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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Proof. I wonder if it has something to do with where the boxes are. Report and post are next to each other?? Do you have to press this report more than once does anyone know??

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I know sometimes as the page is thinking (right after I post) I attempt to scroll up and the page jumps... I think its possible for someone to inadvertently hit the Report this Post button and not even know it.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    welcome lana, sorry you have to be here but this is a great place to come.  everyone here is great.  Good for you for not waiting,  that was definitely the hardest part sometimes!  Best of luck with everything to come.  We'll be routing for you all the way :)

    ugh, computers are great but can be so frustrating!  glad they at least straightened it out quick for you profbee!

    christine, awesome about the house cleaning and shopping!  i love finding a great new outfit!  my son and i both suffer from allergies this time of year too. ugh. 

    kim, totally love gardening!  if i were you i'd trim the trees, weed then cut the grass. cutting the grass last will help clean up any left over weeds or leaves.  hope you got out and got your hands dirty!  lol!  nothing like digging in the dirt ;)

    started walking again this week. made it out two days so far this week.  planning on tomorrow too. the weather has been so nice!  struggling with the food too.  i've been on a sweet and salty kick and the scale is not being kind!  only doing half the walk i did before surgery but hopefully will be back to 3 miles soon. 

    have a great night everyone!  tracy

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Brief visit to cancerland today.  3 month follow-up all good!  Great to be on the road to normal.  Got okay to exercise more as I am able.  Showed my RO shoes I bought to celebrate being done rads, she thought they were great.  Weather warm so I was able to wear spring shoes for the first time, but still probably looked a little crazy, but what the heck!

    Eema - an hour from Canada, maybe I could swim across Lake Ontario as I live on the north shore!  Was in Buffalo/Niagara Falls last week when I went shopping with my daughter.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Welcome Lana...there were definite benefits to no hair...I got ready for work real fast!  I worked through treatment, but honestly now, stepping back and reviewing my work....I wasn't all there brain wise.  Write things down more than you are used to, ask people to email you - even in your office - so you can carefully go through things.  It's the remembering part that was most difficult.  I had chemo on Mondays, took Emend for the stomach - it was great - and actually felt okay the next two days, the fourth day kicked my butt each time and each time was weakest feeling was about 12 days later, but tolerable at work.  I did sometimes turn my chair around and cat nap for five minutes or so.

    The first time I took a "cat nap" I turned my chair around and reclined in it just a bit.  I had my eyes closed but I wasn't asleep.  One of the foremen had come in and passed my office and went to the receptionist asking if I was ok.  Next thing I hear is all the scurrying of foot steps to my door and the whispers wondering if I was ok.  I had to turn my chair around to prove it!!  

    Good luck with treatment, let us know how you are.

    Funny fact - I"ve NEVER noticed the post a reply button!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi All,

    Prof...happy it is worked out.. I will be the first to say the tablet is so easy to barely brush and poof it reacts   so mods...just in case I hit that would have been completely by accident and does anyone know if you hit report..does it then give you a chance to say "do you really want to report" if so I have never seen this, but because my nature is to feel guilty( must be the Catholic in me) I will say ..if I have hit that instaead of post ..sorry ..I have never found anyone here to be offensive or even difficult.....

    Ok ...Tarcy..huge garderner here too..I just started tomato/cucmber seeds..have done this for years..I will be planning new flower beds this year as we moved to this house and six months ( about) later..I came down with cancer! I still can not believe that.

    Bgirl..YAY for the good report!

    Yesterday...I traveled back to what I would call home-home. The place in the 80's where I went to high school to my friends fathers funeral. Good to see everyone but sad at the same time.  My friend said to me ...I think I want to be creamated...I said  "ok , I know this will sound crazy" but with this whole cancer thing..I have thought about death or what happens next and I think God/or whomever..(is that correct grammer) is not finished with us yet so I do not know why..but I want to be in one piece just in case dust to dust means dust and on to a new body...maybe a really good one this time  LOL...I'm sorry for the odd humor..too hard to be serious and kind of boring for me...she said "Hummm....we need to talk more about this..." Good grief what is wrong with me???? are so funny ..I am trying to imagine the discussion with the work mates..prior to checking on you...I am laughing here while thinking about what they must have said to each other....I still get very sleepy in the afternoon if I sit down..feels like an 80 year old snuck hold of my body sometimes!!

