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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Odie ..I did send a request to someone I do do not know!! Well she and I are friends now but she has no idea who I am Lol... I will look for you.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Ok Kim, here's a short story for you - along the lines of Porn oil.

    I started with this construction company 10 years ago. At first they only wanted me to invoice customers....I wish now that was the case....anyway.....I couldn't read all the handwritting of the men when they would turn in their papers so I could turn them into invoices in the accounting program and send them out to customers.  So I'm typing along and type in "SEX BELTS".  I print the invoice to a school district no less, think twice about it, and ASK someone else, I mean it was my first week there.  Lo and behold, it was sex BOLTS. Bet I would have knocked someone out of their chair at the school.

    but the ultimate office one - our Austin office calls the receptionist in our office and says they are out of paper for the fax/copier could she order and have delivered to them.  She says "how bout I just fax you some?" He says OK and hangs up.

    Odie~I have so many more where that came from, trust me! Like learning about gowns in doctor's offices - one size fits all, small. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Gina...You are too funny..I woke this am with a smile for the day now! 

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    KiwiMum, sounds fun!  Guide Scout biscuits? Like Kim, said, I'm guessing they must be similiar to our Girl Scout Cookies, which I love!  I know I hunt down those Girl Scouts every year to get my Thin Mint Cookies! lol!  Have fun. 

    Christine, forgot to say Congrats on your appointment!  Every clean bill of health by the Doc is something to celebrate!  Good for you!

    Kim, good luck today, I'll be thinking of you!  Brisket sounds yummy!  I keep teasing my DH telling him when we retire I'm hitting the BBQ circuit!  I'll definitely take pictures next time and post them. 

    Awesome job on the work outs! Can't wait to get back into it! I'll have to kick it up a notch when I get the ok and add zumba or spinning, something to get me in great shape for the summer! 

    Have a wonderful day ladies!! tracy

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Odie, I grew up in Virginia Beach!  My oldest sister still lives there right near the Chesapeake Bay.  I usually get down there at least once a year.  I love it there!  Wish I could talk my DH into moving.

    Gina, lol!!  Although, I have to wonder what sex bolts are too??  lol! 

    (sorry two posts in a row! hit submit before I realized hadn't caught up on all the previous posts! anything stupid I do, I blame it on the cancer! lol!!)

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    KiwiMum - I am sure the leaders appreciate you.  Worked for 10 years in Guiding, got so tired of cookies, important fundraisers, but a lot of work.  My poor girls are the same. If we couldn't get enough volunteers, I would make them put on uniform and come and help.  God Bless parents like you.

    Profbee - Disney - what a magical time for you to spend together.  Memories is what it is all about!  Wishing you happiness and great weather.

    Eema - sorry about your surgery and I think I lost my flat belly in 90's too (babies in 90,91,93,94)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Ok on the way home I heard a song and thought you all would appreciate this   WE are the 80's girls may see an ad first I will try to do the link...I had to laugh thinking of what my hair looked like at this avenue in my life LOL

    I hope that works ..I had my dancin shoes on this am

    Have a great day

    Shoot will not work..what I heard was Billy Idol...dancin by myself....It is on youtube..and the other is of course Loveshack And I hoped you could see the hat and dress...Good Lord...what is up with the 80's hair???

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012

    Profbee - have a great time at Disney. I live about 2 hours from Disneyworld and would love to go back. I am getting my accounting degree. So close.

    Eema - so sorry to hear about the extra surgery but I agree would love the flat tummy would be great. I have not had a flat tummy since my hysterectomy in 95.

    Gina - funny stories, you made my day.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi everyone...gosh I tried this morning to post two 80's songs,but it did not work  :( Anyway...I had my appointment today and I have a question for you it was explained to me that I will not need scans..I knew this because I was told a while back..but today he said "no routine blood work????" I think it did not settle in until I left??? Do you all have routine blood work??

    My ONC just merged with another big I do not know if this is standard? Insurance driven?? I also asked about Zometa..and the answer was not until my next phase of meds..the AI's because is given because of the bone loss that happens with AI"S and there is no real proof  BLA BLA BLA....

