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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, I just can't resist this.....So you say, "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush..... But a hand in the bush is better!"  Now I used to think that was soooooooo funny!  

    Badger, it would be soooooo nice to be able to TRY the new position, without commiting yourself... But you know, with even less money, liking what you do and your boss, really means a lot!   You just have to ask yourself "what if I do this, or that".... What is more important.... etc! 

    Hi Maddy!  It's nice out right now..... not even light out, but I'm just happy I'm home, and everything going good! 

    I have to post this, then "turn the page..."  Ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You guys, what happened to Cammi?  I'll bet she is waiting for me to track her down? 

    So anyway, I'm walking so much better, with my walker.....  taking it easy, and trying to just not push it!   And you know, it is so much better, that I did this at my age, instead of when I was younger, like raising the girls, or even when I was working!  

    Does age really have anything to do with falling?  I mean tripping?  At least I didn't hit my head this time!  At least I didn't get run over, laying there in the alley, and at least  the dumpster trucks didn't haul me away....Ha!   So it COULD have been worse....  could have been better too, but it is what it is!  Winking

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Morning ladies-

    I woke up with stomach cramps and just not feeling that great. I'm supposed to work today, thankfully I work from home. Little DD is eating her oatmeal, washed and dressed for preschool and I'm already wiped out.

    I need to vent ya'll, so just excuse me for a sec...

    I'm really, really hurt right now by my oldest DD, she is 21 and is not doing much of anything to help. This has been going on for awhile, since before my dx. She is using drugs, I know she is at least smoking pot. Not working or going to school, just spending lots of time with her boyfriend and coming home every few days. I've told her repeatedly I need her and when she is here is she is in a foul mood and has little patience with her little sister.

    Yesterday she came home and helped a little, but later in the evening her boyfriend showed up and she said they were going to a friends house and she'd be back. Well, she didn't come home last night, no call...or text. I'm angry with her and hurt...its like she doesn't even care.

    Soooo....I'm ready to tell her off. I've had it...but I'm also not in a good place to have a family rift going on right now. DH is her step dad, and I know he's had it, but in the hope to keep the peace he doesn't say much.

    I just feel like a bad mom, I see and hear about kids stepping up and I wonder where did I go wrong. I know I made mistakes with her, but I just can't believe how she is acting.

    Thanks for listening ladies. Sorry to be a downer this morning.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger, A boss that is a bitch or bastard, IS NEVER WORTH ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY OR CHALLENGE. I lived that for so many years. Two different jobs. I loved each job. But each day there was an undercurrent of how the bitch or bastard would mess with my life. The common problem with bistard(combo bitch and bastard) is they actively seek to make their employees unhappy. To me that equates to EVIL. Do you want an evil person in your life.

    Badger, you are one of the many many kind lovely people on BCO. You wouldn't be with evil people here. How could you consider being with an evil person on a daily basis.

    We each by our human nature seek to accomplish. We by nature, package that accomplishment as to how it challenges our abilities. We take things to a higher level, just to see if we can do it. Be damned what it costs. Climb that friggen mountain. That's how humankind advanced throughout history.

    Retrospectively, What I would have done is look at the world of work differently. I would have left those jobs with the bistards and find a challenging job with an Angelboss. I've had several of those. What a joy to go to work everyday. In those times it wasn't as if it was work. It was great fun and I learned and learned. A key for me in a job was a continuous stream of learning, with the ability to apply the learning.

    I didn't have a mentor that told me the things I'm saying now. I'm not suggesting I'm your mentor. I'm my DS's mentor. We talk frequently about all things, that will improve his life. It's not a do this, do that. It's a Socratic approach. I raise the questions of the pro's and con's. He then concludes what he wants.

    If you love your job and boss, what if you looked at your work and reinvented it?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang, Sorry about the daughter. Have you gotten into counseling yet? I believe allot in counselors. If you click together , they are an immense source of helping to sort things out. I love the privacy of a counselor. You can express everything. Then they are great at developing plans with the pro's and con's of each plan. You can then decide which plan is the best. Sometimes the "best laid plans of mice and men" fail. But it was at least looked at for execution, follow through, and outcome before it's tried.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Tang so sorry about your daughter not saying anything cause it will sound like i am making excuses (like maybe she is scared) just know you are not along although I have 5 children 1 my youngest daughter is the only one that really does anything the twins are 20 and live with me 1 does nothing and the other does more...I can't do alot especially now with this devil...I can't even take care of myself, (last one tomorrow then on to another one)...I have to sit to do the dishes and shoulden't cook cause of the oxygen and get near the they have to cook for themselves....I don't have people coming to my house with food although I have other kids and a friends don't live around me....Hang in there.....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    You are not a bad mom, we all can look back at our parenting and wish we would of done some things different.

