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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    saw this and thought of LuvMyGoats


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Blessings...  I'm one of those women who just stopped taking my Tamoxifen....   I ASKED my Oncologist, if THAT is why I lost my hearing...  She didn't have a clue...  Asked the ENT people....  Same thing....  Asked MY Doc, and she said "Let's treat it like allergies for a month, and maybe it will clear up"....  Right! 

    Another month passed, and I still could not hear!  DH said it HAS to be something you are TAKING!  Tamoxifen was the only thing.

    Called the other Oncologist on-call.... HE didn't have a clue...  I researched and googled, and found at least 5 articles about how Tamoxifen CAN cause hearing loss.... because since it is like a chemo drug, hair follicles cannot hold up to that onslaught of  meds! 

    And your tiny nerves in your ears are little hair-like follicles... and since "certain women with a certain gene"  CAN have a stroke in the brain-stem, near the 8th cranial nerve, causing hearing loss" then that is what more than likely happened to me.  In other words those "nerves" are either damaged, or will completely lie down, never no more to roam. 

    So that is the story of why I just stopped the Tamoxifen!  But this was over 2 years ago, so with the hearing aids, I am once again perfect!  Ha, ha!  That's funny.

    You guys what is POS or POSH  oh wait, is it piece of know?

    Man, did I get at least ONE right?

    Okay, so get this...  I was at my wits end... which meant I didn't have far to go, and at one point, I just said "Okay, that's it!  I'm walking up to Starbucks!'  And my cane was thrust rather loudly on the floor!

    I changed my top, and flounced out the door!  So I'm just walking along, and all of a sudden I thought   "I CAN'T DO THIS!  I CAN'T WALK 5 MORE BLOCKS!"  So damnit!  I had to turn-tail and slowly walk back home!  Dejected as it were!  Damnit!  I couldn't show my  "I'm sick of the way you are acting stuff" any other way!   

    I walked in...  with that feeling of "I couldn't do it" and he finally said "I'm sorry.... I just wish I could take something to get me in a better mood."

    To which I firmly stated....  "Honey, you don't NEED any more pills...I will take care of you ALways, just quit being such a jerk, and let me take CARE of you!" 

    So then things were better!  I KNOW he hurts, and is disgusted, because he cannot walk!

    But maybe, if it hasn't gotten any better by Wednesday, I will either take him to Emergency, or to the Specialist she said she would refer us to...   She said to stay off of it for 3 weeks!  Holy God in Heaven...!!!  I will have rented a room at Motel 6 by then!

    Other than that, we are fine...

    Blessings!  That was not even CLOSE to an owl!  WTH????  More like this...


    Okay.... that's a pink owl.

    Everybody must be asleep!  Okay.... I had better go be a dutiful little wife...  He is so cute, just laying there...!  Maybe I should just quietly tie his hands and foot to the bed!  Notice I said "foot".... not "feet".... because one is still not working.... I'm such a bitch!   But you know I am just kidding!  Relax!

  • Valsa123
    Valsa123 Member Posts: 70

    thanks..will try!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Blessings, if that was my chicken she'd have cement shoes and be in the river by now.  Just kidding. I would probably leave it! I always wanted to stain my patio with leaf imprints. What's a few chicken prints? 

    Not feeling too good lately and wanting to get on with treatment. The problem with seeing top docs is they are never around. Flying here and there and lecturing everywhere.  I'm ready to go to Joe's cancer R us treatment center just to get a move on with this! 

    Hugs to all.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Oh boy Teka...that is just what I needed! Thanks for the reminder :)


  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Just completely fed up this morning!!  Don't know any other way to put it!  I won't bore you all with details!  So I'll just say that I hope you all have a nice start to the week!

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I'm sorry Nettie...I don't know the details, but I do know the feeling of just being fed up with it all!! ((hugs))

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Thanks!  This is one place that can always make me smile and feel better! 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Morning all, 

    Chevy, I can just see you stomping through your yuppie little neighborhood headed for some joe. Wish we could of seen your expression heading out & then right after the U turn....he he he...your DH sounds like a great guy. He was so sweet when you were hurt & now he has to accept help, and deal with immobility & pain.

    F.Bluebird, hope they get you started soon...waiting is torture. Are you able to do much? Go for short walks? Is it difficult to watch TV ? 

    Nettie, hope your day gets's a bitch & then we die....that's a downer! sometimes we have to feel the emotional crap to be able to move on. Try to treat yourself with something you enjoy.

    Maddy, nice pic for LMG....she went AWOL on us...

    Alyson, feeling better? 

    The temperature is supposed to be in the low 70s tomorrow ......I am on flower bed duty today, I have flowers blooming, lots & lots of purple, white, pink hyacinths, daffodils, tulips...

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Well I'm feeling better!  Happy

    FBlueBird - hoping you get some relief soon! 

