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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Lisa, so glad you are staying!  I only go on this and one other thread, but have only found everyone to be open and positive.  Hope one day I'm with you when bc is not in my everyday thoughts, but for right now it's where I'm at.  I can definitely see why you wouldn't want to share, its tough knowing everyone looks at you and thinks bc. 

    Kim, I totally pin lots of food too! lol!  I can't wait to try some of the recipe ideas I've gotten.  My kids definitely know how much I love food.  Currently, I'm a personal chef, so food is 24/7 with me.  If I'm not cooking it, I'm thinking about cooking it or I'm eating it or thinking about eating it! lol!  This definitely adds an extra challenge to keeping the weight off, but thankfully my clients are in a weight loss mode, so only healthy cooking!  I am totally lucky with my Mom to help.  My parents are very young and they are both more computer literate than I am!  lol!

    Meant to comment on The Melting Pot earlier, I swear I have to start taking notes when I'm reading so I remember everything! (Does anyone else have severe memory loss??)  Wine, cheese and chocolate, three of my most favorite things! ( besides my family of course)  Yum!  I've never been, but I sure want to go now.

    good night everyone!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012 have my dream job..Lol...I also think- eat -sleep- food ..I love to make anything and have stacks of recipes ( I mean stacks ) Lol.. I love to make pastry and bread, cakes, pie and my husband laughs that I got him (me) a grill for fathers day!! We now have two grils and a smoker!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Bouncing.... I really, really wish you didnt have to be here but welcome you with open arms.

    Lisa - I am so glad you decided to at least stay on this thread. Don't let the petty people win and rob you of the support & friendships you have here. I someday hope I will think of BC less & less but am not quite there yet.. 

    Tracy - Reading your post on the prior page really resonated with me. I too try not to discuss BC or my concerns, gripes etc as I feel like everyone thinks I should be "all good now" and tend to not mention much on my facebook for that reason. Heck some friends on there don't even know I had BC....However if anyone wants to friend me, I am Karen Quick. I don't want anyone to feel obligated so I will leave it up to each of you to decide if you want to. I do love the idea of the private 40 group and would like to be part of that group .

    Kim, I love to cook or bake...Luckily my husband has a great metabolism & a sweet tooth so I can live vicariously thru him.... ha ha 

    As for family history of BC, NONE!!! I am the youngest of two girls and the only female in the know family tree (cousins, aunts, etc) to be diagnosed. I lost my mother at age 56 to early onset Alzheimers' so my sister & I thought that would be our demise (at least for one of us since it is hereditary.) Course my dad eats utter crap and smokes like a freight train but can still run circles around most of us at age 78....  Go figure.....Yell

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Lisa, I'm so glad you changed your mind - I was going to post and beg you not to go, I am not on Facebook and would miss you!!! 

    I usually only have time to quickly post on a few threads, so when people says "its been bad lately" or "sad lately", I have no idea what they are talking about.  I do mean to look around a little more, esp. at the diet and exercise section, but never seem to have the time...

    Kmur - can't believe you have 4 inches of snow!  What crazy weather!

    Tracy - A big yes to the memory loss, seems lingering chemo brain for me.  Often I can't think of a word I want to use, very frustrating.  And yes, the chocolate at the Melting Pot is so delish and the best part!! 

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012

    Lisa, I am so glad you decided to stay.

    For the rest, my mother passed away from breast cancer back in 1986 however before her there had been NO cancer anywhere in her family. When I went to the genetic counselor for my BRCA testing I found out that 70% of breast cancer is sproadic (meaning no family history). Since then I have tested postive for BRCA1 and also found out the my fathers grandmother passed from female cancer and he had an aunt he passed away from cancer also, so my side of the family including my son are being tested for BRCA1 to find out which side of the family it is coming from.

    Kinda funny story, when I told my almost 22 year old son (who has Aspergers) that I was postive for BRCA1 he said "well I guess if I test positve that means no kids for me". I laughed so hard. He is the type of person who really shouldn't have children. Aspergers individuals are very emotional (can't handle it) and to have a chance of passing that and the BRCA along. I really didn't want to be a grandparent anyways (is that sad)?

    I find I don't talk to many people other than my almost 91 year old Nana (Moms mom) about the cancer either. She is coming down to Florida to take care of me while my husband is at work. He unfortunately has one of those jobs that do not have sick days so if you don't work, you don't get paid.

