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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    My car is really dirty.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Aly, we'll just have to send some your way too

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning--I just finished LOLing at mostly mom---I look at u'r avatar of this sweet little girl dressed like a little girl and see this pic of these great men hahahaha/

    Blessings good B/P numbers. Keep them going.

    I slept 12 hrs with no medical help. So I didn't post at all last nite. I was at the hospital longer than I thought and stopped and got my Katie-cat some food, she was so glad to see that bag. She was loving me like crazy. I still feel dopey like I took meds a lot to sleep--oo haven't had any coffee yet. So I'll be back when my head is clearer (notice did not say just clear) and then I can proceed to say nothing as usual.xxxooo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, I'm back to 19 hours ago!  Ziggers, it's OKAY!  Sass knows we are just teasing her...  Just like we do to each other and to Cammi... And even little miss smartypants gets in on it!

    We only tease because, well, that's what we do!   You "play hard?"  Figures!  Are you the one with the Harley?  And your long red hair blowing in the wind?


    Morning Netti!    It's good to be "different!"  Just like we are...Ha!

    Teka.... that chicken and the owl!  Too cute!

    Hi Dwilli and Fierce, and Wren!! 

    GEEZ  2nd Time!  I love the pics!  And you too Ziggers!  Don't know where you find them!   Your story of you and your critters was so funny!  I had a slug infestation one year!  I mean they drank more beer than my DH did, and they came back for MORE!    I was ready to go out there with my camouflage boots on, my pit-helmet, a machete, and eradicate those little suckers into submission!  They were relentless!  And they got support from the tomato worms!   I even used Moth balls!  The Moths didn't like it, but didn't matter!  image

    A garden in your washer, or in your pants?  Same thing I guess.... 

    Smaarty, what did you do to your foot?  Have you been hanging around with my DH?  How does one get blisters on their feet?  High heels?  Aha!  So I'm not the only one?

    Morning Dutchess!  And nope Netti...  nothing in my scalp...  You should maybe ask?   Call someone, in case it really IS something... and not in/on your head...

    Oh Hi Spookie.... see you've managed to keep Spookie straight up lately!  image

    Oh wait...  2ndTime thinks you are in Disneyland Smaarty?   Oh, so you

    go from perfectly nice weather to MORE perfectly nice weather?   Must take a lot out of you!  I mean all that sunshine, pool-side stuff and all!   And then back to sunny Sacramento?    I'm just teasing!

    It's been really nice HERE too!   DD coming over today, to spend time with Mr. grouchy-pants and me!  Bringing a Pizza, so we will fool around in the yard....

    Blessings, YES!  Retail Aerobics!  Ha, ha!  GOOD one!  Yes, I had a list!  Found everything except the decoupage!  Now don't go asking me what it is, because the CLERK in the crafts section asked me that...   Those of you who are in the "know"..... know!

    2ndTime!  Another car wash picture.... those guys are having too much fun with each other, and the car is just sitting there, like "Okay, MY turn!"  image

    Now on the other hand.... MostlyMom must have connections!  Yes, those guys are getting down to business...  MAN, what butts!  They must shave!

    Aly has a dirty car!  Ha, ha!  I think we ALL do!  We will keep them busy alright.... and maybe even get them to wash our cars!

    Good Morning miss Cammi!  Bout time you fed miss Kat!  I mean she has to whine, and meow in order to get some FOOD on the table!   And you are trying to shake the cobwebs!   Come back soon! xoxoxo

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Woo hoo for your DD, 2TA!  Proud Mama Alert!  :)

    Good morning, Chevy and Cami!

    Mostlymom, they must not have given those men rags to wash the car?  So they had to sacrifice the Speedos?  There will probably be a boobless woman washing a car in my neighborhood.  I don't think there will be photos or even any interest.  She be wearing clothing however.

    Blessings..the director of my department isleaving at the end of the month.  My supervisor is leaving too.  We are so short staffed as it is.  We always seem to do well but it is anxiety provoking.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Ziggy, I'm ready and waiting for my night of wine and ledge dancing.

    And it was time for a new washing machine anyway. Wheel that one out to the garden.


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    FBB...happily that surgery is one month past.  Vision and typing improving :)  Glad you are here!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thank you Dutchess! It's hard to see my kids suffer so much, it's wonderful (and a blessing in this case) to have some great things and miracles happen too. 

