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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone...

    Had to go last night...but wanted to say..Odie..I hope you had an amazing time with the girls on your trip. I will look up those puppies on Google?? Have not heard of that. Both of our big dogs were just dumped so...I can not help but think rescuing animals just has to increase good Karma!

    Dolphins are amazing creatures. Would love to be in the water with them someday.

    Today is the Y. I will do spin again. Most of my "group" tried last week. I had a cold though so did not abuse myself further!  Our group may go to Gildas club to serve dinner to ladies in active treatment. Our group has several "cooks".  Just the nicest ladies.

    Enjoy the day/afternoon

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Odie - puppies! How exciting.  We are talking about getting a puppy as the girls would LOVE one. They ask/beg constantly.  We are still undecided as it's such a big commitment (as I'm sure you know).

    Lisa - wow swimming with dolphins. I would love to do that. It sounds amazing.

    Regarding travel.  I too would quit my job and travel the world if money was no object.  I got some fantastic news at work the other day - I am going to London for the Olympics.  I am soooo excited.  I have only been to London once and didn't see much at all.  We have managed to sort the children so that my husband can come too.  I can't wait and think about it constantly.  From NZ it's 25 hours to get to London.  It's a long way!

    Kim - your exercise levels are amazing.  You must be feeling and looking great.  I'm keeping up spin and have a goal to go to at least 3 classes a week. I've managed to achieve my goal for the past 2 weeks.  I was at a class at 6am this morning to fit in before work.  Crazy right?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Just looking at my post above ... I need to take a new picture and update my pic.  My hair is 2 months longer!!  It is definitely curling at the back.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    London for the Olympics - I am jealous.  I love London on an average day, but I bet it will be spectacular for the Olympics.  

    So, guess what arrived today . . . my giant box of cake decorating tools.  I am now ready to try to decorate a cake.  I am excited.  I will try this weekend if I can, although I may end up having to work.  Going to start simple . . . single layer fondant covered with daisies on it.  I hope it is as simply as I think it will be.  LOL.  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    I am a huge dolphin fanatic....Love anything to do with them as I find them to be such beautiful & intelligent animals...I collect anything dolphin related...Hubby & I are trying to plan a trip to Cancun this fall or next summer and plan to swim with them again. For months prior to the cruise, hubby teased about having to "swim with the fish" but enjoyed every minute ALMOST as much as me.

    Betsy, the dogs are called Potcakes. I have two of them & it is amazing how they have such personalities. I would take a dozen if I didn't think they would commit me....

    Kim - Google Potcake Place as that is the rescue group I got my puppies from. They have pictures of available puppies and mine may still have pictures on there. There names are Busby & Maxine....

    Edited to add rescue info..... 

    Diagnosis: 6/27/2011, IDC, <1cm, Stage I, Grade 2, 0/1 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Lisa - I'd love to see some cake pics. Sounds fun.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    I'll post some on FB if (a) I actually do it and (b) it does not look too bad.  Actually, I will probably post them even if bad so everyone can laugh.Tongue out

    Odie - I think it would be nearly impossible to not have a good time swimming with dolphins.  They are so incredible.  I really want to do it again some time.  That is something I would love to take my nephew to do.  He would love it.  My niece would probably cry the entire time. She is terrified of just about everything.  They are polar opposites in that regard.  My nephew has never had any fear.   

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hey There Everyone,

    Odie ..I googled them and they are cute...

    Kiwimum...that is just wonderful lucky you are and to be able to take hubby along too! I can not wait to read all about your trip. My spin class today was just 30 min. so I am not up to your level yet...but I will keep plugging at it. My goal is to be in good shape by vacation. Would love to see new pictures .

    Lisa...enjoy your icing tips...a long time ago I bought the Martha Stewart box deal...then made icing and practiced. I have a really good cream cheese butter cream recipe if you should ever want to is good on cupcakes.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Kim - Yes on the icing recipe!  cream cheese buttercream is my favorite.  I was planning to use that under the fondant.  I don't have a recipe - was just going to google one.  Would love one that is recommended!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Yes, definitely post the icing recipe Kim. Cream cheese icing is my favorite, especially on carrot cake!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    This is the recipe:

    16 oz. cream cheese ( 2 packages)

    1/2 c. unsalted butter softened

    1 t. vanilla

    2 1/2 c. powdered sugar sifted

    pinch of salt

    blend cream cheese and butter until smooth. blend in powdered sugar,salt and vanilla. Turn mixer up to med.and blend until fluffy. Can refrigerate until ready to use. I read online to make really pretty cupcakes you can use a 1m tip and start on the outside work to center and get a really pretty swirl. The ruffle tip is a 2d and it is pretty too. Have fun Lisa...all that stuff is right up my alley Lol....once again why I am not skinny!  BTW...I found a new donut place so I better spin my guts out today!!  Lol

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Thought I should say..I have never used fondant...I hope the butter cream will work well under it as it is really light. I will have to google or you tube fondant. I am so weird ...I have recipes for wedding cakes and so on that I want to try and I have another cake that actually has a bit of red pepper in it so it is chocolate with a bit of an underlying kick.  I also have a really good homemade caramel recipe from southern living magazine and it is really good with a sprinkle of sea salt on top. We made those for Christmas this year.  Ok sorry...I need to stop talking about food now!!


