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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    to be 85 this weekend - yowza! All the trees and flowers are in bloom in the
    yard. Lovely and peaceful and..... ahCHOOOO! Pollen flying everywhere.

    noticed that Lefty has a horizontal crease that is visible through both my bra
    and my Tshirt. Well, CHIT. Devil At this point my options are limited, having Kaiser.
    Would love a second opinion, but not looking forward to any revisions. It will
    be two years out from Exchange this summer. Wanted to be DONE! I thought I
    would have already been to Vinnie's for 3D tatts.... but something has been
    holding me back.

    anyone else with saline implants actually feel the insertion port through the
    skin? The first time that happened, it totally freaked me out. Then the MO
    explained what it was. But my question is, if I can feel the port that easily,
    that must mean that it's right beneath the skin, not under muscle.... and how deep does a tattoo
    needle go? Would hate to be lying there on Vinnie's table, and BANG! Righty
    explodes everywhere... Singing

    well, as Roseanne Roseannadanna says, "


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Blessings, when I had my TEs I could feel the port area easily and it was under the muscle.  I don't think that muscle is as thick as we think it is.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Hmm let me see. This is an old one from Chevy. I saved it


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, it's me, looking at me, Ha!   Except I DID make that soup, and it is really good!....  and it's Cammi that has pajamas.... not me....  I just sleep in T's usually, but in the Winter I have some cute like silk lace pants....  YOU GUYS, I can lay on both sides now!!!!!!!!!!!  I am too happy!  AND I have only used my cane today..... 

    A gal at the Walmart came up to me and asked where I got my cute cane!  I told her King Soopers, and how much they were.... I asked how long she had been using one, because I keep hitting my foot with my cane....  She said "quite awhile" because she has MS....  But she looked and walked really well....  says she is doing pretty good!!  So mine is only temporary, but not so much for her....    I really AM lucky.....

    SPOOKIE!  You got spookie right side up again!  Good job!  See, I notice things like that...

    Blessings....!  Hey little kiddle!  You have a crease?  Wish I could help you with your questions.... but these gals will probably have ideas....  And Cammi, I went out back, felt the WIND, and turned around & went back in!  It LOOKED so nice!  Maybe tomorrow....  So now I'm drinking a hot chocolate....

    Hey, to everyone else! xoxoxoxo

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Thinking of Bluebird, hoping all is going well. 

    Laughing at the various cartoons posted - I'm pretty crispy, too!

    Sas, very interesting changes you are noting. That thryoid stuff is like the rest of the endocrine system - we just really don't understand even the smallest bit of it! The neuroendocrine system is so intertwined with mind-body system, and after all the years I spent in health care and health care education, I sort of feel "duped" and misled - all that studying, learning and memorizing a gazillion "facts" and then try to put them together into some sort of logical explanation, or chart out the cause/effects of this stuff ... geez, so overwhelming! Then throw in all the genetics just for a little challenge! So glad to have your observations.

    Have found myself on chemo again .... I swore I would never do that again, but my MO is an evil temptress. I have been with her since Jan 2013 and trust her, so when she gently suggested I give this one a try since the pills quit working, I agreed to try it. I had my 3rd infusion yesterday, and am looking for the bus or semi driver who ran over me after that, because I am going to find one of those sleazy lawyers who advertise on TV that they will get lots of money for me and then we will have a BIG PARTY!!! Seriously, though, I am doing much better than I thought, maybe because I have given myself permission to take a day off and just sleep the effects off. Seems after that one day of resting, I can be pretty active and am actually INCREASING my activity. 

    Joining in that meerkat hug for everyone! Stay warm everyone!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Bluebird, thinking of you and sending you gentle hugs.

    Blessings, good for you! Wanted to post a pic but can't do from my iPad. Comfy or sexy? Oops, not THIS or THAT game. Lol!

    Cammi, got a muffin, where to deliver?

    Chevy, will trade a muffin for a cup of soup!

    Spookiesmom - first time that Spookie is right way and not sideways! If I tell the mods, something will screw up for sure. 

    Linda, so sorry you're dealing with chemo again, but let it be very successful this time.

    I won't tell anyone about the weather here....... Shhhhhhh! It was close to 80* here today. Wind kicking up and irritating my allergies, no stuffy nose, sinus on one side hurting. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, like this?


