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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Wren, I think it takes a long time. I wonder if Sas has her phone #. That way her family could give Sas a quick text or call.

    Maddy, I hope your weekend works out. Big Bear ? I used to go there with the Y teens & I learned how to ski there. Colonoscopy is a piece of cake compared to all this bc crap.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I am so behind and been reading for pages. Thanks GolfGirl for thinking of me. Just life and its ups and downs.

    Friday I did lab work and hoped I'd catch up here on the weekend. Not sure what happened but I didn't. Yest. DH found overflow pressure release on water heater leaking. Morning calls to Lowes, manu, plumber. Turns out the house water pressure was off the charts and making wh overflow. So bright and early this am same plumber arrives to replace the pressure regulator on the water line. $300 later all is better. Except I have hardly any water pressure. We used to complain of no water pressure and I still think even when it was high it is lower than city water pressure (co-op water). My new low flow toilets will take forever to fill - must plan for potty times to lengthen. Might take longer than short commercial breaks.

    Bluebird - just came to your post. See that you're already in surgery by this time. Prayers are with you and eagerly awaiting word when you can post. Love you bunches. Lots of goatie hugs too.

    2nd time - I seem to have the allergies worse this year. Only the last couple of years has anything bothered me the slightest. PCP told me to take my Claritin (stern look) and gave me steroid nasal spray. I wake up with buggered up nose and little bit of bleeding. When I finally get that cleared out some, I think hot coffee helps haha, then I use the spray. I skipped the spray for 2 days and boy howdy I needed it today. OO - GI funday tomorrow for you. Like I said on other thread once you get over the prep easy peasy. Prayers for negativo results and the 10 year plan for you. Hope you get the scholarship to womens retreat.

    I found the best ginger teabags at Central Mkt but I saw them somewhere else too World Market I think. Called Triple Leaf Tea 100% ginger. Pretty long steep time to get strong enough. I am just like SassyPants - buy stuff and it rots in veg. bin. Fresh ginger would be better but with the tea bags its always there.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Prayers and hugs for Bluebird! We are in your pocket. God bless and keep you safe!

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203

    I can't believe the beautiful weather today is bringing.  But I can't stay awake! what can I say, late afternoon naps have firmly rooted  themselves in my life.  Have weekly taxol early am, then more lymphadema treatment, then the decadron will keep me awake so I can do my taxes.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi ADJ!  I mean Anita!  Good to see you here!  It's no WONder you are sleeping...  with all the treatment you are going through!    Hope you are okay!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    anyone heard from Bluebird yet? Maybe they're checking her really good to make sure none of the bad stuff there. Extra time worth it for B9.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I expect at least a couple of days b4 she is able to post or make it known to family how to post - and I would think that is a very optimistic time frame. Unless she has traded phone # with someone on here. Noticed she is active on several other threads as well. Continued prayers from here.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Bluebird, when you can read this, please know I'm sending lots of gentle hugs your way, sweetie! Wishing you a quick recovery too!

    Blessings, did you get of pj's today? You deserve some down time with all you've been through.

    Jwoo, love the new avatar! A la Marge Simpson?

    Luv, glad you got water problems fixed, they are such a PITA! Good thing you didn't need a new water heater too, that's usually what needs to be replaced when I have had leaks. How are you allergies holding up? Mine have been horrible this year! Don't know how I got thru unscathed last year with all the surgeries but glad it worked out this way. Funny thing, my nose isn't stuffed, nothing appears to be draining, but sinuses on one side hurt like crazy

    Hi1 - not sure whether it's Big Bear or Arrowhead (same area in my book). It's just funny to me I get no response from lots of calls, emails, texts for 2 months (like I don't exist) then flooding with calls when they want a response. And at the same time as four doctor appts! (I usually do major homework before appts so I get all my questions answered and fears calmed) so three of those in 2 days, I was at my max. Migraine started, couldn't handle sound so not up to return phone calls.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh Bluebird Chevy's pic of the Meerkats is what we are all feeling for you. Let us know whats up ASAP. I had a brain tumor removed in mar 2012. If ti helps, they were the most bestest team. Brain surgery is at the top of operating room peeking order. The best of the best.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    there's a new thread started for newbies with TEs. If you have any advice, please post.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    just a little story about "brain" surgery. Couple years ago, DH had one eye that started bulging and turning to the side (like Marty Feldman). Ophthalmologist and ENT involved, couldn't get them to say  what they really thought it was. Surgery in San Diego/Scripps 90 miles away (we have lots of hospitals closer). In pre-surgery staging area, he was close to the hall where they had the surgery board. Frightened me that for DH's name, several docs and procedures listed. Of course, they had a whole neurology team on stand by certain it was quick growing brain cancer. Primary surgeon said surgery would be several hours, go have lunch. BIL was there, took me to lunch. Surprised when surgeon called about 2 hours later and they were all finished: he was so excited as it turned out somehow, there a a pin hole in the bone cavity behind eye socket and sinuses were draining into that area with no where to go, so bulge resulted. Yup, he said it was like the biggest zit he ever saw, opened him and it drained immediately. Gross, but DH was one lucky b**tard. 

    So hoping Bluebird's mass turns out to be nothing too.

    Welcome Anita! 

    Thanks Smaarty! Great idea!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome Anita u've come to a good place usually at any time---sorry u'r going thru all that now--none of this is good. It all stinks.

