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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Good morning...except it's 1:30 p.m.  Where does the time go?  Certainly not cleaning houses or barnyard shoes.

    LittleZiggeraut - That was a beautful apology.  I almost had tears in  my eyes. "Almost" because I'm on drugs to keep me from being a freekin'  waterworks all the time.  It works very well......just like your apology!

    Hope you all are having a great start to your weekend.  I know it's Saturday because I looked at the calendar and my phone and the computer screen  (had to correct copulator to computer).  I wonder what that means?  Hmmmm. 

    That reminds me, I miss Vinnie in the Basement also.  I hope he does not come down with the depression malady that being in the basement usually means.  Probably not because Chevy is keeping him busy when she is not browbeating her husbing.  I have a friend that calls depression, blues or in the basement "having your di*k in the dirt". One of my favorite phrases!  She has a lot of di*k phrases.  I will try to teach them to you slowly.  You'll like them too..

    Dearest blubie,  WTF???? Next time they take your blood or otherwise try to suck you dry, you DEMAND the good report. You know they have them lying around!  You know because other people are going home.  Seesh, they just need to give you the right report.  DEMAND IT!!

    Oh yeah, Sassy said she'd check sometime when she isn't so busy with demanding and irrational houseguests.  She can't wait for Spookie to get here to keep me in line.  hahahahah, have I got news for her!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    This is to phunny--the Mods--oh yes they are so strict with us because we are on so many meds that we're so harsh to each other as they should be, cuz some of us can only insult all the time and not cuz of the meds. WTF am I talking about MODS are picking on poor Ziggy and she's always under a cloud of something and hovering under the mods too. Everything is OK Ziggy u can come out now--we can play again. WREN stood up for the cause. Whatever it is--about barn people or something.

    Well PhyloPITA---are u proud of u'rselfe letting Sas do all the work that she doesn't even have time to post,and when Spookie comes she'll be busier cuz Spookie will follow u'r lead. PICTURES people we want to see happy faces, well pretend happy faces is good enough. tap, tap, tap that's me waiting for pics.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Actually this is sassy----philly was signed in on my computer and I didn't realize it

    Ziggy re-posted your scan post On Just Diagnosed-Get Prepared thread for newbie's . Great post better than most docs for sure.  Really , now did the MODS say stuff? Good lord they'd have to censure so much stuff CHIT LOL.

    Not catching up further than that Phyilly just woke up. So, going to play. L&H&P's to all that need it. Philly's pointed out some of my blooper writing. They are so much fun all over here, when ya'll take hold of them and run with it. I'll keep them out of bed :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    It's okay little Ziggers.... I got the same too.... I think I have to behave, and not tease so much....    And say things more appropriate for my age.... I think....  Which means  I should know better....   Oh well....

    You are a broken soul?  or sole?  That's okay, we can be together in our misery....Ha! 

    So do I have to go play out in my garden too?  It's going to rain.... Okay, if you say so, I'll go!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    lost again!  Think I should change my user name to that.

    Having a crappy weekend, DH is being a bigger ass than normal. He obviously has decided that I'm well and that nothing short of me acting like I am will do.

    So we have wasted the day arguing until I said kiss my ass and refused to deal with him.

    But man it's so frustrating that he don't get it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Nettie, you are "Lost:"  How can you be lost, when I just found you?  DH  is having a bad day?   Did you try the cast iron skillet on top of the head trick?   Maybe don't do that.... probably would REALLY make him mad..... as soon as he got up off the floor, and remembered where he was.... 

    Just go to your own bed.... shut the door, and watch TV, and put a sign on the door that his presence is not welcome! 

