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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Sassypants, if I were going to be anywhere near you, I would have let you know ahead because I would love to hang with one of my most favorite cray cray women, but I'm going to be down in Ft Lauterdale, and I won't have a car. If you're going to be down there I would LOVE to take you out for lunch, dinner DRINKS, whatever. If not, I am for sure going to be there for 3 weeks next February. It sounds like you are feeling better, yes? A little at least?

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Alyson, sending hugs and hope that your meds are kicking in. I had to give up and go on round-the-clok pain meds for a while this month just to keep ahead of it - easier to do that than play catch-up, so hang in there, try taking the tramadol on a regular schedule for a while to see if you can get yourself feeling better. Rest, let us know how you are doing.

    Sas, yes, being rid of that thyroid is probably a good thing for you. As my baby sister (another militant nurse advocate) says "parts is parts, and parts will turn on you!". So that is one part that can't hurt you now!

    Wishing all a pleasant evening and a few winks of sleep.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    DH was in Ft Meyers last Wed. We are next to Clearwater. Was 4 hours south, 4 hours back north. It's spring break, spring baseball people sick of the snow. For a reference, it's 8 hours to Atlanta from here. All of that on 75.

    Would love to meet you!  Like Cracker Barrel a lot!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Linda "parts is parts, and parts will turn on you!".. I so agree, but if I knew I was going to leave so many parts everywhere, I would of bought an urn and asked for their return. Some are in Michigan(minor parts-lymph nodes). Ohio, also, minor parts(again a couple lymph nodes and minor stuff). Florida, " I'm here and there, and over there" as the Scarecrow said. Mom left this world with only loosing her cataracts, Dad lost nothing. HMMMMMM kind of says something.

    Ziggy, this feb has passed are we talking next Feb? If so I'll come down. Or were you just saying that you came back from your trip? There was something about sex involved? Lauderdale is only 2-3 hrs south, depending on how fast you drive. For me it's 4 hours :). but fine, I have family in the area to stay with.:)

    Feeling Better, better , even by the hour. all my lovely Owlettes. I'm at almost 4x's +,  the thyroid drug. WEEEEEEE. Not like prednisone effect, but either my body loves, it or the placebo affect is working it's magicSillyHeart

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, DIL did have thyroid cancer and had to stop her thyroid medication after a year for a scan. She was blogging and it just sounded like deep deep depression. As soon as she was able to go back on the medication she felt great right away. She's now 12 years out and doing great. So probably not just the placebo effect.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    schatzigal - Sorry about the confusion. I

    Im flying into Ft Lauterdale tomorrow evening and yes, there will some bust the bed sex involved if I have anything to say about it.. That's all I have to say about that. Anyway. I'll be there thru next Sat (march 15). But this year I have no car. Next year, I will be in Orlando and Ft L. for at least 3 weeks, because I REFUSE to be in this stupid cold constipated town in February for one more year. 

    Sooo. If you were to happen to be in Ft L. in the next 5 days -then I would love to see you & take you OUT.. BUT, I really do want you to rest and heal up - so next year would be good too. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Cold constipated town. Gonna have to remember that line and apply it to Cinti next time DH gets homesick. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Justmejeans--JMJ, 10,000 th post, and a new on target description SLAMMOGRAM that will absolutely replace the accepted term--DOUBLE PLAY. YAY WHOOPWHOOHOOT :)

    Aly, we both have troubles with thyroid, Remember when i said we'd be thyroid buddies. Both my doc's were being so conservative in trying to figure out plan. You have a couple autoimmune problems. Rh and fibro, then plus post polio. We both have fibro and post polio. 

    One of the things I 've been learning about the thyroid is how involved it is in autoimmune disorders. Didn't have a clue. I know when he went from 25 mcg/day to 37.5mcg /day even though TSH was tight at low normal(preferred).....I was different and I saw a difference physically & mentally. He made the move even though the TSH didn't indicate it. The response was a very nice surprise. @ 112mcgs now and liking it allot.

    What drug level are you at?

