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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Odie - love to you, your grandmother and family. xx

    Kim - your idea of ironing on the badges reminded me of something one of the moms told me the other night. She did exactly that last week and guess what happened? The badges shrunk! We were laughing so loud about that! They not only shrunk but are now misshapen and she had to cut some of the edges off. Her daughter hasn't noticed yet. We all had a huge laugh with her about it. Obviously our badges are poor quality and made in China!!

    Sarah, definitely not a super mom. I try really hard to compensate for the fact that I work full time, so I volunteer where I can. It eases my guilt. Most days the girls are picked up from school by our nanny and I run around the fringes doing things when I can. I have always had ongoing guilt issues.

    I've def heard of the Yorkshire Ripper. You never know who you will come across when you go door knocking.

    You can buy melatonin here without a prescription either. It's a total pain.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    About the badges.. My daughter was a Girl Scout for YEARs... like K-11, although wasn't very active 9-11, just a Juliette (independent GS), but we have had tons of badges over the years... I sewed them all on. But I know some moms used stitch witchery.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Hi ladies.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I had a crazy weekend, but lots of fun.  Gorgeous weather for my nephew's season opener in baseball.  They won, which is really great because they are a new league and don't have the solid players that some of the established leagues have.  My nephew hit two home runs, including one grand slam.  And his best friend pitched a shut out.

    Then my nephew, three of his friends, my niece, mom and granddad all spent the night.  Whew!  The boys pretty well entertained themselves, but my God they are loud and full of energy.  My niece was so darn cute it was scary.  Some of you may have seen pics of her on facebook.  I know I am biased, but that little girl is just gorgeous and when she adds sweet to it, she is completely irresistable.  Everything went fairly smoothly until bed time.  My niece wanted to sleep with both my  mom and I (usually my mom is who she sleeps with), so the three of us ended up in my room.  While watching Frosty the Snowman in bed (that's right), one of the boys comes upstairs afraid of the basement and wants to sleep in my room too.  So we move the air mattress from the basement to my room and all go to sleep eventually.  A little after midnight I wake up to my nephew standing by the bed and the other two boys in the hall.  Apparently the TV turned off by itself somehow and they were convinced it was a ghost.  Or one of them accident rolled over on the remote, but they were seriously leaning towards ghost.  LMAO.  I put them in the bedroom down the hall from me, but a little while later they too wanted in my room.  I have six bedrooms in my house and 7 of the 8 people sleeping in it were in my room.  Lord.  The boys promptely start giggling in my room which wakes up my niece who then starts crying for her mom.  Once she settles down, she seemed to have lost her damn mind.  She was randomly screaming song lyrics and cracking herself up . .  . PANTS ON THE GROUND! . . . PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!  It was hysterical.  The boys were cracking up and my mom and I too.  I wish I had recorded it.  But eventually tired beat out entertained and I had to threaten putting them all back in the basement for everyone to shut up and go to sleep.  

    So I have been dragging all day.  Struggled to keep my eyes open to watch my alma mater win the ACC basketball championship . . . very exciting.  Then slept for a few hours.  I am now back in bed again.  LOL.  I really don't know how people have children around them all the time. 

    Was supposed to get a lot of work done this weekend.  Did zero. I will pay for it this week. Ugh.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    I thought maybe I should clarify that my basement is a nice living space and the boys said they wanted to sleep down there.  It is finished and basically serves as a giant play room for my niece and nephew.  There is even a little kitchen.  The boys moved the sofa and chairs and air mattress to form a little furniture fort.  And there is a tv with a wii.  It is not like they were in a creepy basement.  I just did not want anyone to think I was abusing them by keeping them down there.:)

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    Lisa:  Oh we all know that you threatened them into going to sleep with the fear you weren't just going to make them go back to the basement, but that the ghost would definitely still be down there waiting for them!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    That actually reminds me of a story from when my oldest son was young.  It was bedtime so he went into his room, came out a few minute later screaming.  He said a "fuzzy hand" had grabbed his hand.  After quite a while of hysteria and getting him to take me in his room and show me what was going on at the time, I realized that he had gotten shocked while trying to plug a light back in and that the funny feeling in his hand had convinced him there was a "fuzzy hand" under his bed!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012


       Sounds like the best weekend. You are funny to you really think we would think that way?? Lol...It strikes me they would have to do something really ..really bad for you to banish them to the basement.   Lol  If your basement is llike ours...our son and friends stay down there for hours playing Xbox and watching TV..