    I find this thread to be very helpful for me as sometimes I feel like I am walking this road alone. The days just don't go by fast enough and the nights are even longer. I find myself not being able to concentrate at work or to finish my schooling. I have 2.5 weeks left with this course and then I have 1 class after this to finish my Bachelors degree but I have no energy anymore. How sad is that? Maybe once this cancer is out of me I will feel different but right now...

    Thanks ladies for letting me just rant.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Hi Everyone,

    Meegan...I know what the heck with snow???

    You all the funniest thing happened but I forgot to share with all the weather stuff.... LONG STORY So if you are bored just skip me......

    Friday when the weather cleared we were to meet a couple for dinner at a restaurant down the road from us. This is a place just voted best in Louisville and the owner is a multi millionaire and was the first gay matchmaker millionaire (the tv show) He was the marketing guy behind the "got Milk " slogan  and Papa John hangs there and it is an after Derby place where by all the people who have been drinking Julips all day come and you have many new best friends because they drink you into bestfriendom...anyway...something seems to always happen when we go..I could tell you all so many stories...anyway we were sitting at the bar ( we arrived early) and bam-- met this lady and her english husband ...Sarah..He spoke as I imagine you to proper ..anyway she was from Alabama..Don't know how that happened ..anyway we talked and then this new lady showed up..she was trying to come in the bar but entering trying to push the door but that was the wrong way . she was when she gets in my Alabama new friend says..You were not the blond we are waiting which our new bar friend says...Oh my gosh I am meeting a blind date and I don't know what he looks like ...he is tall..that's all I know...SO ..I'm thinking YAY...we have a she is going on and we find out they met on one of the dating sites..well she is going on about how to know who he is and he is standing behind her at this point   SO ...they introduce themselves..and she introduces my husband and My Alabama girl as her friends...we have never seen this girl before....then our dinner friends show up...I was actually a little bummed cause I know this story had just begun...well  we have our dinner and as we are leaving I see them and they are actually sitting with The English Guy/Alabama girl and as I get closer ...the Blond gives me the Thumbs up..And that is all I know about we had been by ourselves....I would know way more....I do not know why but this kind of stuff happens to me all the time...I wish you all were close by and we could go to those places and you could see how this crazy stuff happens   so now I do not know if they are going out again???? Lol.....Hope that story is not too boring...but these things happen all the time...I told new girl..if I were looking I would use one of those sites too ...I have other friends who have married following this kind of meeting.

    Anyway...that is my funny story for today...has nothing to do with breast cancer....

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Gigi - so sorry about your mom, I'm glad that your Nana is there for you and that you can talk to her.  Know people are here to listen to your stories good, funny or bad. So sorry you have to worry about the BRCA1 thing.  You sound like a smart, capable woman, I am sure you will finish your degree when you are ready.

    Lisa - glad to hear you are staying.

    Spelling - I was always outstanding at it and now I sometimes can't spell simple words without a lot of thought or have to really think about homonyms.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Gigi..I am sorry..I was typing my endless boring story while you were posting. I wanted to say hi to you and I understand how you feel...I do not talk about it either. I find the girls here to be very supportive and as for energy...during active treatment ,it was hard to motivate myself...this has come back with do give yourself some time ..vent when you need to and hopefully the girls here can be of help.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Bouncing, I'm sorry you are here but glad you found us. We are great, if I say so myself!

    At the general (not cancer) surgeon waiting to see about this fing not cancer hernia! Blah!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    And Lisa, I'm glad you are not leaving. I found the "stupid things people say" thread fun at first, then I thought it became bitchers looking for a reason to bitch. I know we have to vent, but it seemed like a pissing match, I was more offended than you... So now I try to think those women must have more pain in their lives besides cancer. I tried praying for them (I roll that way). That helped too. Glad you didn't let the bitchers win. We can bitch w the best of them, but we share joy, too:)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      eema...good luck today...I hope you get all this stuff resolved..I know you really want to move on.

    I deleted an earlier very long and boring story earlier. I try to tell you guys all this funny stuff that seems to happen...but sometimes the story is just too darn long.

    Thinking of all you and hoping for a good day.

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    I read your story before you deleted it kmur, and I found it entertaining as usual.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    I liked your story too, Kim!  It kept me entertained...

    Soooo.....  My (not cancer) surgeon says I have a gaping hole in my abdomen.  He said hernia, I say gaping hole.  It is pretty big and will need mesh to repair.  That will be in May, when I was going to have my broken tit fixed.  Another summer of surgery!  Woo hoo!

