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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • HEY!  I am awake but heading to bed to do crosswords. Why not. I am on the Dexamethasone today in prep for my last Chemo tomorrow. So it could be the Dex, excitement or adrenaline  ... or the caffeine, sugar and starches ... been that kind of day. I pray that you all get the yawns reading this and can go to bed and sleep restfully and peacefully.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Carren, last chemo? Could it be joyful excitement? Super for you! Congrats!

  • vinniemyers
    vinniemyers Member Posts: 58


     There are ladies doing this type of tattooing... the best female at it is Renee Maschinot. She is on these boards also. I have worked with her many times and we share ideas on how to improve what we do all the time. PM her and she can help for sure... she is awesome!

    Oh by the way... I am training my artsy  daughter (now in school for art adduction major) to do this tattooing. It will be a couple of years before she is ready but she is going to be very good at it and will have 3 years of training before I let her start doing this on real breasts. We have a bunch of tattoo guys who are all going to get a nipple tattooed on them to let her practice... including me!!   HAHAHA... REALLY! I think this will help Me, her and all of you ladies that are in the same boat as 2nd-time-ar and just are more comfortable with a female doing the procedure... plus she will have me training her and not just a weekend crash course... a real three year apprenticeship!


     Nice to have another tattooed soul on board! Yes the scratcher thing is very troubling. When I started tattooing 30 years ago I guess I was kinda one too... but worked 10-12 hour days 6 days a week, went to hundreds of conventions in 30+ countries, traveled to every corner of the earth learning from everyone that I could until I felt I had a good grasp of the craft. I still am learning as things like this nipple tattooing project keep popping up. This particular project is a good and challenging one though... very interesting , demanding and requiring a complete change in approach to traditional tattooing in every respect. No more pounding the ink in like on an old school anchor or Sailor Jerry hula girl... this stuff takes a very light hand and a soft heart... no more being an asshole rude tattoo guy... gotta kind of leave that stuff at the door ... know what I mean... you know how tattooers can be I am sure. Anyway... I'm loving it! Did you do tattoos or just run the shop?


     I like to have 5 months after the last surgery. If your last procedure was the exchange and the incision for the replacement from expander to Implant was not where I am going to be putting the nipple it can be as early as 3 months... but 5 is safest to allow thing to settle into the shape they will be. There are some folks in Cali doing this but not many doing it well. Check there is a list on there of some people doing it. I may be taking a trip out there some day soon so keep in touch for dates... and yes I can make them look very real... its what I have been thinking about for the past 12 years and I am starting to get it... soon my little Anna will be taking the reigns ... can't wait to have her on board full time!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Vinni u'r so kind.

    Dutch working full time is very hard on u'r body and u'r bones no wonder u'r in so much pain---and that little evil pill doesn't help for pain issue, that's for sure--And no Ziggy we are not taking a shower together-

    Names have escaped me totally.

    Who had the colonoscopy? Im glad it's over for u and yes the prep is worse that the procedure, but so much trouble with the needles, that's awful--didn't they use a baby needle that to me is the best one to use.

    I think I missed some newbies --welcome ladies--u'r safe here say what u want and vent if needed.

    And someone is getting their last Chemo?  Oh wonderful such a great feeling.

    I's Dr. day for me and work so I have to do some figuring out how??? Oh I will.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I think Vinnie is working overtime!  image  So interesting to read about you going to Mexico City, and working with your Daughter!  AND helping these gals here, with their questions....

    Maddy, I think if your Husband has "issues" with you and "those guys" and seeing your ..... ummmm... your chest, if it were me, I would just figure it out, go get'r'done, and then tell him you found the nicest LADY to do the deed.    Sometimes when these husbands get bent out of shape, for no good reason, it is just best to say "okay honey" and then go about doing what you wanted to do in the first place. 

    THEY think everyone that sees you wants to jump your bones....  well, that's TRUE, but not always.  Sometimes it's just "business."   So figure out a way, make plans, then maybe hint to him what you want to do, and if he can't get on board, then do it anyway.... Tell him I said it was okay to do it. 

    Morning Lilshit Ziggy...  You like Country/Bluegrass music too?  My little Brother in Nashville, has played with a lot of the guys out there! 

    Tim O'Brien, Darrell Scott, and this video is of him, and Darrell...

