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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

    mmm Kim that does sound good! I think I might sub quinoa for the couscous, and I cook in a both called "NO chicken broth" really I do.....tastes like chicken broth somehow! I think the brand is Imagine.

    So in all the talk over the last year about hearing you all buy stuff at Trader Joes - I think we have one coming now! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012

      Oh Gina, I hope you like Traders...they make some really good salad dressings and that is where I get the whole wheat couscous...they do have quinoa too.  Do you have costco down there?  The quinoa there is much cheaper than the grocery.  I would say our traders is a small one smaller than Whole Foods....better prices though.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2012

    Mmmmm, Kim that fish does sound good!  So does the chocolate chip cookies and dough :)  I can never resist eating the dough.  Between me and the kids we are always down at least 2 cookies from eating dough. lol.  I always chill my dough and use ice cream scoops to make cookies.  It's so much easier for consistant cooking, especially when the kids are helping.  

    I have to try Trader Joe's?  Are they mostly organic?  Or just lots of natural healthy products?  We have one a few towns over but I've never been.  I tried making quinoa once, not very successful.  I'll have to give it another try. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Tracy, yeah the make your own meals places were actually more like prepare your own meals as you didn't actually do the cooking there.  For the most part, you would pre-order like 12 meals and there were "stations" set up, each for a different dish with all the needed ingrediants all pre-chopped, etc.  Depending on the dish, you would just put it together and then you bring all 12 meals home and freeze them to use.  I would usually be there 2 hours, chatting the whole time with a friend, it was quick and a great way to feed my family fresher food than I was at the time, sigh I really miss it as we are not cooks...

    I have only taken baby steps for on diet, we added flaxseed and quinoa, and I started eating much more fruit. It is much easier to eat more fruit when I am home though, but I have been bringing a banana and an orange to work the past two weeks.  I don't like fish, so have not added that and we have only being buying organic sporadically.

    Kim - I forgot to say, I always wanted to go to Beaufort (re: the B&B).  We have gone to Hilton Head on vacation with my parents several times and I keep saying I will make a side trip, but never did...I love the way Pat Conroy describes the South in his books.

    I just got home 1/2 hr ago from book club and am a little wired, but I should be trying to sleep as it was a long, tiring week.

     Oh, and I went out tonight before book club and joined the Y, so hopefully I will keep going!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2012


    If you would like, you can google the Inn, it is called The Cuthbert House Inn,Beaufort South Carolina. It is waterfront and has a giant front porch and also an enclosed reading porch ...many books on the shelf.  They serve coffee early and you can just "sit a spell" All of the restaurants are within walking distance and the Inn Keepers have a wine social every evening...Beaufort is a wonderful southern city. I hope you get to go...By the way ..I am not a believer in "ghosts" really but I did have an odd thing happen there...later I have read the Inn and many others around have spirits. Sorry ...I could really go on about Beaufort. I love the Carolinas!!

    Today is the "battle of the Bluegrass" LOL....We plan to hang at home and watch the big game.

    Tracy...If you like food, I imagine you would like Traders.  It is not as big as Whole Foods...and I don't know that it is ALL organic,but for sure more nutritious food?? You will have to check it out and report!! LOL  BUT!!!  If you ever find yourself anywhere near just have to go Jungle Jims...OH MY is a food lovers heaven..and enormous and food from all over the world and a wine department the size of most grocery stores!!

    You All have a good day,     Go Cards!!!!!!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited March 2012

    Oh, I forgot we also added oatmeal. blueberries and edame.  Oatmeal I also have a harder time when I'm working, so I usually only have in 2x week now.  Trying to lower my cholestoral also.

    Went to the Y today on a rainy Saturday...was glad I went, even though I was the only women there for the first 1/2 hour!  Then this cute older couple came in, I've seen them in the gym during our classes before. Was more crowded than the weekday, but not too bad.

