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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Shoot...I forgot...Eema...I read your last post...Love your writing...I have to say...even though I live in cancerland too I struggle with what to say sometimes to others. Everyone is so different with what they find hurtful ( if this is the right way to put it) so I just want to say to all you girls here...I would never want to be hurtful to any of you and if I ever do say something that feels that way PLEASE tell me so I can say I'm sorry. I would rather laugh anytime, but even that could be taken the wrong way.

    Ok enough from me Smile Have a wonderful day/afternoon

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Oh, this wasn't for any of you ladies! This was just a reminder for ME that we have to teach others how to communicate with us, living in Cancerland or not. WE can joke about nipple cones here and it is fine, but I noticed the same thing isn't true about someone without the same dx. We would be horrified and depressed for 3 weeks. We have to remember that our loved ones are stymied about what to say to someone w cancer in their history. This is not how we normally communicate, so sometimes we need to realize that it really is OK if people don't know what to say to us--what a sad world if cancer were a regular occurrence that was just a normal life occurance.

    If we dont teach folks how to treat us, we can't complain. If we do and then the person continues, feel sorry for the poor idiot. Then they MUST have something wrong with them!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    AND, I need to practice what I preach. But Jay Z spoke to me last night, prophet that he is!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Great blog Eema.  People say odd things to me all the time.  I particularly "love" it when I get asked - "you are going to be OK aren't you?" or "is everything OK now?"   NO it's not fricken OK you dork, but thanks for asking.

    Mamachick - thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery.

    I'm at work watching the Academy Awards red carpet on E!.  There are some gorgeous dresses!  DH and I rented a DVD in the weekend - Tree of Life.  Has anyone seen it?  I must say it went right over my head.  I got quite bored and ended up playing on my ipad.  I think I was in the mood for escapism, not thinking.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Just stopping by to say hello.  Laying in bed watching the oscars and ignoring the brief I should be working on.  I will pay for this tomorrow morning.  Kiwi - I love the dresses too.  I thought Penelope Cruz looked so gorgeous.  So did Gwyneth Paltrow, although the jacket was little much for me.  The one I really loved that the commentators were so critical of was Sandra Bullock.  I love the black bottom, white top and gold belt thing.  I did not notice the gold things on teh shoulders at first and could do without them, but I loved it otherwise.  

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Kiwimum - I forgot to say last time I posted, that I still think your job is the coolest!  First the Australian Tennis Open and now the Olympics in London, that will be great!!!

    Has anyone heard of or gotten operation reports?  I heard of it somewhere on these boards and got one from my BMX/DIEP from my plastic surgeon, but I wonder if the BS would have one also for the BMX part?  And for the prior lumpectomy?  I have always gotten copies of my final pathology reports, but wonder if they have this also.  I like to have copies of all my test results, etc. 

    Actually, my PS operation report is kind of funny, he states "began numerous preoperative discussions", "she is adamant about not pursuing any type of implant reconstruction" and "she is also extremely adamant about not proceeding with pedicle TRAM flap"...  I had to laugh reading it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    I have gotten all of my reports... I did not ask for the operative report from the BS with the BMX because I think it was all included in the PS report.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Probably my last post for a few days. :)  Thanks for all the well wishes.  A little nervous, but will be glad to be on the road early in the morning.  Means I am just that much closer. 

    Lisa- when I get back I am going to order my samples of Choco-pan and maybe Fonderific.  Want to decorate again!

    Betsy- is there two of you?  Reading your posts on the DIEP thread then I see a Bdavis2 pop up.  I am going to have to keep you two straight.

    Kim- I have always wanted to do catering, but sure if I want my own business.  I just want to bake and cook and have someone else deal with the business end.

    Take care all and see you in about a week, I hope!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow mamachick...I also wish I could be closer so as to bring dinner or lunch. Do let us know how you are when you can.

    Meegan...I have never asked for any of the reports...I think when I started this whole thing ..I was not sure how it was going to turn out and honestly I really didn't want to read it at the time. Maybe now I will ask..I had not thought of that..I have not even seen the pathology...

