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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Dutchchris, completely understandable to be worried. We will all be with you in spirit, or pockets, which ever you prefer...did you have kids with DH #1... Sad he passed so young..

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks for the support.  No kids with my first husband.  His father also had a history of colon cancer and had part of his colon removed.  

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks for the video, Blessings. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OH Dutch of course having an MRI makes u think more, but just hoping it's fine--we're with u and think of us as a group and now we know Chevy truly admits she's easy.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I'm OUT!!!  I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Writing from an undisclosed location. Love to all!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    FBB that's hysterical--u did it girl. LOL

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Blessings~ You asked a few days ago if I had daffodils & I wanted to post pics because there is a good story to be told about them. In the pic below, if you look to the right, there is the foundation of an old sandstone basement. It's from a house that was built in around the 1830's and later burned down. It was a stop on the underground railroad (there's a crick with a couple of culverts to the right that you cannot see - the slaves were hidden in these culverts and then followed the crick to the creek to the river north to Canada which makes sense because by walking in the water the scent would be washed away). To the left of the old basement I am planting a new bed, and put in lots of dutch irises which I know will always make me think of our dutch iris (hope the MRI goes easy for you tomorrow sweetie and nobody would assign traits to you because of your ex-husband; most of the women I know who have had those kind of relationships were loving people who thought they could make things better). I also seeded a bunch of bright orange California poppies which will make me think of twotimer (2ta) when they come up (if the deer don't eat them - sorry twotimer). I put in a lot of other things as well, and searched the property for rocks to edge the thing (not done yet - or ever really).   

    image To the left of this will go a rose garden in memory of my dad, and there will go those big blousy roses that remind me of Chevy and Cami. By blousy roses I mean like these: 

    image They are big and fun and beautiful and not fussy at all. 

    So, you might be able to tell from the first picture that the daffys go back quite a ways. There used to be a stone path from the old house to what must then have been a dirt road. Here's a little closer view: 

    image I figure that most of these are the descendants of those planted by some sweet couple over a hundred years ago on either side of the path which is now quite covered by dirt and has little trees spouting over it. Others, hybrids, which open a little later were planted my my own sweet parents some 30 years ago or so. This fall I will be adding a few more varieties, and dividing some of these to be spread across the country. 

    That is my daffodil story. Next up the broken finger in the doghouse story. But before that, for you ladies with husbands who don't act right. Walk out the door for awhile. They'll either figure out that they have screwed up and fix it or they won't - in which case keep walking because they do NOT deserve you. Bluebird did you bust out yet or do I need to send you more than a hacksaw?  

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY Blue bird you awesome fierceness you! I guess what you really needed was a shovel.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yep I'm at Sassys. We spent the whole evening yakking by her pool, after a yummy dinner. Don't know for sure what we will do tomorrow. 

    This place really does exist. When I called SAS to let her know I was close, she asked where I was. I said Christmas. 


  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    I really want chocolate and peanut butter pie and pizza now And I'd like to have it by the pool at Sassy's please 

    It was 78 degrees here today & it's supposed to snow on Tuesday What is with that? Why is it snowing all over?  

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117

    Hi Owlettes,

    Checking in sorry I have been MIA... Tim, Austin, and I are in our new house. So exciting so fun to start off new. New home new steps forward. Well maybe 70% unpacked... Trying to take one box at a time but OMG too much stuff!!! Next if I can only commit to hanging one picture...

    Next surgery is May 1st so excited to get these TE's out... Sending Hugs to everyone!! 

    Sass miss u :) Chevy how is your bone healing? Mary checking in how are u feeling; think of you often.  


    xoxoxo Sweet Pea

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sweet pea I just love that pic, soooo cute.

