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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    April I think we all worry about our kids more--but it seems like it is probably B9--so enjoy the thoughts of the wedding and baby--great news.

    Spookie my mag isn't just low--I have to go to the hospital for IV for that and potassium so yea the Drs. give me scripts to keep them up in the close to normal range. I've landed in the hospital like a week at a time from this, One time I was pparalyzed on my left side cuz of this so that was a long time in--so I don't just get low I get depleted---that was the time I was taken by georgeous paramedics and my eyes were closed I couldn't move and that's when I saw the light yelling I see the light I'm leaving now and he said I just opened u'r eye and shined a flashlight in it. then I was telling them how gorgeous they were. I know u've all heard this story so I won't go on with the goofy part of it. But it has lessened a little this past 6 months, but I still have it and by lessened it means it usually 1-2 days a week so that's a lot less LOL My mag goes next  to nothing my Pot. goes under 2. so they consider that not so good. And somehow my thyroid stops working too. They don't have a clue--2 different hospital and 2 sets of Drs. they just call me weird. And sometimes when I say I'm havin a bad day it usually means it's after my D and my bones are worse than usual--so I'm exhausted and in pain. See Spookie now u know all about it. But the worst part is being out with people even thos I wear depends it just explods out with no warning and all over and I'm not as embarrassed as I used to be--that's why I don't get embarrassed easily anymore. Sorry for the rant. Oh one more thing, since some of my intestine has decided to move up my side (pushing my liver into my ribs) my side also has pain when all this happens hahaha I told u I'm weird

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    April my nodules were also found by mistake.  I had very scary chest pain and went to the ER.  Mine was also found on a CT scan.  I had a needle core biopsy but they were not able to extract enough fluid for analysis.  Since I had BC they went ahead and removed the right thyroid.  All benign, as they were pretty sure it would be.  Nodules are very, very common and very rarely cancerous.  I know how you feel, being your daughter and all, but try not to worry.  It is highly unlikely to be anything serious at all. 

    Congratulations on all the good news in your life right now.  How exciting!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Prayers needed please. I'm in hospital waiting for surgery time to remove mass in brain. I'm so afraid. This came out of left field. All my path reports and checkup s were good after surgery last July. Just finished rads in December and everything was going well. So upset. Love you guys.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Bluebird, I am so sorry you are facing this sudden surgery.  Sending tons of healing hugs and love your way. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Bluebird sendi.g you hugs.  

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    BlueBird,, so, sorry this is happening. We are with you, stay strong...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895


    Big Hugs and lots of Prayers going up.  Best of luck.  Very scary but we are all with you in spirit embracing you as you face this new challenge. There is healing love all around you.

    Now.... Go kick its ass!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Bluebird---(((HUGS))) and (((PRAYERS))) going to u.

  • encyclias
    encyclias Member Posts: 61

    Saying prayers and sending calming thoughts

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Bluebird ((hugs)) omg...don't even know what to say.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hellooooooo Owlettes!!!

    Long time no hoot.

    No way I can catch up; just want to send love and hugs and prayers to those who need them right now.

    Catching up from the memorial service (went beautifully - no family psychodrama!); jury duty (actually made it to the jury box but was excused during the "voir dire" process); and suddenly realizing that Spring is definitely here.

    Spent Friday at the Home Show at the Fairgrounds, decided there was nothing there I couldn't live without. Friday night was a dinner and "Sweetheart Marriage Conference" at our church - warm, funny presenter - an ordained minister with 30+ years of doing these kinds of workshops - and went back Saturday morning to finish.

    Then spent the rest of the day digging up and moving plants and trees in the back yard! Sweaty, tired, but felt productive!

    Sunday morning was church and Sunday evening was our small group meeting; there are ten of us (all good friends) that meet twice a month at each others' homes for fellowship, support, and killer desserts!!!

    Today - I never got dressed!!! Slept in, laid around in my jammies, finished two books, and now it's time to go to bed again. I never would have made it on that jury. I have my priorities!!!

    Once again, many prayers going up for all who need them.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Bluebird, I would be so scared too. Sending love and healing light.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Bluebird- we are here for you! sending love and healing wishes your way!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks for all the support, Owlettes!

    What a crazy day! Saw PS, "farewell" appointment. Sad and glad, she and her staff are so kind and compassionate. They took my worries and fears seriously and always came up with a "do-able" plan with lots of hugs and laughs to boot. She's pleased with the outcome, I am took. 17 years of uni-boob and no cleavage, this is so different. She answers all my questions, probably spent half an hour with her today. We both had tears.

    My PCP is literally across the hall so I got an afternoon appointment to try to get rid of this disgusting cough. I was on anti-bi's (Z pack?), she's got me on inhalers and Phenergan with codeine to sleep. Still considering this as seasonal allergies. 

    Blessings, you're amazing! PCP loved that I've been drinking the "get well" cocktail of ginger, lemon and honey in warm water! You're a genius! 

    Oh great, I hear the winds are kicking up tomorrow! No wonder my sinuses were hurting tonight. 