    Force/cajole them to do every Thyroid test available. If this keeps up this way I can imagine a new future. Even ask him to consider an increase to evaluate response. 

    The other drug I have to take now is oscal 3 x's a day.He didn't specify dose. What affect that is having could be interesting too. What I'm really taking is Ca 1000mg/zinc15 mg/ magnesium400mg b/c it was on hand and I can't stand to waste it. So, who knows may be it's that . Or combo of. It's at a high end for calcium, but so, far no negative effect.


    Linda(yoohoo) may be knows cuz she's a pharmacist.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Sas Could be the mag. Another forum I hang on most there are deficient in it. If an Epsom salt bath makes you feel better, you are low. Or just soak your feet in it and see what happens. 

    Scientific huh?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spookie, hmm what do I know.send me or post the link to the thread. A test group and control group would have to prove the bath thing. BUT Epsom salts  was the go to for EVERYTHING prior to around 1970. Every house in America had it under the sink.. Exaggeration, but allot did. Our mom's used it for bruises, sore muscles, enemas. upset stomachs , feed the palm trees. What else ? They knew what to do with it.

    Now many of us have it in the house unused for years, b/c the knowledge hasn't been passed on. We may be missing out on something.

    Do know ca/mg/ and zinc should be taken together. What effective level is real , no real clue. Ca should be about twice the Mg level, that's the extent of what I know. AND that lack teh muscles and many body functions are screwed up. Have i paid attention. Briefly, then the Ca would cause constipation and I'd quit. 

    Diet is a good source, but I'ma very bad eater. I envy people that work at diet. Me, I think about 5 minutes ahead of when I want to eat----not a  planner. I buy healthy, then transfer it to the trashcan when it's gone bad b/c I didn't develop a wish to eat it.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good night/good morning Owls!  ♥ 


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sas so happy to coin the new winning term.  I have called it a Slammo everyone can!

    I had a right thyroidectomy about two years ago.  My scar seemed thick early on, but it healed beautifully.  It is no longer raised and is a faint thin line that is barely visible. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Yall forgot to remind me to reset my clock.       

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    All the insomiacs slept well last night?  There were only two post to read when I woke up.  

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


    I'm lost, but I knew I would be when I checked in. From what I can gather Sassy is feeling better and Ziggy is going to FL to get sex. Something about a slammo-wammo, but that isn't the sex.


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    How did I miss that Teka? You are one of the good ones. 

    That's a pretty good summary, Tango.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Good one Tang!   Yes we all know about that little Tart Ziggers, and her qwest for sex!  Is that legal?  I mean going across State Lines?  Plolly so....   It just HAS to be some head-bangin', rib-bustin', all-out foot-stompin'  party SHE has planned!  You can bet she will be draggin her .... um .... butt back to where she lives!  I think I would STAY if it's THAT good! 

    You know, I'm sittin' here Sass, with Cammi, and just tryin' to understand most of what you say.... Just KNOW that I am so happy you are back to yourself, and feeling better.  I did read about that Hashimoto's disease, and glad your Thyroid was just a tad off kilter.   What-ever it was, you probably didn't need it.... 

    I think someone called you a rebel something or other...  like a ninja-nurse...  I can't look back now...  But I laughed!   AND you put a MAN on our thread!  WTH?  I can't even drink alcohol... I don't think....  It just puts me to sleep anyway. 

    Wait....  Lilshit, make SURE you don't go gettin' all crazy, and you have to make that horn-dog wear some sort of rain-gear......  You got it?   I've read about things happening, so just take precautions...  Also, there's the pg thing....  Then we could all point our fingers at you, and snicker!

    And if anything goes on longer than 4 hours, give the rest of us a call, right?  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    LOL you guys crack me up.  Chevy that ED ad makes me cringe.  FOUR HOURS?  Thank you no!  I'm no spring chicken but don't think I could have done that even way back in the day.  Have fun ziggy!  *wink-wink* 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676

    Winking   too funny.  What is sex ?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Lilli my Lilli..... It is when chickens jump on each other, and somehow manage to do stuff, with all the feathers flapping, and tail wagging, and then when the girl chicken lays an egg, it is somehow "fertilized"  by all that hanki-panki, and then  a new little chick is going to be born.... I mean hatched. 

