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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    BTW I keep changing my avatar -------now that I have learned to change it. I will and have been changing to what ever my mood is----it's quite nice. I was feeling unglued earlier in the day. I'm trying to download a Radioactive symbol for April 21st when I receive the "pill" but haven't been successful. There is time between now and then. It raelly is quite nice to control what the avatar expresses L&H&P"s sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pyhilly LOL, Those who have never taken a swamp boat rid--------wear glasses,  keep your mouth shut----it's high speed and when the bugs hit-------UGH.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings, PLease--- Read 2D6 could change your bodies response to drugs b/c you are getting the appropriate drug dose--plus your doctors practicaI approach to practice------I changed both my counselors and PCP's approach to all medication administration

    Ziggy I'm tired of finding or thinking of correct spelling or alternate words, so, if I chit spell wrong . F** it . All else applies in translations. The translations are funny as hell.

    Yes, wine on board-----------panic feelings gone----------bless alcohol

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ziggy last post on 2d6 was completely written under the influence of alcohol---are you impressed --------I am===chit---trying to be straight and serious. MY oh my --or Ym ho ym. My goodness.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka--that owl Is Dr Zeus all the way----------is zeus right ---

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy, good to see you back! Check your PM's

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I can't beIieve I am so craving salt , the docs list has an approved list for manufactures that don't use iodine in there salt . Sent DBF to store today with items I could eat by manufacturer. I just tore into a bag of lay's potato chips---stuffing it in my mouth now slowing down- chit a new friggen lesson. -------I cut out everything with salt --obviously bad move

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    If all else fails read the directions----if you think you know the directions ----and things aren't working-----then read the directions again

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I am convinced that Hydrocodone causes insomnia!!

    Gonna try to go back to bed now.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    2TA – Cute pic for LMG! And the Cat in the Hat? Too true!!!

    Chevy – I always suggest ladies starting chemo have a
    baseline audiogram. Certain chemo drugs are known for their ototoxicity. A
    friend of mine sailed through several rounds of chemo, but the last one – the “just
    in case” one suggested by her MO – left her deaf. Another friend lost a
    significant amount of hearing after chemo. She was prescribed hearing aids, but
    since she didn’t have a baseline hearing test prior to chemo, they said she
    could have had the loss all along. If she had a report showing normal hearing before she had chemo,
    her hearing aids would have been paid for as a cancer treatment-related
    expense. (And they ain’t cheap!) Probably not a bad idea to do this with other
    drugs, eh?

    Good pics, Teka! Re: the BP meds, do you have side effects?

    FBB – I always wanted leaf prints in the concrete, too. I’d
    also like to have raccoon prints, but that’s another story! I SO hope you get
    seen soon, so you can get to feeling better….

    Tang – So did you have to go on BP meds? Any side effects? Good
    luck with taxes… we JUST got ours done. My brother swears that hydrocodone
    gives him insomnia. Not me! I love my Norco.

    Nettie, dwill, Alyson – big hugs!!!

    Holeinone – I am so jealous of all the bulbs in your garden!
    I have some miniature daffodils that last for maybe two weeks. I also have some
    cute miniature calla lilies that haven’t come up yet.

    Sassypants – slow down, Missy! I know you want everything done NOW,
    but don’t wear yourself out. Will check out the 2D6 thread, thanx.

    Ziggy – love old B&W photos!

    MissGrahamCracker – are you trying to make me hungry?
    Because you did! YUM!

    Wren – my MO agrees it’s the Femara raising my BP, but she
    believes I can get it back down again with diet and exercise. And yes – the BP
    machines at Kaiser SUCK. They go out of calibration after about 5 patients. I
    usually ask a nurse to take it with a sphyg one o’ them old fashioned cuff and
    stethoscope models. They’re old but accurate. The nurse at my MO's has me rest a
    while, then stand up suddenly to see if he can get my BP down. Nice trick, good
    for about 20 pts. Do you have any SEs from your BP meds?

    Dutch – I have done that before. I have three of those empty
    “weekly” pill organizers, but I always take a different cocktail of drugs at
    night, so it’s not efficient for me. Hope you get a good night’s sleep anyway!

    O.K., my little Owlettes…. Sweet dreams to all of you!!!