    We are going to a friends house for dinner tonight and also watching the basketball, should be fun. Then 4 families are getting tomorrow to color Easter Eggs, can't believe it's April already!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Meegan... I saw your post on the DIEP thread... college visits went well... a lot of driving, but learned a lot about what he wants and not... This summer we head to CT and MA to see those schools... We did learn that St Lawrence is WAY north... when the signs say turn left for Canada or right for town, you know you are a long way from home.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2012

    Hi Girls..... hoping it is ok to join you???

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2012

    Welcome misswim

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2012

    kmur:  Funny you mentioned Jungle Jim's because we are going today - starting at IKEA because my son and DIL finally got to move into their new house.  IKEA and Jungle Jim's are only about 10-15 minutes apart and about an hour away from our house so we always hit them both.  Usually do Trader Joe's a little more often because it's only about 30 minutes away in Ohio; we'll actually pass it on the way to and from the other two today, but don't know if I can convince the family for a third stop.  Love, Love, Love Trader Joe's - good food, good prices.  One day we were there looking at some dried banana's, trying to decide which ones to try and an employee asked if he could help, told him we were having a hard time deciding which ones and he just grabbed a bag of each and opened them right there and let us all taste of them!  One of my favorites there is the Valencia Peanut Butter with Roasted Flaxseeds,   They also have chocolate covered coffee beans and even though I can't eat them any more (caffeine) I bought some the last time I was there to give to my sister.  They also have good/different seasonings - my husband will now only use their Himalayan Pink Salt Crystals and I got the Flower Pepper (a grinder with peppercorns, Rose, Calendula, Lavender and Cornflower petals).   Jungle Jim's is a bit more overwhelming to me because it is SO HUGE - but my DD is a German major in college and she loves all the international foods and my other kids like to see all of the "weird foods", like crickets in suckers! And of course we always have to visit the bathroom because it looks like you are going into a Port-A-Potty but it's a huge, nice restroom instead.   Don't care for Whole Foods that much.

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2012

    Welcome Misswim!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Good Morning Girls!!!!

    Well both of my teams lost last night...Cry....  I don't know if I will be able to stand all the UK fans this week!!  LOL  ( JUst kidding )

    WELCOME!!!  Misswim!!  This is a great group here and you just never know which direction the conversation will go!!

    Achpurple...I really miss Jungle Jims....when we lived close by ....I would be the girl with my face plastered to the danish Case!! I could stare at them all day!!!  LOL  Also Love IKEA. Funny we are going to Ohio today too...and will also pass IKEA..did you know about all of the outlet shops near Mason,Ohio??? Have not been there yet.

    Lisa...I had to tell you this...long time ago you mentioned smoked salt....well, we have a new shop here that sells spices only and my husband took me yesterday..I bought some smoked salt that kinda has some heat to it..anyway...OK ....I wonder why I can not lose pounds,but I made brownies yesterday ( someone here mentioned brownies...) and instead of using 1 t. of plain salt I used 3/4 t regular salt and 1/4 t. of smoked/hot salt..OH really gives the chocolate a deeper now I am taking them as well as the chocolate chip cookies to Ohio "for the kids"  LOL 

    Hope you all have a great Sun/Mon.  We are off to see the family for my in laws 60th wedding ann.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Oh I forgot...Achpurple..I studied German too..when we were in Germany I planned to use my line I had never forgotton  " Could you tell me where the bathroom is please"  I was so proud to remember...when I finally got there ...they say watercloset  I had no clue how to say watercloset!!  LOL

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Kim, sorry your teams lost, I was rooting for OSU for you!  Enjoy the 60th wedding anniversary party - that is great!!!

    I just came back from over an hour work with one of my girlfriends, my thighs are feeling it now, but it was good.  Almost 10,000 steps and almost 5 miles.  We just kept talking and walking and I finally looked at my watch and saw it was more than 1 hour and had to scoot it home fast.

    Welcome missswim.

