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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    My computer is being crazy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning---

    Aly u'r gold earring WTF were u doing? Oh maybe it's to hard for us to hear. I hope u find it.

    I'm hoping Chevy had a decent nite last nite--she's got her hands full.

    And Sas u'd better sleep so u can think straight so Ziggy can decipher for us all. Slet OK last nite cuddled with my Katie-Kat so I like that.

    OK BBL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Alyson!  I know the feeling!  We were going over to feed the chickens one morning, and DH was carring their house key, garage key, garage opener, on a bungee cord.

    He also had the trash in a grocery throw in the dumpster!  Got to their garage door, and NO keys!!!!!!!!  OMG!  I could feed the chickens the snacks I broght for them, but couldn't get in the garage to get their feed, nor feed their cat, where she sleeps! 

    We went back home to get something to "move" that trash around....  EeeeEEEEEEks!  DH was giving up!  I would NOT!  Finally, with this pronged hoe, I lifted another plastic bag, and the keys were hanging on it!   I am the official key carrier then on.  I wear them around my neck.

    Sass, you are amazing!  DH is still asleep!  Pain pills must have really helped.... AND not putting pressure on that foot.  I printed off pictures of Achilles Tendon Injury pictures...  THEN I will emphasize the dangers of NOT resting that leg... and how walking casts, and splints are just not fashionable.  Like CANES for instance, not to mention Ziggy's WALKERS!   Hope he will get used to the crutches today.

    So LilshitZiggy is your translator.... I can be your spell-checker.... for instance...   It is Plagiarism...  not whatever the hell it was you said.... THEY were insinuating that you copied someone else's text...  how DARE they!    Little RatBa.....s! 

    See, when I wrote this book, using research, and articles about the history of beer, I HAD to make sure I credited used "words" to their rightful owner....  Even when I read "The Studies of the Enzymatic Reaction of Barley Endosperm During Malting",  I had to credit quotes that I copied to their rightful  "person."  See that sounds like I know what I'm talking about....  So just leave it at that.

    Okay, did I cover everything?  Or anything?  I could go back and pick apart lots of other things, but I am just a woman of the world, and I have to get busy now....  Ta-da!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Afterthought....  I tore the skin off of my arm, yesterday SOOOOO bad!  I was hanging the folded walker on my arm, with the grocery bag,  and holding my Starbucks in my other hand, using the keys to get in the house, AND that damn walker has a SCREW protuding out from under, attaching itSELF to my very ARM, and MAN did it bleed! 

    Took the skin right off to the bone!  Darned near anyway!  I just took the bandage off, now I must LOOK at it, AND the bruising, and whine, and go take a shower.

    Just thought I would mention that....  I must be illiciting sympathy or something.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    good morning, Owlettes!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd now that's an owl that cares.

    Chevy what are u and DH going for--the most catastrophes in a certain length of time? Why don't u just take the trophy and stop all this nonsense--u'r driving me crazy, now u'r arm? I piss and moan about nothing and u take my thunder away. Oh well u'r having  bad few months and I do feel bad for u.So crumble up any meds u have for u'r DH and keep on giving them to him in something he's drinking.U can't use anti-freeze anymore cuz they put a bad taste to it cuz to many women were killing their husbands putting it in tea and jello cuz it had a sweet taste, Oh these crime show are to much for me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh wait!  I forgot Cammi, what you were saying!  I DO have a big plastic green tarp!  Actually a blue one too!   So that is kept for emergencies.... image

    But WTH is cellulitis?  I don't think that is hardly even a word, much less a condition ..... IN HIS HEEL? 

    No, I'm pretty sure, it is still the Achille's Tendon.... tears...  Hasn't gotten up yet...  but slept most of the night!   So I did too! 

    Yes Nettie....  it just goes with being a man.... I think.  A COLD they catch in their tiny head, will drive a wife absolutely NUTS! 

    Oh Wow Blessings.... That poor chicken is probably not alive, as we speak!  She was probably stuck there....  feet planted in the hardening cement!

    And again Sassy.... yes, you have changed the world....  somehow!   I might mention the word "succinct" ....  WHAT do you think we ARE on here?  Geniuses'??   Is 2D6 related to R2D2?   Must be.... some relation or something....   

    It's okay.... you don't have to explain.... I wouldn't understand anyway...

    You are talking about Gibbs!  I love that show....  AND Ducky!   And that sooooo cute guy what's his name...  How come I can't remember the CUTE guys name?  And Zephyr, or Zemmie or something? 

    Cammi...  I took your thunder?  Ha, ha!  Okay.... we GOT the trophy!   The gal that works with DD said me and DH need a "double wheel-chair!"   Brat!   At least I can walk....  Hope DH can walk soon....  but not yet...  Just THINK of all the secret things I could DO around here!   And he could not FIND me! 

    Don't go talkin' bout no anti-freeze...  people might get the wrong idea about us...   They have to think we are all sweetness and down-feathers, and ribbons and lace.... maybe even sequins too.  And chocolate cokes.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Chevy and her DH started at such an early age...............


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Today is International Disturbed People's Day

    Please send an encouraging message to a disturbed friend... Just as I've done.

    imageI don't care if you lick windows,

    Take the special bus
    Or occasionally pee on yourself..
    You hang in there sunshine, you're special.

    (That's an old pic of Sas waving BTW!!)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Alyson, I'd look for the earring too.  Hope you find it.