    Maddy that really turned out  a good way for u'r DH and u of course what a scare. Kind of funny how they described it tho.

    OK we're all still waiting for Bluebird, but it's true it might be a while before we hear anything so........

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371

    Sending hugs and prayers.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Hugs for Bluebird.  Here's hoping things go remarkably well and for no cancer.

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203

    DH and I are still kicking around the idea of an Alaskan cruise soon,,,


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Anita -that sounds fun!

    2nd time- I went to a bridal shower at one of those paint and drink places, and they had this for everyone to take a photo with. My friend added the squirrel with cotton candy on its head in the corner :) Glad your DH had luck on his side!

    It will probably be a while before we hear from Bluebird, still sending whatever I have her way. 

    Luv- plumbing issues are no fun, ever. Glad you got things sorted!

    Sas, how are you feeling?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yeah, Sassy, how are you recovering?

    Hoping we hear from Bluebird soon.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    quiet tonight. Hope all are doing ok.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty, was just thinking the same thing. How are you doing this evening? I'm wide awake, thinking of making up some muffins so there will be a treat for breakfast.

    I know this is totally random but has anyone on this thread done nipple recon or 3D tit tats? Just curious.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    peanut butter chocolate chip muffins. Made a big batch - you're all welcome! Please save one for Bluebird

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    2nd, I'm doing good. Had my last visit with PS yesterday. I'm all done unless something goes wrong. I don't have nipples because of a breast lift 12 years ago. Don't mind.

    Here's to us old ladies.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Morning by one minute. New things keep happening. If i can believe my scales I'm loosing weight. Sense of smell and taste  continuing to improve. So, hopes this continues. Even for neg smells. The old saying about S**t not smelling, weird. Sleeping without meds. Throat still sore, but livable. Hearing is better. That'd be to weird. On the TV, the volume bar when you change volume, I'm usually in the top 25 %. Very often max level. Now at bottom 30 % and it hurts. Could everything be related to thyroid???????????

    Bluebird thinking of you lots, post op you're in ICU, that's the usual. Varies by length of days. Healing thoughts and prayers.

    Need to run and get tile L&H&P's to everyone sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Teka u posted ThumbsUpsee.

    I thought maybe just maybe someone might have heard from Bluebird family--but OK we still wait then.

    Any muffins left?

    Sas I'm glad u'r feeling better, but no I never knew anything else was connected to all that--never heard of that. Hmmmm

    Has Chevy been here--didn't see anything--Maybe it's Dr. day--she's better be all right.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Hello to all, 

    Nicky from France ( Irish living Bordeaux ) that has given us wonderful stories of culture & tradition. She started a thread, explaining she was hospitalized for almost 3 weeks, no wi-if. She had back surgery & needs another. It's under the stage 4 topics, I sent her a message that the INSOMNIACS have missed her.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Cami, there's a couple left. Let me know where to have them delivered.

    Bluebird, sending you hugs and praying for you

    Gotta run, just checking - couldn't access boards from my iPad an hour ago.

    Winds are picking up here, hoping no major fires. 

    Have a great day Owlettes!

    Link to Nicky's thread:

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi you guys!  Just got back from Super Walmart!  Using only my nifty flowered trusty cane now!  My leg is much stronger, and doesn't wobble as much.  So on the way home, DH parked by our Starbucks, while he went into Sprouts, and I sat there...... in the sun...... just listening to their music, and feeling so lucky and happy! 

    I'm making some potato/red pepper, celery/scallion soup, with bacon bits, and later, milk and butter!  Just sounded good.  

    Cammi, so where were YOU yesterday oh mighty one?  You weren't on very much either, little kiddle! 

    And so Sass is here!  Bout time!  She takes these breaks, you know. And we have to fend for ourselves!  Also, about your hearing.... maybe it is the meds?  I know too many aspirin will cause hearing loss also?  But it is usually temporary.

    I think I'm going to go out back, in the sun, and try cleaning things up a little.....  It's just too nice to not be out there!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy where are u living that is nice enough to be outside in the sun? OZ? cuz we've had snow and windy which is starting to pick up. I was worried about u.

    Hmmm Yesterday Hmmm oh I spent the major part in the bathroom and today a little too so I get tired like crazy, and today I have a slight fever which I get from time to time--no one knows why so don't ask. 

    Oh BTW Chevy makes such beautiful scarves and lovely braclets--I love them they all sparkle. My kind of gal. and so glad u are doing so well u little gadaround. (I think that's a word) or used to be.

    OK as long as u'r all right--I'm done talking to you.

    Oh I saw Nicky thread, I feel so bad for her--her operation didn't work and they have to do another? Bizarre--Thanks for telling everyone too.

    OK had a bad morning with work --my fault--my diarrhea didn't help tho hahaha. I think everyone understand how I type and talk but men don't seem to get it.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I think we were lucky when Sass was able to give us an update on Chevy s surgery. Now for Blue bird we must pray and wait. till she is well and writes back to us :( 

    Sending her hugs!!!!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Continued prayers for our 

    imageand for our NICKY.....

    Chevy - isn't it great to just sit and feel..... happy? Wishing you many more moments like that.

    2TA - Nope! Never got out of my jammies yesterday... and today ain't looking so great, either. Nothing wrong, really, just pooped out and catching up on rest. SOOO grateful I have the time to do this!

    Hugs to all!!!!!