    I was way too sick, emotional to consider counseling during chemo. But my kids @ 27 & 30  were so supportive. 

    Hard not to be emotional, and it will get harder as your treatments continue. I would try when she is around to calmly express that this is the challenge of your life, physically & emotionally. Tell her that you wish she was doing something productive, school or job, but since she has chosen to be without direction for the present you need her because of your little one. 

    My opinion, take it with a grain of salt, when young people her age, are without a purpose, school or work, they lose their self worth, because they know they are not being productive. She knows in her heart that food, cell phones, clothes cost money and she is letting someone else pay for everything. 

    Sas, I think counseling is great, & Tang it might be what you need, but I could not have done that during chemo. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Well i got my book today so ll put away the crochet lol i am so worry about Venezuela, things are getting ugly. 


  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Counseling would be a great thing, but I'm not up for it at this point...I'm too exhausted. I've urged her to go to counseling, but she isn't following thru. I've tried talking to her, explaining to her that I need her now and she seems to get it...but again she doesn't follow thru. I'm just disappointed at this point. I know she is scared, but I also think she is being selfish and I'm mad at her. She took more time to text me last night about her cat than me! lol


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Tang i am so sorry you are having such a hard time, My poor sister is also having a similar situation but my niece is only 14 and she just has pull away from my sister in a strange way, she is not talking much and she doesn't even interacts with my sister. Basically she comes from school and goes to her room to do homework gets out to eat but does not talk or communicate at all not even to ask how my sister is every day. Its hard but its just the way she is dealing with the fact that her mom may die from this sickness. I am not sure why are childrens acting the way they do now a days. Back when i was born we were so mature and some how we were sensitive. Sending you hugs   

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blondie, hugs....wish things were easier for you. So hard, when we need help just caring for ourselves. 

    Are you getting A/C right now?   That is a horrific chemo, I called it legal torture.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Blondy sending hugs your way too

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Chevy, Age does have something to do with falling. If you were 30, they would say you slipped on a rock; now they say you're old. Being old does seem to be the answer for everything these days. Wish I could be there when they get old.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Teka, congrats on your 4 yrs. hanging & lurking with intelligent, good looking, soulful, humorous, sweet, hard working, generous women....

    I hope I will be here for 4 years also. I want to grow old with all of you....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    2ndtimeMaddy, are you lurking or doing stuff that I should be

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi gals!  Just a quickie....  Ha!  Oh I remember those!  Loopy  I just wanted to say I see you gals on some of the other threads I read, but it's kind of hard to sit and post on a lot of threads, besides my brain isn't working too well.... Okay, shut up Cammi!  I mean if I could just all keep you here, and then I could post say Hi to all of you at once....

    What I mean is, I love you gals.... Blondie, Wren, GG, Enerva, Blessings, and Miss Sassy Pants, and all that I find..... just want you to know I love you! 

    My biggest accomplishment today was washing up!  Yeah!  And then comtemplating the MO, and Prune Juice, and trying to get back to nearly normal! 

    I'll be back later! xoxoxoxo

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, we are just so happy to have you back! What a scare, give yourself time, you have time to heal before good weather so be gentle with yourself. 

    I on the other hand, have gotten too lazy. Ten days post radiation and I am still sitting around. My kids ask "so what did you do today". I feel like that was me, talking to them when they were lazy teenagers.

    So off I go, I will get to you & all our group...

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Hello All - I've been away with no computer for several days.  We had an ice storm predicted so I went at midnight to stay with a friend who lives near the treatment center.  Didn't want to get off schedule because tomorrow is my LAST day.  Itchy itchy is the word for me.

    It's fun to read about the glassware.  I have a good friend who uses her sterling silver flatware and expensive dishes every day every meal and puts it all in the dishwasher.  She says just enjoy it and don't let the kids fight about it later.  These days I give my kids some treasured moment with each birthday or Christmas - they seem to enjoy getting them and my house is stuffed full and could use a little space.  

    Glad everybody is safe, especially the fireman.  These guys keep us safe.  Here's to a good night's sleep tonight for all!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Just wanted to share thud picture with all if you. 


    Isnt this amazing? Wish we were all there. 


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    thanks ladies, yep am getting the devil now tomorrow is the last one....I appreciate your thoughts and hugs.... nice to see you!!!  Don't do that again you scared me, lol!!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka congrats----YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyy

    Tang could be off the wall may be the cancer centers counselor could talk with you while you are at chemo.  Saves a trip. Your tied up any way ---literally. Generally the actually chemo time is okay, it's the aftermath that sucks. Here's a thought have dear daughter come with you to chemo a few times. It may bring it home to her brain cells, that yeah, sumpins happening.

    Blondie---hugs and more hugs have missed you. What does that mean the last of the Red Devil? besides the literal statement. 