    Wow Ziggy when u do pics u really do pics  with so much interest. Ziggy I'm sure u told us 100 times but I'm asking for Chevy, cuz she forgets---What do u do, I mean beside interpret for us and clear things up for us and make us laugh while u'r insulting us.?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    She calls us wild roses and stuff!    And miss Cammers, it isn't exactly what you said...  She just has this innane knack for telling us like it really is, and all the while, cracking us up, because we get to laugh at ourselves...  ....  Now see?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning "restofyouowlettes!'  Sweet Pea, we LOVE little Austin!  AND his hat, Ha! 

    Hey, how do you like THIS weather?  Damn, it's cold!  Like 22 degrees out, and still snowing!    Can you post a picture of your new house? 

    Your surgery is almost here...  So what are TE's?  Is it temporary somethings? 

    Yes, MY bone is healing up very well... but DH is having MORE problems with his ....problem....... It's either a torn Achille's tendon, or GOUT!  He has been so much better, but now, because he can't ever take it easy, or NOT drink only one beer, he is much worse!  NOW the top of his foot hurts, along with the front of his ankle! 

    So he was better, but now back to square one!  He was over-doing it, but of course knew more than any of us who were telling him to take it easy, and he just kept walking, and limping, and NOW he is using the walker again.........  So I'm at wit's end...  well, more so than usual.

    Blessings, I really liked that video...  Yes, ads are EVERYwhere!  Sometimes we get the privilege of skipping them, otherwise we just sit here, and have to take it, Ha!  But the video's are worth it.

    Cammi, and Duthess, and you other gals, sorry about the X's...  At least you found a way out of a bad situation... and went on with your lives... 

    SOMEtimes it's just too hard to think of life without them, like my Mom....  And you/she stayed because you "would rather have him some of the time, than not at all".....  That's what she told me, when I asked her why she put up with it all....  And she DID stay.... through 62 years of that hard-drinkin', woman chasin' fun lovin' guy he was....

    Hard for kids to understand that kind of life....  and not get swept under the rug in the meantime...

    But those two made it... more or less....  And after Mom passed away, I learned to love my Dad..... again.  He was just totally lost without her, and leaned on me, and I somehow started really talking to him again, when he reached out... and even though he was 1,500 miles away, I got "close" to him, by talking to him like 3 times a day, and hearing him tell me how sorry he was for treating Mom so badly, and drinking so much......

    And I found myself telling him "Nah, you were alright Dad"...  No problems.... And he would cry, and tell me how much he missed Mom, and couldn't believe she wasn't beside him in bed, when he would wake up, and put his arm on her pillow... 

    So I finally learned to love my Dad....  and I became so close to him, before he passed away about a year later....  All those years..... but it was worth it to be close to him..... again.

    So 2ndTime went to the store?  I missed giving her my list too!  Now DH REALLY can't go... or maybe sit in the car!  

    And GGH...  "Slow lovely little feathery flakes"  Eh?   What we have here is ice cold wet sleet, mixed with a little ice cold wet rain, piling up on everything, making it cute little slippery spots!  Just WAITING for me to meander out there and break my butt....

    Dutchess, your MRI is today?  Take us with you...  We will bring snacks and Lilshit can bring the drinks...  Cammi will probably still be in bed...  but we can party on!  GGH will be with us too...   telling us about white floppin' snow flakes.

    Oh Fierce dug her way out with a spoon!  Into the un-known, as it were!  And now she can forget about that pneumonia business....!

    So Lilshit!  The area you live in is gorgeous!  Are those Aspen trees?  I ask, because they look like the ones around here, with those white trunks and all...  You really have made it beautiful!    My folks always had rose gardens also!  I have a lot of the miniature roses in my gardens ..... 

    You know, our little Victorian house was built in 1886...  Remodeled several times, meaning they added an indoor bathroom, and redid all the electricity, and windows in the 50's...  We moved in here in 1964.  When they built the house, like so many in the area, the "basement" was just a dug-out, and the walls sometimes cemented, but the floors are dirt...  The house frame was built above this... But the "basement" was only about 7 feet high... 

    When my Dad was little, his folks lived in their basement, and they built the house on top, themselves!   But so many years later, they built MORE houses, and neighborhoods developed....  We live next to a ditch also! 

