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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Achpurple...good to know you are ok. Henryville Indiana is only 20 miles from us.....So scary...I'm glad to know you and the family are ok.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Just want to say Achpurple, Lisa & Kim, I am so glad you guys are ok. The destruction is just heartbreaking.....

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Yes, glad you're OK, achpurple.

     Glad too that the "porn oil" did the trick, Eema!  You lot are so funny!

     Sarah xx

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Glad you and your family are OK, achpurple.

     Glad too that the "porn oil" worked, Eema! You lot are so funny!

     Sarah xx 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Glad to hear everyone is ok. Porn oil is great-- not just for your P! I used it this morning instead of my eye cream and instantly noticed the rims were no longer red, as they have been for years. A healthy P and eyes, porn oil is my new fav! :)

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    What scary storms! I'm glad everyone is OK.

    Eema - I'm happy the P oil was a success :)

    We took the girls to the movies yesterday to see Hugo. What a lovely movie! I can def recommend if you haven't see it yet.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone, not been on for a few days, had to work in NYC two days in a row and stay late for a talk one night, so took sis up on her offer to stay at her place.  We had a nice girls night as her DH was not there either.  We were laughing, she is doing IVF, so I had to give her a shot in the butt and then I was showing her my new boobs, we were flashing each other!

    Eema - I love your writing style!  But I can't believe someone would pretend to have cancer to get money, that is just so low and disgusting.  You said you were a Dr., are you a Phd and do you teach writing?  Or are you a writer, if not, you should be, you are very witty!

    Gina -  My port scar was black when it was still in, it looked like someone drew magic marker on me.  But once they took the port out, now the scar is much better. Oh, just reading other responses, I have not seen silicone scar stips, I will have to look for those.  I used Scarguard, which I also thought was expensive, on my ab scar and it definately seems to be helping.

    Tracy, I'm interested in hearing about the nipples too, I would get mine in the Fall, earliest.  Are you have tattoos also?

    Kmur, Lisa, achpurple, glad you are all okay, the destruction is so sad, praying for your continued safety.

    Will have to finishing catching up tomorrow, am past my bedtime again.

  • Better-Body-Babe
    Better-Body-Babe Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2012

    I checked on Mamachick at the hospital yesterday-- she's looking great!  She may get discharged today.  Just thought I'd share the update.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Yay!  Give her our love! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Thanks for letting us know. Sending healing thoughts!!!  

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Yeah for mamachick, I have been wondering about her. 

    Friday night I went to such a fun restuarant called "The Melting Pot", it's a fondue restuarant and it's a chain, so maybe some of you have been there?  It's great for a large group, half of our book club went, so there were 6 of us.  First, we had cheese fondue, with a delicious spinich, artichoke, cheese and a chedder cheese.  The chocolate dessert fondue was the best, sooooo yummy!  We had a white chocolate with ameretto (not spelling that right) and the "Flaming Turtle", which was milk chocolate with carmel, flambayed at your table, so fun.  It's expensive and we agreed, next time we would skip the entrees, but great for a girls night out!

    I did good this week on my "recovery phase" of exercise, went to the Y twice and walked 4 times. My goal of walking is about 7,000 steps, or about 3 miles, but Thurs and Fri I did 4 miles and yesterday almost 5 miles.  It was suppossed to rain all day and I planned to stay inside and veg all day, but it got so nice, I couldn't not go out.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    The Melting Pot is one of my favorite places to eat.  We long ago figured out to skip the entrees.  They are fine, but in all honesty, you are there for the cheese and chocolate!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Ladies, I have had a enough of the bitter, psychotic craziness here.  I will keep in touch through the FB group.  I hope everyone is in that group.  I need a break from BCO.  It pisses me off more than it is enjoyable.  See you all on FB.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    What happened?

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Lisa - please dont go ...

    My girlfriends took me to the Melting Pot for my 40th bday and it was fabulous. As Lisa said though, it is all about the cheese & chocolate...

    Hope everyone enjoyed a lazy/relaxing Sunday! 

  • BouncingBetties
    BouncingBetties Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2012

    I'm 40 and stage IV metastatic. I'm divorced with no children but supporting myself and luckily paid into long term disability. I am hoping to return to work in May. I've never been off work for this long and have been working full time since I was 18. It's hard to not only be going through drug induced menopause but also have to rely on your parents for help. I want to go back to my life but don't feel like myself anymore. Since I'm stage IV, I haven't had my breast removed, but now I'm terrified of them (hence Bouncing Betties). I feel like I've been ripped off! People in my family don't die young - my great-great-uncle died at 103 in July 2011. No one has had breast cancer in my family either. The whole thing is scary and also frustrating.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Everyone

     I'm sorry you have to be here bouncing betties,but I'm glad you found this group. They are a great group of ladies. No one in my family has ever had breast cancer either. I have heard this more and more.

    better body...thanks for the news about our mamachick...had really been thinking of her.