    Hope everyone else is good. I did a 45 minute spin class today. It was hard but better. I will go again Wednesday.

     I did not watch the awards as I really do not even know who most of them are and I have not seen the movies. We would go to the movies,but really I have not seen any really good previews??

    Have a good night everyone

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ladies, Just wanted to let you know that it is ALWAYS a good idea to get a copy of ALL of your reports.  Whether you read them or not, just put them away in a safe place and make sure you have everything.  My sister had thyroid cancer at the age of 22 (she's now 51).  She has since moved out of state and has had some questions from her new doctors about what kind of thyroid cancer it was, what size, etc.  She can't remember and the hospital she went to couldn't find them, searched and searched, and then said they had "destroyed" all of her records.  Personally I think they lost them but...  And the doctor that did the surgery has long since retired and she can't get a hold of her records through him.  So now she's stuck not knowing anything other than she did have thyroid cancer...not much help in the big picture. 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    I'm in the same boat. I had melanoma when I was 17 and all I know is it was stage one grade one melanoma and had at least 3 operations to get clean margins. My parents even called the practice where the long-dead dematologist worked, but they just laughed. Komen had my records somewhere. Yours, too;).

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Stacey.. that explains a lot.. I got a PM from someone who said they had read my posts on the triple negative thread.... and I was like Huh?

    Kim... I went to spin yesterday... and that was after a multi impact class on Saturday and Step class on Wednesday.... I'm back!!!! YAY!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

       I never really thought about all the records until now...I mean I know what kind and grade and size ..the important stuff...but I do do not have the actual (report) I will see him next week..may ask for copies.

    YAY for you Betsy....sounds like you really have your MOJO . I was happy to make it through spin today and  feel pretty good after.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012

    Kmur - It really helps.  20 years from now we might not be able to remember the treatment we had, size of tumor, how long of treatment, etc.  I never would have thought of any of that if it hadn't been for my sister's experience.  I have a folder I keep everything in.  Even if I don't look at it now, it's filed by date.  I'm actually taking the entire folder to my genetic testing in a couple of weeks in case they ask questions I don't automatically know the answer for.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Spin for me today too. I went at 6am. I love the intensity of spin and the sweating/puffing. I'm a sucker for punishment. Good for you Betsy! It's great to be "back"!

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow too mamachick.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    mamachick - may have missed you, but good luck for sx on Wed!!!!!

    Yes, I have gotten copies of all my reports (except these operation reports I didn't know about) since my dx.  I agree it is definately a must to have them somewhere.  I have the mammo, u/s and mri reports (the reports, not the films), as well as the CT scan and bone scan reports.  Oh, also definately also the pathology reports.

    I went to my Y class today, it was good and a Mary Kay lady came in at the end and did our eye makeup.  How weird is this, my class is only 8 people and 2 of them had bi-lateral bc!  I understand only 1 - 2% are bi-lateral, how odd to have 2 in my class.  And not even all 8 have bc, 1 definately has uterine and I'm not sure about a few others.

  • Better-Body-Babe
    Better-Body-Babe Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2012

    Mamachick-- Thinking of you this week.  I'm going to stop by this weekend to see you!

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Mamachick, thinking of you and hoping your surgery goes well.  Had what I hope is my last surgery yesterday and everything went wel.  Hoping and praying for you for success in surgery and quick recovery!  Have you ever thought about being a personal chef?  the hours and demand are easier than catering. 

    Hello to everyone!  Haven't been on this week.  Between my kids being on vacation last week, working and getting ready for surgery it has been crazy.  Glad the kids are back in school this week and the surgery is done.  Everything is covered up so I don't get a peek at my PS work til next week.  Can't wait to see. 

    Great idea about getting copies of your records.  I got everything after my DMX but haven't gotten anything since then, so great reminder for me to get them.  Never know what the future holds, so definitely best to have them on hand.

    Kiwimum, awesome job on your spin class!  I've always wanted to try it but have sciatica pain sometimes and didn't know if it would aggravate it.  Do you sit on the bike the whole class?

    Betsy, good for you!!  It's so good to hear things can get back to normal.  