    I couldn't figure out what you meant, when you said "crick" and then "creek!"  They were "different"?   I grew up a block from here, and the ditch was where me and all the other kids used to play...Ha!   So I still love the "smell" of that running water in the summertime!  

    When my Grand-sons were little, I would make a "picnic" and we would go sit on a blanket next to the water, and we would pretend we were up in the mountains!  Still so many little trees and bushes in there!

    It is fenced in, and owned by the City now.... Used to be owned by Coors....  Their waterway rights, with Clear Creek from the mountains, but it was taken over by the city...  So they maintain it... more or less.

    ANYway.... I love your pictures and memories, and whatever it was you said....  Did you mulch those Daffodils,  or is that natural?

    And now Spookie, Sass and  Phylli are PARTYing!  You GO girls!

    Can you just imagine those gals raising 3 kinds of hell, and that DDBBFFFF putting UP with them all?  He is probably their slave.... bring them drinks and snacks...   and playing his guitar for them!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    The front of our house....  They "scraped" the little house that used to be on the right, and built that 3 story home in it's place.  At least they made it resemble our house, with the peaks and all... but STILL! 


    The "Ditch" is over to the left,on the other side of our yard...  and that Colorado Blue spruce is over 150 years old!

    NO Cammi.... I DIDN'T plant it!  Loopy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    It's sassy, not sure who I'm posting under.

    Ziggy, would you please, plant some Lilly of the Valley for me, and crocuses. Such a lovely setting. Such a lovely thought to plant things with us in mind

    Everyone's sleeping except me. Up since 5 am, had to do oxy.  Laid out breakfast things. Our weather has totally been gorgeous. Have been able to leave doors and windows open--wonderful gentle breeze. 

    DBF has been awesome. Doing such unseen and sweet things. Tonight cousin is coming too. So, 4 women. His plan is to be away LOL, but the tables set for including him. 

    Plan today is to go bird watching in a drive through refuge. But we are in a --if we want to do it okay if not,  we are all yakkers so, the plan could change. If we bird watch, then I get to take them to my two favorite thrift shops :). That would make me very happy. 

    They are each getting a windsor creamer, they just don't know it yet.

    Dinner at this point will be bread with butter, iceberg lettuce, then fresh peeled shrimp, fresh squeezed lemon, then mayo. Cousins recipe. It's divine. The sequence in the shrimp thing is what makes it special. Fresh fruit, forever vegetable mix. Red potatoes. I'll have to think of something for me, but that's okay.

    Philly has offered to make me beer bread, I think I'll take her up on the offer.

    So, far no mishaps with the dogs. They blend into the carpet in the dark. Have been worried about falls. 

    DBF up, for someone NOT used to this type of thing ever, he's managing beyond my dreams. Our life together gets better every day.

    OHHHHhhhhh the oxy just hit. Hearing's about gone. Lots of laughs about what I think they're saying. Everyone went to bed early, I may just wake them up in a few minutes.

    Turned the Christmas tree lights on for them to wake up too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I could not ever do this on a GOOD day!  Not even when I was a teenager!  Not EVER!

    But maybe if I lost about 50 pounds, and was about 50 years younger, I could work on it....


  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Just checking in, I've been reading and reading and I don't know half of what is happening!  Just wishing you all a happy Monday!

    Glad FBB made the break.

    Sassy, are you on vacation?  Or is someone visiting you? 

    From Florida weather to Colorado weather - don't know about you all, but this Louisiana weather has been crazy this year!  Until this year, I'd probably seen snow 5 times where I live until this year and this year it snowed 5 times!  And here we are in late April and it is supposed to be 35 degrees tomorrow night!!  YIKES!!  Enough already!!

    Friday night I participated in Relay for Life!  And below are a few pics to show how the rest of the weekend was spent!







    The Easter Pics are Not in my yard, but the Fish pics are at our pond!  And yes that is my DH with our Granddaughter!  I will say, for all his ugliness to me, he does love our kids and grandkids!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning everyone--no Chevy I'm not in bed, I've already started working--it's Monday so the phones go at a pretty good pace and I'm usually a little busy--we'll see. Oh please I'm sure u've done that Yoga pose in u'r line of work over the years.

