INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey marybe!!What are you doing up so late? if youre still here, call me, wouldya? 3jays... night ladies, am in a lot of pain from the MS tonight, my Patellas are moving, and they're not suppossed to.. so, its bed, the dog, ice, and a good book for awhike i ll ck back, if i can..     have fun!!!    3jays

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    feel better 3jays!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks, tink.. just one of those days.. tommorrow will be better..IF the sandman comes.. im gonna "help " him tonight!     3jays

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    I understand me too just took my helping aide lol!!! sleep tight! :)

  • Well, the only way I can get on here is when I go search moderators, see the post Judith made on this thread, click on it and then I am here, But when I write a post and submit it, then I am locked out again.  So I am going to take a break and go call 3jays and may try again later.  Thanks for the congrats re my scan report ....I really was thinking the worst, especially since the tumor markers are up to 2,177 ( think I am going for a record!) but one good thing about doing that, if it is bad, I am ready and if it's good, it's a wonderful surprise.  I have been doing scans every three months on active years, 6 months a lot of years and actually got to the point where it was only once a year for a few yrs, BUT I still am worried about the results.  Every time I tell myself, this is ridiculous, it's just a test, but it's like your entire life hinges on those know how that goes.  Well, I will try back later.  Have a good visit you who are on here.   Marybe

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    okay this is the only page I can get too---------------I refuse to talk to the chickens when I know others are talking to each other. The Mods said my last post posted., but I can't get beyond this no girl land. I tried internet exploer and firefox same way--------I have become persona non grata

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I can't get in now, it was happening earlier.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Must have been because of the stethoscope---------i'm still by myself MODERATOR JUDITH HELP------------------I'M ALONE---------WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS-----------*&^%%, JUST ADDED THAT FOR PLEASURE.  SINCE I AM AGAIN TALKING TO MYSELF. Hapenned upon that one day in anger,  hit the shift button an hit all the above keys. OH so nice it was just like swearing , but had no meaning at all. How wonderfull. Symbols had the same connotation of all the nasty words. What a relief, and there are no laws against it. 

    Wish I could be with you all, but for some reason unknown to me and the Mods can't be.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I got in the back door by asking 'google' which is a bit scary.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey I'm here The Mods fixed something ------Have no clue if I can get back

    Thank you judith

    Didn't mean to be a night owl tonight -, but let's see where it goes

    Was going to start a whole new drift----------opps got to take meds

    The problem when you have a med pack by day then there is a presumption that you know what day it is----------------down the rabbit hole with the Mad Hatter

    going to read whathas been posted while I was in the netherland

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well This is interesting,  I'm back in the nether-land -------isolated can't go forward ---can't go back. But apparently can post. SO, who am I---- Alice, The Mad hatter, or the Cheshire cat----only the Mods Know for sure. I'm sure they will decide , until then I will fade. AHHHH if I fade then that makes me the Cheshire Cat----MY favorite. But the Mad Hatter has his distinguishing characteristics that make him so enjoyable. It's such a difficult choice the two have such undeniable attributes

    I wish you all well tonight and if I am allowed back here, I will tip my tin hat and put on my Mad Hatter pin and thank the Mods that fixed the situation---------LOVE and TEA sas

  • Well, I wrote the Moderators and got reply from Judith and she said they are working on it and that sas was able to get back on so perhaps there is hope for me.  However, I am actually feeling sleepy so I am going to take advantage of that fact and go to bed since I have to be at work at 8:00 tomorrow morning.  See you tomorrow, I hope.    Marybe

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    good evening!! just finished eating dinner. i made chicken marsala with whole wheat pasta, very very buttery garlic bread, and pecan pie with dark chocolate chips!!!

    ooohh so yummy!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Apparently I'm still barred from the site -----well what can I say----Anyone that is familiar with me talking to the chickens, since I couldn't come here I had a long chat about what the chickens like on the OMG site.  There was about <1 minute access here. Who knows why, the Mods-aka judith tried to fix it. But  by tomorrow ----tomorrow- is just one day away it will be fixed i'm sure----

    AND if i can't find anyone to talk to I'll come back here and talk to the chickens-----LOve darlings sas

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    I still can't get in through BCO. This hen is doing a happy dance. Swelling in chest is fibrous adhesions  which might explain why shoulder and collar bone are so sore when I move them.
  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    I can only get in this thread if i go to search and type in "insomniacs" then it pops righ up and i can get in that way... pain in the ass though

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    the thread just let me flip the page I had to go out and come back in, gonna see where the post goes!  Hello all!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm here on the site --------just typing this and posting ---------if I go to netherland----------wish you all a sleepful night

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well I'm in the rabbit hole again --- not good only because now is the time for new wanders that are seeking someone to direct them.