    Have a good day everyone.... 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      OOps ...I mean Tracy not Tarcy...need my glasses  LOL

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Eema... I am currently in Canton, NY.. Is that near you? I see signs for a bridge to Canada, so I know I am way north... looking at colleges with my son, seeing ALL of upstate NY.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Hmmm, not far? Not sure, I'm in Rochester. We've been here 4 years and I havent gotten out much:)

    Where are you looking ?

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Hello All, it's been crazy, I can't believe I haven't been on in a week.  And I have to run now, so just quickly popping in to say hello.

    Odie, sorry about your grandmother, glad it was peaceful.

    Profbee - I want to hear more about your trip to Disney?  How did you like Cornodo Springs? the character bfast/lunch/dinners?

    Lana, welcome and hopefully we can help you through this.

    Kim, on your way up to near Canada, you can pick up me and Betsy in NJ, then we will go visit Eema.

  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    PET results clear -- WOOHOO - celebration time!!!!! Also first A/C treatment yesterday and so far so good. Didn't go to sleep until 5 a.m. because of being hyped up on the steroids, woke up at 7:45 a.m. a little queasy but got through it. And now I'm at work doing pretty good. Whatever the chemo does to me now, I'm just glad that they have chemo for those of us who need it!!!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Eema.. We were looking at St Lawrence... we started with Hobart, then Colgate and Hamilton.. then St Lawrence... tomorrow Skidmore and Union and then home.. That's our NY tour... Our CT/MA tour will be in the summer.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    I had my "graduation" from my LivingStong class yesterday, I can't believe it's been 12 weeks already!  It was very nice, it was both the M/W and the T/TH class, plus they invite past grads to come, so maybe around 40 people.  There was food and drink and maybe 6 tables with tablecloths and everything.  They play pomp and circumstance and hand out nice certificates.  They were two people there from the first class, 5 years ago.  One was an older man and he got up and sang to us, it was very sweet!  Unfortunately this now means that (a) I have to try to continue this on my own and (b) have to go back to commuting 4 days a week.  I'm not sure I'm ready, it's been nice to sleep in a little on Mondays...

    Continuing with exercise, I've been very good about my "recovery" goal of walking 3 miles 4xweek.  Most days I have been doing 4+ miles and since the weather has been so nice, I've been able to get a 5th walk in for the past few weeks. That is one thing commuting will help with as I do 3 miles easy just going to and from work + walking around the office to get water, etc.

    Does anyone go to a Gilda's club?  Several people in my class go there as well, I think for support group, a LeBed class and I'm not sure what else.  Like others, I'm trying to get away a little from "cancerland", so doubt I will make it there (plus most things are during the day).

    Lana - Hooray for clean PET scan and 1/4 thru A/C is great!  I think you will find that most people find the Taxol part easier than the A/C part.  Just keep taking your anti-nausua meds, hopefully you have Emend or something similiar?

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Yeah Lana!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got all my chemo in one afternoon each time. And whatever they pumped me up with before knocked me plum out. 

    Thinking back to that time, I can tell you I lived gracefully - that's the best word I can use.  Everything was gentle and slow - but I didn't have kids in the house.  My DD is 21 right now.  But keep as calm as you can, breathe deeply, and expect it to get worse before it gets better, that way if it doesn't it's all good, and if it does, well, it was expected.

    The insomniac board was hoping when I was in treatment....spent many a night talking with ladies from Australia! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Hi Everyone,

    Lana Yippee...for clean scans..and I'm with you on the I don't need sleep..well I did ..I just couldn' steroids do that to some. Hope you continue to feel good. One lesson I learned is to not eat your favorite food on chemo days..someone may have said that ??

