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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    This works too

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Cami, Chevy always starts it - she's a troublemaker that ol' biddybat. She's trying to distract everybody from the fact that she's got one man delete, delete, delete  fuzzy cuffs. 

    Oh fierce one! Rip that thing off your wrist and get on home now - enough with this hospital chit.

    edited to delete some stuff 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618


    For Teka

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I have a barnyard..wish I were living in it.

    Still stuck here.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    OK I have the feeble brain today. Still back on 379. Nettie I'm reading forward and backassward. Not good for feeble minded like moi. Somehow DH expects clean clothes, somewhat cleaner house and food cooked. Doesn't he know I have pages to read on here. Love the owl in coffee beans - into my Word files. Did someone post the "The Cat in the Hat on Aging" on here - not sure what thread I got it off of. I have it taped onto my desk shelf.

    This was on our local news last night. The health reporter very good, usually very serious could not stop laughing, snorting at this even when done and off camera. They only posted the middle portion where he does the headstand. Wonder the horse didn't kick the c**p outta him. Funny part starts about 1:15 into video.

    I see Fierce's been puny - in the hosp with pneumonia? Hope the tunneling out is successful soon. Um Barnyard is better, doesn't say much for hosp, yes?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    FBB I thought u were out of the hospital, WTH is going on? u'r wrist was out of it, wasn't it.? Oh great u'd rather be in a barnyard. that means it's awful for u if u want to live like Chevy. Just get rid of that chit and go home.

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Not sure if someone else posted, but I did post the cat in the hat. I think Teka may have posted it to another page also.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    this one?


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Where is blessings? Blessings - I have daffodils - tomorrow I will post you a picture. 

    Nettie - I forgot to put into my post regarding scans... I think that it is important to be able to trust your MOs capabilities - anybody can have a bad day, that's reasonable (especially if you are an oncologist), but whoever your doc is, he or she will be an important part of your life for quite a while. If you give your onc a reasonable chance (being straightforward and saying "I need to know why this is being recommended.") and he or she doesn't give you answers? Then it may be time to start looking for a new doc. 

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Bluebird, would this work? Cause I'll smuggle one in for you....


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yes 2TA that's the one. Thanks.

    Ziggy - I have weeds, green and blooming.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Zigs, that would do it!

    Tried to make a run for it but searchlights and bloodhound brought me back.

    Looks like some kind of sepsis causing this chit.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    I'm here! I'm here!!!! Loopy

    Ziggy - looking forward to daffy pics...

    FBB - do we need to form a posse and come spring you outta there?

    I just took a shoebox fulla drugs and in a minute will take a shower. Have a big sleep-in planned for tomorrow - DH is off to an early morning "Men's Breakfast", so quiet house for me!

    Started my diet today....


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    ah, hello all Owlettes...

    FBluebird, we have complete confidence that you will blow that Popsicle stand over the weekend...otherwise the posse will be gathered, Chevy driving her standard shift, Cami riding shot gun, blending margaritas and handing out advice. Phylissthepossibleconvict, egging us on, teaching us the ways of the world.

    Hope for the best.....let us know how it's going....

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


    Oops, didn't mean for that to be so big

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Hey! I think i like this Jwow! thanks Chevy! Hope the DH is getting better daily.

    Nettie- hope you are felling a little better

    2nd time- just ready about your daughter- congratulations!

    Blessings, hope that you can get your BP down to where you need it. Glad your dental visit when well.

    Smaarty- good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do it!

    Sas- forgot to say congrats on having a toilet!

    FBB- hope you are feeling better every day. We are all flying with you.

    Wren, how are you doing?

    Watching "The Girl Can't Help It"- man! what I wouldn't give to look like Mansfield. I really miss my boobs. Anyhow, the music in this is soooo good! My dad gave me a love for good swingin rock-n-roll. I was born in the wrong decade!

    Who else had these in their homes in the 70's/80's? I am on the lookout for one to make!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh we have our own Jwow---and she's beautiful. Like that name.

    FBB Oh Chit---Get rid of that nasty infection Now--tell the Drs. to do it NOW--or will bring us and our peeps to take care of everyone. FBB I'm sorry u'r going thru all this.

    I jut woke up and came here first to see how everyone is--and I hate seeing FBB struggling--so just stop this OK. And how is the visit with Phyloreallyconvict going SASSY? I really like when I hear our Bwreasties are face to face---I wish we could all be together for face to face So tell us how it's going someone.

    Chevy u have this big mouth wake them up or at least stop them from doing what they're doing for a little bit.

    Big Party tonite--Oy vey and I made my peppers wrong. I'm s made at myself---I shouldn't have cut them so thing making so many, I never made 2 pans before and cutting them thing doesn't go as far--it's been so long since I made them for a crowd I really totally forgot. I just have made them for us for quite a while before so  I'm made at myself. If it wasn't for Joey helping me I actually couldn't have done it, he made sure I sat as much as I could and he did all the stirring and putting them all in the pans after I cut and I taught him what a pinch of something is--hahaha --that's not easy to learn believe me. OK I'll BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image Here we come FBB

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Saw this on the news this morning!  SO adorable!  I couldn't even train my GIRLS to do this!

    Lilgoats!  I LOVED your video!  Didn't think horses could be trained to do ANYthing!   When I was a teenager...(yes it happened) I was at my gal-friends house, and her "tame" horse reached out, and yanked my blouse, and ripped all the buttons off!  I was so scared of that horse!

    We rode him bare-back, and when we finally got off, I was so sore for a WEEK!  I'm sure I had blisters on my butt for DAYS!!!! 

    Fierce!!!  WTH?  You doin' any better?  Do we have to come there and give those Docs a what-for?