    More pissed about this than I was about the cancer last year--at least I got to go to Israel! This is really messing up my plans.  I was going to go to Israel to research, lecture, and RELAX, and now I can't even go to a conference in Cleveland with me looking like I'm 4 months pregnant.  At least I will have my flat, flat belly back.  

    Did I say dammit?  


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Oh Eema so sorry for your hernia, but hey, if they found one on me they'd need fencing material not mesh! and flat stomach? I seemed to have misplaced that - in the 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lisa - Yeah so glad you stayed! I have just a few "favorites" book marked here.  This one is my fav, then there's the "today my good food choice was", I like that one as a recipe exchange almost. And I'm on the after rads thread, those are the ladies that went through rads with me. Other than  that I pop into the prayer intentions page every so often.

    Now, we don't have Trader Joe's down here in Texas, so THAT'S where they must sell that porn oil next to the corn oil! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Hi girls,

     I don't have the energy to read all the posts that I missed.  I am laughing however about the porn oil and corn oil.  I realized that my vision is bad as porn and pom look the same to me.  Regardless, you all crack me up.

    Lisa, glad to see you are staying.  I breeze thru the active topics sometimes, but only here do I have my "best friends".  Some of us have been together for awhile and I feel like I know you and trust you.  No judgement on this tread, and any topic is fair game.

    Went for my 3 month onc visit today.  All is well ,I guess, usual lab work, a quick feel (if there is a lump, he is not going to feel it) and renewed prescriptions.  I am going to consider Zometa, not sure if my insurance will approve of not.  Anyone on this?? 

    Eema, glad to see you back, sorry to hear about the hernia, are you still having fobb issues too? Your posts are so funny, I so get your humor.

    kmur, hope we hear from mamachick soon, I am still serious about someday meeting up with you girls.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited March 2012

    I haven't posted since February 13th...bad, bad girl.  Busy with life, as usual.  Love all you ladies!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hey Girls,

    Eema...Ok we really have to get you back on track here..too bad porn/pom oil can not do the trick for ALL of our ailments....I'm sorry you will miss your trip. But ....flat tummy sounds good...

    Oh Gina...we DO have Trader Joes here you think I should run in and ask about the porn oil..."can you tell me which isle I can find the porn oil?"   I'm beginning to get scared I may ask this by mistake if I do not post for a while..this could mean I was arrested or something. We are in Kentucky after all!! ( not that theres anything wrong with that)

    Christine....I know where is our mamachick...I know she is probably on the mend and I am sure she knows we are thinking of her.  AND...I can not wait to hear your words instead of read your words...I have this image of what our voices sound like.  I know Sarah sounds very proper ...I am trying to imagine you you have a Texas draw???  OH ...back to Christine, I'm glad your appointment went well...mine is always make me feel a little uneasy..I have no idea why????

    Thanks for liking my story achpurple and eema.... I swear it takes me forever to type a story and then I think...OH GEEze...I am only amusing me...Lol

    I did 45 minute spin today...I just look at the clock.....I am not like you Kiwimum...I do not like it until it is is sooooo hard. I am a cheater too..I do not crank it up each time they say to!!

    Hi Kim...It is good to know you are busy and living life. Hope you are doing great.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     PS...odie...I may have sent you a FB friend request..or I asked a complete stranger...I thought you were in North Carolina??

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Funny stuff I read today:

    A friend's post on FB:  Lawd gimme strength for dealing with this trifling ho today. 

    Eema:  That will be in May, when I was going to have my broken tit fixed. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Hey faves!!!  So, I haven't put this on FB because I don't want to say that my house will be empty, but girls....i'm going to Disneyworld!!!! 

    We are ready for some JOY.  Jack's brain is going to EXPLODE!  (He's 5.)  Yesterday he told me that he thought that the magic at Disneyworld was mostly technology.  Oy.  I said, "You're right, but I think the magic is making awesome memories with your family, the people you love the most."  I'm so damn excited I can barely see straight.  TONS of work to do tonight, then work tomorrow, then I MUST pack some clothes (of course I have the boy all packed already)...then we are off in the wee hours!  