    Hey, posted my first pic from the iPad! Whooty-hoot!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    how about:




  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Hey, I have one boob that looks like that!  Where can I order one and does it come in different colors?  Maybe Chevy could just send me one of hers!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Helloooo, Sorry been working on house and 2d6 thread. Going to change the world ---as much as I can

    Linda my dear sweet pharmacist friend love to hear you feeling better.................and can you drop in on 2d6 and give it a gander. A few of your well educated words would help :):). pretty please. Yes, neuroendocrine YIKES. The biggy for me was Autonomic nervous system. So, loved it, but it was a bugger to learn.

    Golfgirl, I'm thinking there's a real analogy between golf and the whole liver system CYP. Any chance we could brainstorm and see if we can make it work. I referred to you today or yesterday. I figured out to compare an inhibitor drug as a golf group ahead blocking movement forward. Did think of a drunken group saying "hey play on through" that would be equivalent to an inducer drug, but didn't use it.

    SO wish we had Bluebirds number. Even if we asked the MODS to contact her she's likely not home yet.

    Bummed about Nicky, H-1 and Spookie thanks for getting us plugged in

    Maddy, you must be feeling somewhat better cuz you are posting more YAY

    I'm gonna try an substitute the meerkats for awhile---The birds will squawk, but I'll put them on the warm and fuzzy page to be brought back when things settle.

    Blessings ------so nice to have a PJ day. always makes me feel like I'm playin hookie. Remember as a kid if you stayed home sick the rule was you couldn't get dressed and couldn't go outside.

    Chevy---cane girl LOl---Cami--hair chalk and all nails painted different colors---we are NOT our mothers who'd never think of such stuff. LOve it

    Love and hugs to anyone I missed

    Need to get busy on the meerkats L&H&P's sassy

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Happy to report that both my Slammo and ultrasound were normal.  Now that is a word I can definitely embrace.  The radiologist told me the happy news.  She has no idea what can cause it.  The ultrasound did reveal small cysts in the breast and she did say they can be quit painful.  At this point I don't care, just so relieved to hear the news.  I can talk to my MO about it when I go back next month.

    Love the jammies...although the third one isn't quite suited to my body type.  I would lose ten pounds in ten minutes in that second one, just from sweating.  Guess I have to go with door number one!

    I sure hope Bluebird is okay.  I have been thinking about her all day.  I'll keep checking.

    Thanks ladies for your support while Miss Lefty was being a bit of a bitch!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hey ladies, two days away and five pages behind.

    Finally caught up but now it's bedtime LOL.

    Love the meerkats!  L&H&P's to all  ♥ 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    4sewwhat - The ports to my TEs were metal, and huge, so I wasn't at all surprised I could feel them. The port I feel now is the one to my permanent saline implant... it's supposed to be made of silicon, and much smaller and softer than the TE port. It's possible that the muscle is thinner than I thought... guess this means a trip back to the PS! Arghhh!

    Chevy - Chocolate is the answer!!! Doesn't matter what the question is, chocolate is STILL the answer!!! SillyHeart

    Linda - L&H&P for a relatively simple time with this round of chemo. May you rest and recuperate every chance you get.

    OMG!!! 2TA - where did you get that pic of my jammies? (The third one...) You know, the CROTCH FLOSS..... NOT!!!!!!! How would anyone get any sleep in something like that? 

    Sassypants - Oh, the meerkats!!! I took one of those Facebook quizzes, like "Which (fill in the blank) Are You?" and the one I took was for which animal I was. I got..... MEERKAT!!!!! Love them!!!!!

    Hi, justmejanis! Hi, badger

    Just watched American Idol. Worked better than sleeping pill. We'll see how long that lasts.

    Nighty-night Owlettes!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    so excited to be able to post pix from the iPad, now just need to learn how to size them. The third outfit made me laugh so I thought I'd share.

    Really tired, maybe I'll get to sleep early and get a restful nights sleep

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning all Owletts----I'm way behind but I will say if I had a body like that third girl I would wear that anytime, but since I have a body like a barrel of wine--I'm better off not being jailed.

    Oh Linda I hope hope that chemo kicks ass and not yours and u can tolerate it well.