    Meegan....many years ago I went to the melting pot and had a great time with the girls. There was a funny story there but would take too long to tell you...well in my way of talking I guess...Lol It was good to read that you had fun with your sister and all that "sharing'  Lol  Funny the things we share now!!

    Lisa...I would miss you here. I understand. I too have thought I need to get on with life and move on. Almost did a few times but then I think about those of you here I have become friends with really..  Have never done any of the on line type stuff ever ...but have found you girls here to make me laugh with your stories and also make me feel normal with my fears and so on. I am Kim Muraski on facebook for any of you new girls. i do not post very often...I always tell you girls what I am up funny I guess,but you all know more about my daily life than my face to face friends...not sure what that says about me?? Guess I am more private in person.

    I smoked a briskett outside in the smoker today . I also had chocolate chip ice back to exercise and all that boring stuff tomorrow!!  Lol

    Thinking of each of you girls..hope you all are well

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    Kim - I just sent you a friend request on FB.  I'm Julie Bradford Herr.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Lisa.. what happened?? Don't goooooo.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    BouncingBetties.....sending you huge hugs!!  I'm only stage IIa but have had to rely on my mom (even though I'm married) a lot which IS hard.  I'm 42.  We lost my dad in 2010 and I feel like I should be taking care of her, not the other way around.  There are a lot of people here that can understand.....this is a great place to vent and get support!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Gotcha Julie.  :-)

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Bouncing...welcome to our awesome thread.  I'm sorry you are dealing with all of that.  ugh.  This damn disease!  I'm pm;u stage II, but I hear bc in the family...everyone lives to be in their nineties at least.  It was surprising to hear my dx.  My mom was planning to move to Florida when I was diagnosed, and I asked her for a year.  It was the hardest thing to do, but she did, and she was happy to help me.  I only know how much I love my kid, and hon, your parents are glad to be able to ease some of your burden right now. 

    Re: Lisa...I know she was posting on this thread about lower stages posting on Stage IV threads.  I posted on it too.  I think it was a really fruitful discussion with lots of good ideas, but a few people were angry on there...and perhaps rightfully so.  Anyway, I think that's why Lisa wanted to leave.  Bummed about it.  

    Hi everyone else.  I've been SO slammed at work...Spring Break on the horizon!!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

    Welcome bouncing. No BC in my family either. I still have a living 96 year old grandmother ... she's living but oh so grumpy!! Lol. I hope we can help support you, as we do each other.

    BBB - thanks for checking in with Mamachick update. I have been thinking of her.

    Lisa - sorry you have reached your BCO threshold. Sometimes I am amazed at the posts in some threads. I try to avoid reading them,and certainly NEVER comment. I can do without the aggro.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Hi all - difficult to try and catch up with everyone, haven't been on much this past week.  Trying to sort out some Tamox SEs, but things looking up.  I totally saw POrN oil thing too - made me laugh hysterically and feel a great deal better about having to order a $600 pair of glasses this week.  Glad to know I am not the only one with wonky vision.  Funny thing at church yesterday, my 17 year old DD sat very patiently holding the bulletin and hymn book at her arms length so I could see them (her arms are longer).  I am sure we looked quite odd to others, but I don't care any more and we had a couple of giggles about it.  She also asked a bit cheeky if she should see if they had any of the old people large print books around.

    Lisa - I do understand why you might want to walk away from here, I mostly post on this, Jan rads and Tamox SE threads and have found people to be totally supportive, but I did cruise around the site a few times and have been shocked by some of what is there under the guise of personal opinion.

    Welcome Bouncing - I hope you find some comfort here.  No cancer of any kind in my large family and I am the baby sister.  I just hope to be like my dad - he has an inoperable aortic aneurysm and told at age 55, 2 weeks to 5 years.  He is now 82!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Bouncing, and sorry to have to welcome you to this board, but you have found a great thread here.  My mom had BC in 1998, but she was BRAC neg and so am I.  My 41 year old cousin died of adrenal cancer 3 years ago today, she was negative for that gene too.  There really is no rhyme or reason....

    On this thread we talk about cancer sometimes, lol, but we talk about LOTS of other stuff too.  There's always a funny story or two to get you rolling through your day.