    I plan to be offline for a week or so!  LOVE you all. dad had the mesh...blerg...I'm sad for you that this means no Israel this summer.  I know you were looking forward to that.'re not alone.  We're here.  :)  What's your major?  You'll finish.  When I worked for a bank as an admin asst, when I'd hear 3 or 4 people all calling my name at once I used to say, "I can't be all things to all people."  You're focused now on your health...and that's just what you need to be doing.  The rest will come.  That said, I'm back to work this semester, and I'm JUST keeping up...when I need to get ahead!  It IS so hard to motivate some nights.  

    Love to you all.  I'll make healthy wishes for all of us as I watch the fireworks over Cinderella's castle!  I know I'm going to bust into tears as we enter the park...what a year!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    There is no crying at Disney!  Just smiles.  Have a GREAT trip!!  The weather should be gorgeous this time of year.  Jack is the perfect age for Disney.  He will love it.  

     And remember, if Jack gets tired of or just does not want to watch the nightly parade, that is the perfect time to ride his favorite ride over and over and over.  We always headed to space mountain or thunder mountain (the only two thrill rides when I was growing up) during the parade . . . short lines.  You just have to get to there before the parade as you can't cross the park once it starts.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      YAY..profbee...Have a Magical Time...hope you can take lots of pictures...those little guys are only five one time!!   ENJOY!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    profbee,  wishing you and your little Jack the best time ever.  Take a bunch of pictures, be sure to post on Facebook!!

    kmur, wishing you an uneventful appt. with the onc tomorrow.  I am tired tonight, probably result of alittle extra stressing today.  My dear oncologist convinced me today to continue to work only part time for another 6 months, this is what I wanted to do, but I needed someone to tell me it was ok.  Need to tell my partners tomorrow, one will make me feel altttle guilty, oh well, doctors orders.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    profBee, how exciting!!  I know my kids love going to Disney.  Just getting away somewhere warm is going to be great!  Hopefully you'll have great weather and get in the pool.  That was always the favorite activity when mine were younger.  Safe travels!!

    Gigi, glad you have your Nana to help.  I swear I think I healed quickly because my family was so good about helping me.  They really gave me time to heal and concentrate on myself.  Things will get easier!  I know it sounds so cliche, but this too shall pass.  I know I relied on Adivan in the beginning.  Talk to your Doc about getting some.  It helps you sleep and feeling well rested makes everything else a little easier to handle.  Even if your anxious during the day, it can really take the edge off.   Do whatever it takes to get through! 

    Kim, you'd be a perfect partner!  I love to cook, but baking is not my strong suit! lol!  I love to bbq and use the smoker too!  My husband built me a huge smoker out of an old oil drum.  Next I want to tackle a small whole pig!  Many weekends, we're out there from morning til night.  My kids and my nephews usually hang around and watch the smoker all day like it's a tv show.  We have lots of fun with it. 

    Eema, sorry about your hernia!  ugh!  I'm sure your not looking forward to surgery again, but I'm sure you'll love a flat tummy, I know I would! lol!

    odie, I definitely relate to that. My Mom has been so excellent with everything, but if I mention I'm afraid it'll come back or talk about major changes I want to make to try to increase odds it won't come back, she is like get over it!  I don't think people realize how hearing you have cancer really shakes your world up.  It's nice that once the surgery is over, it's "gone", but it definitely leaves deep scars emotionally as well as physically.

    Saw my PS today, and he says everything is healing great and looking good.  I have to keep the nipples bandaged everyday til the end of the month.  He said he uses the Star Method for Nipple Reconstruction.  PS leaves implants a little loose in the initial swap with te's.  He uses the skin in the nipple area and cuts a 5 point star shape, basically folding the sides around with the arms and legs of the star creating the nipple and then folds the top point of the star over to create the top of the nipple.  It is unbelievable what they can do!  They look so real, I am so thrilled with how everything looks, way better than my old boobs!!  If only I had feeling in these ones, it'd be awesome. 

    Have a good night everyone and a great tomorrow :)


  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Yes, hope you and little Jack and hubby, if he's going, have a great time at Disneyworld, Profbee!

    I'm sure it's brilliant and I imagine better than EuroDisney which is what we have over here - Northern European weather+French people - not so much fun!  I've never been, so I shouldn't judge it.

     Love to all the new girls who've recently joined this thread. Gigi - my son is autistic too, probably Aspergers, though he's a lot younger than yours, at 13. He's a hoot sometimes, but very hard work with somethings - sleeping for ex. It's 2am here and he's only just got off to sleep at 1.15am. We do give him anti-histamines as a sedative from the drs. I wish I had his energy sometimes! 