    This is the truth.  I found it out when I was about 25...  I couldn't figure out why old Bea & Estelle, our Landlords just didn't leave all their eggs alone!  I mean they had the chickens, laying eggs all over the place, but they took them in and ATE them.  My theory was, leave them THERE for awhile, and they will have more chickens!

    But NO, Estelle said....  He said "We don't have Roosters"..... So I indignantly said , "but you already have the eggs, so  if you just leave them THERE, they will hatch!" 

    He said "Go talk to Bea" which I promptly turned tail and marched right into her kitchen....And then is when I learned about fertilization.... I mean EVEN CHICKENS DO IT!

    I thought it was like fish!  When the girl lays her eggs, the male fish goes in after and fertilizes them...  I know this, because I used to breed Angel Fish....  Don't know WHAT I thought about those Rooster facts....

    Yes, Badger!  Can you just imagine?  I mean a guy walking around for 4 long hours.... like THAT?   I would like to see that.... just once...... like on my bucket list, of things I would like to see..... or even DO....Ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva, Maddy,JMJ, Chevy, Cami, Badger, Spookie, Ziggy, jackie, Teka Wren. $$$$444, Beatmom, Soteria, LindaN PHILLYWHOwIllCHecKINSooON, Bluebird, Aly. Nicky, Stellina,Sorry if I missed anyone.


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I'm also having trouble keeping up, mostly cause I've had a headache for two weeks! Hoping it's sinus issues. 

    Glad to see sas has finally stopped yelling. She switches TO ALL CAPS when she can't take it anymore. 

    Don't take calcium or eat dairy products within a couple of hours of taking thyroid meds. It interferes with absorption. I've had hashimotos thyroiditis since I was 16 years old. (Last week) You`all were invited to my sweet 16 and no one showed.   Tarts all looking for sex and putting up bathroom lights and chevys spying on chickens having sex. 

    Chevy, my husband also thought eggs were fertilized after they were laid. I asked him how he thought that would happen and he said, "like fish!"

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren, I heed your wise words. This is Gods new lesson for me. I've taken the thyroid for granted. I knew the basics, boring organ. On supplement since 07. Just a pill. Never gave it any extra study. But it's a big deal and can be big trouble. I'm wondering lots of stuff now. Particularly, I wonder does orthodox medicine really know what's normal. Are they not inequisitive enough about it? But I have lot's to learn. Maybe they do have the normals right , and my case WAS rare. But I do tend to think rare is just closer to the unknown than truly rare.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning everyone...well, afternoon for many of you.  Did the time change mess anyone up?  I felt guilty feeling like I was lounging in bed too long.  Then I remembered the time change and instantly felt better.  I am not a sloth.  I repeat.....:)