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801




  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang, any drug can cause insomnia. dirrahea constipation abdomial discomfort .The AI's and Tamox are horrible for this . but I don't think you are there yet? You're still on chemo?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Before I forget

    Blessings I truly need to think--rough--enjoying wine

    Orthostatic hypotension test- i.e from laying/sitting to standing should allow 2 full minutes for equillbration. translation-----the body needs to adjust by the systems involved. if the BP is taken before this allowance for the system(sympathetic nervous system) to adjust , then you can get a false low reading. Yes, it will drop your BP , but it is not accurate. Where your nurse ever came up with this as a way to show a difference in reading /evaluating a BP.has been a problem for BP evaluation for decades. It's poorly taught to young nurses(and old) and unless they are taught the hemodynamics of the nervous system the value of orthostatic BP's . There's no point. Trying to think of an analogy.....----not coming. Sorry , but her technique is absolutley WRONG.

    Not understanding hemodynamics and proper Bp taking  leads to improper analysis of BP.  

    The outcome way of doing a BP in this way is false. 

    The doc then bases his/her judgement on management is based on false information.

    This knowledge has been available since the early 80's

    What it means is you could be hypertensive and b/c the nurse is playing this game is,  all her docs patients are at risk----for all the outcomes of uncontrolled hypertension.

    Congestive heart failure, undx'd renal problems, stroke, peripheral vascular disease.

    Wow , that's allot.

    Please come back and tell me I have the situation  wrong?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Slept for 2 hours and now I'm awake again.  Poop!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings I was trying to put a radioactive  choice in my documents section for avatars. Based on the directions given by whomever gave the directions , I was able to store many choices. At the time,I didn't know was going to be radio active at a given point. 

    Now following the directions I can't seem to accomplish the same thing. OH well-----It's okay b/c I put some weird things in the group, that will be weird during the time.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Philly where are you?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay Talked to phylly she's in NO, but awake------But wants to sleep.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    MissSassyPants - no, you're absolutely right about the orthostatic hypotension.... that's the reason for the "stand-up-quick" method of getting a reading.

    However, this is not just some nurse's lazy way of getting a good reading- the way it was explained to me is that the initial high number is logged in. A few minutes later, another reading is taken, and if that is still high, a final reading is taken at the end of the visit.

    The test for orthostatic hypotension has more to do with diagnosing the type of high blood pressure. If BO can be reduced by changing positions, that means something as opposed to BP measurements that cannot be changed positionally. All readings are reported and logged in along with any comments as to how they were obtained.

    But in MY opinion, no machine can replace a good nurse with a functioning stethoscope and BP CUFF!

    Did that explain it any better?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good  Morning all, I hope everyone has a good day today and feels decent and travels safely.

    BTW Phylowherethehellyouare----are u traveling alone or with someone---I missed it somewhere.

    OK I'm so far behind I can't remember chit, but I do remember Nettie having a terrible start to the day, but it got better and Sas u keep u'rself to busy, just relax

    Chevy I hope things are going better for u, I told u if he won't stay down, use a hammer--works every time.

    Busy day yesterday, for me to busy and emotional and just tough--long story but my DD was upset our bank acc't was frozen by the IRS, well yea my fault who I have been fighting with the government for 3 yrs now and that's how the day started--It took me almost 3 hrs to straighten everything out but she gets hysterical and I went for my scan, the best part of my day actually--Oh the cable went out too, Then I go for more tests 1 and 1/2 hrs I could not pee I finally left they were closing and one of the techs says u'r color isn't good would u like us to take u to ER-WHAT???? NO--so I have to pee again today and go back. If I had money I ould understand about IRS but they see the little amount I have and I've been trying to work it out and they freeze the little money I have, so my skin was gray No Wonder.  I was so tired and Joey knew our day wasn't goo so he spent the evening with me just cuddling and kissing and he rubbed my back, My sister called about 9"30 and we talked for almost 2 hrs. and she has to work today so that was stupid. Then Katie-Kat and  I cuddled and we both fell sound asleep.