    FBB, ditto Dutchess! Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    A little late, but good morning to all!  Thought you would enjoy the following:


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Be back to explain-----underconstruction

    Blessiing saw your post re: BP and "stand up quick" method. Not sure what post you are referrencing,  But orthostatics should never be done with out the minute wait for the standing portion to be done. It takes the autonomic system that long minimum to send the signals received from the baroreceptors (pressure receptors) to the medulla in the brain then signals sent to the arterioles to respond by constricting.

    Without the allowance of a minute there will always be a rapid drop in the BP. This is the element that is most poorly understood in doing orthostatics. It is the biggest ERROR in orthostatics. 

    The two links below are related to subject. The post below that is an old post on what the numbers mean and why they are so important


    Jan 23, 2013 12:48AM, edited Jan 23, 2013 11:08AM by sas-schatzi

    Histories great--goes back too Hale-1733---griusome experiment-----never knew it till now. Had to see the beginning to see how it differed from the current.

    Blood pressure: two measurements that define so much, and have an impact on us that is so major and is not taught to anyone quite well. If it were taught well, then those that were taught well, could teach it to there patients, quite well.

    The top number- is called SYSTOLIC that is the number that is associated with the top number that a Bp machine shows.

    What is normal----the true answer is no one knows. What the American Heart Association(AHA) has done over 5 decades is revise the answer. I came into it in the 60's, the formula then for Systolic BP was 100 + age=SBP. So, a person 70 yrs old would be expected to have a top or systolic of 170. Anyone reading this today would go----OMG. The new considered normal for the systolic measurement was 140 and revised down with the perfect being 120. BUT 140 was considered the top normal from say till the 80's middle to late 1990's. It hasssssssss been pushed down by the AHA since, to a level that is troublesome IMHO, that is they want to see SBP lower than 120 and approaching 110. The problem with this is is the science is too young. People are being put on medication at an undertermined time of need.

    What does the systolic measure? Forget the formula and think what it affecfts. The brain, the kidneys, the limbs, all that is peripherhal to the body. SO, The meaning of a high sustained blood pressure MEANS is diseases that affect the brain, kidney, extremities. BUT the science is too young too measure this, it's basically from this last 60 years, with some really bad science behind it for 200 years. The bottom line is we don't know what is normal. What we do know is the affect of sustained and intermittent hypertension. It leads from top to bottom--strokes, heart damage, heart failure(CHF), Great vessel vascular disease(Aorta), peripheral vascular disease-mostly demonstrated in lower limbs, but can involve upper limbs and torso-body, cirrohosis(long standing history of CHF, and kidney damage to the point of being referred to as one of the causes of End Stage Renal Disease--ESRD. So, ignoring a high sustained measurement of the systolic number leads to death with a really sucky time getting there.

    The lower number is the DIASTOLIC--it measures the heart at rest after systole. Systole is associated with contraction of the two lower chambers of the heart. Particularly, the left lower chamber b/c it is the high pressure system pumping oxygenated blood out to the body. If this number exceeds 90 over a prolonged period it definitely will lead to heart failure.

    What does it mean? The accepted numbers have also been revised by the AHA over decades. 60- 90 was once acceptable-----now the 90 is being pushed down. The cardiology community wants to see the number in the 60-70 range.

    Whats it mean? The numbers are in question. We have scientist making conclucions based on data of a few decades. In the space of all time thats a blink of the eye.

    VEGGY yoo -hoo :)----what does it mean to us. Blood pressure is NOT a number that flows like a changes by the moment based on whatever----the whatever can be by any of our sesnses--sight, feel, taste, smell, activity, moments of rest since activity, anxiety.. add any adjective and it can change BP . Our Bp changes on the moment, based on whatever. Just the moment i picked up my wine glass and savored the taste of the wine:)

    I do know you don't want me to tell you about the feedback system of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

    The bottom line is if you are in current "accepted range" your good. If you go to the docs office or anywhere medical and you get a higher then normal reading --that's expected. Fear, exersize, a tickle on the skin i.e bug feeling, mostly anything, can elevate BP. In the 90's, a study was done naming it "White Coat Syndrome". BUT for decades, we all called it that b/c it was absolutely evident. Finally, someone did a reproduceable study, published, and it became official. We could use the words "White Coat Syndrome" with science behind it versus empirical observation(redundant)LOL.