    So I go back to see him in 4 months....

    Hope all of you are doing well today

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    odie.. i just fb friend requested you.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    And Julie too

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Kim - I don't know about routine or for how long.  At cancer centre I go to you always go 1 hr before apt time and they do blood work. MO has results when you see him.  Still early for me in the follow-up, but I think they do it for everyone every time.

    Finally found the perfect pair of shoes to celebrate.  Bought them to go with dress I bought on Niagara Falls trip (going to black tie gala in couple of weeks).  Took everyone's advice and bought 2 pairs for spring too!  Only live once, so might as well have fun.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    Kim - My PCP just told me last week that not doing scans is insurance driven so maybe the blood work is too?  He's a friend and told me that the insurance companies don't care about the scans because they are so expensive and if they don't catch it in time, they figure they will save more money in the long run if we don't survive.  Just lovely.   My MO did tell me about the scans already but I thought she said they would do blood work.  I will have to ask when I see her next week.

     Betsey - Got it!  Thanks!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Kim, I'll have blood work every 6 months to look for tumor markers??? I did ask for all cancer, and with a sign my MO says, no just BC tumor markers...I mean really can't they just take one more vial? Anyway, I'm triple neg so no meds, so not sure if that's why? Oh, and scan at every year, but the CT scan is in her office.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Thanks for the answers...I am going to ask my BS to see what her take on this new development is. I have always had the bloodwork done at each 4 month visit..but now no what he says??

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    I am not doing blood work which bothers me.  I am going to ask about it at my next visit.  I see one of the three docs on my team every three months.  All they do is a breast exam and ask how I am.  While I like the professional breast exam on a regular basis, that is not doing anything to watch for mets.  

    I was told no scans unless I have symptoms.  It could be cost driven, but I think at least part of it is the undue stress that comes with them, particularly with the considerable risk of false positives and all the unneeded procedures that go with that.  Also, depending on the type of test, it is additional radiation, which I don't want or need. Personally, I don't want them on a regular basis.  I will probably ask for one in the next year as I think that if I am going to have mets they will show by then.  I don't want to wait for symptoms.  Sometimes there are none until it is way too late. I think my onco will agree to a scan if I ask.  She did before just to ease my mind.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Gina, you fracture me! Please keep the stories coming as I so enjoy the laughs. Seems like you have a similar sense of humor/sarcasm...

    Kim - Glad we got it figured out. Guess you can never really have too many friends, huh? LOL... As for the bloodwork/scan question, my MO will do bloodwork every six months and only scan if there are issues or concerns (I think).

    Tracey - I am actually in Northern VA but have family in the VA beach area and occasionally go there for business. I would love to live anywhere near a beach or river since I love the water.

    Betsy - Got it & accepted. BTW, love you profile pic.

    Went to my usual Yoga class tonight, picked up pizza for my guys and snuck off to a nice hot bubble bath! Namaste!!!! Wishing everyone a great night & Happy Thursday!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Funny, I just had my 3 month onc visit too, we seem to be on similiar schedules.  Everything fine.  She normally does not do scans after treatment, in fact is quite against them, but in my case considering how aggressive the cancer was (and its refusal to die after all that chemo and rads!!!), we are doing 6 month scans for now.  So I will call tomorrow to schedule for April.  I'm relieved, as I want them.

    ProfBee - Have a great time at Disney!!!  Hope you were able to book some of those character meals, they are the best!

    Gina - I will have to find the "today my good food choice was..." thread.  Those are the threads I would like to starting reading more as I start to try to read more and educate myself more about nutrician.  We have started adding ground flaxseed into our breakfast, that is our latest improvement.

    KiwiMum - my dd is a Girl Scout also.  2012 is the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts in the States and we are going to Savannah in Nov.  Right now we are trying to fundraise alot so the cost can be covered.  I've been running like mad this week as we are having a big 100th anniversary Garage Sale on Saturday.  I starting get bags ready over Christmas break and think I have ~15 bags of toys&games and 2 huge boxes of books ready to go.  The other mothers don't seem to want to do as much (like my dd and I put flyers up all over, e-mailed people, etc), but I don't want to pay for her trip, so I'm doing as much as I can!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    ok, I was still on the last page when I posted.  I got blood work at my f/u, but this was the first one since I finished all meds, so I don't know if I will get blood work every time or not.  As for scans, again I an unusual, but the usual practice of my MO is also no, unless there are symptoms.  Same reasons Lisa mentioned.