    Kenny and I used to make so much FUN of western/country music when we were kids.... I mean we were un-merciful, singing louder than Hank Williams, so he started out as a normal kid, then played in lots of bands, groups, and even taught drums, and "hand-drummin" as he got older...   So you would like him....  image  He just recorded with Jerry Lee Lewis.... But I love him playing with Ray Charles.

    And what's this with your Avatar?  Is that 2 little walker girls?  Ha, ha! 

    And NO....  That SOUNDS good, but I didn't even DRINK until I was about 30....Ha!  That little kid in that video WAS the sweetest....  !

    LittleDutch, are you feeling better?  DAMN!  Can you talk to your Onco, and tell her, and maybe try one of the others?  Except I've heard they ALL tend to have that SE.... And then some women don't have those profound SE's.... 

    No, don't shower or bathe with Cammi....  I've read articles about her...

    You know..... but I wouldn't repeat them here...   No.... don't try THAT "something new"....  Just don't pay any attention to Ziggers...  She will get us ALL in trouble!

    Morning GG and Spookie!  And Hi to you too, Myra!   Yes I love tostada's!  Last night I heated a Tortilla, added some more re-fried beans, an egg, shredded cheese  and it was really good!  A little lettuce and tomato on top.

    Good to see you Minus and Wren!

    Glad the colonoscopy went okay Maddy....

    JWoo....  My younger Daughter has quite a few of tats also...  Started when she was 21, and her last one is some little cat-paw prints on the side of her neck!  She loves them all...

    I asked her to please, not have that Battle-ship emblazoned across her back though....  A few drinks, and you never KNOW what would happen! 

    Hi Blondie...and Smaarty!

    Morning Carren!  Either you are new, or I am old....  Ha!  Or both...  Hope you are sleeping okay! 

    And little Cammi!  You woke up....finally!  Someone...I think it was Maddy had the colonoscopy.... but it's over, so we don't have to worry anymore...It's your Doctor day!  Damn!  Can you just blow that one off again?  Or is this important!   Wish I could take you...  You could even use my old cane....  And we could shuffle off to Buffalo, or wherever....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pge 349-----so behind

    Maddy, by now your scope is done. Scoping is the best way to identify beginning polyps and remove them. Hemaculting is such a poor test. By the time a hemacult is positive, a cancer can be quite advanced. Havven't seen 350 & 351....... But scoping is the best.

    Squishy, hope your new leg accomplishes what you want it too. Your mom will always be with you, she's only a thought away :) You've gone through so much trauma in such a short time. Allow yourself more time to heal. The farther I get away from all the awful times, the better life really is.

    Blessings your words to Vinnie were oh so good. I'm so glad you are with us.

    Vinny, One day at a time. All the things that blessings and cami and chevy and everyone said. 

    1. Stay with us, you need a place to talk about what hurts you, it will ease your pain.

    2. Please, get a counselor, we are good for you, but if you have a good counselor it will help in a different way. I suggest a Licensed Psychiatric Social Worker. Their concentration is on talk therapy. If they think pills will help they, generally, are associated with a psych doc and can make suggestions. Blessings will have suggestions in this regard too. You do have a  need to talk with an experienced professional.

    3.The fact that you have been invited to speak all over is a tribute to your work. In the audience the PS's that care will listen well, and incorporate what you say. The arrogant won't. Speak what you believe. It's holding back that hurts your core. Blessings(?) suggestion about using slides to demonstrate better approaches is perfect. The old phrase of one picture is worth a thousand words, will work. It may take time, but you WILL cause change to happen :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MY new wizard is very good, kind, wonderful, teacher. Total plan in place. Started Cytomel yesterday. It's T3, It's the active form of thyroid. On it for two weeks or so, then off for two weeks or so. Iodine free diet starts April 2nd. I take the PILL RI-131 April 21st. No admission. There's a criteria sheet with oodles of questions, that determines if you have to be in the hospital. 

    Off to help DBF with bathroom stuff.  BBL L&H&P's sassy

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Good morning ya'll!

    I'm going back to see BS this afternoon, I love her, but this is not a social visit. I've noticed over the last week pain where my left breast was. Monday evening I was running my hand around there and noticed a lump/mound. It's rather large and when I push on it it feels sore. Of course my mind goes to Mets...but I'm trying to be logical and realize I'm currently doing chemo and that seems rather unlikely. I think maybe scar tissue or something? So, I'm getting that checked out today.