    Will add post on White Coat Syndrome

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    This a post from long ago re White coat syndrome"

    Jul 25, 2013 03:07PM, edited Jul 25, 2013 03:17PM by sas-schatzi

    Wren "White Coat Sydrome" or "White Coat Hypertension". History: the term was used as far back as the 60's (that's as far back as I go LOL). In around 1998, there was an official evidence based study published. It proved that patients blood pressures did indeed spike when exposed to docs and medical situations. It then became an official term. Talk with your doc after you have gone through your documentation. Spiking BP's can be a cause to change antihypertensive management.

    Please, consider after establishing whether this is a situation for you, to try behavior modification interventions first with your docs input. Some suggestions. 1. Visual imagery. 2. Physical modifications used in meditation i.e. concentrating on relaxation and breathing control. The quickest easiest method over the years, that I have used with untrained people in situations where Bp was elevated, was Lamaze. The slow deep relaxing breaths used in early labor and focus points. Some didn't realize I was doing Lamaze with them. I did ask if the person knew the techniques of Lamaze. If they did, it did make things easier. 3. Always go to appointments early, with the intent to relax before being seen. Use whatever behavior modification techniques that you have practiced, while waiting to be seen. 4. Decondition yourself by going to docs office and just sit there, then ask for your BP to be taken. Then leave. Repeat as necessary over time, until normal values are attained consistently.

    The spiking of the Bp is related to the "fright or flight" mechanism controlled by the Sympathetic Nervous System. Long, involved, and fascinating if you care to read about it.

    The different behavior modifications can all be googled and practiced. Good Luck!

    I'll link to and old thing I wrote on Bp and recording Sassy

    Wrote this on Fuzzy's Romp Room, scroll down the page to find it.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy, reserved? You? Uh, no, you speak your mind!

    Fighting issues today (the change in avatar)? You've been quiet, what's happening?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, Question for you: when you lose height due to age/spinal curvature do you go with the BMI and weights for your new height?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren, that's a good one, no clue. But I can surmise that someone has studied it. I have seen patients that have lost many inches and are totally hunched over --the hucnh used to be referred to Dowager hump the correct term is Kyphosis. Kyphosis is seen mainly in severe osteoporosis. Denegerative spinal joint diesease with collapse of the vertebrae.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay Blessings found your post on BP and elevation--gives me lots more clues to work with. 

    With that first Bp, was it right after walking into the office intake room? Two things 

    1. It COULD have been your BP after walking, and was truly a presentation of your BP. The re-evaluation will sort this out. If it is a true representation of your BP with activity, your doc will look at many things to figure out origin. The list is lengthy. a. Weight. b.De-conditioning meaning your out of shape b/c you haven't been walking enough. c. change in a organ function----heart, kidney, vascular. d. body response to a medication that you are already taking, causing changes in BP.

    2. White coat Syndrome. I have already added WCS to my BP posts. on page 387. At one time WCS was considered that it didn't need treatment. But since the first publishing in around 1998, it was found that this should be treated. This type of patient was found to spike there BP in to many situations. The spiking puts to much pressure on the arterial walls. It's like using a garden hose where you turn the nozzle to the high pressure system, then back down, then up again. If you are washing a painted surface think how that paint responds. It'll flake loose or flake off. This puts the person at risk for plaque loosening or breaking off that could lead to a blockage of the blood vessel (Thrombus) or an traveling clot/plaque that blocks the artery further downstream.(embolus)

    Either way chickie, love that your doc is following up, GOOD CATCH AND PLAN. Had one friend that had only gyn care for years. her BP was documented for years as being seriously elevated. Her gyn doc ignored it. She ended up with loosing both kidneys. She had to have a kidney transplant. She was lucky a family memeber donated a kidney.

    LOVE Kaisers system.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    AGAIN bbl NOT CAUGHT UP, DBF WORKING VERY and I should do something to help. L&H&P's sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Years ago I was at a pharmacy and they had something new a BP machine. So I thought why not, well I did it and it was so high---I called my Mom and my mom and dad picked me up, I left the car there and took me right to my Drs. office. They were just closing and saw me and reopened the door and I told him I was having a stroke--well he knew me for years and he said go to the hospital and then said well let's see--so he asked how I knew my bP was so high and I told him, so he took my BP once, then waited we talked I got up and walked waited he took it again, same thing waited and he didn't tell me what it was and I said see I told u I've got to go to the hospital--so he took it again and I was beside myself and he says with this big smile--(I really loved him) U think I would let u sit here if it was high and told me then it was 120/70 all 3 times. I remember that so well cuz when I came out my dad said OK u ready to go home? And I was like WTF am I doing and my Dr. said never do those machines again, u'r the type of person that will make u'r BP higher all by u'r self--so I invented the term Machine syndrome same thing. AND that's why I miss my mom and dad so much they did anything for me at any time.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Cami - great story... I would have done the same thing! Sounds like you had awesome parents....

