could be worse! I have friends who are totally incapacitated by Meniere's disease... and have lost jobs and are housebound by the horrific, unpredictable nature of the disease.

    And - I still have my hearing, although it fluctuates. 

    So for the last few years, I've been in remission from the worst symptoms. It's just that recent events, lack of sleep, and the stress from a dysfunctional family member have all piled up into one giant attack.

    A few days of drugs, relaxation, and letting my brain rest and I should be much better!

    Thanks, everyone, for your concern...