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Thanks Chevy. I wish it were they easy. It's hard to explain. He would go months and sleep in his recliner and never say a word to be except to grunt displeasure at how I'm weak and giving in. He just lets everything go, the house looks like s*** and it's mostly because his maid (me) isn't up to par. I swear he can live in a rat hole and when I ask him to ONLY pick up behind himself you would think I asked him to pull his arm off.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    oh, dear Nettie, our DH's (and I have to remember DH is not always Dear Husband but also D*ck Head, so I giggle sometime when I write that) must be related and have gone to the same school! Sounds so much like my "DH" except he takes over the master bedroom and I prefer the recliner. He's been a jerk today; he paid bills (I now leave it to him because no matter how much I tell him about our finances, or lack thereof, he insists I'm the one spending all "his" money, which is so not the case!) was so grumpy  it was a relief he took a nap so I left for a couple hours. I remembered to pick up his Rx but he complained that I should have texted him before I came home. Huh? He threw some stuff off the chair, mumbled something (probably because I was watching Food Network and didn't rush to change the channel for him), grunted and went back to his domain. If I wish the dishes, he gets angry and yells so I'm keeping quiet with BCO and minding my own business. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Mine Tried to pull that last weekend. I asked him what he was such a pis$y mood about. He said he was tired. Poor baby. What IS it with these guys?

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931


    I am sorry your husbands are being jerks. You have enough to deal with without them acting like 5 year olds. 

    Personally, that would get the bf's belongings thrown out on the street and foot in his rear. 


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    So , Sassypants (who really really knows how to share), I am really glad you liked the scans post. I read stuff and then sometimes I try to summarize it - but I never know if I am getting it right, and I would hate to pass out misinformation so it's great to know that it at least hits close to the mark. So YEAH the Mods put me in the doghouse - which was pretty dang funny because it was for being mean to Chevy and calling her an old biddybat. And THEN, they went after Chevy which IS NOT OKAY MODS because Chevy is old - really, really, old AND she's crippled from falling off a pole. And now we are in the doghouse together and it's hard to be in the doghouse with an old crippled woman. And yes I only have one nipple, but SO WHAT? I still should not have to be in the doghouse with Chevy. And you know WHAT? Vinny wanted to be locked in the basement, that is just how the man rolls - is that a surprise? He is a tattoo artist after all. So why is Chevy in trouble, and how come I'm in trouble just for suggesting that fuzzy handcuffs are a little 'nicer'. ****sigh**** It is such a hard world. I hope you and PhylliwhostealstheDBF are having a great time. 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    How about an ex-husband?  Is there an abbreviation for him?  That I'd be allowed to use on here?  Grrrr....This is unbelievable...well maybe not unbelievable for him.  I am so mad. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Ex always worked for me!  Dead is another good one, but then you'd be in jail. Heard that's no fun. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yes, Jwow, if it was a BF, he would be kicked to curb, different being married to the jerk man. Plus, I'm the one without a job. 

    Spookiesmom, this has gone on for a long, ya think I would know better by now. 

    Please pray for me that I get a great-paying job and soon!

    Ziggy-pooh, I think I'm a little lost, need more wine (not whine) with that! Which thread are you talking about? And you wrote something and got Chevy in trouble? Chevy could do that all by herself if she wanted 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi owls, I'm pages behind again and just want to say hey. ((hugs)) for those having troubles.  I know you guys tease one another and it doesn't bother me, in fact it cracks me up.  I feel the love behind it, just like real sisters!  But I also appreciate the job the Mods do keeping this a civil place.  ♥ to all


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Dropping in to say," Hello" and to tell you guys  that my first bone density test showed that I am osteopenia. Was just told last week or so  I was diagnosed with  osteoarthritis which I am told is not the same as osteopenia..   I know we all are dealing with many things but personally, I am not dealing well this weekend.   Two days of depression--I'll get over it soon because I am sure there is something else to take it's place.

    Hope you guys have a wonderful, Palm's Sunday!

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I'm not planning to do anything to get sent to jail.  However, he needs jail or rehab.  

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    I started my diet two days ago.

    Right now I am off to the kitchen to make The Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie.

    Seems like a reasonable thing to do.....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    woo, I am also lost, mods, jail, diets...

    I am polishing off a pan of brownies, enjoyed every bite & I had a chrizo wrapped in flour tortilla for dinner with 2 glasses of excellent red wine. My plant based boring diet is on vacation, I have been eating & drinking like a normal person. 

    If I could remember chit, I could comment on it but my mind a blank. I think Sas, DBF & Phyillohateshousework, are having a good time, Cami is taking a break from Big D,  Blessing wants to diet,  Dutch wants someone in jail, but who? 