    Gina, very funny stories, I esp. like the fax machine one!  But I too wonder what sex bolts are?

    and Burley - so nice to see you pop in and hope you are doing well!!!

    You girls may make be join facebook faster than my dd!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Thanks for all the answers about blood work.

    Lisa..I agree he also explained the false positives and all that goes with it..said he has experienced this and chased something that was not there.  It was only the routine blood work I was surprised about. In April I will be 2 years out from the day I was told..still not sure which day to celebrate!!  Lol

    Hope everyone has a great day

    Love to all

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Lisa, I was also told by my Onc that they wait til your having symptoms to do a scan.  And I totally agree that seems too late! 

    Julie Lynn, crazy to think that money comes into the picture when dealing with these issues, but I'm sure it is the case. I've seen my Onc 3 times since diagnosis and  haven't had any scans or bloodwork yet.  I don't have another appt with my Onc until June or July, that will be one year after diagnosis. 

    Odie, I love the beach too.  If I ever win the lottery, I'm buying a house beachside!  My Aunt lives just outside  of DC.  I'm visiting her in April, should be peak cherry blossom season and I can't wait!

    bgirl, glad you spoiled yourself! I'm on the hunt for a nice outfit, going out dancing on the 24th with DH and some friends and can't wait. I have a great pair of shoes I bought and haven't worn yet, so I'm looking for something to go with them, but I'd be open to a whole new outfit shoes and all, lol! Your right we only live once!

    Kim, lol!  Dancing with Myself is one of my favorite songs!!  I even dated a guy when I was in high school who looked just like Billy Idol!  I remember waiting for that video to play on MTV all the time!  And of course gotta love B 52s, classic.

    Crazy day for me today!  Kids have half day at school, then Teacher Conferences for both, plus trying to squeeze in trip to store for groceries. Beautiful weather here!  Yesterday was in the 60's and same for today!  Can't wait til spring comes!! 

    Enjoy your day!  tracy 

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Ah 80's music - how bout Adam Ant? I loved all that dance music, Red Hot chili peppers, we used to have such a good clean time at high school dances, and dance mostly.  When a slow song came on every once in a while the much older nuns would walk around the dance floor and separate couples with a ruler.  I didn't know they were doing me a favor until one time I felt something pressing against me.   Forget faxing the paper, it took me a few to figure it out.  Couldn't find a nun when you needed one though! lol.

    Meegan, I've switched from flax to chia seed.  I like so much better especially in my unsweet almond milk cheerios. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Hi girls!!

     bgirl, I love, love, did I say love shoes.  What style did you get?  One can never have enough shoes.

    sagina, love your nun story, wish my boys went to catholic school.

    kmur, have you picked a school for your son?  Glad your appt went well.  Fortunately my onc is a believer in lots of blood work, maybe not all needed, but makes me feel better.  As you know I am also the scan queen!  I love a good scan, pet, ct, bone scan, love them all!  I may glow in the dark, but works for me.  I know we are all different.  His office is looking to see if my insurance will pay for the Zometa, if not he has a "charge card" from the company that supplies his zometa and this will pay, he promises this will not keep someone else who may not be insured from receiving it.  There are early studies showing benifit from Zometa both in pre and post meno BC, so this maybe why your onc is hesitant and wants to wait.

    blueyez, when you get your beach house, let us know, we can have a big 80's party!

