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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Happy Sunday back at all of you!!!

    All this craziness, and chickens and sex and sea horses and trips to Florida, I only think it's illigal if you cross the state line while actually having sex.  And ED talk and Chevy warning about needing a rain you don't get pg................and then Sassy comes back with..............


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676

    Sas......I had some major thyroid issues.....that gland just about did me in.  Long story so if you want, just say the word and I'll pm the whole thing.  Obviously I lived, but went through some really rough times.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blue----how do they manage your hashi's --details please, How'd they dx, What are your followup studies ? Do you still have the thyroid? Correct me if I'm wrong, many/most people live with the hashi thyroid, it's medically managed? How often for follow up per year? what drug? How much? what else did I forget? Do you have any other autoimmune problems? What can you teach me oh master of many years :) If any of this is invasive---too nosy, I can take a rebuke.:)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, I suspect the TSH is not the holy grail they think it is. Mine is in normal range, but antidepressants do not work unless I take a small dose of thyroid with them. And taking the thyroid was dramatic! I went from being extremely suicidal on Friday to thinking OMG! I could have killed myself last week on Monday. And the dose is really small. You'd think not enough to matter, but boy it did. I think when they discovered TSH, they stopped looking.

    Another case was a woman who was brought to the psychiatric ward because she wasn't making any sense at all and thought people were after her children and coming to the hospital would save them. She ended up jumping out a 2nd or 3rd floor window and breaking her leg. Her psychiatrist (who had been in pediatrics) ran a complete blood panel and discovered she had no thyroid at all. It had stopped so suddenly and completely that she had none of the physical indications of low thyroid. They put her on thyroid and the psychosis went away completely.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Bluebird, I had a headache (sinus) for weeks, went to migraine, then terrible sinus infection, not sure the anti-bi's worked. Went to a horrible cough that would keep/wake me up and made my chest and abdomen muscles hurt. Think I even bruised a rib. It was all of February and still hasn't gone away. I'm done with it all.

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117

    Hi beautiful Owlettes,

    Sorry I have been MIA... I found you!! Miss you all tons... I have been so busy don't know what end is up these days... Tim, Austin, and I move into our house at the end of the month. I have been on light duty work since left mx and bilateral reconstruction with right latissimus flap... TEs are no joke... I am exhausted but best of all my son Austin is turning two years old on the 15th. So excited I was so sick going through chemo last year we never got to have a 1st birthday... Kinda cool we feel like we made it :)  I planned a Bob The Builder party.... I will post pics.

    Sass glad u are recovering well... Such a big surgery... The bathroom is coming along... I remember last year the pic of the toilet... Track lighting will be nice :) Hugs missed you.

    I keep trying to keep up with this thread and I log on and I am 4-5 Pgs behind. 

    Sending healing hugs,

    SweetPea xoxoxox 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh sweet pea so hAppy to hear of Austin's b_-day. On kindle

    Typing awful ...hugs

    Wren so agree, based on how my brain feels...can,t wait to see what next few weeks bring. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    444 :)  lol subtle, wondered if it would be picked up......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I can't catch up==WTF I'm so far behine and I have a big behind--so imagine.

    Sweet pea how excited this year is for u==and Austin 2nd Birthday that u will enjoy--WONDERFUL.

    Wow I didn't know thyroid was so so so important like that= kind of scary cuz when I was diagnosed with no throid action I didn't think anything of it--it's better now-but I just thought oh well another thing that doesn't work.

    Chevy how are the screws doing, I mean the ones in u'r hip? Stop running around ike u do.

    I was in the bathroom most of yesterday and sleeping the rest--no energy after bathroom duties. LOL doody get it.

    OK today is supposed to be 50--Yeow and more snow tomorrow--(double take))so spring has not given 100% yet. Well neither do I on anything so WTF.

    Sas u sound good, but remember rest too.

    And I feel all goofy, well goofier with the time change--confusion reigns- only do it every year but it takes me about a week to get used to this.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and feels good, or decent.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    can't sleep. Follow up visits with PS today and MO tomorrow. Appointment to set up colonoscopy tomorrow too. Ugg. Putting together lists of questions for all the docs. Thanks to Obamacare, new health insurance next month so I'm not sure I'll have the same doctors so I better get all my questions answered. 

    Wishing all Owlettes a great week!

    Cami, I can't catch up either. Giving up on keeping up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Maddy make sure u come back here tho and tell us about what's happening===my sister and I were talking yesterday about how much we hate Drs, and when u have more than one no one can answer anothers questions--it's  pain in the a$$ so u do have to organize u'r questions or they don't get answered--and one of her questions she got 2 different answers --me thinks something is afowl in these parts.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh?  you said "afowl" like meaning chickens or something?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Happy Monday Ladies!!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You guys, I had no idea what problems Thyroid could cause!  It's interesting for us to note what symptoms to look for?  And Jackie, (Lilli) I don't know if Sass saw your post?  Since you have gone through something similar, maybe comparing issues might help.