    Betsy, glad the trip went well and you are starting to find out what he doesn't like, I'm sure that is helpful.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited April 2012

    Kim - what an interesting idea with the smoked salt.  To be honest, it sounds horrible.  :)  But since you say it tastes good, I may have to try it some time.

    I had to laugh at your german story.  I studied italian for a few years leading up to a trip to italy about 5-6 years ago.  We were taking the train from rome to naples and I wanted to ask a question of the woman sitting in the cabin with us.  I practiced the question several times in my mind and then finally asked it.  I was so proud to use my italian.  The woman understood the question and without missing a beat answered it in english.  I was so mad.  LOL.  I thought I sounded like a native.  I guess not. 

    Welcome to misswim.

    I had a great weekend.  I revolted against work this weekend.  I took three naps yesteday. . . guess I was tired.  Then today was a gorgeous, sunny, clear day . . . up to the lake for the first time this year.  Got a little color on my face - it really needed it.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Hey ladies!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

    Kim - I hope the anniversary party was loads of fun. How special that they are still together after so many years..

    Lisa - Good for you, I am envious. Wish I was near a lake this weekend but alas the house & laundry are clean....

    Misswim - Welcome! Please feel free to jump in whenever.....

    Hugs to everyone! Hope Monday is a great day for us all!

  • BouncingBetties
    BouncingBetties Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2012

    Thanks to everyone for welcoming me. I'm a stage IV metster, so I do spend a lot of time on the Stage IV boards, but being 40...oh, 41 (my birthday was last Thursday), I thought there was no reason not to join you ladies as well. I actually thanked my onc and onc nurse for giving me another birthday. My onc nurse sang happy birthday to me and had a mini chocolate cupcake for me and my onc made a special appearance just to say happy birthday. This disease may suck but I've been lucky to have met so many wonderful people.

    I see that a lot of us are the first breast cancer patients in our families. I think that's not only worrisome but cause of concern. I know that some people think that eating meat increases your risk but since I have several friends who are vegetarian, I don't think that's it. I have been trying to avoid eating soy, especially be on Tamo, but there's soy in everything! I had to give my Mom a body lotion I bought since soybean oil was the third ingredient. Don't need to be slathering that on my skin, do I?

    Thanks again for welcoming me. I'm sorry we're all here but I am honoured to be included by such amazing women!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Hi To Everyone,

    Hi Odie Smile Hope you are doing well! happy you had some fun time.

    meegan...gosh that's "alota" much easier when you have someone to talk to.

    Bouncing...good to see you. I know what you mean...I was not a vegan but not much of a meat eater either...wish someone would come along and figure it all out...does make me wonder about all the growth hormones in our food???? I am not an educated person though!  Heard a comedian say recently our society is kinda messed up in that science figured out how to make the male "part" work again but there's no cure for cancer????? Sorry to be offensive. But that made me think???

    So we had a great time with to see some of the nieces and nephews...there are 16 all together.

    You all know what a goofball I am...I was flitting around the house like I had all day..almost forgot to pick my son up at school...took off and when we got home both dogs were crowded next to the we got in the house...Smoke had filled the kitchen..I left my boiled eggs on the stove and they cooked very the point of explosion....Oh gosh I have eggs stuck to the ceiling! But the morning started off with me trying to start our push mower to do the trimming and I bumped my head so hard I have a goose egg on the side of my head....while cleaning the exploded egg I tried to open a window and had some of those little tiny ants in the window sill...found they had made a little home in my bag of cat food...I really don't like ants very much...and it is a bit chilly in the house right now!!!  I am very glad I did not burn the house downSmile    LOL!!!   I will have to be more careful I guess

    Mamachick hope you are doing well and has anyone seen Christine...I think she has surgery this week???

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls,

    In the ER w. chest pains. Just had X-ray, CT scan, EKG, the works. I will be here overnight. At least it isn't cancer???

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Oh Eema, God speed! 

  • Cindi2011
    Cindi2011 Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2012

    Hey Ladies,

    I may not be doing this right......not the best computer person.  A little older than most of you but boy do I fit in with those of you that want that cold beer   Mmmmmmm or red wine or white, doesnt really matter to me. 

