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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    Eema - Well said!  What a low life - It's pathetic someone would even think about faking BC.  I'd love to smack her upside the head! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Well said Eema.  What a deceitful, selfish lady!  I'm in line to smack her after you JulieLynn.

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012


    I know this is way past the date you posted but I just joined the group. I was diagnosed Jan. 25th of this year with DCIS, multi-focal and multi something else in both breasts. We opted to do the BRCA testing because my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 39 and died at 44. I am 47 years yound and I have an almost 22 year old son who has Asperger's.

    When I was 31 I had to have a partial hysterectomy and then six years later they had to take my ovaries (nothing cancerous). It was the best decision I ever made. Up until last month I had been relatively healthy and yes the first few months of no hormones was tough but since then it has been wonderful. I actually have a sex drive where before all this started it was non-existent.  I am sure this to will change after my BMX and reconstruction which is scheduled for March 27th. 

    I would say if you are thru having children, go ahead and that way you won't have to worry about cancer of any female organs ever again.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Eema. what an unbelievable story, but great blog!  Let's hope there is such thing as karma.  That lady has a whole bunch of bad ju ju coming her way. 

    Gina, I used silicone strips for my scarring and it has worked well for me.  It's expensive and can be found at CVS, Walgreens or Rite Aid, whichever pharmacy is near you.

    I got to have a peek at my nipple reconstruction today and am completely amazed at how real they look, except for the coloring of course.  It is so unbelievable what they can do now and days.  I had been hoping once I got my nipples back, I'd feel more like my old self and so far so good!  I was so worried to be disappointed but I am thrilled so far with the results.  Hopefully everything will heal well and I'll be back to exercising soon.  Meanwhile, keep up the good work everyone!  You all keep me inspired to keep on keeping on!!


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Eema  - Seems like you may be in my neck of the woods. 

    And if we are getting in line to jack slap her, count me in! I hope a ton of juju comes her way. Reap what you sow, etc.... 

    Tracy - Sending healing thoughts to you. Glad you are pleased with the results so far.

    Gina - I just started using the silicone scars strips about a week ago and am already noticing a difference. They seem to be lightening up. I agree they are not cheap but worth every penny if they work so I dont have a constant reminder everytime I look in the mirror.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday. Sure am glad it is finally here....  

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    going to walgreens tomorrow for silicone strips!  The port scar is the most visible of course, it would be nice to get it down a bit.  I asked the BS and he mentioned I could have a plastic surgeon inject some stuff and then I stopped covering my ears and saying LA LA LA!

    Hope everyone is having a happy Friday eve. 

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2012

    Eema - Well said.

    mammachick - Hope you are doing well.

    sagina - My port scar is driving me nuts, thick, puffy, red and irritated.  When I had my exchange my PS cleaned it up and I put Vitamin E on it, but it did not seem to help. My implant never dropped on that side, it was putting pressure on the scar from underneath and is located right along where a bra strap would fall, so it was always bothering me. When I had the revision on that side the pressure was relieved as the implant was lowered, however the scar still gets irritated easily and still bothers me when I wear a bra unless I put something over it. I have been trying ScarAway, silicone strips for 2.5 months now. I think it has improved, but that could be because it is not being irritated as much since I cover it with a silicone strip, but I thought there would more improvement by now. I am going to give it another month before I try something else.  Good luck.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    Tracy - How painful were the nipples?  How did they do it?  How long did you have to wait after the implants to do that?  I've been wondering if it's worth it all - It just seems like one more thing to worry about and one more thing go through.  I haven't asked my PS a lot of questions yet about that part but I do see him next week.  I was glad to see from your post that you are happy with the results!