    Chevy - I had no idea that Tamoxifen could cause hearing loss, that's scary!  Glad you realized it! I'm not taking that, I'm supposed to be on Aromasin, but because I couldn't get the MO to agree that it was causing issues, I have self diagnosed a 4 week break to see if SE subside and most of them have, so I will start it again and see if they return and if so, I'll be asking for a change!  However, that in itself is scary as they say Aromasin is supposed to be the easiest!

    I'm guessing that it is time for me to insist on some sort of scan to find out exactly what is going on with my back and arm!  I'm one of those that really doesn't want to know, but realize that I need to!  Not sure what is worse, worrying because I don't know, or finding out something that I wish I hadn't!  Just becomes so tiresome with the hurting and worrying all the time!  I can't take pain meds and really don't need them, it's not that the pain is so bad that I can't take it, it's just the fact that it's there at all that drives me up the wall!!

    And the more I find ladies that had NO node involvement, yet end up with mets, the more I'm convinced that this will be me!

    Anyway, the sun is coming out and my work day is half over, so I'm on the downhill side of Monday!  YAY!!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Nettie, felt the same this weekend, couldn't do or say anything right, so I gave up and gave  BCO my attention this weekend. Hopefully it will be better today, and this week. 

    FBB,  you cracked me up with "Joe's Cancer Treatment Center R Us"! Let me know how the waiting line is.

    Chevy, you always make me smile and laugh!

    Hi1, that sounds lovely! Your garden will be bee-you-tee-full!

    Sassy, you've been quiet. You are enjoying the new bathroom (too much)?

    LMG, are you lurking? Hoping everything is ok.

    Posting this because it made me smile:


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Hey Insominacs--   cute pictures you guys have been posting.  Thanks Teka for your gentle reminder to be kind to ourselves .  Chevyboy--thanks for the laugh about you tying you hubby hands and one foot while he's asleep.  I have this devilish sense of humor, too!  It cracked me up!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    love love love the Cat in the hat poem!!  It fits!!!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    holeinone, I'm puttering around the house doing some light spring pick up. I'm reading and watching tv and using my computer but in limited doses. The screen time really bothers my eyes after awhile. 

    Next week is filled with dr. appointments. Ugh. Surgery scheduled on the 18th to get my expander out. They can't do an MRI with it in there. But once I get treatment underway I'm hoping the anxiety will lesson. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Ah Sheesh!  She caught it from me!  Nettie I mean!  I was that way Yesterday!   But today is much better!  And HE CAN PUT HIS FOOT DOWN without flying up to the ceiling!!!   I am sooooo thankful!  And his mood is much better!  Little Brat!  He is staying off of that foot...  and I haven't run over it with the car yet!    I will behave!  And we will give it more time!  I won't get nervous and scared, and keep thinking it won't ever heal.

    I loved the Cat in the Hat!  I remember reading those books to my girls when they were little.... One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!  They were so cute!  My Mom had bought them the whole series...I saved them, and read them to my Grand-sons! 

    GOOD 2ndtime!  I'm glad I can make you smile, even when I don't feel like it myself...Ha! 

    And Nettie!  Now my back hurts too!  So that's because I walk crooked, or limp!  You need to get some type of scan.... I had back surgery  about 25 years ago, and really doing good.... but instead of getting younger, I find myself getting older, and things hurt randomly!   So if I keep using my cane for all that stuff going on with my HIP, then I won't limp, and make my back hurt! 

    Oh Damn!  He just made it out back with the walker!  He is going stir-crazy, I know....  I just don't want him to hurt it more...  I had better go see if I need to have the paramedics stand by......

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all. Was going to post some pictures for Chevy but left my camera in my friends car, never mind will do them later.

    Must do some work.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    Bear hat at breakfast!

    thanks for the laughs. Hope everybody's week gets better. Have already got 10,000 steps in at Disneyland, feet hurt, we're back in room and resting. Having fun is hard work!  Resting in our room, cool, quiet and off our feet. Maybe we will hit the pool in a bit.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    SillyHeartno clue how far behind--but I'm here. Not trying to catch up right now, but am having an Ativan moment without the ativan. Phyily'sonherwayfromhoustonwillbeherethurs. Spookie will be here Sunday. Philly's stopping in New Orleans and maybe Talahassee. Taking pics along the way. She's a real artist with pics

    Several newbie lurkers have PM'd me, Not ignoring your PM's.....just in a bit of a panic mode, shouldn't be but it is what it is when I calm down I'll answer

    LOL maybe some wine would help. 

    Caught a few post---Aly hope you found your earring, Did the same, 25 years ago still miss that stupid thing Same about the singing.

    Dwilli nice to see you here :) Will answer soon

    Bathroom--- tp rollers are up. Only need to hang mirror and pics. In the space of all and everyone's troubles I shouldn't post about it, but it's just put the whole house in chaos for so long. Stove to be delivered soon, feel like the one that's here is a safety risk. I make myself crazy when I think safety. Seems just when I get to the end of one "something another something" pops up either medically or surroundings. Guess that's where the panic is buggering me.

    Littlegoats----glad you had your trip, but also, agree camping is not what it used to be.

