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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Jwowsome, that's great that this one works out. Mine's not an abuser not does he cheat, let's just say he has higher priorities other than me. When he wants, he can be really nice, but I haven't seen that side of him in a while.

    Gotta get downstairs to the kitchen, I can still hear BC - the Betty Crocker kind - calling me. 

    Enerva, glad you checked in! Cute owl photo

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi guys

    OK I slept like 2 hrs and awake went over my fall asleep time and couldn't sleep and there are still peeps here. We have blowup beds and a couple are still up talking, so if anyone doesn't want to or can't drive they just sleep over. Oh I remember staying up all night and having a nice time, now I'm all jittery when I do--getting old IS not for sissys, that's for sure.

    Oh I feel bad for whoever has a husband that's jerky--I had 2--the 2nd one was much worse and if I was still married t him while going thru all of this I would have really gone crazy. I was so thankful to be alone thru all of it rather than have someone aggravate me, I think that helped me cuz I was more relaxed, I wouldn't have had the energy for him in any way and I actually thought of that even now, I'm fine living with my DD--every so often I wish I was still alone but all in all I'm all right with it.

    Dwill I'm sorry u just learned that, I have that and so does my sister, We both take all that C stuff with D (I think), I just found out last week, with it joining the rest of my back degenerating so, I think it's just another bump we have and age doesn't help and I still think all this crap we've taken to get the cancer was hard on the rest of our body  I don't know that, I just think that.

    Oh I'm watching HOUSE on TV now (well certainly not in person) and he never diagnoses a disease right for at least after treating someone for 5 others first-Jeez that would be scary and yet it's funny.

    OK I'll be back later. I hope everyone has a decent Palm Sunday or just a decent Sunday and can relax and have some smiles.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Nettie...  SOMEtimes these men, seem to get all settled into their life dreams, and just revert to when they were 6 year olds, and want whatever it is they WANT! 

    And since we are their partners, it is our born decree, that we serve with every last thread of patience that we can muster up... 

    I say give him a break.... (like a break in his arm)....get him off of your mind...  Do what YOU want to do, and don't let him try and control your mind...  SOMEtimes these guys just need to understand you are not there for THEM, alone, that you have a life too, and you NEED for them to also take care of YOU, little Princess!  

    So if YOUR needs aren't being met, you can sweetly ignore his sorry ass, and tend to your own life!  Don't cry and stuff...  It just wears you out...  Go pick yourself up, and do whatever you can, to be happy yourself!!  

    You could also beat the holy livin' chit out of him whenever you feel inclined!  That's my advice for today..  from Dear Chevy.... (not Dear Abby) Ha!

    Yes, 2ndTime has them pegged!   So you two have the relatively same Husbands?   See?  We become so used to them, and their wishes and demands that we just muddle through our lives, and let these things happen.  I say, "blow-up"  .....  Give them a good piece of your mind!  But not too much, because we need all we have left....  But maybe even calmly explain to their sorry a$$es that we TOO are a little peeved under the collar, and NEED them to help US out, and not be such a sorry piece of whining doo-doo.... Okay?  So we have to unite...

    No 2ndTime.... No, don't tell them about what we do and say on here...  This is OUR place...   They are not welcome... 

    Oh oh...  Not Spookie too!  See, they are just BORN with those moods. It is our obligation to either ignore, or change, or that iron-skillet trick.  Pick one...  It is your perogative ... See, we COULDn't talk this over with our kids...   So we are all in this together....  Our mission in life is to straighten out these MEN ....  We need our own TV show...

    Oh NOOOOooooooooooooo Lilshit!  We are BOTH now in the official dog-house!   OMG you crack me up!  I'm not THAT old, am I?   I'm sorry I inadvertently got YOU in trouble!  Just imagine that!!!   That's okay kid.... I couldn't be in better company!  Love you little peanut-brain!    Wait!!!!!!!!!!!  Hold on one minute there!  You said it's "such a hard world!".... You DID, I read it...  Oh, so never mind...  I had better not push it.... And so yes.... I AM crippled.... so is DH!  Of all things.  We both walk with a limp!  So we are sorrowful...   people OUR age, and in THIS condition should have a little lee-way...   I need a tissue.

    Oh wait again!  You only have one nipple?  That's probably a little funny, if you ask me!  Just .... oh never mind.... 

    DUTHESS!!!  Oh Damn!  No... don't use some word we don't even know about...  Maybe  you could refer to him as the XSOB?  There!  We have a new word!    Maybe he needs BOTH...  Jail, and rehab... It really DOES do wonders...  If not, there's always the skillet trick.

    And NO Spookie.... Jail would be not fun... unless you see Phylliwiththeanklemonitor, THEN she would be fun...  Do you watch COPS?  I love that show...  Those drunks get a lot more patience from those Cops than they deserve...  I'm pretty sure I would be less inclined to go that easy on them!  I would slam their sorry a$$es to the ground with nary a second thought!   Then turn them over and pour a quart of hard liquor down their throat, even IF they liked beer!     And then I would stand over them and say "Had enough yet?"  Like your WIVES?? And then they would be hauled off to the big house, and locked up until they came to their senses...  And PROMISED to be a better husband, or off they go again! 