    I'm going to check into the silicone strips too - I had never heard of them before!  I love all the stuff I'm learning here!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Thanks proudmom~my port scar sits right in the line of fire of my bra strap too, which the BS pointed out.  I just wonder since they re-opened the same scar to get the port out, shrudder....that was a long hour in his office with his PA....anyway....didn't know if that had anything to do with it not wanting to heal like the lumpectomy scar.  It's not like I wear tanks out in the sun....I mean I'm having some issues with heat, can't stand it, start itching not sure what it is.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2012

    sagina - for me, heat and sweat make the port scar itch even more, although it has improved since the revision and the pressure was relieved.  I am just soooo impatient sometimes.  I am considering buying stock in silicone scar strips or maybe just bandages so I can cover it because I think I will using them a lot this summer to cover the scar so it does not get irritated as much.  Oh, one other thing I just started trying in the last week or so is massaging the scar quite a bit with coconut oil when I am not wearing a silicone strip.  Too soon to tell if it is helping or not.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    About the port scar... I have the same problem... My port came out in August and inNovember I had my PS work on it. I think it is different than the lumpectomy scar because scar tissue was building up the whole time the port was in vs the lump scar which was just an incision. My lump scar is 100% invisable.. and then I had BMX.. and those scars are better than the port scar.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    That makes sense, Betsy. There was a WHOLE lot of "tugging" going on when they pulled it out.  My DH watched the whole thing. Me, not so much! lol

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Gina... My PS tried to take mine out during MX but it was stuck and they didn't know why... took pictures and all... so they left it. Then it got infected and I had to have it taken out 3 weeks after sugery. Apparently it got stuck at my clavicle... tissue grew around it, so they had to cut me there too.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    JulieLynn, for me personally it is totally worth it!  I can't remember the name of the technique my PS used, but I'll ask him Tuesday when I see him and let you know then.  He made small incisions and used my breast tissue to create the nipples. I don't really have any feeling across the center of my breast so pain hasnt been bad, just some burning.  They had to fix the left implant so that side has a little more muscle soreness, but overall good.  I have been lucky to heal quick and have no problems so far.  My DMX was on Sept.6 and had te's swapped out Dec. 6 then the nipple reconstruction Feb. 27.   My PS said minimum 3 months in between each one, we cheated on my last one but had to deal with the problem on the left.  It's definitely a person decision.  Do some research, talk to your Doctor then go with your gut for what's right for you.  

    odie 16 and Betsy, thanks for the well wishes!  I'm off the meds so that always makes me feel better. 

    Snow on the ground here in New England.  It's been such a mild winter this year, it's pretty to see everything snow covered. Thank goodness it's getting warm this weekend, the snow will melt before it gets all dirty.  Kiwimum, funny to think of you enjoying summer and I'm looking at snow! Anyways, have a great Friday everyone! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hey Ladies,

    just stopping by to say Hi....Tracy glad you are coming along. eema...could I be in Line after Kiwimum and Odie??? Loved your post!!  

    This is the first day ever I have received a call from school that stated an early closing because we are expecting strong storms/tornado activity.....our weather has been odd here too. I guess we will hunker down and get ready for whatever may come our way.  He is out at 1:30.

    Will check in with you girls later. Oh ...wanted to ask Gina if you have tried ( I can not remember the name right now..but it is a scar over the counter med) I will remember later. I used that and it has faded. As for itching..I have that too...My skin is so sensitive to my own is so weird..I will have to see how it goes this summer.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies!

    I'm just here for a quick group hug and to share something. So, like many of you, I have been plagued by, um, dryness in the undercarriage. I went to the hippie health food store in town and found a remedy- Pomagranate oil! Already tried a bit... It is supposed to be as effective as estrogen but without the dying from cancer side effect. Supposed to help w pelvic health and libido, too. Let's see!

    Just to be safe, I got some wine, whiskey, and Godiva liquor. DH is afraid to... um... hurt me with his manhood, so he hasn't been putting out. I got some Pom oil, some natural lube, and some alcohol for tonight. It has been a looooonnng time since we had some good lovin. Last time he stopped because I cried (but told him to go on!), but tonight's the night! Sorry if tmi! Wish me luck!!!

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012


    Wishing you all the luck in the world. Hope things are as sweet as you dream they will be. Something has to work, right? A little wine, a nice dinner, a shower together and then let the night begin.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2012
    Eema - Wishing you luckWink  Enjoy!
  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Kim, hope the crazy weather misses you. 