    I turned 48 last month and was diagnosed a year ago April 1st (no foolin)  April fools day used to be one of my most enjoyed prankster days......not anymore.  Stage 3a with 8/20 lymph nodes.  I was so consumed by what needed to be done for my only son's graduation party that I never asked many questions or did research.  I had a mastectomy mid April and took off 3 weeks of work.  Im a special education aide where I care for a little girl that has down syndrome and PICA (another nasty disorder)

    The party went well and we had it in the backyard with a huge tent.  My family, friends and neighbors were a great help.  We did landscaping, painted the exterior of the house and made all the food.  Aaaannnndd the beer was soooooo cold and tasty.  Chemo started 3 days after graduation.  Had 16 A/C followed by 12Taxol which took up until Thanksgiving, then I had a break before starting radiation.  28 visites for that at 7 different locations of treatment.  Radiation did not treat me well towards the end.  There isnt a facility close to where I live so travel time was about 1 1/2 hours each way......very tiring.  The best thing was, there was little or NO snow.  February I started Tamoxifin daily for 5 years.  Hot flashes are crazy BUT every time I have one I tell myself that it is killing the cancer cells and that gets me through it.

    Two weeks ago I got myself in a horrible funk because a friend of my that was treated for BC at the same time as I was only she opted out of radiation, sadly had her cancer return.  I guess is scared the hell out of me and caused me to breakdown (hadnt done that yet, so it was a long time coming).  I started to have anxiety attacks and horrible dreams.  Spent most nights avoiding going to bed because of the fear.

    My primary docs nurse suggested the support groups and anti depressent was prescribed.  I have not taken it yet but just knowing it is there helps.  I do take something occationally for anxiety other than the beer.  My onc told me to go ahead and have a few drinks that it was NOT going to harm anything.  Just remember that good food (I like the pizza and ice cream thing) and exercise are huge.....even when you dont want to.

     I have to brag a little about my family.  There is NO way that I would have gotten through what I have without my husband and son.  My parents, sisters, brothers and BRA burning buddies.  I love them all.

    My son got engaged on Valentine's Day to his HS GF of 5 years.  No immediate plans for a wedding but I did add it to the bucket list of things to do.

    Well off to bed I go, had my husband at the doc today and he has full blown pnemonia.  Got to med him up and get some sleep.  The cows will be bawling come 4:00 and we all have to do our part......keeps me going.

    Thank you all for lending an ear.  Well wishes to everyone.  Kiss those babies "good-night" no matter the age.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls, both old and new to this thread!

    You all have been so busy since I checked in, I hope to have time later this week to read more and meet the our new chicks.

    Busy few weeks!  Just got back from my trip with my youngest to Atlantis, we had a blast, way to much sun and fun.  Back late last night, work today and getting ready for my surgery on Thursday.  My brother and his family are coming in thursday night for the Easter holiday, so I need to get everything ready before they get here.  How crazy am I to schedule surgery same day as out of town guests arrive?  Fortunately they are easy and we go out to dinner on friday and saturday, then big Easter dinner, but my SIL is a big help.  Last year they came after my 5th round of chemo, so this should be easy, right?

    Sorry to ramble.  Hope to have more time tomorrow to catch up with you all! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited April 2012

    Hey everyone...

    Kim - I am so sorry about your eggplosion! Hate to admit I had to chuckle as my blond self has more than once remembered the boiling eggs when I smelled the distinct burning smell that signals the absence of water. I am really glad you & your home are ok ....

    Bouncing Bettes - Sure seems like soy is in everything, huh? Hadn't checked my lotion yet but guess I will now. And to think I just got past the vitamins having soy...I firmly believe the added hormones & man made soy are playing a role iwith increases in cancer. Scary how quickly young girls are developing these days which I think is a result ... BTW, Happy belated birthday. 