    Welcome Sweet Pea!  So glad to hear you are doing well!  And little Austin!  We can all be his other Grandmom's!  Yes, you DID make it! 

    About our insurance...... . Since my last surgery, with the nuts and bolts and things, I don't know if our insurance has changed or not!   I haven't heard a word from anyone's billing!  I'll probably fall on the floor...(again)  when the bill comes. 

    I just know I got in, got a room, had the surgery, and left after 2 more days... I didn't have to go to physical therapy anywhere, or any rehab.  Hopefully I saved the Insurance some money.  I will point this out to them, if I have to whine.

    Maddy,  did you get antibiotics for your sinus infection?  Those are the WORST!!!  And I get that awful thundering cough also!  You CAN crack a rib!  I did that, when I was wearing an under-wire bra!   And the thing that worked the best for me, was the Nyquil, and even Dayquil.....  Or one of those cinnamon Jolly Rancher candies.  I hope you get your questions answered....

    Cammers!  I love my new cane!   Still a little wobbly without the walker, but trying to use the cane more.   Going to see if I can get in my car, and use the clutch...  It's like my brain is telling my leg to "move" but it doesn't listen soemtimes. 

    It is 50 degrees out right now!  And yes, snow tomorrow, so they say...  Going to Costco to meet DD for lunch....  Ha!  But it's fun...  I have to plan my strategy, so's I'm not walking all over the place!   This is a job for "walker-girl."...  Not the nifty new cane! 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    It's 7am here and it soooo dark. I hate the time change!!!

    I'm behind and I can't even try to catch up. Glad to see the "crew" is back at it though :)

    I still haven't shaved my head even though my hair is so thin on top it probably looks worse than if I would just shave it. I just can't bring myself to to do it. Today is my 4th day out from my 2nd TAC and I'm hoping I will feel a little better today. This time around isn't as bad as the first round, but it still sucks.

    Ladies, just want ya'll to know that I'm so happy I found ya'll! ((hugs))

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, are you yanking my chain? Clutch,'s 2014 and lets face it, you are no longer a "spring" chicken. 

    Good morning all....need to get out of bed & make coffee, Teka, that's your job..Winking

    Camisista, make sure you are getting enough fluids...sounds exhausting..

    Always good to see ya 4sewwhat & Tango & 2ndTMaddy, & Sweet Pea & Wren & Lilli & MostlyMom.....whew, lots of women to interact with, I love IT!

    Is it possible that we are approaching mid March?. Unbelievable, feels like I have spent the last 8 months in recliner, oh, wait, I have! 

    Luvmygoats, have you been AWOL ? Or have I just skipped a page?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka what a beautiful tablesetting and venue to start Monday. I believe that sugar and creamer are Henly, Community pattern. I'm not an expert on all old stuff , but  i do know, well, I know. Bad part is I've started to forget patterns.

    under construction adding as I learn: So sequence will change upon completion and things will be edited in :)

    Jackie, Blue, Aly, Wren and anyone else with thyroid hx or knowledge---let's make it a thing to discuss this. So, much is changing for me. Latest is I beginning to be able to smell which is improving my sense of taste. Taste on the tongue is sweet, bitter, salt, sour, umami(new one I didn't know about). 

    I started with this morning. I use cider vinegar to soak my hands when the eczema starts up. I opened the container today and got blasted with vinegar smell. I've been soaking with it since sept. when Chevy told me about it. Couldn't smell it or only minimally. Food is starting to have flavor---how very nice, how really very nice.

    Pub med abstract on the affects of low thyroid on taste and smell.

    Article about 19 things affected by low thyroid

    Different list of 300 things affected by low thyroid

    This last list covers just about everything that can go wrong with the body. My point with adding this list is: first of all, I did know the thyroid affected every cell of the body, but I didn't know how intricately it is involved in all these diseases. We can make so many other reasons for all these diseases. I am so happy mine has gone kafluey enough that it's out. I now think, I have been subacute on thyroid for allot longer than 2007. AND even since then the dose wasn't close to what I needed to correct the problems. Case in point altered sense of smell for more years than I can remember. Things had to be at maximum threshold to get a minor taste.

    BBL have to help the guys with a tiling request:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy dearest,  I know to you that you believe no physical therapy is__________(you put in word). BUT you've trusted me in the past. Physical therapy WILL be a benefit. I just wish there was no ice and snow. When I hurt my back in August. The very exercise that I thought would help limber and strengthen, injured me. When the PT explained why, there was the AH-HAH moment. That very exercise put me in the hospital for 8 days in cervical traction in 1976 +-. I just forgot. It was on the no list. There were 35-36 years in between episodes.

    The following were the goals I made/requested from my PT.

    Physical therapy Goals: 1. Teach you(me)how not to injure yourself. 2. Strengthening of muscle groups on the machines, that he would show me how to use without injuring myself. 3. Balance improvement.exercises. 4. Identify if your leg with it's new hardware has any movement limitation that could cause you harm. All these things they get Masters Degrees to do. There powers of observation are very acute.