    Nettie I love u'r pics and yes u'r husband looks totally involved with u'r GC u can just see that his face. That dress BTW is darling on U'r GD--I love little girls clothes...and they are so cute. And yes u need to know Phylonut and Spookiesmom are visiting Sas--So they are doing what they want--of course I'm waiting for pics. Wich  I love to see of everyone's life.

    Sas ---I think--- Oh u'r poor DBF and it's so nice he's being so sweet and get them out of bed for sure and enjoy each other. PICTURES.

    Chevy I love that pic of u'r house, it reminds me of a fairy tale house---So Colorado to me anyway. I was going to put something (words) in there but I don't want to get the MODS mad at me.

    Oh works calls

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    love all the pix, it is so wonderful seeing is spring...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd that's me every morning, the only difference is I don't have curlers in.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Attempting to catch up again. After a week or so of summer we have almost winter again. Heat has been on and going to at least freezing tonight if not a bit below. Not that I've planted anything yet, still have those canna bulbs. Funny thing - I thought DH had thrown some out in trash that were in the WalMart bag. I found them in closet that I know good and well that I looked in. I now have canna bulbs in abundance and not that many good spots to put them in. May be dig a hole and stick them in kinda thing.

    I'ts a miracle - the sun sort of.

    Reading Ally's earring story. Came home from doc app. couple weeks ago. Took out one earring - oops couldn't find 2nd. Afraid I'd lost it trying on clothes. Nope never put it in when I left in am. Guess I was making a fashion stmt and didn't know it.

    Need to do Bible study going to tomorrow but just started one of those stoopid ocular migraines. Couldn't read for love nor money so will stay here a bit more.

    Oh yes Blessings about the weight (pg 384). I need to chug water instead of this coffee/creamer. BP comes and goes depending on what office. I think ortho's office it was high but OK at others. On Metoprolol anyway for it. No side effects that I can tell. Take it for PVCs as well - suppresses them. I was on 1st Lisinopril which gave me the little old lady cough then Diovan long b4 BC. Think I will get up and get and apple and water. Yum (?not). That cough on Lisinopril is really pretty common. Too many other drugs to chose from to just live with it IMO. Blessings - A good/thorough doc would/should recheck manually a high number. I went to one doc who always redid a manual every time for his satisfaction. Maybe take the elevator up there next time. (OO I've read this page 388)

    Put me on the car wash list. I have 3 vehicles - he can stay a long time here.

    Ziggy - I have at least 2 pkgs of wildflower seeds left from last year. How did you plant them? We have lots of weeds, grass and I hate to weed stuff and clean out grass and DH just mows/weed eats. Not a gardener. But I do think he's going to help with the canna's after a trip to Lowe's on Friday to buy stuff and mulch. We splurged on a fire pit on sale. Good to burn up those stacks of yard waste mostly elm. Could use it tonight but DH working darn it.

    OK on page 390. Posting this; do a bit around house and try to finish the rest.

    2TA - WOOHOO for your DD. I agree proud Mama Bear Alert.

    Wren - I thought you went with BMI of your normal adult height which would be b4 the kyphosis.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


    Well, this weekend was a big ball of crap!! The plan was for us to celebrate our anniversary early, its on 4/17 but I will be getting chemo that day. Dh ended up sick as a dog Friday night, up all night puking his guts up. So, by Sunday morning I have it too. We had actually gone to church and halfway thru service I went to the bathroom and puked. We got home and it was ON..puke, big D...the whole nine yards.

    I'm sure ya'll love the blow-by-blow details, but long story short I called the doc's office because I had a temp of 101. She said go to the ER now because you are probably dehydrated. Turns out that I have a UTI too!

