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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Been a crazy week at my house with the flu, so haven't been on since last week.

    First, Odie, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    Mamachick, hope everything is still going well for you!  Glad you made it on to check in with us. 

    Lisa, first I was laughing hysterically at your earlier story, then I had tears in my eyes at your more recent posts.  I totally understand your frustration and fear when dealing with the fact that some of us fighting bc, lose the battle.  It's so f*****g unfair!!!  There are no guarantees for any of us about how much time we have, so I say make the most of every day and enjoy every precious moment!  I find it's so hard to compare diagnoses, everyone's circumstances are so different!  The statistics can drive you insane! Anyways, I hope you stay on the thread, but if not  I am also on fb, Tracy NewBorn, if you'd like to keep in touch. Sooo sorry for what your going through! 

    Kim, amen! I hope we all kick cancer's a$$!  

    Happy Anniversary Kiwimum! Hope you and your DH have an awesomely romantic evening somewhere! ( I tried to find you on fb too! Your name came up but it only listed your Professional info and contacts.)

    Anyways, hope everyone else is getting ready to go green for St. Patrick's Day!!  I dont know about everywhere else, but here in Boston it is a big holiday!  I'm heading out tomorrow with some of my cousins to enjoy a pint or two :) 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Happy Anniversary Kiwimum!!! Hope you & hubby were able to enjoy some special time today.

    Kim - I thought you said it well but also wish we were all closer to sit & chat once in awhile.  Would love to see a picture of the peacocks.

    Tracy - You hit on my concern exactly. It doesn't seem to matter the stats as this is entirely a crapshoot. And at the end of the day, it is SO unfair!!! 

    Grandma is hanging in there and hubby is away on a guys golf getaway weekend so I plan to use this time to get some spring cleaning in. Since my surgery in September, I have been a bit remiss in clearing the clutter so I need to regain control. Will fortify myself with some cooked cabbage to honor St. Patricks Day...

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! TGIF...... 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi Girls,

    Tracy...glad to read you are feeling better...I have heard about you Boston area Irish!!  LOL just kidding!!  I am Polish  YAY ME!! But ...I am Irish on my moms side so .....have a drink for me be it green or not!!.... I will be wishing you all this Irish Blessing....

            May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light

             May good luck pursue you each morning and night!!   ( We are supposed to drink now!!)

    Cheers my friends ...HAPPY ST. Patrick's Day!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Odie...Hi ..I missed your post as I was typing.  My house is NOT clean...I too have been not a good cleaner

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Kim - My house is clean if you can look past the clutter....ha ha

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Kim, Cheers to that!  Everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day!!  Yes it can definitely get crazy around here! 

    I'll be sure to tip a green beer to all us ladies here and say your blessing :)

    Odie, I'm in the same boat as you.  It's been awhile since I've done some serious cleaning at my house.  I'll have to put cleaning on the schedule for the next nice day.  I love to open all the windows and blast my radio when I do my cleaning!  I have a double Journey cassette I love to listen to while I clean.  lol!  Can't get away from the 80's.  Glad to hear your Grandmother is doing well!

    Good night all! Have a Great St. Patrick's Day!! tracy

    (sorry edited for spelling, I know I don't use proper grammar when I post, but I hate when I misspell things. ugh! lol!)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Odie.. ...I wish I had just clutter...I need to do it all windows/carpet/bathrooms.....I do not know where to start!! LOL

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Hello to all!

    I hope I can also turn on some 80's music and clean some clutter out tomorrow.  I actually brought home some empty boxes from the office in hopes of cleaning out my closet and making some donations to the Salvation Army.  Not sure when I last cleaned my closet, maybe some clothing from the 80's in there, ok, maybe 90's.

    I had my pre op appt with PS today, will be having some tuning up (fat grafting small divet and axillary area) on Holy Thursday.  My sweet young PS noticed my weight loss, I think I love him, LOL.  He does not know how much he made my day.

    I have been dragging all week, I think it is the time change.  I am happy about the longer days. 

    Odie, glad you GM is doing better.

    Ok, one of you cooks needs to tell me how to cook some Irish cabbage.

    Kmur, I really do feel like I "know you", and you and the others feel like best friends!  True friends who "get it".

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Christine!  Me too!! So you are buff and how great is that your PS noticed..I think I love him too!!  LOL

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     You know I have been doing the Y thing and the Brazilian thing and my scale is going up...I asked my Y coordinator...." Could I be gaining muscle and that is why the scale is going up?".....she said....."many people who work out..reward themselves with food!!"...I said..."Oh, no that would not be me"  LOL

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    kmur, I am sure it is muscle!  Trust me, I am not buff!  I will however proudly say I have lost about 20lbs since chemo ended.  I heve done much better since I realized I LOVE food, but only splurge on great food.  About 2 years ago I decieded I needed to lose about 50lbs, lost 20 before I was diagnosed, now just 10-15 to go.  I bought some shorts today that are a size 10 (boxing up some 14 and 16's).  I asked PS about my saggy tummy (very low, about 2 inches below belly button), he told me he would do a mini tummy tuck for me, after all my recon is complete.  Thinking by then I may need a face lift, no hope for the butt.