    MIMIEEEE, lot's of fun with your name, could write almost anything and you could figure out it's you LOL. I love glass too. Always on the search. I use all my finds. But not the good stuff everyday. That I will definitely rethink Thank you sweetie. I have about 8 different china/ glass patterns--all but one thrifted. White-Bauhaus(not thrifted), green hobnail AH, blue--fed windsor/hazel atlas/anchor hocking, red arcocroc, clear manhattan anchor hocking, various wexford anchor hocking. Some burple/Inspiration, Christmas homer laughlin poinsetta I think, Orchard jewels nova mikasa--favorite---it was an absolute steal---24 pieces  $25, Silverplate----labelle jolie, celtic newbridge, moms international, oneida stainless lol forget pattern--and it's the go to pattern,  two other sets---but very functional. Have thrifted enough pewter now, I could set a table with all serving pieces as pewter. Everyday is homer laughlin -lyrica with the cranberry/black swirl. 

    All here know I have a diamond in the rough DBF. Had to start with napkin LOL. Bugged the sh** out of DS. B/c his manners are impeccable. That's a funny story in itself. He asked me what, what could I see in DBF. I asked him several times if he was prepared for the answer.  I said okay, it's the sex.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva sorry about what's happening in VZLA Where is that pic from? It's sooo very soothing and beautiful :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hole-in-one your my hope girl of getting someone interested in thrifting.:) anything going on :) Your probably tied to the TV set watching the olypmpics. So, I'll ask later

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MimIeMi ---here's a link to an Ebay auction on Studio Nova(Mikasa)---Orchard Jewels. So, wish I had it for ever so long. It mixes and matches with all the clear and colored glass and white of the Bauhaus. This was the absolute steal at 24 pieces $25.00-----8 dinner/8salad/8 rimmed soups

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Sas-schatzi.  Sorry I'm not wanting to get more stuff for my house.  I'm more interested in giving it away so I have more cupboard space!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, I'm so glad you're at home now and hopefully, getting some rest and the pain is under control? Sending you very gentle hugs.

    Enerva, sending lots of hugs to you, sweetie! Try to keep your mind busy so it doesn't make you crazy. Have appreciated all your posted photos.

    Hi1, thanks for thinking of me. Yes, I have been keeping busy doing things around the house (almost slipped to the dark side) and lurking. So easy to get behind I get overwhelmed to try to catch up. 

    For those of you with teenage and older kids who don't seem to care (and I have one too): Ive been forgetting I was kind of in that place too. I recently remembered back in college when DBF/fiancé had cancer: I probably wasn't the most pleasant person either. It was already difficult learning how to be an adult and my whole concept of life changed drastically in an instant, I couldn't make sense of it all. Had to deal with the concept of mortality when I lost a good friend my senior year in high school, but this was just too close. I couldn't talk to my parents about it, a huge burden I took on (caring for him and an aging grandparent ). I ran away it got so overwhelming, my daughter can't. I don't think she's ever seen me that vulnerable and I think she just doesn't have the worldly knowledge to put it in perspective (she has the words, she started writing books when she was still in kindergarten, it's the reality part that's unthinkable). 

    Blondie, you'll be in my thoughts today, can I find a space in your pocket?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Ah man Sass, you are going to make your Son throw up!  They don't want to hear this this guy they see, WOO-ing their MOM, with the tattoo's and hair evrywhere, and manners of a black-bear,  having anything to DO with THEIR Mother!  Much LESS getting within arms length of her! 

    Same as you would NOT like your KID, courting someone like Courtney Love, or Miley Cyrus! 

    Only way you can get out of this is to tell him you were just kidding.... like dreaming!  That you are celibate!  No need for him worrying about this guy of yours with 10 arms, being anywhere near you!    SOMEthings just have to be kept under wraps..... well, you know what I mean.

    I can just SEE him cringing....  You can just say..... I like him because, um, because he doesn't leave his socks on the floor.... that's all he has to know... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    And also, I think I lost my mo-jo!  I am not very happy..... nothing wrong.... just my brain not being positive.    Just talk me out of this!   Must be the pills?  I took 2 Tylenol about 10 last night....  I mean I didn't take 10..... I took..... oh never mind.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MiMIMie goofy silly girl. I'm not trying to sell you something this was a link to my favorite china pattern. methinks you read it as "Here's a link to MY Ebay auction". It reads "Here's a link to AN ebay auction"

    Chevy you sound just like my counselor who said "YOU SAID WHAT!".

    Blessings I know that link was for Littlegoats, but I put it in the topic box. The owls flew all around trying to keep me from putting goats in the owl box. They settled down and got back on there roosts.

    LMG remember when I said I try to teach you sizing. I don't think that's going to happen. I do it. I have a plan. But to put the words coherently together erhhhhhhI don't think so.