    Eema - Please take care of yourself and feel better soon. Hoping it is something minor. 

    Welcome Cindi! Having great friends & family to help us thru really does make a difference. Will pray for your friend....

    Hope everyone is having a good week.  

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited April 2012

    Eema, oh dear girl!  thinking of you, feel better soon, keep us posted.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012


    Eema...thinking of you my friend....enough already right???

    Welcome Cindi...I am in your boat...we have much in common...sorry you have to join us but glad you found this is a wonderful group of caring women!!

    Hi Christine..good luck with surgery and enjoy your company...glad you had fun on your trip...can't wait to hear about it

    Odie...that was a funny eggspression!!

    Good night you allSmile

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Welcome Cindi! I'm a bit younger but my only DD is we are all the same.

    Kim, eggscuse me for egging you on about your story, but that was hilarious - only because everything was ok.  I have done the same thing, with eggs, but I was home.....that is worse.  and when I was little, Fedmart the grocery store that sold everything in mega feed an army size, sold mustard in a glass jar, it had to be two gallons - no kidding.  I was walking from the kitchen to the den were the kitchen table was (not the good dinning table) and I tripped, and the jar flew, and hit the floor and like a movie the yellow went from the floor to the ceiling. Uncleanable it was, my dad had to paint, the walls, the ceiling......and they still bring it up at thanksgiving! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

     Good Morning,

       Gina...You painted this perfect yellow picture in my mind...I think I know about these gigantic mustard jars...I think eggs would be easier to clean...I was lucky though..I had been gone for a good 45 minutes.

    So far I have lost  a little over 5 lbs.. Imagine...putting less food in my mouth really works!!  LOL...I say that because it is so easy to pop this and that in my mouth throughout the day it does add up..I still have a ways to go .

    Eema...I hope you are doing well ...have been thinking of you.

    Achpurple...I will have to get it together and swing by to see you maybe this summer on one of my Ohio trips...thought of you as I passed by IKEA...wondered what kind of trouble you found!!Smile

    Have a wonderful day ....I will be trying to use a mower and also the Y is today!!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls.

    I spent the night in the obs unit of the ER. I have a stress test scheduled for 9. My baby has his Passover concert tonight @ 5, so I'd better be out of here by then.

    Just for fun, I spotted over night. How is that possible w no ovaries or uterus? I am an enigma wrapped in a conundrum.

    So here is a giggle for you all... When I came in, I gave a urine sample. This morning I woke up and there was a jar on my side table (empty). I asked the nurse, she said I didn't give one yesterday. I had some extra, so I gave it. Called DH to tell him how weird that was. He said he got home last night and found a urine sample in a bio bag in his coat pocket!!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited April 2012

    Eema, sorry to hear you are in the ER, Hope your stress test goes well and I love your humor, even from the hospital.

    Kim - I am at work and almost spit out my lunch laughing over your eggs!  Such a funny story, thanks for sharing.

    Christine, glad you had fun in Atlantis, we want to hear more!!!

    I walked 20 minutes at lunch yesterday and then sometime yesterday afternoon my pedometer reset itself, GRRR, so annoying, it's the 3rd time in two weeks its done that.  I have another one also, but it's hard to clip on and reset.  I know it is not 100% accurate, but it makes me feel good to see a high total at the end of the day!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited April 2012

    Good Afternoon/evening everyone,

    Eema I logged on to check the news about amazes me the stuff this group goes through,but somehow we are able to find the humor in there somewhere...can you imagine if we were all in the same room at the same time!! OH Gosh..I am trying to picture it!! Wish I could come and just chat with you . I would try to only say funny stuff/unless that was annoying!!

    Meegan..I swear that is why my husband checks on me so often during the day!! Seems I am always doing something well...goofy ... How are you doing now?? When will you move on to the next step??  You girls amaze me seems that would be a tough surgery ?? You all are tough girls though..

    Our live strong gal is having a bake sale I am going to get my act together and make some bread.

    I will check on you all later!!