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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    well, I almost have the closet completely cleaned out!  So, I went out shopping (I needed the break and my guys are at the basketball games).  I found 2 dresses, I think the last time I wore a dress was 2004 when my brother got married!  Then I decieded to look for some shoes to go with the dresses and scored 2 pairs, what a great day! 

    I am liking the warmer weather although everone is the house is coughing and sneezing from allergies. 

    Kmur, just pictured all of us in the caddie on our way to help  Emma with the new baby (hernia), love your humor.  Lets stop at your house on the way for one of your yummy dinners and a drink!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Ok. ...sounds like a plan. I would love,love to cook for you all! Just struck me funny...all of us on a road trip...I would come though eema. I may get run over up north though...I am pokey. Yay for shoes and dresses. Sounds like the best day. Hope your guys enjoyed the games.

    I was just out walking in the yard with my husband and we were looking at all the hostas and day lilies We may do some remodeling and stay in this house.

    I have such a hard time cleaning these days. I swear I believe I am ADD now. I flit around in one room which then leads me to the next room never getting the fist thing done. I have to stop myself and say focus you all do this?

    BTW....eema I think you should make a road trip down south...Lord knows what kind of trouble we could get into!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Going down south would be fun, too, but i still has two surgeries ahead of me between May and September. I say I'm the one being cut, you come down here!

    And happy mothers day, Sarah!

    Today was an 'awesome' day, according to my 6 year old. He had two play dates and got to go to the Christmas Tree Shop and then dig in the dirt. Me and three little helpers happy to get their hands in the soil and on some gardening tools! Since this is the jest year we are here we are not pulling anything up, but clover is clover. Trying to get the guys not yo step on the budding tulips and hyacinth was fun!

    I'm just so glad my boy had a great weekend ! Finally! I asked him what he learned this weekend, and he said, "that Boy X (who lived on the corner, three houses down) is really my friend!

    OMG, I went a whole post and never ONCE mentioned Cancerland !

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    I am so happy eema. Digging in the dirt is the best. I will tell my husband that I will be taking a road trip to the carolinas then on up to NYC. I will tell him my assistance is needed with the birth of a hernia. I know that is not really funny but yes, you are right it is impolite for us to make you travel. I wonder how many days it would take me to get there. I had trouble getting on the correct entrance ramp the other day with a gps....

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Eema.. where are you?

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    And one of the moms didn't want her kid digging in the dirt. Really? I put him in my boy's gardening clothes and it was all good!

    NYC is fun, but I'm 5 and a half hours north of NYC:). An hour from Canada! I really don't expect anyone but my parents to come for the birth or the new booby. But it would be fun. More fun though if I wasn't recovering from surgery, right? We could do more stuff and get into more trouble;)!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited March 2012

    Eema, wow, that is far away!  Glad to hear it is warming up, nothing better than dirt for little boys.So when is your hernia surgery?  If we can't be there, we can at least be with you in spirit.  Proud of you, not mentioning the "C" word.  Occasionally I do have a few hours that I don't think about it.  Hopefully this gets better with time too.

    Kmur, everytime I read your posts, I think we must have been good friends in a former life.  I can get lost in my own neighborhood!  It could take us weeks to get somewhere.  Please start baking snacks for the trip.  Oh, and yes, I am also now ADD, takes me days to get anything done.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Thank goodness!!! I thought it may just be be with ADD!! And if I am the one driving it really is uncertain how long a trip to eema may take....I'm thinking we would need more than snacks. Lol.

    I feel the same about you too funny to have that through this means but I do too

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited March 2012

    Hi ladies

    Eema, Consider me there in a virtual sense to help you recover from surgery.

    Kim, save me a seat in the car for the road trip. I'll bring Brad Pitt and vodka for your Arnold Palmer iced tea.

    Sarah, I hope you had a nice mothers day. Mothers Day isn't until May in NZ.

    Christine, go you good thing shopping up a storm!!

    Odie, I'll be thinking of you "farewelling" your grandmother. Safe travels.

    We had a lovely anniversary. Yummy Japanese food, then onto the play. It was set in the 80s, and an all girl cast. Needless to the music took me back.