    ~ ~ ~ 

    MissSassyPants - Thanks for all your good information! I think I've got a plan, now... thanks to my wonderful MO and PCP (and their minions...)

    ~ ~ ~ 

    When I went through the Kaiser Weight Management program, we had the most awesome nurse who checked our BP every week. She never used the automated machines... she said they were all crap, and that they went out of calibration within about five patients. 

    So she always used the (I remembered the name!) sphygmomanometer - the blood pressure cuff and the stethoscope. She always got 108/65 when she took mine. So now, if I find that my BP is high when the medical assistant takes it on the machine, I just ask the doctor to re-take it the old way.

    And yes, I usually AM stressed when I check in... Oncology is on the third floor and I always try to take the stairs. Of course, I can hardly breathe when I reach the Reception desk....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blessings u make me laugh "of course I could hardly breathe when I reached the recep. desk." hahaha

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Am pedaling as fast as I can to catch up. Went out of town for weekend so preps/packing took time and those storms Thur. night. Gee whiz. They formed just above us and to the north and raced NE. We had just a few drops of rain from them but better over the weekend while we were in the lovely state of Oklahoma. Lake Murray just across the state line very much down. The slew our cabin is on is dry - walked out in what should be maybe 5 feet of water which was dry sand instead. Needless to say no fishing. But drinking (I was a good girl only a beer and a margo), too much food, lots of good talk/visiting and card playing of all sorts.

    Hope someone answered the blueberry buckle recipe question. I looked some up but closed the window. I have several pkgs of frozen mixed berries I need to use up. Know they said could use froz. blueberries so I assume mixed berries wouid be the same.

    Bed is calling my name. DH woke me up this am telling me the elec. was off so if I wanted hot coffee I'd better get my hiney out of bed. Too early for my liking so calling it a night shortly. I am 10 pages behind but am trying. Had some relevant comments for page
    378 or so. Will keep till tomorrow. Sleep tight all my little Owlets.
    Hooty onward.

    Chevy I think your DH looks more like Elvis than James Dean. Leaving you with that thought.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Luv is back---Woot Woot

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    hi all...lots to comment on, I will tomorrow. I did not know her well, but we did spend some time together this winter....MaryAnn Kay, of Twin Falls, Idaho passed on Sat. 4/5/14....breast cancer...sad tonight for her boy, her hubby and the fact that she had been  really sick for six years & died at 56.....

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    JWoo - soooo cute!!!

    luvmygoats - DANG - you've been missed! We're in a huge drought situation here in Cali - and any rain we might get from now on won't make a spit of difference. RE the blueberry buckle... my mom always used to make DUMP CAKES from whatever fruit she had on hand, and a small box of that Jiffy cake mix sprinkled on top, then melted butter poured over everything.  Mmmmmm good!

    Holeinone - so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. Cancer SO sucks.

    ~ ~ ~ 

    I am a complete idiot. Here I am on the Insomniacs thread, whiling away my time, and I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning.  Devil

    (Haven't seen my dentist in two YEARS, so it was tomorrow morning at 8, or wait another two months.)  The only time I'm up at 6:30 a.m. is if I have to get up and pee!!! DH says just go sleep in the truck and he'll make sure I get there on time.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Holeinone- condolences to you and her loved ones. 

    Luv- sounds like a good time!  Those storms were crazy, but we need many more of them. This drought is out of control. 

    Blessings- good luck tomorrow!

  • MusicIsMyTherapy89
    MusicIsMyTherapy89 Member Posts: 4

    hey all! is neone else awake like me?! lol.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    totally here with you Music! how are you doing?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Music, I'm here! Not sure how long after almost 3 hours of sleep last night. Sheesh!

    Blessings, sounds like your DH is a keeper! Hope the appt goes quickly and painlessly.

    Jwoo, thanks for the meowls, what a hoot! 

    Luv, glad you're back. 

    Hi1, so sorry to read that.

    Is it my imagination, but is this thread quiet today? Sassafras, whatcha up to?

    Forget to post this with earlier flower/planting comments:


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    oops Jwoo, didn't mean to leave you out

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    ooh- that is a great idea 2nd time!  gonna have to check out home depot to see if they have those, or make the BF drill out some pvc pipes!