    I worked in a restaurant once and a guest took out a dental plate and set it on the dinner plate and forgot about it so the server took it away when she cleared the table.  Person remembered fairly quickly but it was a busy night so lots of kitchen garbage to go through.  We did find it but eeewwwww.

    Got out for a nice walk this morning while town was quiet.  Bookwork today.  ((Chevy)) ♥ to all

  • Blueberry4
    Blueberry4 Member Posts: 20

    Aly, I feel for you, mister sister.  I once had to shift through a full vacuum bad looking for a little diamond earring.  Found it, but yuck.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks for the smile, Chevy!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, good grief.... I have figured out the best way to catch up is to just jump in on the latest page!

    Alyson - I can send DH over with his metal detector.... he has located lots of lost jewelry for people that way! And he wouldn't mind the trip, either...

    Cami - a good night's sleep cuddling with Katie-Kat... sounds wonderful!

    Chevy - I once had a forgetful boyfriend who was taking care of some friend's pets while they were on vacation. He lost their house keys, so he wiggled himself inside through their doggie door!!! SO sorry about your arm... for more sympathy, use a bigger bandage. And if you can pole dance on a cane, you are waaaay more flexible than I thought!!!

    2TA - that "spa" owl is hysterical! I think we all need a spa day...

    4sewwhat - couldn't see your pics!!! Sad

    badger - ick... can't imagine having to dig through garbage for someone's dental plate! But I guess they really needed it...

    blueberry - Oh, the many vacuum cleaner bags I have sifted through in my lifetime... heck, I'd sift through garbage for a diamond earring!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Well, here I sit with noise-cancelling headphones on. DH is changing out all the batteries in all the smoke detectors in the house... and when you take ONE battery out, they ALL go off. And they are LOUD!

    Thanks to Chrissy for letting me know that Melatonin could have the opposite effect on me. After three days of sparse sleep, and only 2-1/2 hours of sleep Friday night (and no nap on Saturday) I was ready with my arsenal last night.

    Because of my back pain, I took half a Norco, half a Valium, a Benadryl for allergies, a Letrozole, and my usual slew of vitamins. Then a nice hot shower, and a good book.... and MAN! Slept like a rock, and I don't think I moved all night long!!! Woke up at 10:30 a.m., only because DH was banging around in the bathroom. At least I felt refreshed!!!

    Tomorrow I have an appointment in Oncology to meet with my Clinical Research nurse. I'm in a clinical study to - get this - see if a regular text reminder can get women on AIs to remember to take their meds. Apparently, many, many women decide they don't like the SEs, so they just quit and never tell their docs. In the very beginning, the MO told me that if I didn't refill my prescription, she'd send her minions after me.

    The benefit to being in this study (I'm in the group that DOESN'T get text messages, thank goodness) is that I get to see my awesome MO every three months for the next three years. She is the Chief of the Department, and has gotten another promotion at the hospital, so she rarely sees patients any more. Did I mention I LOVE her?

    I am concerned about a few issues with my implants, so it will be nice to get her opinion on what I should ask the PS when I see him. I also want her to know about my back pain, and that the acupuncture she prescribed has been great for my overall joint and muscle stiffness! All I have to do for the Research Nurse is to fill out some questionnaires and pee in a cup to prove I'm really taking my Femara.

    Think DH and I will work out in the yard today... everything is in bloom! 

    Supposed to be 91 on Tuesday!!!!! Shocked

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, it's supposed to heat up here this week, too. Yay, spring!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    I'm trying to catch up, but you ladies move fast. My memory sucks for commenting because I can't remember who says what or who is doing what or who is having tests or problems. But I promise I do read.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nettie don't feel bad I do the same thing. I can't remember a lot.

    Aly did u find u'r earring yet?

    I'm glad u figured out the melatonin thing, I never tried that actually, I don't think I will now. Blessings just do what works for u.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    I have been wondering about NickyJ and totally forgot She started a thread, thanks to Hi1 for the reminder.

    Here is her thread:

    I PM'ed the mods to see if they could email her but was told she doesn't have email contact, just PM, so I sent her a PM. They reminded me there's a Central Address Book for BCO (and I do have access), but Nicky is not on it. If case we need to contact another Owlette, maybe we should have a back-up: on the Central Address Book or one another:

    And, yes, Sassy, I posted to your "Saver" thread (aka Warm and Fuzzy...) too.

    Will let you know if I find out anything

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    great detective work Maddy, that central address book had not had a post in almost 4 years. I wonder if its still being used, Sas might know..

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi1, it's like the Picture Forum. It tells how to get access by PM so you don't post directly on that thread. You get access then update a separate area. Follow the instructions 

    Oh, BTW, Nicky J wasn't on it (maybe I said that already)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    okay, thanks

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Hi all,

    Sending hugs and love out to you all especially to you Sas,  Been lurking on this thread  but will try to make myself more visible.  Been sleeping through the night with melatonin and Xanax. Just doing what I have to do to get through work everyday,

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Oh Sassy, those who tilt at wind mills often slay dragons no one else can see. I would love to help you save the world  in whatever way I can & will send phone number. Busy asw zsssssssssssssshit right now. Love to all & Chevy it the POShusband of yours keeps giving you a hard time, I am going to come up there and kick his ass six ways til Sunday and I don't even know what six ways til Sunday means, but it doesn't matter 'cause I am capable anyway. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


    Or any night!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Ziggy, can you fit in an as* whooping for my POS husband (POSH is too good for him) too?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Not an owl, but close.... Winking


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    someone's off key


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Probably me, can't sing these days because they radiated my neck and so have nodules on vocal folds. I loved singing.