    My DS is so sad tonight, came upstairs a few min ago just sobbing.  He is a huge Duke fan, DH got tickets for Sundays games.  Duke will not be there, he is heart broken. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012


     WOW..good for you..I know that takes time and work to lose weight..and will power too.  That would be great to have the tummy done and as for face..I would love to have mine fixed. When I was young,my skin had breakouts and left some scars. We shall see . Christine ..we are going to Chattanooga soon..I am going to look to see how far you and mamchick are from there..I may take a side road trip to see you all.  I will look first though.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     I looked and it is too I thought your neck of the woods was closer to Chattanooga. Well..this summer I plan to meet you all. I will bring my son and maybe have a couple days to spend. I am sorry your little guy is so disappointed. My son got his letter today about his first choice school..he did not get in nor did any of his classmates of which is super super he is for sure going to the all boys Catholic school next year.  Hope your guy will still be able to have fun at the game..not a big basketball fan,but here in Louisville they are obsessed with UK

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Happy St Patricks Day. We are off out in about an hour for our anniversary evening. We are going to a Japanese restaurant, followed by a play. We've not ever been to a play before - hopefully its good!

    Tracey, I just sent you a friend request on FB. I hope it was you. You were the only Tracey NewBorn who came up.

    Yay Christine losing weight! It always makes you feel so great when people notice.

    Gosh, the whole school thing is so stressful. We actually went to an Open Day at a school this morning. It's an amazing school with amazing facilities. It's also very expensive. We are still discussing whether we think it's right for our daughter/s. I think we might apply and see if we get in. We'll just have to cut down on a few things to fund it.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi Kiwimum,

    Have a wonderful time. I hope the play is wonderful. You will have to let us know. I just had sushi with my husband tonight..very fun.

    Good luck with your school choice. It seems to work out in the end,but can be time consuming and as you said expensive too. We will also adjust to make it happen.

    Hope your cold is all better..just about bedtime for me..been up since 5 the young man on a bus by 7am....

    I wake so often..are you still having hot flashes? Mine got better but are back now.

    Good night to you at ya soon  Smile

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Good night Kim. Yes, hot flushes continue to wake me at night too. I think they have improved and are less frequent during the day though.

    I'd better start getting dressed. Chat tomorrow ladies.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    I see everyone has been busy this week too.

    Blueyez - flu yuck, hope everyone is feeling better in your house.

    Mamachick - hope your recovery is still going well.

    Lisa - wishing you the best, whatever you decide.

    Kiwimum - happy anniversary.  Hubby and I were planning a 25th anniversary trip to New Zealand for this fall, not sure if I will still be able to go - may depend on travel insurance company and of course follow ups over next few months, but I hope so as it looks so beautiful there.

    Odie - glad to hear you are hang in.  Sending good wishes. My home needs a deeper cleaning too.  With doing rads in Jan/Feb it hasn't had a good dusting, etc. since my older girls were home at Christmas.  My sister would come do it, but she lives 2 hours away and has a lot on her plate so I hate to ask and am just living with it.  My husband is oblivious to dirt and mess.  Kim, I am with you.  Want to get back on track, but hardly know where to start.

    Going back to RO this Wednesday, hope to get okay to exercise more now that I have mostly healed.  Like to tone up again, amazing how when we don't for a couple of months all that post 4 baby flab seems to creep back.

    Took daughter away for a couple of days this week.  Nice to feel normal again.  Found a beautiful prom dress and shoes.  She is happy and so am I.

    Kim - sorry your son did not get first choice of schools.  My daughter has other acceptances to university, but is still waiting for a reply from her first choice.  Visited it this week too.  I know she will be disappointed if she doesn't get in.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Christine, awesome for you on the weight loss!!  I have a big crush on PS too!  He is great.  I remember when we were discussing options for my reconstruction he told me I didn't have enough belly fat for that type of reconstruction!  I wanted to kiss him! lol! or record it on my phone for a ringtone! LOL!

    For a good cabbage, if your not boiling it with the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage, cut the cabbage in half, then shred, put a little oil in a saute pan. I usually also add a shreaded onion and apple.  When the pan is warm add cabbage, onion and apple and toss.  After about 5 minutes, add your choice of either half a beer or about a 1/4 apple cider vinegar and  1/4 apple cider, put a lid on and cook down until cabbage is cooked thoroughly (usually 20 min).  Remove lid and let the liquid cook out, stirring frequently.  Do not let the cabbage burn on the pan, it will taste bad!! 