    Glad to see everyone posting :) ((hugs))

    BTW, Maddy....dh still asks me what's for dinner. I still cook alot, but last night I got annoyed with him when he asked what the plan was for dinner. This was 3 minutes after I signed out from work. Seriously?? I asked him what HIS plan was for dinner...he got the message. grrrrr

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Carren ~ Guessing that you are close to being done with that last chemo by now so I'm chillin some bubbly and getting ready to do a happy dance for you. 

    Tango - Yuck, hate the worrying about chit. I saw my a couple days ago & expected nothing but a check-up, ended up having a tube stuck up my nose & down my throat yesterday & have to go for an MRI of armpit .. I'm sure that your lump will be nothing and that whatever it is that my onc is checking will be nothing, but the little part of me that says 'But, what if?' is annoying as hell & I just want to kick her to China. Please let us know what your PS says.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hello it's me---

    Been busy with phones and mixed up appt's--No Chevy I didn't do it, but guess who has to mke it right and sound sorry--when today as u know I go to the Onc. so at this point their problems are chit to me but do I ever tlk sweet to them. I wish I could change the app't I was praying for an all out blizzard nope nothing this week. So my DD will take me I'll take my phone and pen and paper and whilst I'm tlking to the Dr. she can answer any calls--I'm so dedicated I'm nuts--so I might not be back til later---bit just so u know I hate Drs, after all this time, I just look at Drs. and I get the shivers. When I went to a dinner thing not to long ago I was introduced to a Dr. and I politely shook his hand and said it was my pleasure meeting him and I walked away. I'm soooooooo bad. I'm sure it's the same old story but I don't like this story. Sorry I'm complaining--I really shouldn't after all so many are going thru so much. And I truly feel bad for all of u--even Chevy altho this little rest made her take time off of her stripper poledancing job--at least she's home at midnight now Did u ever notice she always says she goes to bed early --like we believe this--she's out working. TATATAs using those too.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Little Ziggy - WTH? Tube up nose/down throat unexpectedly (or maybe not)? Hope the outcome was nothing. When is your MRI? I see pockey partay coming up.

    image Yay, Yay Carren for last chemo. Whatcha gonna do to celebrate?

    Cami - with you today for that appointment. You said MO, right?

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Ziggy...whats with the tube??

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Bluegrass - YES , Chevster it's my favorite and I love Hank Williams. Your brother rocks! And you all do not need me to get you in trouble - you are perfectly capable of that yourselves. All of yall - just bad news trouble making cray-cray women who hang out with a tattoo artist. Have you told your husband that you're getting online and chattin up Vinnie the tattoo dude? No, I didn't think so. So THAT'S okay but it's ME that's the lilshit problem child>? 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Well I earned myself another bone scan.  If it's negative and I still have pain, I'll have an MRI.  My hemoglobin, WBCs, and platelets are low.  I think she said diffuse spread in the bone marrow is rare.  She says she doesn't expect to find anything but there's enough going on to make it worth checking out.  After all,  I did have locally advanced bc.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Yes Sharon, our node status sucks!  That is the one thing about all this that has bothered me the most.  But I told my ONC I didn't want to hear one bad word about those poor nodes.  I know they worked their asses off and caught every little thing and let nothing through!!!  That's why there were so many of them.  When one got full instead of letting something slip through another one jumped in to help.

    At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!  Good luck with the bone scan!

    The rest of you Owlettes and V!  Hope you are having a great day.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    And she doesn't think it's the tamoxifen...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Dutch chit--but if this is any help I'v had so many bone scan for everthing that might be and everything was OK-and the same as before well except non cancer things they find all that stuff out--but as far as cancer things I was stable so just get it over with and sing a song while u'r in there. My sister says the rosary. every time.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    The tube - apparently my onc does not like the fact that I'm short of breath and get winded really easily. I don't like it either, but it's getting better and I'm okay with waiting for it to resolve itself whereas he wants to make sure it isn't 'something'. It takes more effort for me to talk than usual, so the tube is a scope with a camera on it check out my vocal chords - I guess because they can be damaged by RADS or when you're intubated during surgery. I don't know why he's having me do the MRI - I think because some of my auxiliary nodes still had caner even after chemo and one had extra nodal invasion (I think that's the one that is potentially most worrisome). Anyway. It's just one of those stupid things where you figure that it's just not anything but have to check it out. 

