INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  •    I was reading the You Say Yes, I say No one tonight and it's a pretty funny one also....I was thinking it was all political, but it isn't at all.  I try not to get involved in politics since I am not very well informed and don't like to display my stupidity. 

    So I guess I am all set for cataract surgery on Friday...had my eyeball measured on Friday and have started using these drops they prescribed 4/day 7 days before the surgery.  They told me I had dry eyes which figures since everything else has dried up. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well the page just flipped to 39 and we are still on page 36.

    Maybe we have leprechauns that are messing with things to amuse thenselves.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good luck on the mom 's were advanced when they were done. She was amazed at the colors she could reappreciate. Commented for months. So, there's a happy thing to look forward too--Mary

  •  I just turned the heat up to 78,,,,it is cold.  I was over at my friends today picking up my income taxes and they keep there house at 63o!!....I was walking around with my coat on while I was there.  I guess if you have a nice house with a pool you have to save on utilities.  Jeesh, I like to be warm. 

  • I ddin't even know I had them, just all of a sudden I found I was seeing better without my glasses than with them so went to have my eyes checked out and he said father and grandmother had them so the tendency was there, but the said they fact I had so many steroids sped the process!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm set at 78 for air conditioning-------Fl.  sitting here with long patient and socks and hoodie. We have a very limited range for acclimation. You hot is our cold. When it's in the 80-90's the thermastat goes even higher for air. Tooooo expensive

  • Where did Hadley go?  I went to read her post.  Do people go out on Sat night any more.  I remember how I used to stay out til the bars closed on the weekends and then we would go to someone's house or I would have everyone come to my house and we would party on....those were the days.  I actually don't miss them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Steroids also affect bone density----watch that one too--also affects everything else-----skin hair , nails, lungs, you name it----roids are good and bad

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well it depends on the partiers. Going to one tomorrow. They are good hosts. good parties

  • Temp is all relevant....I know when it is 60 in the spring we think Oh wow, Spring is here and summer is coming....then in the fall it gets down to 60 and we think its getting cold.  It is really green here with all the rain.  I keep telling my husband we have to hire someone to come weed....I refuse to have the worst looking yard on the street again....when I was doing chemo it got overrun with weeds.  Now my back is bad and I can't do too much and him, well, he is just too lazy.  Last time he did help he chopped my clematis down to the ground and whacked off a bunch of iris before they had bloomed....I could have killed him.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Got to walk the human now hot flashing off comes all the extra clothing

  •   I like dinner parties now.  I make fondue a lot inthe winter....worked in Switzerland for 3 yrs and brought my fondue pot back with me and started doing it here and continued doing it here even though it is a fad that comes and goes in the in Jan and Feb, I had 6 different fondue's always fun, lots of drinking wine and laughing and everyone loves my fondue.  I never like to have more than 8 at at time if I can help it unless I used two pots since it is too far to reach to dip if you have too many. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    well the drugs are kicking in going to check out cAth thread and go to bed again

    If I don't talk to to you Mary have a good surgical experience XOXO sheila

  • Hot flashes.....I am happy to be done with those.  I love to have parties, like to do theme parties and used to do them all the time Mardi Gras,  Chinese New Year,  Garden parties, but now that I am married I very seldom do anything it seems....he goes to sleep in front of his tv early and me, well here I am in front of the computer.   I think I am going to go to a movie tomorrow....need to clean, but am going to try to go to a movie also. 

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Re the you just do the cheese ones? My son loves anything 70s (hes 20) and wants to use my old one.

  • Just the cheese....use four different kinds, but mostly Gruyere.  You use the ceramic pots....think the metal pots are more for the hot oil and meat fondues.  Do they have a Melting Pot near you...they even do the dessert fondue there with the chocolate. 

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    A Melting Pot?

    I'm in Australia.

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    A Melting Pot?

    I'm in Australia.

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    A Melting Pot?

    I'm in Australia.

    Having trouble submitting my posts...hope they don'y apprae 3 times!


  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295


  • ooops, sorry.  Did not look to see where you lived or at your avitar.  That is a fondue restaurant here in the states.  Where are you at in Australia?  We have a lot of women from there on our older ladies with more sense thread....also I have a friend from highschool who lives there. She is in Malaney, Queensland.

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    I'm in Melbourne, Victoria....down the bpttom...your friend is up the top.

    I went to NYC in Oct/Nov....loved it!

  • Well, I think I am going to walk the dog up the street and then go back to bed.  Tomorrow is Sunday so no alarm clocks going off early. 

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Sorry about my typing tonight!

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Nice chatting...see you again.


  • I love NY see everything there.  Did yu go to a play?

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295

    Yes...two Broadway shows...ate at Sardis....the

     I'll let you walk your dog...just walked mine!

  • Ok, night....if you are on here again I will see you.  I go to bed at a normal time, but don't stay asleep so check out the threads. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi there. Have just dropped in to say hi.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    The Gremlins are here again. Never mind, makes life interesting.