    Chevy you cracked me up with the chicken tales.  Yes, have to have a boy chicken to get more chickens and they still do it the old fashioned way!  I had two llamas when I lived in Wyoming.  Rehomed them four years ago when we had to move here.  They were a riot.  We got them from one of DH's customers (he was manager of Tru Green).  She had way too many as they were just pastured and their big male was papa to all the spring babies.  Llamas are interesting, as with most males you have a dominant male and the poor other guys can only watch but they aren't allowed to touch the ladies.  So DH bought me two of her llamas for my 50th birthday.  She sold him a young male and an older female.  I think he was two or three according to her, she was about eight maybe.  Females can reproduce until up to age 15.  Of course we were hoping for a baby.  The day we brought them home was a riot.  I named them Dolly Llama and Fernando Llama.  Hehehehehehe.  Here they come fresh out of the farm to a much smaller pasture.  We had a little over an acre fenced and it included a pole barn.  We had about 2.5 acres total, previous owners had horses so we didn't have to do much when we got them.  Some hay, grain, and a hundred gallon water tank and a heater for it.  Those llamas were not out of that trailer for long before the fireworks started.  Of course they run the perimeter to check out their new digs.  Normally exploration takes longer, but poor Fernando was hot to trot.  I felt really bad for Dolly.  Mostly she ran as fast as she could, Fernando in hot pursuit.  When he got close she spit madly over and over.  Didn't bother him in the slightest.  The game went on for a couple of hours before she finally got tired and he nailed her.  Well, sort of.  They mate lying down and Fernando, being a virgin and all, apparently was a little confused.  Or so excited he didn't care.  When he finally got her down he was madly going at the wrong end!  Nothing oral, not sure where he actually parked it, but it was in the front end.  He was making some loud bizarre noises. like a loud sheep almost combined with a lion's purr!  Dolly was spitting but she was so tired and it was July so hot too.  She couldn't stop running long enough to get a drink.  So, he went at it and although I must say I was impressed with his determination, his style definitely needed improvement.  Over the years he became less driven, he finally got the right end.  We saw some funny pursuits over the years.  Either he never quite got it right or one was sterile, we never had a baby.  Sure enjoyed them though, such characters! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh my GOD Janis!  I sat here laughing out loud!  You should tell that tale on all the threads, Ha!  Too funny!  The way you described the poor boy, and her just laying there, was hysterical! 

    I have to copy that, and send it to my ebuddies! 

    SASSY, how is it you remember everyone?  You have to have us written down.... that's it...   And you are on yet another mission.... To figure out what our thyroids have to do with the rest of us....   I don't know where you get the determination... 

    Bluebird.... She not only YELLS, she becomes even bolder!  Like we can't see her otherwise....  And yes!  Your DH must have seen fish eggs, being fertilized!  Okay, I had Sea Horses one time.... And I watched the male actually have the babies!!!!!!!!  I mean they came from HIS pouch, and sort of wiggled up to the top!  I was raising baby brine shrimp for them, but eventually EVERYone bit the dust.... or drowned, or whatever!  Now that is another thing to ponder.... HOW do Sea-horses get pregnant, and why the Male?    We learn so much on this thread.....   it's all important, I can just tell.

     Sass,  we  also hope your bathroom gets fixed, so she can luxuriate in in-door plumbing....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Okay....  So they mate, and then the guy carries the babies until they are ready, and then HE gives birth....  I don't have any other details....

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    jmj - that story about your llamas was a riot!!"

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    JmJ I laughed and laughed. then tried you tube. Hmmm nothing as funny as your description. :0 basically, you can find anything mating if you're curiousSinging

    Chevy, just nosy, always nosy. My TSH was normal range --tightly controlled and monitored every 6 months for years. So, if that's the benchmark and things were so screwy. Then something's wrong with the benchmark. 

    If I didn't ask for a check of basic bloodwork in mid Jan. , we would still be doing ultrasounds and biopsies. TSH in Hashimotos bounces around so it gives a clue that something's wrong(PCP taught me this not the specialist). Mine didn'tbounce, no one can answer why. I had classic signs that thyroid was screwy and everyone just ignored what I was saying for about 6-7 months b/c the number--TSH was in perfect range. Yet rapid weight gain, naibeds lifting and changing, hair falling out, fatigue change to negative, muscle pain increase, oddles of other clues. BUT the TSH was normal range. The yearly picked up the gland enlargement---then the docs got interested in testing.-----but not by bloodwork. Why? TSH was normal range.

    Now even the pathologist is confused. He can see lymphocytic thyroiditis(Hashi's) in the slides, but he can't explain why or what type based on the bloodwork. The two don't fit together. So, truly there is still a concern for cancer. But there isn't ANY clear evidence of cancer. Hey, maybe I'm reportable. I'd be patient A, but still it'd be interesting.

    I'm not a rare bird, or a gatlin bird down in the bog. (Aly, you should recognize that phrase:). If this happened to me, how many others are having things that are screwy, but the TSH is normal range. So, things are being ignored. Aly and I are thyroid buddies. I'm hoping if she pushes them, maybe, they will look at something they haven' t.

    So, wish we all had Sherlock Holmes as our doc :)