    I'm in Wellington today for work. It's an hour flight from Auckland. This morning I got all the way to the airport and realized I'd forgotten my LE compression sleeve. What a pain!! My DH had to do a mercy dash from home to meet me halfway and bring it to me. I raced back to the airport and arrived 10 mins before departure time to find the flight had closed and they wouldn't let me on! I begged and pleaded, begged and pleaded again and they took pity on me and told me to "run". I was a sight running thru the airport but was grateful to make the flight. I'm back in Wellington again on Friday so better remember my sleeve this time!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi happyyouhad a great time. Was thinking of you today. 80's music...those were the days. I used to love so many of those songs. I'm glad you made your flight....not fun to be so rushed and all. And as for joining us on our road trip to ( apparently) to hop on in...oh gosh I am trying to imagine us all...smiling!!

    Eema..I had no idea you were that far north. Holy cow....we really need you to move south...then we could all make our trip to see kiwimum...then off to sarahs

    Good night all you girls. Love to all

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Good Morning....

    I had to share a funny story.....I woke this am at 5 could not sleep so had enough coffe to probably make ones heart explode lol. ...anyway on the way to school we are backing out of the driveway and the teenager turns the radio on. AND...the song "I got the power " comes on...I love that song so I was car you all do that??? Anyway my son says " mom,please while smiling...." the best part is when they say "it's gettin kinda hectic". Then we put in the bob marley cd and I really thought of you girls. SO....thought I would put this on your mind.....

    Rise up this mornin ....smiled with the risin sun....three little birds....pitch by my doorstep...singin sweet songs...of melodies pure and true....sayin this is my message to you-ou- ou........

    SINGIN.....DON'T WORRY........

    Enough from me...I hope today finds you not worried and smilin

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2012

    I have a car dancing story:  I have a Suburban but sometimes my DD's 94 Oldsmobile something or other (it's name is "Goldie") is in the driveway behind me so I take her car to get my first two DDs to school.  Of course my 20 year old has a jammin CD in (I listen only to AirOne in my Suburban) and my 14 year old and I start "car dancing" while my 11 year old just laughs at us from the back.  At their school the line is always LONG and SLOW to drop them off so we're jammin for a bit, then I drop them off.  When I pick them up after school my 14 year old tells me that when they got out of the car that morning, one of her best friends was right behind us and when she saw my DD get out of the car she proceeded to tell her that they had been making fun of the "crazy dancing people" in front of them.  Of course they didn't recognize us because we were in "Goldie."  We laughed so hard and I told her that life is too short not to have fun!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Sometimes the 6 year old asks me to turn down the music because it is too loud, or tells me my Eminem is inappropriate.  Kim, this is what you have to look forward to sending your kid to a religous private school!  ;)

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Eema LOL! My DD graduated from an all girls religious school, and let's just hope your daughter KEEPS thinking things are inappropriate!  So cute!  I wonder how long a drive from my house to yours....I'm two hours north of Mexico.

    I don't dance in the car as much as I sing, like I'm on stage or something.  Really funny at stoplights when you turn your head and the people in the next car are cracking up.

    Have a wonderful day ladies! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    But the funnier part is he is my son, not my daughter:). We only have one, and yesterday I realized he is at risk of becoming a nerd if I don't get some playmates in here right away. The little boy on the corner, a child of 6, came to play. He and my DS have been friends since they were in diapers, but we just moved to his block. They were playing and DS kept coming in to "tell me something cool". His playmate did a 6 year old eye roll each time. Finally I said to my boy, "sweety, your friend his here. Tell him!". He only got it later, after the boy was gone, that THAT is what a playdate is supposed to be. He never realized that I don't have to be involved w the games he plays since I am usually his only playmate.

    Yeah, from Mexico to Canada would be quite a jog, sagina!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    My apologies for my short, very short attention span post chemo...I used to be so smart....but how much cuter for a little darling boy to say that about the music!  Don't worry, it wears off either way.  My DD is an only child too, went off to college and had such a terrible time learning to room with someone.....have many sleepovers for him later. lol.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Achpurple....I love that story....if I were car dancing anywhere ( say within 1/4) mile of school...I really do think my son would have a stroke because someone may see me!!!! Lol son has spent his entire life hanging with us. He loves music u2,lenny kravitz,loves seal, I do like some eminem songs,but I have to listen to the edited version so every two seconds there is a missing word. Lol. I like the song hi my name is.....I am not right!!! Lol