    Hope everyone has a decent day today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Man, I leave you guys alone for a few minutes, and all hell breaks loose!   Sorry about that money stuff kid....  It can drive a person nuts!   Guess I can't help you with THAT one...  I'm so glad you have Joey and Katie-Kat...  I don't have no-one...  Or is it anyone?   I mean sometimes you just want to say FI, and go to bed, and try again in the morning.  I guess we ALL have those days... 

    Okay wait..... I have to go get my coffee..... 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Dang, Cami, such chit!  Glad you got it straightened out.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    LilshitZiggy!   THAT was great!  I loved prancing around on that roof-top with you guys!  Ha, ha!  I needed to smile this morning! 

    DH getting so depressed!   I mean I could REALLY give him something to be depressed about,  but I am waiting until the sun comes up...

    JUST kidding!  sort of..... DD coming over tomorrow, maybe then he will perk out of it....

    I'm making a run to the store today.... Yep, WALMART!....   We need to stock up on some vittles....   for the ice-box.  

    Morning Spookie!    YOU who live in Florida, where it is always not WINTER! 

    TANG, you are just playing into Ziggy's hands!   If you TELL her that, she will just do it more....!  And make me laugh even MORE...image

    Soon your taxes will be done....  If you were old enough, you could get them done free?  I mean I DO know people who are of a certain age, and we.... I mean they get them done free!  With AARP... 

    I think when you even get older than THAT, you move on to OPDGAS....  That stands for old people don't give a s...!   And that's like my neighbors!  They don't even DO taxes!  I don't know how or why, but they don't!

    Phylliswampgal!  OMG!  She is becoming ONE of them!    Just take your teeth out, and they won't get stuck!    And "crab" things and some B. sauce, and GUMBO?   That is probably good if you are a Penguin!

    Spooky, My Dad lived in San Francisco, and he made his coffee just like those folk did!  I mean with that Chicory coffee, one spoon of his finished coffee, could make a POT of normal people's coffee!  I'm sayin' that he held his coffee over-night, and warmed it up in the mornings!  When me and my Brother visited them, we ran to McDonalds for REAL coffee! 

    Hi Teka and Wren and Dutchess!

    Oh Sassy, we didn't even notice you changed your Avatar!  WHAT?  You mean it is DIFFERENT???    Ha, ha!     I think there is a name for that...   It is "IwilldrivethemcrazywonderingwhoIam" syndrome. 

    I understand "un-glued"  but usually not the rest...

    Okay Blessings...  I had one test... the cyp2d6?? test, but I know that is not the one you are talking about...   Interesting about your friend!  No, I had never HEARD...of that test, or even TOLD that SOMEtimes you could have a stroke from Tamoxifen...  Yes, it does warn of that, but like all the other SE's mentioned, we never pay attention, or even THINK that it will happen!   There is that certain gene, in the latest findings, that DOES say, we should all be tested for that....

    I mean people of a certain age.....  (Oh wait till Ziggie gets a hold of THAT one!)  Yes, hearing aids from the ENT were over $5-6 thousand.  But Costco has them for 1/2 that... 

    And now our Insurance will pay all but about $6 hundred for each one... I mean if I ever need new ones...  Thank you for posting that... 

    An Oncologist SHOULD have known this could happen, right?  But the group that I went to did not.... Even after I sent them information on about 6 pages from the Internet!  

    I think they didn't want to be responsible... 

    Oh Hi Dutchess!  What-choo doin' up so early?  image

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Just stopping by to say hello to all - am way behind, about page 368 I think.... anyway, I think of you all, hope you have some moments of peace and joy today. I caught up enough to see that there is a lot of crap going on for many of you, so I am just sending you all hugs and lovingkindness to get you through just one more day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hello it's me lalalalalal--I go into song.

    Chevy just where do u live?  Where u go buy vittles and have an ice-box--what century are u living in. I mean my Grandma used to say and ica-boxa so I think  there are more years on u than u admit to. I'm glad u'r dd is coming tomorrow, but can't u wait for u'r vittles til tomorrow?

    My niece just called my brother is out of surgery and it went well. So that's done. I'll bet he woke up and wants some vittles.oh I mean food.

    OK Gotsta do some stuff.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Damn it!  I go to bed early and sleep all night and now I'm way behind again!!  Anyway, can't remember if I posted this pic before, but here it is!