    Okay, now what else?  I MUST be able to solve something else...

    Yes little 2ndTime.... I COULD get myself into trouble all by myself...  And HAVE, I might mention.... I LOVE Lilshit...   she was just temporarily hallucinating...  no probs.

    Blessings... seems to be that your CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER PIE needs spruced up a bit with spruced up a bit with whipped cream and butterscotch drizzled over it? 

    And so GGH has fallen off the wagon?  And WTH is she talking about?  "A Chorizo wrapped in a flour tortilla with 2 glasses of excellent red wind???""""""""    I think you need more bread with that meal?  And maybe more wine?   You need to balance that menu off with  fried Spam and scalloped potatoes and cheese! 

    And I think Dwilli's avatar is a blue rose!  Right?  I don't see a face!  Maybe it's that wine you are drinking...

    Nettie!  That was funny!  "My senses must be off if there is something out of sorts!"  Ha, ha!   

    No... little honey.... don't argue... and especially don't cry...  It just makes you weak... and then you can't sleep!  So go with GGH and get some of her wine... to help you whine.

    Lilshit?  You said something?  What are YOU drinking?  Is it in code?  Just might mention, what is AQnd my tv set too?   Owwwwwww is all I understood? 

    Yes Wren.... "Chickens".... ha, ha!  I mean we are pretty TAME on here, and never say anything against each other, I mean like MEAN...  It's all in fun, and teasing...  I think I WANT to be an old biddy!   I mean you HAVE to laugh if you get to be as old as ME...Ha!   There aren't too many ways OUT of this predicament...

    Morning Jwow!  Yes... we must organize...  closets and drawers and things...   And WHAT?  You said "hottie!"  Is that acceptable?  Ha, ha! 

    Hi Enerva!  Nice to see you here... AND your little owl! 

    Cammi!  Where ARE you?  Are you in jail?  On a blow-up bed?  With people talking?  Won't they release you so you can go home? 

    And you have a degenerative back?  Your back is a degenerate?    And that's all I will say about that one...Anything ELSE I can help you with? 

    So okay.... It got cold here, and is going to snow...  so I must stay in the house to day and do more wifely stuff...  It's like nesting.... only I am Waaaaay to old to build another nest... xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    My ex likes his alcohol  and other stuff too.  He has been in rehab at least 4 times.  He was recently arrested for some thefts committed support his habit.  He dragged (?) one of my three kids into that chit.  She is doing better now.  I was so mad yesterday because I found out he asked her to help him find drugs.  The other two don't have much to do with him.  My kids are all very young adults now.  Please know I'm not at all like him.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Dutchess...  We just love who you are ..... so you don't have to worry about us thinking you are anything like him... sorry he influenced your Daughter...   At least he didn't drag YOU down with him!   You can only help your kids...  At this point, he only wants one thing, and will use anybody, and any way possible to get what he wants.    Just don't let any of your kids "help him" get what he wants......  they can't 'fix" him...  

    Guess I don't have very much sympathy for these people who let drugs rule their lives....  and nothing stands in their way to get what they think they need.   Guess rehab doesn't help a lot of people?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thank you, Chevy.  I have been subjected to many attempts at guilt trips from him.  He's "needed" money and I wouldn't give it to him.  So, of course, there was some consequence that was all my fault.  Anyway, I'm sorry.  I've been rambling on.  Isn't cancer is enough to worry about?  I have an MRI tomorrow for my hip.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    hi ladies. Still galivanting about and only have my phone, so it's too hard to type much. I'll tell you all my tales when o have a decent keyboard again

    Luv ya all. FBB, get well!!"!"

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Sharon, I've had guys like that in my life and what I've learned is that all addicts lie.  You can love them but you can't trust them.  

    Sometimes it sux that we're wise because of our experiences.  ((hugs))  

    Good luck with MRI tomorrow.


    Coffee, anyone? ♥ 

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    Dwill, my first test also showed osteopenia...And I only took the aromasin 2 months so what is it going to do if I keep taking it.

    Sorry some of you also live with jerks, however I do feel better knowing I'm not alone

    Fbb, hope you get out of that hospital soon..they are no fun.

    I too was surprised that the mods would take issue with anything that I read on here. We are big girls and can hold our on. My senses must be off if there was something out of sorts.

    Anyway..hoping to sleep.should have been here last night instead of up arguing with the jerk. Yes we literally argued all night.

    Tomorrow is another day.  

    Edit..for some reason this never posted last 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    I guess I should say that im like 2nd, overall hubby is decent, I'm just not anywhere close to a priority and the fact that he leaves his crap for me to clean just puts me over the edge.