    Kiwimum, didn't get the fb request.  I'll try you again.  ( I'm Tracy Ann NewBorn  Stoughton, MA)  Enjoy your dinner and play!  Sounds like a great night out!  I love those Japanese grill restaurants where they grill in front of you.  So fun!   

    Also on the hot flashes, they too drive me crazy and wake me up many times during the night.  After this last sugery, I was having about 50 a day!  I was ready to rip my hair out!  They are finally back to a reasonable amount of 5 a day. 

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    bgirl, we must've been posting the same time.   Good luck at the RO this week.  I hope everything goes as you'd like and he gives you the go ahead to exercise.  I get to start after this weekend too and am so excited to be able to get out there and do something.  It's always such hard work to lose weight and get in shape and the results disappear way to easily!!  Prom, what a great time in a girls life!  Hope your daughter has a great time, it always starts with the right dress and shoes! 

    Christine, that cabbage recipe was for you!  I am a huge Duke fan too!  I keep telling my daughter I want her to go to Harvard or Duke! lol!  Might as well set the bar high!  Both my kids are so smart, but my son does not like school, I just pray he'll go to college.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

    May the road rise to meet you, 
    May the wind be always at your back, 
    May the sun shine warm upon your face, 
    May the rains fall soft upon your fields, 
    And, until we meet again, 
    May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     What lovely St. Patrick's Day verses!

     Well done, Christine, for weight loss and buffing-up! You deserve the compliments, I bet!

     Kim - sorry about your son and friends not getting into the school they wanted. I'm sure the one they'll go to will be fine. Say hello to your Zane for us!  A load or embarrassing cyber-mums/moms!

     Kiwimum - hope you enjoyed your anniversary dinner and play. I haven't been to the theatre for years. We've got a lovely new theatre/cinema/cafe place in my town (Neath), after the last Hall was set on fire and burnt to the ground.  Hopefully, will be able to visit it this year and get a dose of culture! 

     Odie, love to you and your Grandma and good luck with that Spring cleaning. Send some energy my way!

     Mother's day here tomorrow. Wonder if I'll get spoilt!?

     All the best, love Sarah xxx

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Hey faves!  It's been crazy here--so much to do to get ready for the work week after our fantastic Disney trip!  My go-to toast for you all:

    Here's to lying, cheating, stealing, and drinking.  When you lie, lie to save a friend.  When you cheat, cheat death.  When you steal, steal your lover's heart.  And when you drink, drink with me my friend.  :)  

    Happy mother's day, Sarah!

    Sorry about the school, Kim.  I went to an all-girls Catholic school.  My dad taught at an all boys high school in Manhattan.  Our son is in public school, but I really do believe that I gained so much by my experience.  Since his friends didn't get in either, maybe it will be great that they can go somewhere else together.  

    Tracy, I tried to find something to do for St. Pat's here today, but there was nada.  I guess everyone just goes down to Boston!  

    Hi to everyone else.  Must run...Dad visiting and I promised to make chicken parm for dinner...not exactly corned beef and cabbage, but it should be good!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Hi ladies... Just checking in... Get your GREEN on today... Happy St Patty's Day!!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Girls,

    Kiwimum...I hope you had a fabulous time.

    Bgirl....Thank you for your kind thoughts,and YAY for normal shopping and the prom....Lord...I DO remember the prom!  Lol  I bet she is beautiful! Good luck with the RO visit..and I know it is not fair with the weight gain etc..but you will get your MOjo  back.

    Tracy..I will have to try that cabbage. I have one for home made sauerkraut..we like to serve it on mets and brats... are always so kind ..thank has worked out for the best I think. I will tell him you said hi..he thinks it is neat I chat with you all..and has laughed with me when we get wound up sometimes!! LOL  VERY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, may you be spoilt rotten!! so glad you all had such a great took years for us to take our first vacation ..our son was 8 when he saw the ocean for the first time...those memories are very dear..will never forget the look on his face seeing the ocean. Thank you for your kind words as well..I know he will get a good education..the school he wanted to go to is du Pont Manual in is actually free,but the girl that did not get in is over the top smart so who knows what they are lookin for?? Have a wonderful time with your for food we had fish..not even close to proper St. Pats food..Lol

    Thought I would tell you ..I have not had my peacocks in my yard to take the I type this I can hear them plain as day!! They are too funny.  I found another little toast for you all profbee ...yours made me think of is not nice like yours though goes like this

                  Here's to you and here's to me, the best of friends will always be, but if we ever disagree, heck with you and here's to me!!   OH Gosh....sorry..

    I hope you all have had a great sat/sun

    Love to you all

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Hi Chicks!

