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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70

    Hey Sas and Karen. I am nightowl some nights and yet other nights I'm in bed at 8:30. Gotta love menopause! So where are you gals from. I see Florida and NY but what cities? I have been to NYC, Tampa and Orlando. Love them all! I am going back to NYC in May. Going to Wicked and Jersey Boys and can't wait.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    pickle--this is SAS im in west central florida

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    snow birds , we love you all , keeps the economy flowing

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70

    We have been there and my inlaws were just there last month. They loved it...did the tour of the space center etc

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Pickle glad you were here to answer some ?'s and give support. The problem here is everyone is up at different hours. AND I almost feel like I should monitor the site , but wwant to keep up on my other threads and some new ones.

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70

    Yes we are snow birds. My grandparents used to have a place in Tampa for the winter. I went ther a few times. Loved the greyhound races and Clearwaer. Beautiful place

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Things are tough/tuff with the shuttle and the recession the area is not doing well.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

     Tampa is a  great place--I compare it to NY, Chicago, San FRAN , and Boston

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Pickle we were dx'd almost on the same day

  • Hi Ladies,  I just got up about 30 mins ago and the dog and I just came back from a walk....sent the other two downstairs and just keep the little one with me.  I went to sleep about 9 so that is why I am awake now

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Marybe hey. Tonites schitck is you have to come up with a funny non bc story

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    I have run out of stories for the moment.  I'm quessing you're writing

  • Well, this isn't really funny, but it is sort of like the story of my life....last night this woman calls and wants to know if this is the spot?...I asked you mean the PetSpot and she said I want to call the humane society and I said this is not the PetSpot....See people call this number by mistake all the time wanting PetSpot which is a grooming/training place.....the number here is 7708 and their number is SPOT and people dial a zero instead of an O and get us.  Anyway, the woman tells me she needs to call the human society and wants to know if I can help her and I explain she is calling a residence and finally she gets that and says she can't find her glasses, can I find the number for her because someone was supposed to be watching her cat and she left them food and everything, but they locked the cat in a cold bathroom for three days while she was gone and she wanted to report it.  I asked was this a friend? and she said no, her landlady and I go Geee that is terrible, I will look up the number for you.....which I did and she said she was then going to call them and thanked me.  I went downstairs and was telling Tim and he said she will probably be calling back wanting me to watch her cat.    We get those calls at least once a day and I called PetSpot and told them they need to change their #. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    I back with the bloody chickens --------well chickens- how the Hen house go today? we had some talk of bringing in the roosters ---what ever happened to that? Ask makraz? is she in charge of that? whats fuzzylemon got to say about that?..... I would just like to see some struttin something shaking a tail feather!.. gonna check and see if anyones here

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Mary  they will probably tell you to change your number. , but it was nice you helped her

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    mary  hold the  fort I have to walk the human

  • Sorry, I used to type pretty fast....think I lost you.  Where is everyone tonight?  I had my bone scan today and then went to work so it was a 7 to 7 work day....actually didn't get out of work til 7:30.  I was feeling like eating bad so went to a drive thru and had sea salt fries and a cheeseburger.  Groan...there is no hope for me.  I want carbs all the times it seems. 

  • Schatzi....that is sweetheart in German, right?

  • Where do yu live in Florida?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    ahhhh i'm back...... come.on there has to be more stories,

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    I usually listened to soundscapes at night ....have a blues station on it is soooooooo good. typing in unison to the music.

  • The cat makes it very difficult to type.....gets in my face all the time.  I have no funny stories....actually I find I am having a hard time thinking these days.....told my onco I want a test for Alzheimers so instead I am getting a MRI of my brain on Monday...can't say I like that idea and what it suggests at all

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    . yes schatzi either darling or sweetheart in german

  • you didn't answer about your the schatzi German for sweetheart?

  • Ooops, sorry...overlapped there

  • Space by Titusville?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Hells bells----do not at for a neurologist to see you , I did and they asked for a neuropsych test I flunked----i killer chemo and 4 surgeries--anesthesia---test done 4 weeks after last anesthesia---lost my livelihood

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Wish I had time but I am off out to a concert. DH is out at a meeting so a neighbour is coming along. He is a dear, dear friend and with his partner are probably some of our best friends. Yes his partner is male.

    Marybe has good stories.

    Only story is that a while ago a chewed the ear of the practice nurse at our GPs . She rang and asked for DH. I say 'Can I take a message' -' no I have to speak to him. Can he ring this number.' Oh I say that's the doctors', 'I can't tell you that' she says. 'Of course you can, have you got his INR?' I can't tell you its confidential." I say 'how come every other time I get given it' 'I can't give you any details' she says I have to speak to him" So I tell her that he will be furious that I wasn't given the result. I was right he went mad at her for wasting his time when I could have got the results, really what am I going to do with an INR ( he's on blood thinners) result.

    Are they so hung up with confidentiality in the States. It has gone crazy here and our law doesn't actually say anything about it at all.

    Not a funny story. Had better get going, will check in later to see how many chicks are up.

  • One of our dogs is a stray....named her Hope because I found her in Oct. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    yes ,but i will delete that stuff when weare done chatting , small area know to many people