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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Now Linda, if you tell that Lilshit she is funny, she will NEVER let up, Ha!  Yes, she makes us all laugh..... I'm gonna go tromp the day-lights out of her as soon as I can ditch this walker!  Can you just SEE that?  I can't even WALK without SOME sort of help, and I would wrestle her to the ground, and roll over in a heap of laughter!

    I think she is jealous of my walker...  And so she says she is going to have "s.e.x"..... She don't even know what it IS!!!  Why does she have to go out of TOWN, anyway?   I think she can find some in the same town where she LIVES!   All's I can say is, it MUST be worth it!

    Also, littleziggers, if it bothers you, wear a cute little teddy!  Shut the lights out!  Wear pasties, like I do!   If there's a will, there's a way. 

    And aNOTHER thing!  "Guess who" my ass!  The one on the right is Cammi, because she has a cat on her foot...  I have a , what IS that?  A Raccoon?  And I at least shaved my legs! 

    Teka, that is so funny!  MY recliner is a lot more comfortable than DH's.  But you broke the foot-rest?  Ha, ha!  I can only imagine what you were DOing!    I mean it isn't because of anything we have...... oh wait...  can't talk like that, or ziggers will think I am NUTS.

    What's this "prerequisites" stuff she is talking about?  See Janis?  That person says all kinds of things we know nothing about.... so we can't pay any attention.  I don't even know either, what a slamOgram is.... Are you sure that's right?   Let's just don't think about it until after you hear!

    Beautiful glassware Smarty!   I USED to have reddish brown hair... when I was a teen... a pretty little teen... sigh...... also, send a note to the Mods?  About how to not have to always sign on?  Don't tell them what we are doing over here though....okay?  image

    Glad to see you again JWoo.... just don't pay any attention to any of us on here, because we don't know what we are talking about...Ha! 

    Morning Cammers!    Yes, we love deodorants, and lovely creams, and spritzes and  make-up.... just ANYthing to make us even more gorgeously than we are! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Badger....  just thinking of you.... It IS a job.... especially having to go to another State! .... As long as they are safe, you just HAVE to take care of them....  So you will be closer to her?  

    We have 1000 posts?  It was ZIGGERS!  She's the one....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Chevy, LOTS closer, 10 mins from my job vs.1,500 miles.


    Welcome Janis, if I count right you have the honor of post #10,000 with the fun new term Slammo-Gram LOL.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    You guys crack me up.  I nicknamed it Slammo-Gram years ago.  Mammogram simply doesn't adequately describe the lovely procedure.  Slam is definitely closer to the truth.  I can get as visual from that!  :)

    I hit the 10,000th post?  Not bad for a newbie!  :)

    I am still reading and learning but I am going to have fun here.  I get an A+ in Smartass!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi owlettes I am sitting watching tv and having cup of tea Tramadol is beginning to work. Ginger cat is sitting with me he knows I am in pain. Sorry to be a sad owl I just hate my body.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Alyson big hugs your way 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Feel better Alyson!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Seen in front of Saks in Naples Fl. IDK whose it is, trashed my morning. It's a Bentley. 


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Is that the Zippgpops arrival ? She is headed to Florida to do you know what ! Slipping into Saks for that perfect little number. 

    Alyson, hope your meds kick that pain, it is so exhausting to hurt.

    Good Morning all, it is supposed to reach 60 degrees today. If the wind does not blow it will be a stellar day.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Aly, I'm sorry u'r in so much pain, can't u take something a little stronger? Well whatever u take I hope it does it's job for you.

    Wait a minute it took me a couple of minutes to know what a slammo-gram was--I thought it was something new and Chevy didn't even know at all--silly girl--or should I say senior citizen, we're sillier I guess. Oh and Chevy don't act so innocent about going out of town for some sexy stuff, we all know u'r business works better in Nevada anyway.

    OK it's snowing slightly again and there is the St. Patrick's huge parade today--everyone is still going crazy people. Everyone around here starts very early and forgets about St. Joseph's day 2 days later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    it probably belongs to that B_ _ _ _, Susan B. Komen.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Aly, hope you feel better fast.

    Enerva, did you photoshop those cheeks or is that a real bunny?

    Badger, glad you DM is doing the right thing. We tried to get my MIL into an apartment that had several levels of care as she got worse but she cancelled everything at the last minute even though she paid the deposit and got rid of some furniture. She just turned 93, still insist on driving even though she getting lost more often and can't remember things anymore. Her driver license is good for another 2 years! She says she's fine and won't listen to any of her kids. 

    My mom just turned 88 and gave her car to a granddaughter. Not happy about being stranded even tho she seldom drove anymore. She knew it was the right thing to do.

    Just so you guys know, it's going to be 75 today, slight chance of more rain tonight.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    That's who I thought too 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    could it be that make-up line, where if you sell the most you get the pink  cadellac ?   

    Ziggypop showing off..?.....hmm, if its Susan K, that is over the top.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Hi O - Ha. I would not ride in that thing even if the best sex in the world awaited at the other end. 

    This is for Chevy in return for her advice: 


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Maybe Chevy wrote that book on her way to Nevada.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Smarty when I was a kid I lived in Carmichael.  Later moved to Auburn I loved it there.  Back then it was a small town, about 30,000 people I think.  I haven't been out that way for years but the last time I did drive through that area I was shocked at how big it was.  I remember numerous trips to the Roseville Auction too.  Those really were the good old days! 

    Holeinone where do you live?  I am near Boise and we celebrate 60.  Today it will be close to that and it is gorgeous here.  It had been rainy and gloomy for a couple of weeks, so we are celebrating this sunny warm day.

    Alyson, I am so sorry you are having so much pain.  Healing hugs to you. 