    Achpurple...that is funny about the fuzzyhand....our son for the longest time would turn every light in the house on he would go upstairs or where ever...we knew where he was based on the light path . Lol

    Kiwimum...I would love to see the Girl Guide sashes...I am trying to picture the stapled one..that was so funny reading that. I bet yours is the best.

    I was a Girl Scout for years....we even went tent camping and we were scared to go to the Out house ( if you know what I mean) ...I still do not like those porto potties...spiders are just so scary and with it dark..YUCK. I am a luxury camper...I guess.

    Hope you all had a great weekend and hope your Monday was good kiwimum.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Thanks for the help and suggestions about melatonin, girls - I'll give it some thought.

     Liked your sleep-over story, Lisa - you are a brilliant auntie!  I had some lovely aunties - one had a sweet shop - kid's idea of heaven. I like the fuzzy hand bit too, achpurple! - gave me a giggle!

     I was like you in Girl Scouts (Guides for us!), Kim. I hated the awful chemical toilets we had when camping. Every time I had to go in the night, I'd fall over the tent ropes, without fail!  Some poor girls had to go and empty the contents out in the woods - thankfully I never got that job. With those toilets and the awful camping gas stove things, which I was convinced would explode any minute, I was a nervous wreck!

     Kiwi - the whole mum/mom at home vs mom working topic is a minefield, which I'm not going to go on about here! I bet you give your kids a brilliant quality of life and loads of happy times.

     Anyway, love to all, Sarah xx

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2012

    Odie - you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Everyone's stories help me get through the day so thank you ladies. I don't know where I would be without each of you right now.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Ok ladies.. just did my first Zumba class... I kept up but certainly did not know all the moves.. I think I need to watch a Utube video.. and then did about 15 minutes of the toning class...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Betsy..that is great!! Did you find it fun/will you do the Zumba class again?  You know I always have to say something that probably borders inappropriate, BUT...when I did the Zumba class..I was standing next to a man..and it made me feel so weird so I did not gyrate OR rub myself while working out. LOL Do the instructors do that for your classes?? I also did not shake my hiney as the instructor did...almost feel like I need a drink before Zumba to loosen up!!   LOL!!

     I did do the Body Pump class the last time at the Y. We used Barbells and hand weights...I think I may have injured my LE side is a little better is a weird feeling and hard to describe..kind of pulling ??? and I sound alike in the Girl Guide/scout ways... I was not keen on the bathrooms...would rather go in the woods than in those little buildings with spiders...they really need a spider badge!!

    Oh Well sorry for my bad humor...hope you all are having a good day awesome you got to do both Betsy..I feel so much better when I exercise. Tomorrow is my Y day..I will do spin as that seems to kick my butt.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Tigerg64....I meant to say..I'm happy you are doing well and Hangin' in there!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Kim.. My instructor (from what I hear) is the best Zumba instructor at the gym... and boy can she shake her hiney... and yes, she also does a little of the rubbing the body stuff... I will indeed do it again. Unfortunately for me, the classes aren't at a great time. I work on the days they have early Zumba... I just happen to be on break this week. But my instructor said they may turn Wed Step into Zumba... And I haven't been able to spin for a couple of weeks, cause my son has a tutor at that time.. and I can't leave (their rules).. So I have been going to some multi impact class on Saturday and then filling in with ellipical at the gym at work.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Just popping in to say hello and wanted to say "Thank you" to everyone.  Grandma seems to be hanging in there so I guess I know where I got the fight from....

    As far as Zumba, I love it! Probably look like I am seizing but it is so much fun. I am not sure it matters if you get the moves right as long as you keep moving....Unfortunately the center I go to does not have a convenient Zumba time either so I bought the Zumba Party for Wii. Isn't quite the same at home by yourself but is still a good workout. 

    Tigerg64 - Keep hanging in there and don't hesitate to reach out to the group whenever you need to. This is a great group of ladies and they really do have the best stories! 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Odie, hugs to you and your family.

    Lisa - funny story, thanks! I could just picture all of you in one room with all the other rooms empty!  Such a fun aunt!