    Great job on all the working out!!  can't wait for the all clear to get myself back in the swing of things. Have a great day!!  tracy

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

      Just wanted to wish Stacey/mamachick "Good Luck" for your surgery this week.

      Good for you - Kiwimum, Kim and Betsy with your spin classes!!  Is it kind of a spinning bike thing? I have been inspired by you all to do a bit of pilates this week - only on DVD though - I couldn't manage a class yet. It's kind of like fast yoga, I find. My son was watching me lying face-down doing my moves and said "Oh my God, you look like a fish or a beached whale!" Thanks, Dan. It's quite hard given my size and the weight of my LE arm, but good to be doing something! I've got to sort out my sleep probs. too. I have developed a delayed sleep phase disorder (I discovered from Wikip.), since I had my ovaries zapped and started on femara just over a year ago. I need to do something because I'm averaging 2-3 hrs sleep per night and the same midday and when I have to do something in the day, I am evilly bad-tempered!  Can't seem to break the pattern. Oh well, could be worse, sorry to moan! Will be visiting the gp this week, I think.

     Keep on keeping on!  All the best,

      Sarah xx

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone,

     Well today I called and requested all the reports etc. I have no idea why I never really gave it much thought...maybe denial??? keep ME motivated...I never would have done the spinning class. I will go again you said..I am puffing and sweating actually dripping ( very ladylike) but after,I feel good.

    Sarah ...spin class is just as you is a room of what look like stationary bikes ( kind of) is played and the instructor will guide you through a pretty intense workout..standing and hard pedaling. That is awesome you are doing pilates...that is also difficult and you should hear my son talk about my exercise...he pokes fun at me too. You keep at it though...we are all going to be so buff here soon....lookout ..Lol

    As for sleep...oh gosh...I have not slept  all night in years. Since Dx was not good at all..with hot flashes etc.   Over time it has become better,but still wake about 4 times per night. I have tried all kinds of things,but do not want any drugs so will keep on as I am for now. I know I sleep but not that.....GREAT sleep...Remember that sleep when you were younger and your head would hit the pillow and you were just gone and it was the alarm to wake you????

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Man, do I feel lucky.  I sleep better than ever it seems.  Sometimes it worries me; like maybe I am tired because there is cancer growing somewhere.  I don't feel unusually tired during the day, but do sleep well at night.  Of course, I take melatonin for sleep which helps a lot. Exercise helps me alot with sleep too. Maybe the yoga will help you some Sarah?  And the exercizing for Kim.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    You ladies are so inspiring with all the exercise and spinning. I have been walking 1.5 miles per day at lunch and will jog 2 miles before Yoga tomorrow night. Not sure a spin class wouldn't do me in...ha ha    As for the medical records issue, I have been pondering requesting mine but wasn't sure if I was being overly anal or smart to do so. Whew! Always nice to know I am not totally certifiable yet......

    Will be saying a prayer for Mamachick tomorrow and will keep my fingers crossed for Blueeyez to heal quickly & need no further surgery. To everyone else, I wish you a happy hump day!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Tracy...I hope today finds you feeling pretty good. One step closer to done and i also hope you will be happy with your results. are lucky. I may try a lower dose melatonin...while looking at them polish side said OH ...the highest dose will make you sleep better,but after reading more ..seems the higher dose may be too much. I do think there may be ( in my case ) some retraining I need to do with my seems to be on a schedule of waking..when I look at the clock it is always about the same time.  I seriously want someone to just knock me out ...I would love love to have one night of not waking at would be like magic!!

    Hi Odie....gosh if you can jog two miles I bet spin would not be too hard. I am not a runner at all. Funny thing with spin is how uncomfy it is following spin in places that are truly not ladylike!!  Lol...I sometimes wonder how the guys do that??? Maybe it is just me on the bike the wrong way though.

    I have been doing the Brazilian workout prior to my Y workout. I know I endlessly talk about it..but it is really working. I have seen my rear lift and ( this may be TMI ) but cellulite going is the first time I have thought of sending a letter about a workout.