    And our Bluebird we're all waiting. And I'm glad we heard from Nicky our French lady is on my mind too.

    Sas u sound good and I hope it just gets better.

    OOOO muffins and soup, sounds good to me.

    I'm waving Hi to everyone. and I'll be back later, depending on how this carzy job is today--It took up most of my morning yesterday. WTF I'm really not a worker--(shut up Chevy)

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    My body hurts this morning.  Hopefully I feel better after a warm shower.

    I'm actually awaiting word about Bluebird.  

    Nicky, I hope the pain meds are controlling your pain and this second surgery surgery resolves everything.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm sorry Dutch, I'm ready for my shower too--nice and warm and let it flow on u'r back for a while. Hope u feel better----take meds--oops I'm such a pusher in my old age.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Dutch, a warm shower has the promise to make anything better :0)

    G'Mornin' Cami and the rest of you owlettes!  Hope everyone has a great day!  Weekend's in sight!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  I thought... WTH?  I mean about NickyJ.....  So I tracked her down...

    Did you gals already know this, and I just skipped over it?  I mean I THINK my brain has taken leave of my head sometimes! 

    But I just sent the Mods a Pm, wondering if they could call or somehow find out how Bluebird is doing....   It's just that it's hard  to not hear when we are worrying...

    Dutchgirl...  Yes... just shower.... then go run around outdoors in the snow...  that's supposed to be good for something, I think!  Oh wait...  I am on the last page.... your shower with Cammi is probably over by now....

    Sassy, I LOVE our Meercats!  Did the owls put up a fight?  We might need them too, you know!   I have to post this, before I lose it completely....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good Morning all, 

    Dutchhris, I have decided a hot shower is the best part of my day. Hard on the skin, but good for the soul, & muscles & bones. 

    Linda, good luck with your treatments, thinking of you with healing wishes.

    Cami, you are right on, sometimes meds are the answer. 

    Thinking of Bluebird & Nicky.....BBL...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, I've always fantazied about sleeping in a warm tube of water that would change to the exact temperature that I needed. i.e. cold>>>warmer, hot flash>>>cooler. 

    Now 16:41---4:41 pm All the reading I did this morning is forgotten mostly, busy day. 

    Saw ENT today, got a call to come in. New it was trouble b/c he released me last week.

    2nd opinion path report verbally passed to local path guy then  to ENT. Final copy not even received yet. Papillary-follicular CA both sides of thyroid. ENT guy thinks I'm brilliant because I had to convince him to do sx. Path guy relooked at original bx and said he can now see it was there. HMMMMMMMM. Carmono has been a path guy for >the 22 years I've lived here. SOOOO, have to think that one over.

    My instinct the fourth time around. 

    1. Breast--PBMX--thinking about it for three years very hard. Then my inner voice said DO IT  >>>1/2 way through workup find aggressive, really rapidly growing ca.  Doc lied about feeling lump to get the MRI done after clean mammo. Bingo.

    2.Brain, actually, that was caught cuz I fell on the other side of the head. So, the fall was a blessing. The Instinct kept pushing for MRI look. It was stable for 2years. But as soon as they noted growth on MRI, I said out with it. They wanted to continue watchful waiting--UH_UH. Continued growth would have allowed it to cross the line into ca. Found a sx on the internet that I had to teach the docs and insurance company about b/c not done anywhere here and they didn't know it existed. Had to go to Tampa.

    3.Colon--Instinct to do follow up, got doc convinced to do a scope 1 1/2 years early ----Inner voice said DO IT. So, to get it done I added that I saw blood and had pain. A lie . He knew it. Doc found one for sure hyperplastic of three polyps ---these are precancerous. 

    4.Now thyroid. You've all read the story. The story didn't match any of the Hashimotos description to a tee. The request late Jan. to do basic blood work, identified that thyroglobulin elevation. An inner voice said to ask for that blood work.That bumped both docs to sx. Biopsy and ultrasound didn't indicate it was that troublesome.

    NO one is ever going to deny my instinct in the future. They wouldn't dare with those types of odds. 