    Then we'll tell you quit going into alley dumpsters with your stilettoes on :) L&H's sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sweet Pea, again so happy to have you here :). On kindle last night in bed, typing is abysmal. Congrats on Austins 2nd birthday and the move to the new house. AND BEING ALIVE--that the mostestes. I know you expressed so many fears last year when you joined STFU. You are a SUPERWOMAN, surgeries out the wazoo, chemo, radiation, a toddler, living with the in-laws for MONTHS, working the whole time. 

    Maddy get better. Our discussion on the saline rinses. I did it preop and since, besides the thyroid , the nose cleaning helped. Also, helped my hearing on the left---believe it unblocked the sinus side of the eustachian tube. Just know there was allot of popping then a clearing. 

    BTW in the hospital, I was the only one that I ever heard say a patient needed some nose cleaning. Buggars from oxygen therapy would make their noses so crusty. The aides would always look at me screwy when I'd say that was part of the totally body cleaning. Respiratory would use saline. But the actual buggar removal was "somebody" elses job. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I am sooo bihineee lol

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang sweetie when you are ready, you will do it. You've accomplished two assaults of TAC you are a SUPERWOMAN SillyHeartTOO. The feelings about loosing the hair are all over the map. Some it devastates. For me I wasn't happy, but I was curious. Sinead the singer and _______from Star Trek made it look good by choice. I figured I'd treat it that way. Cami said it best do it with Pizazz. Hats and flamboyantly gorgeous earrings. Eye makeup can really put the icing on. 

    BTW I didn't need to loose my hair. I didn't know I wasn't going to do anymore chemo. When my hair/head started to hurt after that one overdose on chemo, the hair did start to fall out. I pre-emptively shaved it. No more chemo. Also, no more hair. I never wanted to say to anyone, well see if you go beyond the one chemo. But you have, so, your on your way girl.

    Some like wigs, I preferred hats, scarves, and au naturel '. I still had all my scarves from the "flower child time". HUGS>>>>>>>>>sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sorry guys I'm having a hard time keeping up I have s much gas--I can fill up a balloon and fly around--and it hurts.

    Chevy Stick shift? with u'r hip? What happen did they add to many nuts inside of u> I don't think it's a good idea to drive yets. your reflexes are not that sharp yet u silly woman.  Anew song Silly woman, as u limp on by etc

    OH Hole thanks after more than 6 years with this my water is vitamin and I take Potassium and Mag. too--so I'm an old hand at this they just can not figure it out. And I've had 3 Drs. trying so I just live with it. As I said before it started the first time I had chemo and never stopped, but it does keep me in sometimes when I plan on going out and then  just get mad--but it does exhaust me still. OH SE's are so fun.

    Oops business is calling. BBL

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Camisista, I know you are top of it, but I am a worry wart.. Wish, I could stop...

    Tang, my scalp hurt so much, it felt good to shave it. We all know how hard this is, you are a lot younger than I, which I think would also make it more difficult. 

    2ndTMaddy, I am a big believer in the saline ( Ocean ) nasal mist. Is this your 2ndT around for the colonoscopy? 

    Sas talk about superwoman ? If the shoe fits...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH GolfGirl---I'm supposin we are all SUPERWOMEN. We just keep on trucking and helping each other. Keeping track of what's up. That's a truly big deal. Like your tennis and golf. We all want you back out there cuz you love it so well. Maybe not the Chris Everett and Babe Zaharias, but hell you've done more than most. Seems to me tennis is in the background now. But all those skills and attitude you got'em :) Found this on BABE couldn't remember her last name.

    I like her quote, It's kind of like us.

     Babe Zaharias, on her power: "I just loosen my girdle and let the ball have it."
  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    You take mag?  And wonder why you have diarrhea?  It works like Milk of magensia.  Do ALL those docs know you are taking that?  Eat almonds if you need mag. Tastes better too

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Hey ladies, it has been a while! I cannot keep up with this thread but I do lurk sometimes. I saw lots of thyroid talk since Sas's surgery so I thought I would pipe in that they found a nodule on my 33 year old daughter's thyroid totally by accident. She had a CT scan because she felt tightness in her chest and due to being brand new to a birth control pill (she was off of them for years prior) she did not take chances and went to the ER in case it was a clot.

    Turns out she probably strained a muscle at the gym but they found the nodule on her thyroid and doc had her make an appointment with the Endocrine doc to have a needle biopsy but it is not until May and I am worried even though about 95% are benign I read but still....when it is your child you worry anyway. Keep my baby girl in your thoughts and prayers, kay? She is my youngest and I am very close to her and I am scared big time for her. After my cancer which surprised the hell out of me, who knows?

    Anyway, in other wonderful news, I am going to be a grandma for the first time in Oct! My son who is getting married to the Mom in April is the culprit (the wedding was already planned so no shot gun so that was the best news I have had in a long time! So  happy about that news!

    Thanks for listening! Sas, I did what you said..just jumped right in and posted even though I can't keep up with this thread!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    April What wonderful news about the Baby and the wedding YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

    Glad you jumped in. WE go from thyroids to stilettoes ----and everything in between. HUGS sassy