    I'm on facebook too and welcome you all as well.  I share more here than there though.  I have co-workers on my facebook, so I keep my frustrations away from FB.  I'm in the 40's group that someone started on facebook.  That's nice and private.   Gina Velasquez on fb.

  • alliesmom15
    alliesmom15 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2012

    I only watch this thread, some of the other ones are so sad and it doesnt take much to scare me or make me cry.

    I have no breast cancer in my family either. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Hi Ladies,

      I do not go to other threads either. I only share here. I don't know why exactly,but I feel comfy here. Some day though...I hope to not think about BC.

    You know I know of more people who have never had BC in the family ever. Also ...don't know about you all but in my growing up years I can not remember 1 friend who had a mom/grandmother with it. I do think with all of the new tests now maybe that is why? Or maybe some did have it and never knew??

    Thought I would tell you all...Friday was such a roller coaster was 73 degrees and sunny and then we just got hit with the bad weather..this morning we have four inches of snow on the ground and tomorrow it is to be in the 60's ???

    Just wanted to add I enjoy this thread also as Gina said is not always breast is music,travel,food,family....I really love to hear about all of your adventures....I also like that each of us can share our questions/concerns...seems each of us has so much to offer and that has really been so great for me...I never talked about it ever until after it was over?? Well aside from plastic surgery stuff.

    So hope all of you are good today...Thinking of you mamachick.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Haven't been on a lot this week, been busy healing.  Also, my Mother came to help me after my surgery and she totally hogs my computer. lol!  She is so good about helping I can't kick her off.

    Bouncing, so sorry for what your going through.  Hopefully here you can find info, help or just a place to vent your feelings.  Thinking of you!  It's so scary but you'll find out your stronger than you thought.

    I have no family history of bc in my family either.

    Mamachick, so glad to hear your doing well!  Hoping for speedy recovery for you.  Looks like your off to a good start!

    Kmur, Achpurple and Lisa, been watching the news about the crazy weather you guys have been having!  Scary!  Now snow to boot, ugh!  Hopefully this crazy weather is done for awhile.  Thanks goodness you all are safe! 

    Meegan, happy to share whatever info I have.  Seeing the PS tomorrow, so I'll try to get the name of the technique he used for the nipple reconstruction.  I have to say the girls are looking good! lol!!  I have to wait at least 3 months before I can get the tattooing done, but that's the next step for me. 

    Lisa, hope you don't go!  I love reading your stories! 

    I use facebook too. Tracy NewBorn if anyone wants to friend me. I definitely share way more on here than I do on fb. Here I feel like everyone gets what I'm going through. I haven't been posting a lot because bc seems to be such a big part of my life right now and for whatever strange reason, I don't want my family and friends to know how much its still affecting me.  It's like I don't want them to think of me as sick or a bc patient. How strange is that? lol!

    Kmur, I'm on pinterest too.  Love it!  I love that you can almost paint a picture of yourself through pins.  Strange, but when I saw it I thought how great it would be for my kids to be able to know who I am, if God forbid, I was not here anymore. 

    Have a great night ladies and hopefully I'll be able to get back more often now that I have my computer back.

    Porn oil? lol! do you think I can find that next to the corn oil? i definitely need some! 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Okay, I am going to try a different approach.  I have changed my bco bookmark to a bookmark direct to this thread.  No active topics full of BS to infuriate me unless I go looking for them.  Maybe this will work.  Maybe not.  But I am going to give it a try.

    I just get so worked up over the pettiness around here.  That thread where the woman went off about being called brave was just embarrassing and infuriating.  

    I am with all of you.  I share much more here than elsewhere.  Of course, I only told a few people about my diagnosis, so I really never talk about it in my daily life.   BC is gradually becoming less and less a part of my life, which I am happy about.  

    Welcome to Bouncing! 

    Well, I am off to work out.   

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Everyone, great to have your mom with you and she knows how to use the computer. I mother in law would have no clue how to log on. I said before ..I am not far from that myself. I do not think it is weird about not talking to the family about BC. I do not talk to my non BC friends and I rarely talk to family members about it. I have over the last year met women who also have BC always by accident. They have become good friends. About pintrest ( or whatever it is called) I pin food ...I do not know what my family will think someday.....Mom was always so very hungry!!  Lol

    Lisa..I am really glad you are not going. I love your humor and your quick thinking. When you tell a story ..I know I am going to laugh. Well unless you tell a non funny story..but mostly I think we all tell funny stories. I also "think" I think about BC less..but I am not "over it" I guess...someday though!! Lol

    Take care all