    Gina....that would be the longest trip ever!! But someday I am going to come your way. I have Texas blood so ....I may not want to come back home!!!! And I would love to be the car next to you when you are singing. I would have to ask what you are listening to. Lol!!!!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited March 2012

     That would be one long road-trip, girls!  I love your US road trips in TV, movies etc - UK is far too small for that kind of caper!  Thanks for all the Mother's Day wishes - I did have a lovely big bunch of beautiful pink tulips, my fave. Lindt choccies (Lindor balls - very addictive!) and a card with cute hedgehogs on it - so it was very nice. Wasn't exactly spoilt as Dan had an English report which took 6 hours, so a bit stressful as he has to be practically glued to the chair to do it!

      So sorry to hear about your Grandma's passing, odie. Love to you and your family.

     Lots of love to you all, Sarah xxx

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Sarah, just to get out of Texas from where I'm at is a long road trip.  From here going west it's a nine our drive to get to the next state. Going straight up north from here its about 6 hours to get to the next one....

    Odie so sorry I missed the post about your grandmother.  Sending prayers your way.

    Kim I'm usually singing with the voices in my head! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited March 2012

    Thank you ladies for the kind words. I am sad but take comfort that she could go with peace & dignity.

    Have to chime in on the car dancing & singing. I am SO bad about that....Can do a mean Kelly Clarkson myself... 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Odie, so sorry about your grandmother.  It's such a special relationship.  ((hugs))

    Eema...Jack's our only child too (after 3 miscarriages--don't get me started).  He too doesn't get it sometimes.  Since school started, he comes home every day saying he planned a playdate with someone on the bus.  We're like PARENTS plan playdates, not little boys!  

    Running a fever since last night.  Hubby had what he described as allergies, but now I guess it must be a virus b/c I've got it.  Blerg.  I need to travel for work on thursday too.  I hope I'm better by then!  It's always something, isn't it?  Damned planes...germ factories.  

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Prof, are you coming to ROC for MLA???

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Odie, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother's passing, but thankfully it sounds like she went peacefully. 

    Sara, Happy Belated Mother's Day!!  Sounds like a nice day with the family.  Doing school projects can be so hectic, but I think it's a memory that usually sticks with the kids. 

    Kiwimum, your anniversary sounds like a blast!  I hate it when I'm running crazy when I have to be somewhere, glad you made the plane! 

    profBee, Hope you feel better soon!  The flu ran through my house last week and it was not fun.  Rest as much as you can and take your vitamins.  AirBorne tastes gross, but I usually use it before I get on a plane.  I'm with you , big germ factories!!

    Road Trip!!  Can you imagine us all chugging along Rte. 66 blasting the tunes!  I'd love to drive cross country.

    Ladies, had to laugh at the "play date" stories!  My kids are 4th grade and 5th and I mistakenly said we were having a "play date" and they were horrified!  "Mum, we don't have play dates!  We hang out!"   lol!  They grow up so fast!  enjoy them while they are young!  I remember when they were younger I would wish their little lives away getting to the next step (ie  off formula, out of diapers, sleeping through the night, etc.)  After bc, I want to slam on the brakes and enjoy them! Thankfully they still want to hang out with me!  In a few more years, they'll be off doing their own thing.  Where does the time go??? 

    I have been blasting my 80's music since Saturday kicking butt on the housecledaning!! I crank it loud so I can sign along (I have to have it loud to drown out my voice, lol!  I wish I were a Rock Star! )   I have cleaned out every drawer in my kitchen, cleaned the hutch in my dining room, cleaned my coat closed, my kids dressers and my dresser and swapped out for spring clothes!  I am exhausted.

    Sorry to babble on! Have a great night and  love to you all! tracy

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Eem...if I was, you'd be my first call!  Nah, I'm going to St. Louis for Cs.  (Conference on College Composition and Communication)  Thankfully, I'm just a tourist this trip--no presenting!  It will be great to see all my old grad school buddies and especially my mentor and dearest friend, Kate.  I always say that seeing them is good for the soul. 

    "hanging out"...too cute, Tracy.  I had to run up to Old Navy to get Jack more jeans--apparently sweat pants aren't cool.  oy.  There's a kid up the block who is a bit tough and hasn't been the nicest to Jack, and he's "cool," y'know?  So, Jack is like dressing to impress!  Lordy, I can't take this for the next 12 years.  