    Cam!  You little kiddle!  I don't live near a barn-yard!  It is a Chicken coop!   Where there are CHICKENS!  Not Cows and things! 

    Lilshit..... Yes, it IS important to trust your team.... that is assuming they know more than YOU do.... but just once in awhile, like for instance MY Oncologist, would not listen, or even READ what I brought her about Tamoxifen possibly, MAYbe causing my hearing loss!  She said just to keep taking it, and maybe those SE's would go away...

    I DID keep taking it...  but then lost my hearing in my right ear, over-night!  Same as the left!  So without someone hitting me over the damn head, I QUIT!  All on my own...  I was alone on THAT one! 

    Actually it wasn't the Tamoxifen.... It was the STROKE that the Tamoxifen caused, in my brain, near the 8th cranial nerve...   I was just lucky it didn't happen anywhere else...  Could have been worse.  Maybe I am just an anomaly, but it has happened to quite a few gals on these blogs....

    LittleFierce, Isn't Sepsis an infection of some sort?  Or WTH are you doing?    You have blood-hounds?

    Blessings....  Did you enjoy your quiet time?  Ha!  Can you believe my DH WALKED down a block to the bar for his couple beers, and to see his friends?  I said he was nuts.....  It HAD to have been gout.... Not the torn Achille's...right?  So the beer will do it good?  Don't think so...  But what do I know...... 

    Morning GGH.... That's it... I just shortened your name into something even I can understand....  Ha!    Yes, Phylliwildthing and Sassy are probably busy doing Lord knows what all!   We must not even question them.... wouldn't tell the truth anyway...

    2nd!  You okay?  You sick TOO?    It's okay to post big pictures!  That way we can SEE them better!

    Okay Jwow!  I remember that needle-point!  My Dad made so MANY of them!  Even throw rugs.... He painted those velvet paint by number things, and embroidered  pillow tops, and I LOVED that he was always doing SOMEthing!

    And WHAT??????????  You mean Cammi COOKS?  Or Bakes, or SOMEthing???????????  You've got to be kidding me!  I didn't know she even knew what a stove was... much less get near one!  That woman never ceases to amaze me....  A STOVE!!!  And they let her get near one!  Well, if it hadn't been for Joey, and Katey-Kat, she could not have done it on her own.... 

    Did you make STUFFED peppers?  Or just peppers.... or should I ask?  Oh well.... let us know how it all goes....  And how many wound up in the emergency room.....  xoxooxox

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Good morning all!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dear Chevy, the mods are upset with me for calling you an old biddybat. I'm sorry for calling you an old biddybat because you gave Sassypants a hard time for sharing DBFGGHHIJ with phillygetsallthecake. You are not an old biddybat, just old, and a biddy - but not a biddybat. 

    Love Always


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    DEar everybody ~ The mods find it 'questionable' that I asked you all if you were raised in a barnyard. It was a question, so I'm sorry. Really I'm really very sorry. 



  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Dear Chevy - The mods are mad at me too, because I said that that you shouldn't get on sassy's case about the DBFINBED since you have vinnie in the basement with handcuffs (that should be the name of a cocktail). So would you please let him go?

    Love, Lilshit

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I raised my kids in a barnyard. Are they questioning my parenting skills now? Of course some of my kids were goats, but my human ones too.

    I still have my latch hooks! And a permanent blister from the hook! Now that's a throw back!

    Blood culture was gram positive sepsis. They think it came from last hospital visit. Won't let me go. Tried escaping numerous  times, but if the whole posse arrives we'll outnumber them!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    There are a lot of barnyardaphobes out there. Not me, some of my best friends were raised in barnyards, and I have to admit, when I was young my parents experimented with the barnyard raising thing for a while. I don't think it damaged me. Wait... maybe it DID damage me and I don't know I'm damaged! I have to go hide under the covers and cry now. I just know that people can take one glance at me and KNOW I was barnyard raised. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, saw the baby bulldog video on TV yesterday. So cute, like a little kid that doesn't want to go to sleep and protesting. And will try to post BIG pics for you.

    Jwow, yes, I remember all those stitchery kits. Thanks about DD. Sorry to say her being nice to me didn't last long. Got accused of losing a work t-shirt and pair of yoga pants. She's got clothes in piles all over her room and I'm to blame she can't find something? Hopefully after she moves out to attend this new college we can consider moving out of this house into something smaller (the two events aren't related). 

    Cami, how did you make peppers wrong? Maybe you just found a new way to make them. Kinda like the story of the tollhouse chocolate chip cookie lady who made the best mistake by forgetting to first melt the chocolate and thereby creating our beloved CC cookies. 

    FBB, let me see if I understand: you got the infection IN the hospital and they want you to stay longer? We better spring you now!

    Little Zig, why are the mods picking on you? There's much worse here on BCO. 

    Blessings, good try. DH was out for a bit and you taking it easy? Good cover up for the party of dancing boys that were there to entertain you while he was out.

    Sassy and Phyllivisiting must be having fun. Where are the pictures?

    Spookiesmom, please make sure your phone/camera is fully charged to get lots of pics for us.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Twotimer - I don't know why they have singled me out for such harsh punishment; it is a grave injustice. However, I hope that my sincere public apology to all involved will placate them and return me to their good graces. Right now, however, the humiliation from this chastisement for my lascivious and questionable questions has left me a broken sole .. I mean soul... and I am going to go play in my garden and hope for some solace in my misery.  

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Ziggypop, People raised in barnyards have a sense of responsibility PLUS they know how to clean their shoes. So there. It's a good thing. Have fun in your garden.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    No gardening here today.  It really is raining ALOT and some serious hail!  I hope I get something accomplished inside today.