  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Kim, please post the recipe for the Carmel, I make one every year for Passover an we call it "matzah crack". So yum, the salt adds the kick!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Hi Eema..Hope you are feeling better...I will try to do this link as that way I will not miss something in the recipe..The only thing I do differently is after the caramel cools, I slice them into long strips,then cut the strips to make squares,then dip them in chocolate..they are really good with bitter sweet..   YAY!! I think I did it. For any of you that like to look up are a couple of good sites....  that'   and also cooks illustrated  ( cooks is not free though )

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    I'm feeling hungry for cake with cream cheese icing after reading your recipe and seeing Lisa's cake pic on FB. I think I'm going to have to do some baking today without the girls. They will love it, they never turn down the chance to bake.

    I haven't decided on my exercise for the day. I'd better do some if I bake, then eat a cake!

    Hope you are doing OK Eema. Nice to "see" you on here.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    Hi and happy friday to all (not sure if it is friday for KiwiMum?),

    Lots of posts to read from the last few days, can not wait for my trip at the end of March.  I will check into the dolphin thing.

    All the yummy recipes will not help me get into a bathing suit!  I love good food, especially baked goods.  I am going to shop for a new bathing suit this weekend (yikes).  Good thing is no one will know me ther.

    Mamachic, getting close to your big day.  I will be thinking of you.  Hope you get a great dinner or two before you surgery, so many great restraunts in Charleston.

    love you all!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     Oh God - I'm drooling here with all this cake/icing talk!  I'm trying to slim, of course!

     Kiwi - that is brilliant that you can go to the Olympics with your job! We tried to get tickets last year in the ballot (v.expensive!), but failed. I am not a sports fan, but it is a once-in-a-lifetime sort of occasion. We also have the Queen's Diamond Jubilee going on here in June with a super-duper concert with Paul Mac., Elton John, Tom Jones right down to Jessie J and JLS (ask your kids!), also Eurythmics, Madness etc for 80s teens like us and loads more famous people. We have tried to get tickets (free!) and will hear next month - can't wait!  I'm not a big fan of London, much prefer Paris - so beautiful. London's kind of not really a novelty for us and I prefer other cities in the UK anyway. I really, really want to visit and tour the US, though!

     I love salted caramel chocs too, Kim, - dark ones with soft centres are totally yum!  Good luck with your baking adventures, Lisa!  I haven't the patience to do icing properly!

     Love to all, Sarah xx  

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Hello ladies, I'm a few pages behind, been busy here.  My dd's birthday was yesterday, we had a very nice time ice skating and I was able to skate for a whole hour!  She is having a sleepover tomorrow, only 5 girls are coming and 2 of them are leaving at 10pm, so only 3 plus her sleeping over.  Should be quite manageable.  I can't believe she is 12 already.  We went and applied for passports this morning for the cruise my m-i-l is taking us on next year.

    Everyone's travels sound great, seems like you all had a good time!

    Mamachick - I know what you mean about vacations always being to visit family.  We have settled into one summer having a vacation with my family and the next summer going to visit my mother-in-law in Florida.  My family varies where we go, although it's been all beach, either Hilton Head or Outer Banks.  I am excited that this summer, we are free!  Since my sister got married last year in Florida, we spent time with my family and then drove to my m-i-l's, so this summer, we are doing something just us.  I want my kids (and dh) to see the country, so I'd like to go midwest, but we haven't done any planning yet.  Thinking maybe Mount Rushmore...

    I TOTALLY agree that thank goodness there were not cell phone cameras, etc. when I was in college and I'm pretty tame!

    Betsy -my sister has been to all 7 contintents also!  It's pretty rare, I think.  And my parents went with her to Antartica, so they have been everywhere except Asia.  I have been to Australia and Africa, but only for 8 hours in Europe, so I don't really think that counts. I am missing Antartica also...  I too would love to travel more given the money and the time.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Meegan.. I think some continents are easier to get to... I am sure I will get to South America and Asia someday, and have even bought a travel book for Austrailia/New Zealand, but Antarctica might be a reach.

    I have made it a goal to try and show my kids great travel destinations... We have taken them to the Canadian Rockies, the US Rockies, Oregon, the Northeast, the Atlantc coast, Caribbean, Mexico and took my daughter to Italy for her 16th birthday... still owe my son a big trip. I have been very fortunate to travel all over the US (every state so far except California and Hawaii), all the European countries, Tanzania/Kenya and Canada.. and a few Caribbean islands and Mexico... I find travelling to be so fulfilling... but DANG... it can get expensive.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Wow Betsy, you have been to alot of places, that is great!!  I agree, I want to show my kids (and my dh never left the tristate area till me) as many of so many great places we can get to. 