    Nettie is hanging on for better days...Maddy seems pissed at DH, FBluebird, wish we could bust you out...

    Dwill, I have to ask? Did you use to have a avatar with a face on it? I read your post on another thread about DH....sorry that sucks,,,

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, sure does sound reasonable! Diet food for sure!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Dwill, my first test also showed osteopenia...And I only took the aromasin 2 months so what is it going to do if I keep taking it.

    Sorry some of you also live with jerks, however I do feel better knowing I'm not alone

    Fbb, hope you get out of that hospital soon..they are no fun.

    I too was surprised that the mods would take issue with anything that I read on here. We are big girls and can hold our on. My senses must be off if there was something out of sorts.

    Anyway..hoping to sleep.should have been here last night instead of up arguing with the jerk. Yes we literally argued all night.

    Tomorrow is another day.  

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yes, Nettie (or is that Scarlett?), "tomorrow is another day". Also, you're not alone with the jerks business.

    Ok, you've convinced me, will be meeting with Betty Crocker soon, chocolate cake mix is calling. Can you hear it?

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Owwwwwwwwwww.lll. s. I think i just broke my finger. AQnd my tv set too. chit.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Dwill, I had osteopenia going in and it has only worsened a little bit after 2 years on Arimidex. And I think osteo-arthritis is our prize for getting older. Wish I'd known that before; I would have said to hold the prizes.

    I think some of the teasing is like trash talk in basketball or something. Everyone is exaggerating and everyone knows it. I thought biddy referred to the chickens.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Ziggy- what are punching your TV for? (you were kidding about the mods, weren't you?)

    2nd- I have an exhusband :) I know that isn't really an option for most people, but maybe some therapy is? If you can get him to go. I know that having someone with a serious illness in your family can cause all sorts of weird reactions in people, esp. men. I hope he quits being a turd. 

    Dwill- sorry to hear about your bone issues. Is there any real treatment available for that?

    All this talk about chocolate makes me mad that every boxed everything has soy in it ( a no-no with the tamoxifen.) All I can think about now is brownies and cake!! And I just don't have it in me to make them from scratch tonight. Been trying to clean out and rearrange my closet all day on my breaks and such from work. Now that I am finally clocked out, I really am not feeling like cleaning up the mess I made Loopy  watching the Doors live at the Bowl '68 on PBS instead. Man- Jim Morrison was a hottie, but he really was tweaked out!  

    Cami- thanks! Hope you have been feeling good and your party went well!

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Jwowsome- just tryi\ng to move the tv and flipped it over onto my finger. oww. and no mods is not a joke, but i love the mods so it'll all be okey dokey soon. Glad you like your new name. Winking

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Aly. I have to copy that one to FB, hoping it's ok...

    Ziggycakepops, OUCH!!! And, oh, chit.......

    Dwill, I had osteopenia prior to 2nd dx, PCP got on me to increase calcium, which I did. I start each morning with almond milk, take a multiple vit and a separate calcium + vit D tab (well over the 1200 mg they want me to take). MO laughed about the results, said I was a fraction over to the osteopenia range. Recently had my Dexa and guess, what? It's in the normal range. Osteopenia is predecessor to Osteoporsis, right my medical experts?

    Jwowsome (good name by the way, Ziggycakepops), my BC is not his problem. His problem comes in a liquid form..........

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi ladies, just wanted to stop by and i am glad bluebird is back and wish you all a great weekend.

    Oh and regarding bad PS, i am still waiting to see another one since i am so mad about my results and the PS been so careless. It is good to see i am not the only one having this problem cuz they made me feel as if i am the difficult patient cuz i was told their goal is to make me look ok in cloth and i should just be grateful to be here. 

    Anyway i told my PS good bye and i wish not to see her ever again. 

    Here is a nice picture for all of you.


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    2nd- i've had my fair share of those. and an abuser. I guess after all that, I turned into a real B as far as what I will and won't put up with. My fella has his moments, but I bigger than him and meaner so he usually behaves.  After 7 years, we are a pretty good team. 

    Zig- get your butt to a clinic and get that taken care of.