    Readingmama, you will love Savannah and the Girl Scout museum. 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Reading - I missed your post about going to savannah. I used to live there. Let me know if you have any questions or need recs on what to do, where to eat, etc. are you going soon? This is a gorgeous time of year to be there.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi All!!

    bgirl I'm glad you got your shoes!!  As for me...i have gigantic I am not in love with shoes..but now they do make shoes for us big feet gals! Lol

    Tracy...too funny I love 80's music..not sure if you all have ever tried this but you can log on to have a local station called generationx..I play it on my laptop while I'm cleaning...they play all that good music. get that beach house I will be there too with some big hair and maybe a long island ice tea drink ( they kicked my 80's but ..well tequila too but thats another story!! ) anyway..I will party like its 1999!!  YIPPEE

    Christine...looks like it will be all boys Catholic school so far ...thank you for asking. We are waiting on one more school then final decision time.  I don't think I like the no blood work situation. I will talk to my BS about it. He does not like scans and always says he is expecting another 45 years out of me and does not wish to radiate me?? I am like you ( as you know) I want scans and blood and tests and anything else he can through at it?? As for Zometa..I know this is an insurance thing..I will be asking my other Dr. about that too!! I will just aggravate them to death!!  LOl   You leave soon on your trip??

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Kmur, keep bugging those docs, thats our job.  Really, studies show that patients that are well educated and take control of their own health, receive the best care.

    All boys school sould great, I will tell you some of the hottest men at my undergrad Catholic university came from the local all boys Catholic prep school, lol.  Still love preppy men in kakis and plaid ties.

    Yes, I am leaving for my trip at the end of the month, I am soo excited.  I actually found a few swim suits, one is a swim skirt, with bikini top (ok, not string bikini, but does show some tummy, since getting my implants I am no longer a slave to bathing suits with lots of support), I would never, never, never, wear this around anyone I know, but I figure I won't know anyone but my 13 year old and I want some sun!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012 seems to take several minutes for things to settle in my mind these days...This may sound crazy but it hit me when I got in the car that he said no routine blood work..I that does not sound right..what about those tests that do see elevations...I will be troubling him Lol and thanks for saying that.  YAY for bathing suits that fit and I bet you look great! I can't wait to hear about your trip and what your young man thinks about it.

    Most of my sons friends will go on to Catholic school as well. It is not cheap though. He would like to be an Orthodontist..originally he wanted to be a cardiologist but my friend in Ohio is an ER dr. and she said OH should be an is not as stressful...he listened to her..Lol

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Meegan - I must be blind.  Now I see your post about savannah.  How on earth did I miss that earlier.  I was even looking for it.  So you go in november  . . . also a good time to go.  Very pleasant weather.  A long way off but feel free to ask any question you may have.

    Christine - where are you headed?  Was it you that was planning the atlantis trip?  I can't remember.  I have been so busy the last few weeks at work.  I swear there is so much in my head that I cannot remember a thing.   

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Gina, I don't mind the flax seed at all, can barely taste sort of a nutty flavor.  But good to know about other things as well, I will write down chia seed, I never heard of it and this chemo brain will soon forget it!

    Yes, I am excited to go to Savannah, more excited to find out how much money we raise Saturday toward the trip!  Lisa, I will definately let you know of any questions, thanks!

    Ok, here is a story only you girls can understand.  As I was drying off from my shower this morning, I noticed blood on my towel.  I had not shaved, so I was sooo excited as I thought my period had come back .... but no such luck, just a small cut came open in the shower.  Oh well, no one else would understand wishing for their period.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Kim, my onc hasn't given me any blood tests, or scans. I'm torn over it. One part of me wants everything, all the time, the other part doesn't want the scanxiety. My onc doesn't think I need the additional radiation exposure and that something will always show up, followed by lots of tests and angst, which turns out to be nothing.

    He does support Zometa for me though. I'm not sure if insurance will pay. It's $1000 here. DH wants me to just go ahead, to heck with the cost compared to the potential benefit. I think I will.

    Biscuit selling the other night got cancelled as a huge storm blew in. I was very happy! We are scheduled to be on another stall today from 10-12. Girl Guides certainly is a commitment. Biscuits selling now, then camp in early June. I just got another email about the first aid badge.

    Christine, enjoy your holiday and "rock that bikini!!"

    Meegan - no more periods for me. I'm ER+. Chemo, followed by Tamox has kept them away. If mine comes back I have to call my onc immediately so they can give me an injection to stop them.