    And I always joke that I got two of the far away continents down first!  We will definately go to Ireland one day and as we just submitted our passport applications today, we said we will have to go within 5 years before the kids passports expire!

    I was going to ask where you had been in Africa as that is not a common one.  I went to Botswana and Zimbabwe on a safari, were you on a safari?  I thought it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Wow everyone seems to have had a busy week.  Enjoyed the couple of days in Niagara Falls with my hubby.  Snowy, but still beautiful.  Got a free room upgrade to a 2 bedroom suite with fireplace and jacuzzi - very romantic!  Had a lovely dinner out, nice to just be normal.

    Got back on treadmill for first time since rads yesterday. Did about 40 mins (not running) and it felt really good.  Think I will need it after reading all these great recipes and all the talk about cakes.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Lisa- how is the decorating going?  I took all the cake classes at Micheal's once upon a time.  I actually don't like fondant, not crazy about the taste, but then I have only every used the cheap stuff you buy premade.  It is fun to work with though.  I stick to mainly birthday cakes for the kids, but they usually ask for some extravagant things.

    Only been to one other continent.  We lived in Germany for 4 years when I was a kid.  Did a lot of traveling while we were there.  Been to England too.  Then just cruises to the Caribbean.  I am with you all,  If money were no object I would be planning trips everywhere.

    All the recipes are making me want to bake.  I have not eated any desserts all month. So far my daughter and I have held out. I have told her she can eat if she wants, but she always chooses to wait till the end of the month.  I am proud of her being so strong at 12.

    Getting closer now, parents are almost here to stay with us till I can drive again. Hope my dad makes it through the next week with my kids all alone.  He's great, but not as young and tolerant as he use to me.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    mama - I made a cake today.  It turned out okay for a first try.  The quality of the fondant makes a  HUGE difference in the taste.  I sampled several different kinds.  The cheaper ones (like wilton) are disgusting.  Fondarific and Choco=pan are more expensive but the difference in the taste is completely worth it.   

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    I have only used the wilton.  Just messing around.  I have a friend who makes fondant with marshmallow fluff I believe.  I keep meaning to ask her for the recipe. I may try again someday with a different kind.  I made a bunny for my daughters cake one year, but we didn't eat it, it was all for decoration.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Meegan.. Yes, I went on safari to Kenya and Tanzania... three weeks. It was one of the most interesting vacations I have had. And with political issues, I am glad I went when I did... not sure I'd want to go now.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    stacey - I used wilton on this cake for the flowers.  I did not want to invest in the more expensive colored fondants until I decided whether I enjoyed doing it.  The wilton stuff is inedible to me.  I covered the cake in choco-pan which was really good.  If you ever decide to try it again, both Fondarific and Choco-pan offer samples on their websites.  I think I had to pay s&h  but teh samples were free or maybe $1.  Choco-pan is made with chocolate and white chocolate . . . very good although a bit harder to work with because it is creamier.  But the taste is outstanding.  The samples of fondarific were very good too.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    all this baking talk and nothing sweet to eat at my house, Undecided hope my favorite cup cake place is open on sundays.

    Stacey, are you packed and ready?  I will be thinking of you this week!  Would bake you a cake if I knew how. lol.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    I made horrible cookies this evening after all the talk and burned half of them.  But, I have a new post:)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Happy Sunday/Monday Everyone,

    This is one of those times I wish I could go back to the other page..I know I will forget something. thoughts are with you this week..will be sending good vibes and prayers for quick healing to Charleston

    Sarah...I love Annie Lennox "Sweet Dreams Are Made...." Would love to see all of them together. Are you still doing the calorie count through weight watchers?

    Christine...did you find a bathing suit?? I have a really hard time finding them...I have a really long torso and even the tall bathing suits look ..well..revealing..if you know what I mean? I don't know if you have heard of this,but I like the Athleta catalog...I have purchased bathing suits and they actually fit me.

    Lisa...I hope you had fun with your have me motivated me to get my wedding cake recipes out and my tin of tips and see what I can do.  I would love to cater someday....I absolutely love to cook for others..I wish I had the know how to turn it into a career. 

    I just recently began using Pintrest...saw it through my facebook friends and although I am clueless when it comes to computer links etc.....I am just going to town..hopefully I am not bugging other people on there with me because I have been pinning like crazy...but you can enter cakes..and whammy..tons of things appear..or cake recipe....

    Before I forget...I just love that you girls have been neat to have those memories . I love to travel as well, for me  ( surprise) it is the food I love from all over!!

    Have a great to you all, sorry if I forgot anyone