    Eema, good luck with your plans.  Let me know if that oil works!  Things haven't been great in the lovin' department at my house either, so I'll try anything.  Love the back up plan, I'd put out for you! lol!!  have a great night! you deserve it!  Hopefully Eema will inspire us all to have a loving Friday night! 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Eema!  SAME thing happened to me!!!  Last time, I cried.  I got some other stuff from the natural store, but I'm stoked to hear about the pom oil. 

    Kmur, just got off the phone with my dearest Oxford friend.  Yikes.  The weather is NUTS.

    More later...busy as hell, but keep reading and keeping up.  LOVE you all!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    So far, so good w the Pom oil! I forced myself on him before our DS got off the bus;). Still cried, but only at the end. ;). Have a good night, ladies! Get you some Pom oil!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Eema - CONGRATS!!! You go girl! 

    Kim & anyone else in the path of these storms- PLEASE stay safe....This weather is vicious and I worry. Frown   

    As for the scar strips, I chose to use them since I used them years ago after bunion surgery left me with a raised purplish red scar on the top of my foot that embarrassed me to wear sandals. My podiatrist recommended them and after only a couple of weeks, my scar diminshed to a fine line. Now years later, you have to look really hard to see it. There are rare days once in a blue moon where it might get red but is always very short lived. So see I knew how I react to them so they were my obvious choice but everyone is different so there is no guaranteed results. As for the Scarzone cream, it did nothing for me so I didn't bother to try Mederma. 

    Stay safe ladies.... And may we all have a good night!! Wink

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2012

    Tracy - Thank you for the info!  Wishing you good healing!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Eema.. for a minute there I thought you typed PORN oil... porn and pom look alike to my failing eyes.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Betsy~ you and me both - I was reading poRn oil too, I had to go back up to read Pomegranate oil....don't fail me now

    Will get the scar strips tomorrow.

    Tonight I'm awake at this am hour....I am in so much pain on my radiated/surgery ribs are painful to the is the boob. Wondering if it's my monthly hormones figuring themselves out? 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Gina - That could be hormones.  It could also be truncal LE.  I have the latter.  When it really flares up my ribs feel all bruised and my boob hurts.  It took forever to figure out this was the problem.  I was told it was damage from radiation for the longest time.  I had to self diagnosis it (thanks to this forum) then tell my docs about it - they agreed.  I wonder about doctors sometimes. 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    PS  I read porn oil for a second too and thought it was entirely appropriate in the context it was written.  :)

    I had an exciting night here too.  Not as exciting and eema, but tornado sirens going off for a few hours. No problems in my immediate area though. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Eema...Hope you had a good night........ POM oil...not PORN oil...Oh Gosh you all are too funny.  The Chocolate sounds good to me!!

    We made it through the crazy weather last night. Had to hit the basement but the storms missed our area...but wow ...much destruction.  Profbee..hope your friend in Oxford is ok..we spoke with family in that area yesterday but will check in this morning again. 

    Take care southern girls...more storms in the south this am.

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    A tornado hit just south of us in Piner, Ky - southern Kenton County.  It was not a bit fun - I had all the kids at home except one at college.  And, of course, I headed there to get him - 15 minute drive.  About half way home, it WAS BAD!  Bad like my son was looking west (where they said it was coming from) and we were headed south and the further I got down the road, the worse it got.  Traffic was horrible - rain turned to grape-sized hail.  Once I hit the last light in town I told my son to hold on because I wasn't stopping again til I got home (luckily I didn't have to either).  We hit the beginning of our road and the sky was "BLACK".  Cell phones, weren't working AT ALL.  Couldn't get the garage door to open with the remote, couldn't find my house keys in my purse, jumped out of the Suburban and hit the code panel for the garage door (while being pelted by rain and hail) and it came up.  Ran in the basement where the girls already were just in time to see the tv say it was right on us.  It was a crazy 20 minutes or so, but no damage in my neighborhood that I could look out my door and see.  I pray for the families who were directly hit.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Glad to hear you are OK