    Thinking of you mamchick.....Have a good day/afternoon everyone

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Gosh - I had the stupid idea that the bikes somehow spun round!  It is done here, but not in my town. I guess you'd need an extra big gym to do the class in. Keep spinning and everything else, ladies!

     Kim - do we have some "before and after pics" of the butt-lift workout!?  Only kidding!  J-lo better watch out !

     Sarah xx 

    (off to have some coffee and Welsh cake(s) - for St. David's Day - kind of like flattish, sweet scones with raisins in..nice. I'll be making some more tomorrow...I'm not patriotic, just greedy!)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    I did not get to the Y today...we had some storms etc come through and I also had to go for a blood draw before my ONC follow up next week...ALSO..we are going to dinner Friday with a couple I have never met...I know I have said this before..but buying clothing is just so hard for me. I wish someone would follow me around and tell me what to put with what. I see all these gals dressed so nicely.. I am a fish out of water. are pictures of my hiney any time soon!! Lol...Man I wish J-Lo needed to worry...but she has nothing to worry about from me...Lol...have you all noticed the lady from modern family...she has lost weight ( so not fair ) she is so very striking even when a bit heavier....not that she was heavy. Forgot to say..I have not heard of St. Davids day..and scones of any kind are right up my alley!!

    Hope everyone is well...we have had such violent weather and are expecting more on Friday.

    take care everyone

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Sarah - Happy St. Davids Day... I hope you enjoyed your holiday and the scones.

    Kim - Stay safe hon... Hope the severe stuff dissipates before ever reaching your neck of the woods.

    Thinking of Mamachick and hope you are doing well.

    Hope eveyone has a great rest of the week....

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone. I've not been on for a few days. Busy busy with work and all the girls activities. Tennis, brownies, ballet, swimming. It's exhausting and I'm only spectating!!

    I managed to squeeze in a spin class Tues and today. It's not getting easier. I was dripping in sweat 10 minutes in today.

    My poor eldest daughter has a stomach bug and is home from school today vomitting. I hate that helpless feeling you have when your children are sick. Heres hoping tomorrow is better.

    Sarah - Pilates is a great workout. I used to do Pilates a few times a week in my former life (pre BC). There is an organization in NZ called pink pilates, whose focus is rehabilitation and fitness post BC treatment. I am thinking of signing up as my arm is still tight and restricted. I'd like to get back into some light weight training but def need guidance and care of the arm. The sessions are one to one with instructors trained in rehabilitation for ladies who've had all their lymph nodes removed.

    Kim - your Brazilian Butt DVD looks HARD!! I googled it and was impressed!!

    Odie - I agree with Kim. If you can run 2 miles you could def do spin.

    Mamachick - thinking of you.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    All this talk of exercise is making me sleepy....I think I need another helping of pasta! jk

    Lisa, I know what you mean about being tired and thinking Oh crap is it growing again? Before my dx I was actually falling asleep at my desk with my hands on the keyboard....of course my diet sucked too, but I wonder if that was the cancer.....

    Mamachick think of you as well!

    Thyroid biopsy appointment has finally been set - March 12th. Oh joy, I just love big needles sticking me. 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    All this talk of exercise has given me a hernia!  Seriously, I think I have one from the hysterectomy.  I am avoiding going to the doctor, because she will just send me to the hospital.  Dammit.

    How do they do a biopsy of this thing in my neck?  With a big needle?  Will I be asleep?  More imaging scheduled for end of May.  Also, my MO called yesterday--what showed up as my uterus in my CT scan is a 'stump' of uterus?  WTH?

    OK, so to change the subject, a local woman faked breast cancer, and her is how I responded.  Am I too evil?

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    I wonder how she faked the look of no color in her face cause the red devil took it all when I peed red! and the blue was peed out of me after I got the isotopes injected right into the front of my boob for surgery the next day....Yep I thought the Tidy Bowl man had come to visit.   Loved your response.  Feel better!

    Need some advice on scars.  My lumpectomy scar healed beautifully, can barely see it - could it be all the cream I was smearing on during radiation? My port scar on the other side still the weird purplish color and huge.....any ideas?