    If you are a new person to this thread, there are technical difficulties going on . Please , go back to the main forum and review the list. Find what applies to you and read--------don't start a new topic thread---guarantee there is a topic thread that covers your question.

    This insomnia thread if you read from the beginning is not meant to be a serious BC dicussion.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I left the chickens to check this out. All I see is posts about not being able to get in?

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    good night all.

  • bookart
    bookart Member Posts: 210

    Sas - did you ever get an answer to the psychologist/innkeeper playing opposite Suzanne Pleshette - Bob Newhart.  I can't stay up tonight as late as I do on some nights - missed work today (still Thursday to me) so better show up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning.  Well, we'll see if this posts...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    well i'm still blocked----------------i see all these posts and since i'm still up would love to join can't . ............. for at least tonight I am persona non grata.  sssssssssssooo going to find something to eat........ I so much want chocoate ergo i won't buy it . But now I want chocolate UGGGH

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Its still not working for me either. Once I post I will have to go out and back in through google but now it goes straight there. The 'Stupid thread act the same way when I post but I just go back to BCO and go back in.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    well still off , but had a chocolate attack and making brownies of the normal kind no asparagus in the house. A;so, no real eggs-----just the in the carton already mixed egg,so, we'll  see

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm on by magic and thank bookhart--someone filled in the name for my depleted brain which is Bob Newhart. I pretty much talk to the chickens the way Bob talked on the phone. He could be considered a mentor. the chickens think so too.

    Gave the moving out son most all bakeables , kept one back just incase, It's cooking---Of course not according to direction---to impatient for that... Could be good, could be a disaster. Only the tasting will tell. Posting know to see if anyone is here---if not it's me and the chickens

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    well it's me and the chickens. We had a good discussion ---me and the chickens on "OMG they found a cure for stupid" just a short while back. so here we are again . at least we are waiting for chocolate.

    I'm in Florida, God didn't make it easy on us or fair. Small dots on the floor you always have to bend over and scrutinize ---is it a bug(roach) or debris. Unfair Unfair. Upnorth I wouldn't consider such a thing. Here anything on the floor is suspect. You could put the activity in the category of exercise. But Ughhh When you see a real one and they can be from micro to 3 inches.uggh.

    Ran the dog 3 days ago someone left an alligator on the side of the road with the tail and head cut off---+ or_ 30 vultures feasting. Ugggh.

    Chocolate almost ready-----------so relieving after dead alligators and vultures. hmmmmmmm

    sane or insane what is the difference? and how does chocolate figuire in?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    # glasses of wine and some pizza - too much for my brain. Did have chocolate which I didn't eat gone off chocolate but yummy Turkish Delight..

    Yuck can't thinkl about alligators, don't have such things here.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    All you sleepless ones must be snoozing still? Will look in later but its still not working properly for me. Can get here through search but have to go in again when I post.

  • Well, the moderators keep telling me they are working on it, but I tell you until it is worked out getting on here is a royal PIA.  The way I do it is put moderators in search and when I click on the insomniac post she put on I am able to see and read all the posts, but as soon as I post this, it will go away and I cannot get back in the conventional way.  Very interesting....who said that Boris Bantanoff to Natasha perhaps in Rocky and Bullwinkle? 

    I went and had my eye test today and they measured me for my new lens or implant or whatever it is they put in after they remove my cataract.  The tech had to keep putting drops in my eye because whatever they were trying to register was not doing it because of dry eyes, she said.  Dry eyes?  I told her my opthalmologist said I did not have dry eyes a few months ago and she says Well, you know chemo will cause them to get dry.  That figures I guess since everything else has dried up.  Anyway, I am set to go next Friday and I told them I want the lens to just correct distance, that I am fine with wearing glasses for close since I have to wear some sort of eye cover at work anyway.  Maybe this will mean another pair of glasses which means decision making and I am terrible at chosing things like that....will pick out about 8 pair and narrow it down to four and then two and then I always go back with a friend or someone who has good taste in my opinion and then I end up getting something entirely different.  My father was telling someone that two things you never want to do is go shoe shopping or glasses shopping with me....but he is pretty patient about it as long as he has a chair to sit in. 

    Well, it is too early for anyone to be one here plus I can't really just post a reply with things like they are right now so all I can do is hope they get it fixed.  Now I am going to go check out facebook.  Hope the brownies turned out asked how chocolate figured in....what does it have endorphines, isn't it?  Or maybe it just tastes good.  Ummmm, I love Lindt Lindor chocolate balls...think they are almost better than Godiva.....still have most of the contents of a Valentine's heart left, but for some reason that is not tempting me.  Now a Reese's peanut butter egg, that's a different story. 

    Ummmm, Chicken marsala sounds wonderful angel.  Maybe it is time for me to see what I can fix for dinner.  I will see you on another thread Alyson....maybe FB.       Anyone else still having problems with access to this thread?