    Tomorrow is MO and GI. Fun! When I think of a question, I add to a file I have set up on my phone. The day/night before appt it's just a matter of putting all the thoughts into a logical order and print it out. Two column format, questions on the left, responses on the right.

    Better post before I lose this.

    Ok, every time I try to post now, I get the Something went wrong message and get kicked out of BCO. 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    bluebird, hope all went well and you are recupering nicely. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Bluebird,  ditto Smaarty. Did I miss something? Did this come up as suddenly as it seems? Sending you hugs, love and healing thoughts and most definitely prayers.

    April, you and your family will also be in my prayers, how wonderful you have the wonderful wedding and baby to look forward to. 

    Sassy, still doing the nasal rinse but need to do at least twice a day. 

    Hi1 - yes, this is my first colonoscopy. Really scared because I've been putting it off for years due to my fears. Stupid, I know, kicking myself. Both DD and DH had theirs years ago, I'm petrified of surgery and IV's. I was a preemie, lots of bronchitis as an infant, later tonsillitis. Mom was a pediatric nurse (in the hospital where I was born), she had to give my injections (we lived back east in the snow when they made house calls, mom thought it better to do it herself than deal with the commute, so I gained her fear of having to give to her child. I still remember her talking herself into it, we were both crying). It's a phobia - full blown, not rational, but it exists. So, I'm so worried I've waited too long...... Especially with BC twice. Am praying for a clean report.

    Sweet, welcome, what a difference a year makes!

    Then, on top of everything, I went to this women's retreat 2011 and 2012, had to miss last year in between surgeries (in the mountains, usually very cold, snowed both years I went, no way could I handle last year). This year, want to go, but money is an issue. Humbled myself and requested a scholarship first of the year. No response after lots of inquiries. Was told my response never received. WTH? Now, today, lots of phone calls, there may be an opening, it's this weekend, nice last minute notification in addition to all the doctor appointments. Stress, no wonder I'm getting a migraine tonight. 

    I think I'm done rambling. Let's see if this posts (without an error message)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning---

    Maddy u'r really keeping u'rself busy, I hope all goes well with all u'r app'tments that's for sure.

    Blessings u've been all over the place, u have to be exhausted, talk about busy.

    Praying for Bluebird.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Bluebird!  I'm soooo sorry!  Just dag-nab-it-all!!!!!!!!  Damn!  Are you alright?  What did those people DO to you?   How can we help?  I just wish we could all be with you, and sing silly songs, and bring you snacks to eat...  All except Cammi!  Did you see THAT?  She has more things wrong with her than any 10  people should.  She might even be contagious!  I mean she is an anomoly...or a  loosely woven woman.   So we will leave her in the car....

    I'm just sorry littleBlue...  we need you here with a hurry...  Please let us know what is going on...  We might have some influence over those Docs of yours...

    We love you! Sweet dreams...xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This just makes me so sad.....  How is it we can cry over someone we hardly know?  That we've never really met? 


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Good Morning Girls!

    Chevy, I think sometimes we know each other better here than we know some of the people that we see all the time or our own families.  I know some of the people here "get" me better than literal people I can reach out and touch.

    BlueBird, I hear the birds outside chirping.  I bet you are one of them.  Hope you woke to a bright morning whistling a tune!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    That's soooooo sweet 444444444!  I know...   I want to hear your "birds" singing.....  We'll all hold LittleBird up..... xoxoxo

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Headed into surgery soon. Glad you left cammi  in the car. She can make snack and booze runs for everyone. Make that champagne because I'm kicking ass in this fight!

    Love the meerkats hug!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    you go girl!!!  Take NO prisoners!!  Kickin' ass and taken names!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    We'll either be here, or in that room with you!  Just hurry, please!  All that drinkin' and snacks, we could all take up residence in your room! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Bluebird I am sending tons of positive energy your way.  You will get through this and have so much support and love in the process.  These great ladies are your best cheerleaders.  Plenty of hugs and I'll be looking for you later. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Bluebird-thinking of you....I've got the Beatles song in my...oh wait that is Blackbird. grr


    Anyway, I said a prayer for you this morning. hang in there ((hugs))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I do hope we hear soon about u Blubird, I don't know how we'll know oh this effin waiting when u'r not there especially---OK we'll keep checking and waiting.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    I agree Cami, hard to know someone in our circle is facing this new challenge. Like I've said, I am a total worry wart. Wish there was a better saying for that. Warts are unwanted..hmm. Bluebird is a tough bird, she will pull through and tell it to go f itself. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hole I'm a worrier like mad but about other people really--not myself for some strange reason--but when u care about people and friends and family u just don't want anything to happen to them ever. Just like when I read here sometimes I can't remember names and I know some don't post regularly, but for the ones that post all the time I wonder why not. Did something happen? So we all worry just differently.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Does brain surgery take a long time? I would want them to go slowly and carefully. Continuing to send healing thoughts. Hope the surgery goes well and the findings are benign.