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Sassy - no more spelling corrections, I am so sorry. Sometimes I play too hard.Sad I would not want to change a single thing about how you write your posts. They are fun and smart and of course your spelling isn't going to keep up with your mind. Also, yes, very impressed. 

    Will check back in later today and see if the Chevster had had anymore Starbucks adventures and if Cami was able to pee.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Chevy, my husband makes his coffee strong like that and
    he never pours any out! He will heat in microwave for days! YUCK!!
    I finally bought a Keurig, thinking this would stop that, you know, one
    cup at a time, but NNNOOO, he still makes the full pot and somedays it's gone
    by end of day and somedays he's still working on it for two days later!

    And Cami - dealing with the IRS just sucks!!!
    Wishing you luck!! I have had my fair share of dealing with them,
    but I'm pretty good at numbers and believe it or not, I've always won!!
    I've had them settle with me several times!!

    And Chevy, the hearing loss stuff is scary!! And to think the doctor’s did not know this
    could happen! And wow, I never realized
    hearing aides were so expensive!

    And I forget, but did I read that one of you is going to New
    Orleans! It’s sad, I live only 3 hours
    from there and cannot stand to go! It
    was just NASTY the last time I went, smell of alcohol and urine! Hope you have a much nicer time!

    And about the BP, my MO said I needed to see my PCP because
    my BP was high, thanks to Aromasin!! But
    when I went to the PCP and they took it the old fashioned way, stethoscope and
    cuff, it was fine! Go figure! I think someone else mentioned that this was
    the best way! But anyway, due to the
    suggestion of my MO about high BP, my PCP put me on med anyway!

    Also, I’ve been reading on other threads and it’s odd that I
    find so many common medical conditions among us.. another being the thyroid
    problems! I too have that but I’m not
    sure to this day if I’m on the correct medicine! I don’t think I’ve found a doctor yet that
    checks all the sides to this problem!

    Well I’m at work, so I guess I better get to it! Hope you ladies have a nice day! Mine will end with my massage
    appointment! Sounds nice, right??? NOT!
    This is the appointment where they are trying to “release” scar tissue
    from radiation to relive other issues!!
    It is very painful!! Oh well, it
    has to be done! Such is the life!! Just curious though, have any of you had
    issues with scar tissue? I mean, this is
    on my right side and it is wreaking havoc with my right arm, but also, my left
    hip! Yeah right, I said, my left
    hip!! Something about the way the body
    is connected through nerves and fascia!
    My son, a PT, tried to explain it to me because I thought the others
    were feeding me a line of BS! But he
    said it can happen! Get that “can”
    happen, and yep, I’m the one it “does” happen to! I can never just have the norm, always got to
    be different!!

    I’ll try to catch up again later!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    ziggypop, you should have warned me not to have three glasses of wine before ledge dancing!  Of course it took three glasses of wine to get me up there, but even so!  It was a blast though!

    Teka, loved the chicken and the owl. If only the owls around here felt the same way about my chickens! Owls will pull the heads off of chickens just for fun. Ugh! Shocked

    Blessings, I raccoons do the same thing to my chickens. Not a fan of them either and wouldn't want prints around! But they are so darn cute.

    dutchiris, don't worry about taking extra levothyroxine. My endocrinologist tells me if I'm feeling sluggish to take an extra levothyroxine once weekly.  Can't help you with the tamoxifen though. 

    Have a lovely Tuesday to all.One month ago today I was getting my skull split open!  Sas, my typing and vision has come a long way baby! You were a goldmine of information and help.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Bluebird u sound good, I'm so happy that u sound good like this.

    Nettie if u think it, it will come. I swear 1/2 the Drs. really don't know ALL that could happen with all this crap we're given. Like my sister said they're looking at one thing only and what treats it, but we have to endure ny kind of side effcts for who knows how long and yea I've got the thyroid thing too and numerous other crap that doesn't leave me and yet I'm fine with the cancer, but watching me walk u'd never know.  Like I always say-ahem--There are no rules with cancer.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Teka, I started with one blood pressure pill which I had been on for 20 years, then I started the Anastrozole and my pressure shot up and now I am on 2 more plus a water pill to keep my blood pressure stabalize.

    Sas, I was wondering where you were.  Glad to see you!  :)