    Meegan..I betcha we can swing up and pick you and Betsy up on the way...what kind of trouble would we find??? I will be going to Gildas next week. I am actually helping to cook for a group of about 60?? ( I think) I will take a tour and let you know what I find out if you want?? I'm like you though ..I am getting ready to move on from cancerland too. I want to go to Life is good land!! Your walking is awesome!!

    Today..I actually  went shopping and bought some cute little summer dresses..I could not wear them before because my old boobs were ..well..not where they used to be!!  LOL  So good shoes though!! LOL

    Hope you all are having a good day

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Lana - glad to hear you got through the first step. Wishing you some sleep soon.  Not steroids, but tamoxifen that has done the insomnia thing for me.

    Kim - yeah for cute dresses and summer shoes!  You should find some to match your dresses.  Get the cancerland thing.  Woman I met in my treatment support group wanted me to go to alumni group and I said no thanks.  Happy to meet her for coffee and a chat, but don't want to go to meetings at cancer support centre. Ready to get my life back.

    Hope people don't mind if I post about my day, try to be positive but it has been hard today.  This would have been our son's 19th birthday.  We lost him as an infant, so it has been a long time, but I have been very weepy today.  Not normally this way and it has been many years since I have been this bad.  Emotional overload I guess.  Thought perhaps you ladies would understand.  It helps just to acknowledge how I am feeling.

    On a more positive note my daughter got the big envelope from her first choice university and is so excited.

    Hope everyone had a good week

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Jane I'm sending hugs to you. Can't imagine.....

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    Jane:  I'm sure this is a very hard day for you - remember that we are thinking of you.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Lana, awesome for your clean scans!!  It can be so nerve racking but glad you got through with the best results!

    Jane, thinking of you and your son.  What a terrible tragedy! Give yourself a break and cry, cry, cry!  I had both a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy before I had my kids.  It was so hard and took such a toll on me, I can't imagine losing a child.  My thoughts and prayers are with you!  wish I could send a hug through the computer, just know I'd love to give you a big squeeze!  ((((<3)))))

    Meegan, great job with the working out!  Keep up the walking and keep posting!  I don't know about everyone else, but it sure helps me get my but in gear when I see everyone else is doing so good!  lol! 

    Kim, totally know what you mean about the old boobs fitting in nice clothes. I went out last week and picked up some adorable tank tops that I never would've been able to wear before! Now the girls are perky and I don't even need a bra! love it!

    I did only 3 walks this week.  Had a hair appointment early Friday that messed up my schedule some and I never got to get in the walk.  Hoping to get a nice hike in with the kids this morning. It's usually lots of fun but definitely not up to "exercising pace"  but as long as I'm out there.  

    Going dancing with a group of friends tonight!  Can't wait! It's been ages since I went dancing. I totally love to dance and after my bc diagnosis, I told my DH as soon as I'm healed enough to shimmy and shake, you are taking me dancing again!  lol!   

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!  have a great day! tracy

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I am getting dressed up tonight too... Headed to Lincoln Center in NYC to hear a pianist (also BC survivor)

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Dinner with friends tonight, not as exciting as dancing or New York, but double dates are always good!

    Have a wonderful eveing everyone! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Betsy, Gina and Tracey. I hope you all had great nights out! Life is moving on and I hope "cancer land" is getting further away for you!

    Hugs to you Jan.

    Kim, I'm sure you look great in your summer dresses. With your new boobs and your "Brazilian" butt you will be rockin those dresses!!

    It's Sunday night here, back to work for me in the morning. We had a big flood in our office on Friday night and I got called in at 11.30pm. We ended up with 3 fire trucks and all sorts of people on site. When I tried to call the building owner to get things sorted, as it was his responsibility as it was a building fault, he flew off the handle. He swore and yelled at me on the phone for 10 minutes, until I couldn't take it any longer and just hung up. What an arse!!