    I did have a polyp on my vocal chord but it's benign - strange looking though - it's like one of those lizards when its throat puffs out. 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203


    I have a bone scan along with ct's in the morning.  I'll be praying for you.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Sas, As with colonoscopy, the prep is worse than the treatment. I was amazed how complicated the iodine free diet was. And how many things were eliminated.

    Dutch, good luck with the scans. As you've noticed, it's never the tami or AI that's the problem.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    tang good for you...

    was up until 5am still the predisone...omg it so annoying

    Last chemo that is so cool congrats...

    My colonoscopy I take pills don't drink the liquid crap, so much easier...

    yea dutch....negative...I always have bone pain they tell me osteoportis (sp)

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dutch & ADJ - we'll all be in your pockets for the scans - and will have the bubbly chilled for when the 'nothing's there' results come along.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Thinking very positive thoughts for great scans and tests an dappointments for everyone!!

    Zigster, did you tell teh doc you spent last weekend screaming???

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Anyone need a laugh today?

    “Girls Don’t Poop” – Funny POO-POURRI commercial……

    And the ever-popular “Bloopers” version

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    LOL 444 - that polyp WAS puffing out a lot last week.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Quatre - what a hoot and a holler you are. We never heard about Ziggy's escapades, did we?

    Tang - I missed the last chemo thing. When is/was that?

    Dutch - I earned myself a chest CT and a bone scan in August/Sept or so of last year. Shoulder pain and swelling  on clavicle. Still there but actually shoulder pain is better. Did 6 weeks PT (shssh not doing exercises - bad girl). Not taking Advil - yay for me. MO thinks clavicle lump is smaller - I think he's full of it but I kept that to myself.

    Yay I get to go for a bone density. Sometime after tomorrow - my 2 years are up then. I think next month when I get to back to glaucoma doc ought to be about right. Open time no app. needed. Have referral in hand from MO.

    I (whine, whine) have to go to dentist next week. I don't like the new one I picked out but DH does. He - dent - thinks I need my crowns replaced with gold. Not happenin'. I also don't think he does as thorough cleaning as my retired dent. did.

    ADJ - time traveling to be in you pocket tomorrow. Do we need to bring sustenance?

    Blessings - that too was a hoot. She's not English but American. Says a comedy actress Bethany Woodruff.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Correction - she is Scottish. Goes to BYU in Utah.

    Interview with her on Utah TV show.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks ladies. I had a massage at 9am.  I'm still at the cancer center.  I've been here since 10 am.  I had to go in to work at 3:30am and never got back to sleep.  I'm exhausted.  Might be online later or maybe tomorrow.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Dutchy,please, read the stuff on the 2d6 thread. Allot is gooblygook techninical stuff. But it may give you ammunition to get your doc to get you tested. The AI's were abysmal for me. Pain off the charts. I finally chose QOL over the unrelenting pain.  When you talk with him talk him into the testing of all six. 

    The importance of all six will be understandable when you read about all the drug reactions I had, and my DH. Once you are tested, you never need to be retested. Every drug you receive after that you plug into the system and it tells you "what's up".

    I do prefer Genelex/YouScript. The ability to get the drug info as it directly relates to YOU is invaluable. Genelex/YS is the ONLY company in the world right now that provide this service. What happens with the other labs is they send the results of the test to the doc.

    The doc is then supposed to figure out all the problems. If your doc studied what the system could do for him/her. The system would reduce their workload. Reduce patient problems. EVEN save some of their patients lives b/c it would identify a major problem before it happened. If a doc doesn't want to listen to this what kind of doc are they?

    Pharmacies do not use this, they leave it up to the doc.

    For me 3 of the six major drug path enzyme players are abnormal. All the AI's go through one of my abnormal paths. My dose should have been reduced. I was overdosed, that's why my s.e.'s were so bad.

    The most recent testing that I got the results for in January, confirmed all the problems of the past. AND it identified that I had a major drug interaction between Wellbutrin and Coreg going on right as I received the results. I stayed on Wellbutrin one more week. But it's history now. Here's the link

    Hope you can talk him into it. Insurances are majorly getting on board b/c it saves them money--------

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893