    Our basement is finished also and also where our kids have their sleepovers.  We h ave two twin beds down there, but when dd had her bday sleepover, all 4 of them crammed on the floor!  No TV or Wii down there yet, but we are thinking about it.  We are planning on buying a sleeper sofa to replace the beds (the basement doubles as the guest room) and that will give us more room.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Kim - I keep thinking about doing pump and am not sure if it's a good idea or not.  My arm is still a bit restricted on the surgery side.  Did you get clearance to do pump?

    Go the  Zumba girls.  Maybe I'll check out Zumba wii in the privacy of my home.

    I have had a horrible cold.  DH was sick for 5 days last week with the worst cold.  Because I've felt blah I've not been to the gym and went back to spin for the first time in a week today.

    Man, it was hard!  Dripping, literally dripping in sweat at the end!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Good Morning Everyone,

      I got up today before 5 am...I just can not sleep ...I wake so often during the night.

    Odie..I have the Zumba workout DVDs ..  I should have looked into wii first...I did not think of that...anyone ever use the wii fit with the yoga etc??

    Kiwimum....sorry you have been down with a cold. Hope today finds you better.  I have LE in my BC arm is mild,but will get puffy if I use it too on the days I go to the Y, I wear my sleeve..even around the house cleaning and so on I wear it. I think with pump, it was the use of my shoulders that was different..I even do bowflex,but the free weights are less control and she did many reps. I don't know if I should do it again?? My doctor said to do what I want and my LE specialist says she has girls who rock climb so I guess it is a matter of wearing the compression to control it. LE is so sneaky is  one thing I am very aware of and watch.

    We are supposed to have record breaking warmth here in Louisville the next few days temps in the 80's..wish you all were close and we could go for a long walk..and a coffee!!

    Have a great day

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    I am jealous of you girls who can exercise! I have a screwy schedule and can't get my @$$ in gear enough to do anything. Plus, I gave myself a hernia doing the Pilates Reformer too soon after the hyst, so all I can do is walk. It was 65 here yesterday, which is like 80 in Louisville. ;)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Kim - I love my Wii Fit and use the yoga... Have lots of fitness games for the Wii to try to keep me motivated & change things up. Always try to walk a couple miles a day on lunch whenever possible. Getting ready to send hubby off for his 5 day guys golf trip which will essentially be a vacation for me too... hee hee.

    Eema - Walking is still exercise so be proud of yourself for doing what you can. ((hugs))

    Kiwimum - Hope you & DH are feeling better soon. 

    Hope everyone else is having a good week and can get out to enjoy some sunshine.

    edited due to brain  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Hi Everyone...I hope everyone is having a great day. It is so warm here today 80ish ( I think) .

    Odie..thanks for letting me know about the wii fit..I may just do that as I really like to do different things. That is great you are looking forward to some you time  LOL...I love to hear about us moving on and just living life!!

    Speaking of I called my husband at work from my cell phone...that can be a cause for concern...but my only reason for calling him was to say .".I am having fun ...I have one heck of a fire going" I got to work in the yard today..burning sticks and cleaning leaves. I used to love   that,but would kind of tire out...but today was good to feel like doing to chat with my neighbor who ( is it who or whom?)  was filling me in on another neighbor who has peacocks!! It sounds like India ( or where ever they are from) in our back yard...they really bother my neighbor and the rooster that crows bothers him too...was so funny in a way because..I kinda like the peacocks..they have even found our fence to be a good sitting spot. They go where they want!!

    That's really all for me...thinking of all of you ..mamachick..I hope you are healing well and feeling great!!

    See you all soon

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Hi all!

      Kim - I absolutely love peacocks! They are the most beautiful things - I love Art Nouveau stuff too and they often have peacocks on the paintings etc. They certainly can screech, but I think it's only when they are in season/in heat - kind of a mating cry!  Apparently, they are silent for the rest of the time. That just reminded me of a story I read in the paper the other day about a beautiful, grey Burmese cat called Rio. He was a stud cat, kept to breed, by this man who lived in a small village. Well, his cat-calls  for females were so loud that the neighbours complained and he and Rio had to move house!. He was a gorgeous cat too and looked so cheeky in the pic!