    Kmur- also looked up Chattanoga, yes, long way from me. Remind me again how far you are from Asheville, NC?  Are you heading anywhere near the ocean this summer?  Working part time I have the time to drive and would so love to get together.  One of my new resolutions post cancer is to just do things.  When a friend askes me to have lunch, etc, I pick a date...not longer wait for a perfect time.

    Blueeyez, I am going to try the cabbage tomorrow!  I like to cook on Sundays.  This sounds fairly healthy too. 

    profbee, love the toast!  Welcome back from Disney, hope you have some good stories to share.

    Sara, Happy Mother's Day!  Have a restful and lazy day.

    Kiwi, hope you had a great date with you DH.  With your young girls, it is great you make time for the two of you.

    bgirl, shopping for prom dressing and getting ready for such a big event must be fun.  Guess I will have to wait until I have granddaughters for that.

    My son seems less sad today, realizes he will still see some good basketball, even if not Duke.  I am looking forward to them being gone all afternoon/evening.  I hope to finish cleaning my closet.  I already have 4 large boxes ready to be donated to someone.  I will be nice to be able to actually walk in the closet and find something.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Christine, I looked this up and I think I remember the distance to be about 360 miles? We are going to the beach in late may, but to the gulf. I had it in my mind that since we are going to Tn. That maybe I could somehow swing that in?? It is far for you which then made me think about halfway between chattanooga and Greensboro. We are going to Ten. During the week my next thought was perhaps this summer I could make a road trip with my teenage side kick..and drive to Asheville for an overnight Would love to get mamachick in the mix too. We will work something out. Since Ellen has not called me back yet. Lol. We may have to handle our get together ourselves.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Forgot. Happy mothers day Sarah!!!!!!!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Hi girls,

    Do you know I lurk all the time and don't have a second to say hi? Semester is over end of next month, then I will have time. Now I am preparing for the birth of my little hernia. Well, it only looks like I'm 4 months pregnant. While you ladies are traveling, why not come up here and help me after my operations:)?

    Love you all!!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited March 2012

    Happy Mother's Day to Sarah.  I hope you were spoiled to death.

    I have to say I have enjoyed my mini-break from BCO.  It is easier to not think about cancer when you are not here.  Going forward, I am going to try to limit my time here to just a few minutes on the weekend.  

    Is everyone else having summer weather now?  We went from winter to summer.  Mid 80s the last few days.  I hate it.  I love spring weather - mid 70s is heaven to me.  80s are hot.  And the pollen is out which is two bad things for me - sinus headaches and bees.  Ugh.

    So, judging by my grey roots, I have grown about another inch of hair since end of january.  Yippe.  It was starting to look almost normal for me for a a little while there, until the heat and humidity this week . . . chemo curl took over last last week.  Yikes!!  I am debating getting a keratin straightening treatment.  Have any of you tried those?  I had given some thought to them precancer but never did it.  Now I really could use it.

    Well, better run.  Off to take a long bath and start getting ready for the week.  My school is playing in the NCAA tourney tonight, so I will be watching that later.  Not usually a basketball fan, but we have done really well this year and it has been fun.

    I hope you all have a great week! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.

    Sarah - I hope you are being spoiled rotten today. Happy Mothers' Day! 

    Lisa - Glad you will still check in even if on a limited basis...We too are getting summer like weather and I don't like it either. I have always been a sunny & 70 kinda girl but now with the lovely heat of Tamoxifen, 60's are perfect for me. Anything above that is just too hot for me.

    Christine - Way to go on cleaning the closet! Great feeling of accomplishment when it is done, huh?

    I have done some serious decluttering myself this weekend. Didn't get it all done but put a serious dent in it. Unfortunately my Grandma passed away yesterday albeit peacefully. Now I am planning & packing for the long trip to say goodbye. May be sporadic this week but think of you ladies often....

    Hugs to all.......

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    First...just had to say I'm so sorry to read this about your grandmother odie please know you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. are you..and you know I would love to travel up your way and take care of you. Can you see Christine,mama chick and me cruising the highway?? We would be a sight....oh we would need a caddie like Thelma and louise. Lol. I hope you are feeling better.

    Lisa. too in the 80's. I think anyway. We went canoeing today. I smoked a Boston butt on the smoker and made potato salad and baked beans slaw and a cake. We had company so that was fun. And oh my gosh the birds are singing like crazy. We have a screened porch and I am sitting out right now.

    I do like summer,but like you all I get so darn hot now....feel like an old lady. Lol. I did have me a drink this evening. Have you all ever had the Arnold Palmer lemonade tea???? I like it but it is even better with a splash of vodka

    Forgive me if my post looks goofy. ( it is not the drink) lol. I am on the tablet again. Do not like that thing!!

    Hope everyone is well