    I'm feeling better, nothing is coming up on either that is good. I do wonder if chemo will be postponed.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Nettie-cute pics! :)

    It's supposed to be low 30's here tomorrow morning too. We had the a/c on the other day and now the heater...wth?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Dang Tang, you cannot catch a break. Hope you feel good enough for the next infusion. Hate to postpone the inevitable...

    Chevy, your house is adorable. Thanks for the photos..

    Nettie, great pics of your GD & your place.

    Off to a meeting, BBL

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Fierce - so you got sprung yesterday. Is the expander outing on hold or still planned for the 18th?

    Jwow - If you're serious about making owl stuff try Herrschners though I did not see an owl wall hanging.

    Told you just getting caught up. Chevy - took horseback riding as elective my last semester in college. I rode bareback one time and thought my whoha area was going to go on strike. I couldn't walk or sit properly for a week. Never did that again.

    Did you ever decide if DH had gout or torn Achilles? Might have been plantar fasciitis. Hurts in heel. I got it from walking all day in flat sandals, I mean totally flat. Got out of bed next morn. and could not put any weight on foot. Dx myself and went to PCP and he said yup, Advil, rest, good athletic shoes, no flats shoes (which I didn't wear for ages). I don't think gout so much affects the heel as the toes esp. big toe. DH dx with gout too but turns out prob. bunion. Though he did have high uric acid and prob. uric acid kidney stones (all 28 years ago ha ha). And most of the stuff on no no gout diet he didn't eat anyway.

    Jeepers 2TA you can't win can you? Maybe DD left clothes at one of the housesitting jobs she's done? Yeah, I lose my stuff all the time in a pile. Then I find it again. I need to get rid of tons of clothes I'll never wear again, some sentimental stuff and some I wish I was small enough to wear again. It would help. My DM did the move out my senior year in college just as I was grad. Her and 2 kids into 2 bedroom apt. Don't guess DB came home much from college anyway.

    No NO dancing boys did not visit Blessings when DH was gone. It was the carwash guys all 3 bunches of them. Whew! Now she really does need a rest.

    Dutchy - big hugs for you. Stand strong. None of us knows what each other is bearing in life. We only get a glimpse here. Drugs/alcohol/gambling are such a strong draw. Hope the MRI was a non-eventful event.

    Blessings - I've never had peanut butter pie. I don't think DH would eat it - but maybe with choc?? I think you need chocolate sprinkles on that whipped cream.

    Stacey - loved Austin's adorable pic. Know you are glad to be in your new home.

    Chevy - If I even attempted to get on the floor to do that pose the EMTs would be in for shock getting me up. Not happenin'.

    Sassy- sounds like you have had a wonderful time. DBF sounds like a peach. Wondered how you planned one eating shrimp on non-iodine diet? Need pictures for sure.

    OK where has everyone gone. I think I'm finally caught up on here.

    Yes, Tang, just saw channel 4 weather. 29 degrees out here. Worried about my peaches and plums. Nothing in flower bed it will affect. Not planted anything yet except some zinnia seeds in a pot, will drag up beside house and pad with old chair pads. Maybe put something on 5 little old canna sprouts. My heat's been on about 2 hours ago (68 degrees so not set very high). Sorry for the barf fest and UTI.

    Nettie - loved pictures of grandkids and perchy fish.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I looked out the window this morning and there was snow on my car.  WTH?  Of course I didn't put my car in the garage last night.

    Tangandchris....that's a crappy weekend.  did feel any better after the ER visit?  Maybe you can next weekend or some other time?  How's the hubby today?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    The MRI of my pelvis was completely negative.  Now, while I am very happy about this,  why do I hurt?  Sas had given me an idea but not sure if I'm needing anything right now. For now I'll deal with it.

    Thank you everyone!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    I want to live in chevys house, with netties adorable grandkids. Soo cute!

    Tang, hope you feel better soon.

    I feel100 years old. Long day of doctor appts. Surgery still on for Friday. And the good news is doctor decided to go with stereotactic radiation instead of whole brain. It's a big relief to me.

    Hope all the visiting girls are having a blast!