     I've had good news today from my LE nurse - my arm has gone down in size compared to the left one twice since November. She is very pleased and I don't have to go there for 5 months. I'm sure the Pilates ex I've been doing has helped. She encouraged me to go to a class instead of just at home in front of a dvd. Will look into it.

     Changed our holidays too to visiting Scotland instead of Cornwall (SW England). Really good that they had room as I accidently booked the wrong week at first, meaning my son would miss his school exams and have to do them a week early AND he can now see the Olympic torch which is coming near to us on the 26th May, when we were meant to be travelling. Beaches not too good in Scotland, but looking forward to visiting Glasgow again and also Edinburgh, which seems like a beautiful city. Unfortunately, will have to miss the big Jubilee concert in London, if we get tickets, as the vac. is the same week. Will have to pass them on to someone.

     All the best, Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies

    Odie - DH and I are much better. Thanks for the thoughts.

    Kim - peacocks??  Do you live rural / semi-rural?  I can't imagine my neighbours having peacocks as we live right in the middle of Auckland city, quite close to neighbours. I'm not even sure we're allowed "exotic" animals.

    Sarah - we have two Burmese cats.  Minnie & Daisy (yes the girls named them after Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck).  We are actually considering getting a dog.  I'm not sure if we are crazy or not, and we'd regret it because they are much harder work than cats.  We are thinking maybe later this year is good timing. The girls are desperate for a dog.

    I'd love to visit Scotland.  Sounds like a great trip.  I have read lots of historical novels based on medieval Scotland.  I'm glad you managed to change your dates.

    Today is DH & my 11th wedding anniversary.  This time last year, instead of celebrating 10 years, it was 2 days post getting my breast removed.  DH emptying my drains wasn't particuarly romantic!

    We don't have plans tonight, but are going out tomorrow night to watch a play and enjoy a meal. 

    I hope everyone is well and having a great week.  Mamachick - hope healing is going well for you.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Hi ladies.  I hope you all are doing well.  Just wanted to stop by and let you know I am taking a break from BCO for a while.  There have been 3 deaths in the last week that have really hit me hard.  I used to post often in the TNS thread and three women from that thread all died (or at least we got news of their deaths) in the last week.  I don't think a single one made it to even six months after their stage iv diagnosis. Their cancers were so much like mine in some ways (TN, super high grade, highest level proliferation rates, etc) that it just has scared me to death and I think I need to quit reading about it.  I will still be on FB of course, so I will chat with you all there.

    Sounds like everyone is doing great with the exercises.  Not me for the last week.  I have been insanely busy at work.  I am hoping to get started walking/running after work now that it is light out until later in the evening, but so far nothing.  Blah.  

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Lisa.. When I have not been super busy in my life, like during recuperation, and I had exhausted all my regular threads, I would wander over to the Active threads.. and many of them upset me. I cannot cannot cannot read about terminal stage IV stories... You may be TN, you may be grade 3, but you are also stage 1b, clean nodes. I think you need to stay away from the stage IV threads, and if that means the TN sthread, then you do need to take a break.. I think this thread is safe!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Lisa,  I am sorry about the loss of your friends, that is definately hard.  But, I hope you stay, just read this thread only.  I always have plans to try to read the diet and exercise threads and then only get to read here and run out of time...  Anyway, you know I'm not on FB and I would miss you!

    Kim, I was wondering about compression garments for exercising.  I do not have LE, but I did get a compression garment and glove for flying (though I forgot to wear on way home, stupid chemo brain, luckily was okay).  The LMN seems to be on the fence about it for those of us "at-risk", but who haven't developed it.  I did start slowly though (the weight training specifically) and am building up slowly. And am aware of the symptoms.  So I have not been wearing it.

    Very tired this week, a little disappointing as I thought I would feel more energy by now.  Think I did not get enough sleep this weekend as Monday I was exhausted already.  Wed. I worked from home so caught up a bit...and speaking of I need to go to sleep now.  See, never enough time!

    Kiwimum, Happy Anniversary! 