     Glad you're staying with us, Lisa. We would have missed you!

     You always give me a laugh, Kim - I'm sure your story wasn't long and boring!  The bit when you mention Kentucky and say "Not that there's anything wrong with that" made me think of the line in Seinfeld when people think George and Jerry are gay and they keep saying that to each other afterwards!  Good luck with the onc. appointment, tomorrow.

     Pleased your check-up went well, Christine.  Sorry about your hernia and facing more surgery, Eema. Such a bummer to be missing your trip to Israel.

     All the best, Sarah xx

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Yay Prof!!  Have an amazing time ... I would love to take my children to Disneyworld.  Maybe one day - it's quite far from here.  You deserve to have fun!

    Kim, I did another spin class today.  We are so similar!  I totally spend the whole time clock watching, hoping for it to be nearly over.  I also "cheat" when I am about to explode.  Today was one of those days.  I always feel fantastic afterwards and that keeps me coming back.

    Christine - glad your onc visit went well.  I am not on Zometa yet, but have discussed with my onc who thinks its a good idea. I need to schedule it for some time soon. There is a thread on Zometa in the Stage 3 area, I've read about it and went armed with questions on my last onc visit.

    Tonight, myself and another Mom are taking 8 girls Girl Guide biscuit selling.  It's going to be hell!!! lol

    I don't know why I volunteer for these things?  I am also rostered on to sell biscuits again on Saturday, all so my daughter can get her Biscuit Badge.  It had better be a good badge!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    I took so long writing that post that 4 other messages came up after I pressed "submit".

    Nice to hear from you Sarah.  2am??  Get yourself off to bed, you're going to be exhausted tomorrow.

    It's 3.20pm here right now. I'm at work and feeling the need for an afternoon sweet treat.  Off to the vending machine ...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hey Girls...

    First ...I forgot to say..Christine..I have read about Zometa and will be asking about it tomorrow and baby aspirin??. I will see my BS in a couple of weeks and will ask her some questions too. Then see the PS and finish up..I may need more fat grafting? I know what you mean about the stress...but I know your stress is different with the partner and all that goes with it....I try very hard to not stress and mine is just silly stuff day at a time right?? to cook..I did a brisket this weekend and today did an apple tart for company tomorrow. I love to make everything. I see things on TV or when we go out and I try to copy.I am like you in that I wake thinking about food and go to bed thinking of food time when I woke from surgery ..I realized I was telling the nurse about some kind of food.... Your smoker sounds awesome would love to see pictures as I have told my husband about them.

    Thanks for the good wishes Sarah...thought I would say I also hope you get some rest.  Sarah my story was very long but funny to me in that I always run into some crazy story..It was about a girl on a blind date we met this weekend....It was just one of those stories that took forever to tell.

    Kiwimum...YAY..I'm so glad you watch the clock too..Lol and here we call this group The Girl Scouts and we call them girl scout cookies. I hope it is not too terrible  Lol and I hope the badge is awesome!! You are a wonderful are always doing things with your girls.

    I will now press submit..I have been writing this while talking to my young man...then said good night to him.

    Love to all you Ladies

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Hey all!

    Kim - I wish I was in NC but actually live in Virginia. Didn't see the request ....CRAP! I am under Karen Quick in VA (goofy looking blonde Will try to go back a page or two to your post with the FB invite so I can send you a request.. And fyi, I will be in your pocket tomorrow for your onc visit just in case you need me (or my Cheetos). 

     Profbee- I wish you and your little man the most magical time at Disney.  Would love to see pictures as it sounds like you guys are really going to have a great time (based on excitement alone) ...

    Eema - So sorry about the hernia and more surgery.. That stinks! But I am envious of the flat belly.. Like Gina, I think I misplaced mine in the 90's somewhere...(Gina, that cracked me up!)

    Christine - glad the visit went well today. Sounds like you need to just keep doing what you're doing and take the time to allow yourself to continue to heal. 

    Kiwimum - Keep on spinning! You are an inspiration to the rest of us to keep moving. Good luck on the biscuit sales!

    If I missed anyone, please know it was not intentional. Appears my brain shut down hours ago. Hugs to everyone!!! Happy Wednesday!!!  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Oh! Almost forgot! Lisa, LOVED the FB post.... Hilarious!