    May have the friggin colon just taken out.--being dramatic, but believe it or not that could be done. FYI Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio does a procedure that removes the whole colon and connects the end of the small intestine to the anus. It takes a bit of training to control the anus, but is doable. I know someone who it's worked for for years. Cami, it may be something to consider. Never thought of it till now for you. It would stop the explosions. A thought, I'll research it if you want. It'd get rid of the pesky colon and it wouldn't be moving around inside causing all the pain.

    Treatment Radioactive iodine--haven't researched it yet. But at least I know the genetic paths. It'll help with dosing if it goes through those abnormal '3''s. It will be done within , one week even if I have to sit on everyone till they shout approved.

    Plan to push for genetic testing cuz I believe the paternal side of the family is at risk. My scenario fits three different genetic thingys. Chek2, Lifraumeni syndrome, Li fraumeni Like Syndrome. Haven't been able to get family interested in individual surveillance. 53 blood relatives. Even two highly, highly trained nurses have blown it off as not genetically related. 24 major cancers out of 53 people is NOT--- NOT chance or lifestyle.

    I know we have Bluebird and Nicky too worry about. Everyone here has "stuff" on their plate. April is worried about her DD, but gave her a list by PM of suggestions. So, how does the phrase go "Cry not for me etc". I'm in fight mode--translation everybody will do what I want, as fast as I want it done or my the will suffer my pestering them.

    It's the best type of thyroid cancer to have. Mine's a tish rare, but still good stats. 

    So, tonights' plan is my usual whenever bad news occurs. I go out to a very very nice dinner.

    Sorry, this is so long, but it's part of the plan. It's my manifesto. It starts here. L&H&P's sassy

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Um shower. There is no water pressure now for much shower. Took forever for washer to fill up. I think I need to go to Bath/BodyWorks for some new shower gel. I need to smell as nice as Cami. If I took a "hot" shower it would be about 5 minutes long even though DH had plumber turn up WH temp just a tad. Look - we have no young children here to scald themselves. The youngest is DD at almost 27. 

    I think I will try the trick of bagging up the showerhead with vinegar and see if it helps any. At least they might look better. Anyone do this? DH will NOT let me replace shower head. Says it might never work right again. Gads the things we go thru for them.

    Been cleaning out freezers and you won't believe this - cooking. Little one is looking just a bit better. Chest freezer is full to top. But need DH's help to get to bottom.

    Hoping we hear from Bluebird soonest. Thanks Chevy. Hope the mods are able to let us know.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Luvmygoats, I read in one of the ladies magazine, about the vinegar a while back. Was going to do it the next day. Errr, never did it, but thanks for the reminder.

    Sas, I have thought about your golf analogy. I am not knowledgeable on the liver, but I get what your saying. You tee off, hopefully goes straight, but you might hook or shank. You have a goal to the cup, sometimes you get lucky & it is on path, but many times you end up out of bounds. Also, the course is crowded, you are waiting....forever, beginners with there kids....

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Tried the vinegar-in-a-baggie trick on my WaterPik shower head. Took the mineral deposits right off! Of course, it also took the brushed chrome finish right off, too, so it looks like crap, but at least the water flows nice! 


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Thanks Blessing. Ours are so old (15 years+) don't think much lovely finish is left to take off. You would think we wouldn't get that much calcium etc. buildup since we are not on well water. But I know TX water is high mineral anyway. We have a chance of bad storms Sat. Willing to risk the chance for some rain. I guess I'm going to have to string hoses together and water if it doesn't soak some. And also guess I'd better do a hose inventory b4 a trip to Lowes on Sat. And monthly Mexican food outing we have missed since December.

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96

    Hi, wonderful ladies. I am on another thread Bluebird is on. We are trying to get info & will share with you if we get something. We are all changing our avatars to a bluebird to show our united vigil in prayer for sweet Bluebird. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Ok i am in, sending hugs to bluebird!!

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96

    Y'all please PM me if you hear anything from Bluebird. We are all so concerned. #Godwatchoverbluebird #thisisnotfair

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I haven't a CLUE how to change my avatar, but I'll send her this.... Haven't heard from the Mods yet....


  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96

    Chevyboy:  Save the pic to your device with a right click or holding finger down on the pic until you get the save option. Different for different devices. Go to your profile, click settings, go to your avatar setting, click on choose existing option, then pick our sweet bluebird.