    Speaking of "lordy" dad is visiting with us so he can be home with Jack on Thursday night while Larry teaches and I'm in St. Louis.  Every other word out of Dad's mouth is "God Almighty."  Now Jack is saying it.  Great.  He's also taught him the "Farty Marty" song.  Gotta love him, but I think a babysitter may have been "cheaper" in many ways!

    I'm going to down another emergen-c, and hit the hay!  Goodnight everyone!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2012

    Have a great time, prof! Wish i were going, I teach comp and could use some help!

    Odie, sorry about your grandma. I had both mine till I was 39. I hope happy memories can help you heal.

    Sooo tired, but really enjoying two of my classes this semester. The good news is it will be over soon.

    Dr changed my med for BP after I had an allergic reaction to the last one. Never had to take BP pills before cancer.

    Need some icecream therapy!


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    Hi All,

    Sarah..glad you had a good day..aside from homeworkFrown

    Prof and son is an only child too also miscarriage so happy to have my young man though..we have been buddies always....Hope you feel better prof and eema hope you got your ice cream

    I am starting a new lean protein diet carbs!! I would like to lost about 8 pounds...saw my BS yesterday and she asked about my weight gain...I know some is muscle as I have really been working out,some is also water weight with the drug I am on....but the other is probably those darn fritters!! So time to get serious?? She also asked me about is a buzz about this drug and me and the ONC are going to address again in 4 months!!

    Odie..glad you got through the tiring these things. I am heading to Ohio in the morning for a visitation/funeral. My best friend lost her dad this weekend ( abdominal aortic aneurysm) very sudden no will be a long day tomorrow.

    Love to you all... enjoy the weather ..

     Gina...I forgot..Hope you did ok with the weather down your way..and I never really thought about it taking all day to get outa Texas!!

  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Hi ladies! I haven't read all the through this thread but I'm so glad it's still active. I consider myself a survivor, although I haven't even started chemo. I start tomorrow, and get my PET results all at the same time (I'm trying not to even think about that). I was diagnosed Feb. 9 and had bilateral MX on Feb. 13 (my choice - yeah, I didn't waste any time; didn't need time to sit home and think and worry). I am in northern Mississippi. I am 38, married, with two boys, ages 16 and 9 (the 9 year old is so funny - he says "Mom, I'm really sad that you're sick but I think it will be kind of cool when your hair comes out - HA, only a boy LOL). I have two other "children" (my cats, Toby and Scruffy, that I love dearly). Scruffy is my nurse - he won't leave my side, or my lap if I'm sitting. I'm a paralegal and went back to work about three weeks after my surgery. I'm hoping I can work through treatments. My employers are wonderfully understanding and have just told me to come to work when I can and work as long as I want, and if I don't feel like it, stay home. We LOVE to travel - my favorite place in the world is Disney World - I just become a five year old again when I get there. The treatment plan is 4 AC/4 Taxol plus radiation (not sure how many - I think they told me but I forgot - oops can't blame it on chemo brain yet), then five years of Tamoxifen and five years of Femara. Again, all that is based on a clear PET scan, which both my surgeon and my onc believe will be (I don't know what they're going by, but I figure they know more about it than me, so I'm choosing to believe they're right). It's good to find this thread of ladies my age, so great to meet you all.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

     Hi Guys,

    Tracy I forgot to say way to go with your cleaning..I did well to kind of pull the covers around to appear that the bed was made!!  Lol  Oh, and then I had some ADD moments outside..trying to I trim the trees/cut the grass or pull the weeds!!  Please help me!! LOl

    Welcome to the group Lana...sorry you have to be here,but this group of ladies is the best..I know you will just be starting but if you should need to ask a question..I would bet someone here could help. I would be happy to celebrate with you when you reach the end. The most important thing to know IS it is all doable and I notice you and I have the same diagnosis..I did Taxotere,but some of the girls did be honest ..I'm not sure of the difference?? Anyway..I know not the most fun thing to do,but you will get through all of themSmile  SO...welcome

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    So, I just got an email saying that I misused the site and the mods are blocking my reporting and only allowing me to send a handful of PMs.  It has to be an error.  Any idea what to do?

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited March 2012

    Wow...they already fixed it!  I LOVE our mods!!!  What a tough job!