    Ziggy yes, changing the world can be put on hold for awhile

    Blessings, that chicken walking on your fresh cement, Would be cute if intentional, but a chit when it's not.

    Bluebird, maybe moving ahead with that treatment while still trying to get 2nd opinion. You can change from whole to directed.

    Tang hope you are doing okay

    Chevy, keep that ornery *** listening to you----yeah like that's going to happen. 

    Looks like Music didn't stay...okay may be she found a home that works better for her

    Nettie Hugs

    Teka---are go to gal for visuals YAY

    444444,&shells, & cami & Badger(thanks), Smarrty, Bluberry, whomever I've missed HUGS.

    The thyroid withdrawal treatment before  the pill (april 21st) is likely the cause of me being unglued. Knowing the cause doesn't make the weird unglued feeling any better. Doc said I would feel awful. Hypothyroid can really mess with every cell and totally screw with the brain. Two weeks--two weeks--one minute at a time.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smarrty, look at you ! Sweet photo, how fun. Enjoy the pool..

    F. Bluebird, thanks for the update. Hope the 18th gets here soon for you, wish they could move things up for you. 

    Hello Dwill & all

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    2TA- TOO FUNNY!!!

    Smaarty - that's just about the cutest bear hat I've seen.... you go, Girl!

    OMG, I am falling apart. Saw the MO this morning, have gained a CONSIDERABLE amount of weight, but even worse, my BP was 167/96. (It was 108/68 before the Femara!) 

    The nurse took it again before I left; it had gone down to 146/76. But a few minutes ago, my PCP's nurse called and said the doc wanted to see me... apparently they rat you out at Kaiser - if your BP is high in ANY department, they email your PCP, and she has her minions track you down!!!

    Well, I already had made an appt to see her tomorrow... she wants me on statins and BP meds... and I am going to throw myself at her feet and beg her to give me six weeks to get the numbers down on my own...

    Bye-bye snacks!!! Helloooooooo Optifast and exercise!!! Bawling

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sassy, cute avatar! Now listen good, try to limit yourself, if you overdo, you may regret it, especially with PhyllistoppingatHouston and Spookiesmom on their way to visit. Look, the bathroom works, the toilet, the sink, the tub/shower. If the TP rolls aren't up, that's not important as long as there is TP. I'll bet they don't care about the stove but they care about YOU! It will be no fun it you're hurting and can't be present. Bring food in if necessary. You need to s-l-o-w down some. As I recall you were recently in the hospital, surgery? Take it easy, please!

    PhyllistoppingatHouston and Spookiesmom, is there a problem with that?

    End of lecture....

    Blessings, WTH? We need to get you well too. If you figure out how to change that real quickly, ple let me know.

    Smaarty, love the bear hat! My PM was too late. Hoping you're enjoying our beautiful weather, thanks for bringing it with, perfect for the pool. Wishing you were here a bit longer....

    FBB, can you be up on a cancellation list? 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Early owlettes balancing on a roof:

    image See how I did that without calling Chevy and Cami  old?

    So Chevy, I'll put my plans of kicking your hubby's a$$ on hold for a bit since he said 'sorry' but if you reconsider, just call. I'll be ready. 

    2 timer - I have LOTS of room on my window sills and I love indoor plants. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Uh, yeah, TP is good. Useful stuff. Stoves, not so much. Mirrors, I break 'em if I use 'em.7 years bad luck if you break one. Must be why I got ca.

    Phyloinn'owlens must be having a blast on Bourbon St. Pretty city. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Ziggy love the pic!

    Sassy-thanks for looking out for me :) sorry you are feeling so screwy, I wonder if it is anything like when I tried to stop taking Celexa cold turkey. I never felt so flipping wacked out in my life! ((hugs))

    Blessings-sorry about the bp. I developed high BP with my last pregnancy and it never went away. I hope you can convince them to let you try on your own.

    Oh man..I was trying to address everyone individually and I can't keep up! lol

    Taxes still ned to be done...shit!!

    love and hugs!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Crab fingers bordelaise, seafood gumbo and fries for dinner.  Yum!  Swamp tour on an airboat tomorrow.  Hope I make it through without bugs in my teeth.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Stop by Cafe Dumont. Bienegts and chicory coffee!!!! Yum!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Lol teka.  Sassy warned me about those!

    And sassy - quit cleaning, renovating and worrying!  I mean it.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Teka, you're a woman after my own heart!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Blessings, It will be interesting to see what your BP is at your PCP. Mine runs high 30's/low 40's at my PCP; it's always over 160 at the onc. At home it's lower still, but I'm not sure I trust the new monitor. I'm on 2 BP meds plus potassium. Both sides of my family had high blood pressure and heart disease. Genetically, I'm a sitting duck. No breast cancer on either side tho and look at me.

    You shouldn't be allowed to go to NOLA unless you're willing to eat. I usually walk so much more that I don't gain.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Ack..I just took tomorrow morning's meds Istead of tonights meds. This means an  extra levothyroxine and tamoxifem.  I almost did this once before but tinight I succeeded :/