    At the time I was angry. By the time I got home I was stressed and didn't sleep at all. I've spent the whole weekend stressing - whilst mad at myself for letting him upset me like this. What a lunatic! I dread having to deal with him tomorrow. Deep breathes will be required!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Ladies,

    Jane, I hope today finds you feeling better.

    I hope all you party girls had a great time..dinner and dancing and trips to NYC...would love to see you all shined up in your party clothing!!

    Kiwimum....  I hope today is better...we say ass , but arse works for me!!  LOL Oh and a few other names!! I don't understand people sometimes.

    Yesterday,my cooking mojo was in full swing so put two chickens on the smoker, I made bagels in the bread machine ( they turned out really good ) and I made some more rolls for Gildas club dinner ..OH ...I also made collard greens and roasted sweet potatoes. I had never made collards before but gosh they were good. I am doing well on my new diet despite what I just wrote though. I have lost almost 3 pounds reducing carbs and eating very lean protein. Just added my veggies back in the mix and Sat. are my day off ( within reason ) .

    Hope you all are doing well!!!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Oh Kiwi, you should have handed the phone to one of the firefighters, he was lucky you were there to lock up and stuff.....Deep breath, what a horses ass he was to you! Good luck.

    Kim the food sounds delicious!  My DH just made breakfast with egg whites, peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, and hominy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hominy is so good with eggs. Weird. 

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Gina and Kim, now I am thoroughly hungry! lol!  Everything sounds great, wish the US wasn't so big sometimes.  Maybe I'll make some nice bread today.  Love the smell of baking bread. yummy.

    Kiwi, ugh!  That is the worst feeling having some jackass yell at you! ugh! hopefully karma paid him back with a case of diarrhea! lol!  Hopefully everything goes well for you on Monday. 

    I had such a great time out last night dancing!   I was out shaking everything I got on the dance floor and it felt great!  So much fun.  I have to tell you we were worried about getting there and feeling either too old or too young, but we were right in the middle.  Older people early then towards the end it was filling up with some younger people, but it was awesome.  I forgot how much I love to dance and will definitely be going again soon. And I didn't think of cancer once! life does move on. yeah!

    Anyways have a great Sunday everyone! (Monday for you Kiwi)  Enjoy!  tracy

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Betsy,  meant to ask how your night went?  Hope you had a great time! I love NYC! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    I had a great time.. Had Mexican dinner across the street from Lincoln Center and then attended a pianist concert.. It was a benefit for BC.. the pianist is a BC survivor and doanted all proceeds from the evening. Its been a long time since I've been to Lincoln Center at night... very magical place.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    staying awake at my desk today is going to be a

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Thanks to all for your hugs on Friday.  It helped to know others get it.  I guess to many months of keeping a lot in for the benefit of my kids and family.  Guess it was time to let some of the emotion out.  Felt much better on Saturday.

    DH and I too did some dancing at our black tie gala.  Fundraiser for dogs who help people with visual disabilities as well as children with epilepsy and autism.  They brought in one of the small puppies that was being house-broken by a foster family.  It was so adorable.  Also a dog at the end of its training who was quite amazing with his skill.   It was fun to dress up.  Only slow dancing so far as ribs a bit inflamed from rads.  Going to another fun weekend in June, hope to be able to dance up a storm then.

    Glad to hear everyone had some fun this weekend.

    Kiwimum - hope your Monday was better.  Unfortunately there are a lot of idiots in the world.  I am sure fire people appreciated that you were calm and reasonable.

    New week. New start.  Hope to exercise today.  Finish my bookkeeping and year-end so I can take paperwork to accountant to do taxes for our business.  And hopefully do a bit of heavier cleaning.  Maybe not all at once, but a least start with one room. Moving forward.

    Need to look for a recipe for braised beef ribs.  Friend who has organic beef farm gave us some and I need to use them up.  All your talk of cooking this weekend has inspired me.

  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Back to the office today...weak but not sick anymore. Friday and Saturday were pretty dismal. But ready to enjoy my week and a half before next treatment!