    I also have the Wii fit and was going to try it this winter, but it's been so mild, it's been fine to walk outside.  And I like walking the best for exercise, and yes, Eema it does count!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone, just checking in.  So tired today, fell down the other day, asked on FB "can you dislocate a boob?" Oh I asked on the private FB page for the this  Anyway, I think the answer is yes, dislocated boob. Write that in your charts all my docs!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Not very much time this morning...son going on 8th grade trip to Nashville Tn..   I just had to say ...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Kiwimum!!  How wonderful..I hope you have a wonderful time together.  As for my feathered friends.. we are in an area of town where as some people have several acres and horses/chickens and then others have an acre or less. It is neat really ..we have an acre..but my neighbors behind have 7 acres. My new friends were sitting on my front porch I fed them some cat food!! Who knew peacocks would eat cat food?? I hope my neighbor didn't see me!!  LOL

    Sarah ...they are really pretty birds..I will have to take a picture of them . Have the most wonderful time in Scotland..that looks like the greenest place on earth to me ...looks like you could take a big breath of fresh air!! I can not wait to hear about that trip. We will head back to Chattanooga Tn. in a couple of weeks. YAY for that arm news!! Keep at it my friend!!

    Meegan... I will have to look again to see about your nodes...( seems like a funny thing to say) ..anyway..I am missing every last darn node on that side....did great for a long time...then got LE BUT...along with node removal..I also had rads. Just my opinion...but if you have had alot of nodes may want to protect that arm if you get into weight lifting.  Better safe than my case..I will always have the LE ..I just have to control it..but I still do push ups,weights, whatever I want really.

    OK is impossible for me to be brief I guess...I am sorry....I do have to say Lisa...I know what you are feeling. Being stage three for me can be scary all by itself...I do take much comfort in knowing there are lots and lots of stage three and four girls who live long long happy lives...I too can not go to the threads with bad puts my mind in places it should not be. You caught your cancer at such an early stage..very early..and you are not those girls. I will miss you if you go,but I understand needing to be in a healthy place.  I like to think of this group you girls started as a safe happy place to tell stories and laugh..which to me is healthy...and also difficult for my non cancer friends to understand??? I hope you know what I is so hard to type what is meant to be said with your heart...but I want you to know, I understand , and will miss your funny stories about your niece and nephew.

    I have to go...I would go on and on endlessly,

    Love to all and hope for a good day,


  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Thanks for the nice words.  I know I have a decent diagnosis, although with the aggressiveness of mine it is still high risk.  Mary, the one who died yesterday had a good diagnosis too.  No lymphnodes, great response to chemo, clear PET.  Three years later she died.  All 3 were "contemporaries" . . . none were stage iv when I first met them here.  It is just scary how quickly this stuff can grow.  I will check in every once in a while, but I think it will be good for me to not be here as much.  I am gradually moving away from cancer and this will encourage that.  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     I am back from taking the teenager...good Lord..."my shorts are too long...I don't want to take a OK I'm outa here.." Oh gosh I decide which battles to fight and laugh at the others.

    Lisa..I'm so glad you posted the entire way to school I was thinking about the words I typed...have said it a million times...wish we could all sit together and chat because THEN it is more clear the meaning. I know you have read of the losses recently ..but I do think/hope these cases are the rare ones.  I have to think that 5 years from now maybe we will come here and start a "the 40ish group where are they now" and we will have so much to celebrate..I believe that. You were here way before I consider myself new to this thread. I will send you a FB friend request you will not hurt my feelings if you do not accept as I know the moving on is also moving away from this board. It was for me..I was going to do it several times..and MOVE ON ...but I'm still here for now.  Soon though...not only for me but my family too  :-) 

    Even though you all do not "know" me..if you know what I mean...I feel as though you do...and I love you all. We are going to beat this crap!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     Hi all!

     Just a short one to say "Happy Anniversary" to Kiwimum and hubby - Kiwidad?!  Hope you have a lovely time. God, I remember the drains - vile things. 

     Kim - yes, we'd like to see a pic. of those peacocks! You seem to have an affinity with birds - I remember the wild turkeys from a few months back!

     Lisa  - if you feel you have to go and move away from BC, that's fine. We do have a nice group here though and we'd miss your tales and jokes. I always think that you only hear the bad stuff mostly on these forums  -  many, many women are fine and well and you have no idea about them as they are getting on with their lives. Sometimes, things on here are just too awful to take in, as they are on the breastcancercare uk one. I feel a whole mixed-bag of emotions with it all. Love to you, whatever you decide to do.  

     Sarah xxx