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend so far.  :)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    You must of missed my post when you first came on INSOMNIACS. I live 2 hours south of you in Twin Falls. I love Boise, mainly for the shopping, restaurants & events. Twin Falls is a great place to live but still too small for me. I grew up in S. Calif, 20 miles from Los Angeles.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pg 333 and that was 22 hrs ago. I think Eneerva said she wasn't going to try and keep up , jackie always said she couldn't jazzy too. Really none of us can ----by the time we catch up wee've forgotten what we've read.

    If anyone ever feels like your post was forgotten, just jump back in with what ever you needed or wanted to say. LOL we'll get it at some point

    Don't forget to save those goodie pics. on the storage page. The transporter link is in the topic box up top :)

    On to pge 334 to be continued.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Smarty it is a real bunny, i got it from a website for baby animals lol here is another one, cute


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Update on thyroid, dogs, and BR:

    Waiting on 2nd opinion. It was the doc's request, he used me as the excuse. ENT pointed it out. It doesn't quite fit any of the a tee. So, still suspicious. I am very happy it's out though. Rather not worry that it could turn to CA. It was in the gray zone, now it's in a jar.

    Other than that moving forward, not supposed to bend or yell(yell is my thing larynx unhappy---sore). Dog went under barbwired, got tangled under the feet off six horses. I'm bending and lifting the barbed wire and yelling---OH well.

    Starting dose of levothyroxine increased dose is 112 mcg. Endocrinologists appointment made in early Dec b/c I was anticipating. Worked out perfect first one is march 25th. I'll have blood work at the exact right time for him to start adjusting.

    Scar, well, hope it flattens out, but since I've had an eye scar my entire life. Life is more than a scar.

    BATHROOM OUT OF COMMISSION SINCE JAN 7TH 2013: Put up lightrail track lighting together with DBF. Picture on box nice beautiful wavy track. Didn't say you had to create wave yourself. We are still speaking and like each other. He's wiring for the TV and gadgets. Cable company comes tomorrow morning. Tile install supposed to be Monday.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH SMARRTY what fun I've been meaning to write back about the red plate--so, funny I called it a bubble pattern and that's what it was Bubble by Anchor Hocking. I think I see several MOON & STARS pattern. First made by LE Wright or Edwards(?)__----then botght by Smith(?) story was nice, but bummer I forget it. It has another name. It was very popular pattern for 6-7 decades. 

    BTW Methinks it is all AMBERINA color. B/C red usually doesn't photograph well. Red often shows almost black. Red in a pic, it's very difficult to see the pattern. Amberina color patterns show very well b/c it's pigment(?) is not as dense as red. Amberina can be the most sought after in certain color patterns. To have so many pieces in amberina is a very good thing. From a collector point of view, I would be delighted to have so many patterns. 

    She had many pedestal pieces, covered, and a beautiful banana bowl. The banana bowl is right behind  the canister. I didn't know that was what it was for a very long time. Always thought it an odd shaped piece, until I learned it some where. BBL have to go paint something :)

    Here's a link to I use them allot to locate patterns and see what they value something at now. I chose the clear pattern first b/c you can see the pattern clearly. I'll try and bring back an amberina page.

    OH MY SMARRTY, there are 18 colors of Moon and Stars. When you calculate how much the dollar value is let us know. Several of the pieces I checked are very nice prices. The thing I called a banana bowl, they call a large boat-$42.00, tea canister $34.00, and Flared Compote the tall one in back right corner $40.00. 

    When you link to the page. Any piece that is hyperlinked---in blue like are links--- a nice size picture pops up in the top left corner.

    I see six patterns I don't immediately recognize. The one bowl in the first pic does it have a saw tooth edge? And are the cuts in the glass very sharp versus smooth? Can you see the press glass line or is there NO press line? ---OH I HOPE you can't find one. If there is a press line with a smooth saw tooth edge(rounded) possibly prescut by AH. If no press line, heavy weight, sharp cut lines, saw tooth sharp ---could be American Brilliant Cut------if ABC couple hundred dollars or more, If prescut under$20.00(?)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676

    Usually late and once again three pages late.  "Sigh".    Anyway, just saying hi and getting a kick out of pics and owls and all sorts of funny little old "ladies". 

    Hoping all is well and if not sending lots of warm hugs and healing energies.


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Sass sending you hugs, hope you get well soon. I am hoping Spring finally makes her way here :( 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger, call when you are here, You will be driving right by Spookie's and I'm getting close to being able to get the chair which is right in Tampa. Never know you may need to stop for lunch and we could be right there LOL. But this time we'd double check the Cracker Barrel

    Cami couldn't resist that pic. It's in the box. It is so apre'pro(sic) for this group. I tried to put the deodorant lady in there too, but couldn't. I will never be able to wear deodrorant again without thinking of this one ROTFLOL.

    Woohoojeniwoo- we like you tooowooowThumbsUp

    Linda so glad you're here, laugh'n laugh'n laugh

    Beatmom, haven't seen you forever catch us up to date?

    Chevy there was another bird, but now there's a forcaster that has the forcast right for us :)

    Teka cute:)---if we did ongoing health problems we'd never get onto anything else, BBL have to paint something and get ready to go out to dinner HUGS MUAH

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy, I see you added something to the header and the owls didn't get upset and move around. Good work! 

    Trying to catch up, not doing a great job.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy, the owls flew all over the place and did it twice, but I'm getting faster at putting them back in place. Can you imagine if I got the deodorant lady in there next to the forcaster. Cami's on a wild streak LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Sassy I'd love to, if it works out.  Mom's in Ft. Myers so we'll head up I-75 early morning Sat 3/22.  That's maybe two hours driving?  So we might be ready for a break by then.  For sure we'd double & maybe triple-check the Cracker Barrel. ♥