    I'll tell a story when I get to a computer.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Hi sassy again can't seem to log philly out. Hi, everyone Ziggy was teasing, the MODS know there's no bullying here, but there is allot of fun. Eating soooooo food. Trying hard to follow this stupid diet. It's even stupider when you find out the copy,they got it wrong and have a copyright date on it from 2009.. They had slimfast. I didn't read the label just happy I could get some quick calories. Inadvertently, dropped in conversation with the Nuclear med tech whose been a friend for years. She said "OH no that has iodine in it." ____35% of rda---chit. !-3 a day in the time period over last two weeks So, instead of iodine deprivation, I was getting more than RDA. Put everything else on their diet under suspicion.

    Phylly and I are mellowing. and eating, and mellowing and eating. 

    Spookie where are you?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy or PhylliswhoisreallySassy, when Spookiesmom gets there, reminder to TAKE PHOTOS! No excuses you forgot. Need to see the 3 Amigas.......

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, I warned you. Fresh vegetables with no salt. After a while with no thyroid you're too tired to care.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren--it  sucks so.......................

    Yay 2:30 pm Spookie's here YAY

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Chocolate peanut butter pie LOOKS good... we won't know how it tastes until tonight. Chevy - I though of toppings! I do have whipped cream, but thought chocolate shavings might look classy.

    Relationships: harder than BC sometimes. Many times. Go? Stay? My only advice: find a counselor to help you find new ways of coping. If HE won't go, YOU go. You will find your answers.

    Gotta run to the store again... need some fresh fruit for tonight. I like to have something for everyone.

    Yes - I DID read all the posts... just can't reply individually to everyone right now!

    Hope y'all are having a soothing Sunday.


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Interesting video regarding "sympathy" vs "empathy"....

    There's a big long honkin' ad first, but even that is thought-provoking...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi peeps.

    Dutch don't ever think we think partners define YOU to us. Wow no one would get near me if they knew my 2nd husband. Chit I actually thought I could change that crazy man cuz of LOVE. yea right how or why would I even think that, mentally I know better, but emotionally I could do it. I'm just glad it's way over he's had 3 more wivs that I know of, with him calling me along the way---blah.

    Sas so glad to here from u thru Phlylostuckonheravatar, and if I really understood anything u were talking about I could appreciate u'r post. Pictures ladies pictures!!!!!!!

    I think Wren under understood.

    Listen to Chevy with the skillet, that' her answer to everything-u gotta love her.

    Business is calling---on SUNDAY

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, I thought your lovely peanut butter pie was for last night's snack! Now I'm stuck with a chocolate cake, darn!

    Yay, Spookiesmom, glad you arrived safely! Have fun, don't get I to too much trouble, would hate for the three of you to spend a night in jail!

    Sassy, you figured out how to post under your own avatar! Hoping all the female energy doesn't make DBF crazy, especially after all the work he's done to make this an enjoyable time.

    Gotta get ready and run to the store for stuff for dinner tonight.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Maddy, could you pick up a few things for me ! need to shop, but I am having a lazy day & do want to move...

    This morning we had a snow storm, maybe an hour, but with those enormous flakes that float slowly from the sky. Lovely to watch.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh, so now she's a poet....    But she don't know it..... Her FEET show it, because they're Longfellows....  Okay, this is where you are supposed to be laughing right about now.... 

    "enormous flakes that float slowly from the sky. Lovely to watch."

    We had snow too.... and still are... Cold....!  Like about 32 degrees now.... 75 yesterday!  ....  They are not lovely flakes.... more like little ice balls.... "sneet" they call it here in snow country! 

     I have to go make those chocolate chip cookies from Papa Murphy's!  Y'all can come have some if you like...   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    And now Chevy's a critic. -Oy vey

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    he he he... Tell it like it is sister...

    Cami, have you recovered from the big soirée yet? See Chevy, I know a few words of sophistication.

    Still being lazy, laundry, that's it...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hole this is not an easy comeback for me--I'm doing nothing, nothing--oh I did take a couple of calls tho--so I did officially work today. LOL

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi1, no problem, since I'm going anyway. Please, just give me a list (DH expects me to read his mind to know what he wants, and that's a problem with crystal ball on the fritz). Keep your feet up and relax.

    What's with the chocolate chip cookies from Papa Murphy's? Never heard of them.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    See 2nd.... It's this Pizza place, that you go in and order any kind or type of Pizza you like!  They fix it, and you take it home and bake it!  So good!  But they also have packaged salads, and this chocolate chip cookie mix, that is ready to roll into balls, and you bake them!  So that's what I did...

    I also like those Dollar packages of Betty Crockers chocolate chip cookie mix, and you add water, and I add chopped nuts!     Any thing that's easy....  kind of like me.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Thanks Badger and Cami.  I just eventually gave up on that kind of relationship.  I was married twice.  My first husband died several years after we divorced.  He died of colon cancer at age 41.

    I'm worried about the MRI tomorrow.  I did have a clean bone scan on 3/25 so that's encouraging.  I do know that MRI shows things months before it would show on a bone scan.