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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Michelle,  I understand your frustration in the charting, this seems to happen at all offices.  Everytime I go they supposibly update med lists, but when the review the list with me the next time they have not fixed from time prior, very frustrating.  Not sure why they ask when they don't fix.  My onc seems to take time to talk to me, but when I saw one of his female partners I was so disappointed that she did not seem to want to hear what I had to say/ask, you would think as a women she would have been more responsive.

    I go back for my 1st visit to onc post chemo next visit.  I hope he has time to answer all my questions.  I quess I will get my tamox rx.  I continue to be so nervous about cancer returning and post chemo screenings.  I hope this gets better over time.  He has never discussed survival and reoccurance rates with me, not sure I should ask.  Of course I looked this up myself, but have heard these numbers have improved.  I guess my onc does not have a crystal ball either.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Michelle, looking at your profile pic, if you're officially obese consider me an elephant!  I have drastically changed my diet, and since I'm in rads now, I get on the scale every Tuesday when I see the doc, dang if that stupid scale only shows me loosing ounces????

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Christine I am so glad you have an onc who actually wants to listen to you.  Everything is so speculative with cancer treatment, I don't put a huge amount of stock in the recurrence statistics. However, I will admit that when I was given the numbers by my onc, I felt better about my treatment decisions. A crystal ball would be nice Laughing  

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011
    Sagina - I really don't like those scales at the doctors office, they always show my highest weight of the week.  I think it is the 'I hate going to the doctors' stress weight!!! 
    We have also drastically changed our diets since dx.  We used to eat a lot of fast food and processed food.   Now we try to eat closer to the source, veggies, fruits and we make a whole lot of stuff from scratch (and I really do not like cooking so this is HUGE).  I do struggle with portion control though and although I have lost about 6 lbs.  I am at a stall and keep losing the same 2 lbs over and over again and over again.  I really need to move more but I lack the energy after a full day of work. I know excuses, excuses but sometimes I really just cannot get enough energy to give a darn.  Boy do I need an attitude adjustment Embarassed
  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    dang I hate it when the computer puts funny stuff in my posts!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone. Haven't posted in here since my first post last week.

    Since then I've had AC #2 and been feeling a bit blah! I am coming right now though.

    I can really relate to the weight issue.  I've always been healthy and exercised but since dx I either can't be bothered or am so starving I eat everything.

    My onc tells me it's because one of the nausea meds is a steroid. They are making me eat eat eat.  Very soon I'm going to get depressed not only about the BC but also the bloat. lol

    Trying to focus on the fact that I've done 2 x AC and only 2 x AC to go.  After that it's 12 x Taxol but that's meant to be easier right??

  • corian68
    corian68 Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2011

    I love this thread & was unsure if I should chime in? Until I saw mom2one...we are almost twins lol! JK;) I was DX'd Dec.2010 & had BLMX, with wicked TE'! turned 43 and married almost 22 yrs. ( together 24).

    3 kids though. 22, 19 & 8. Currently cancer free & intend on staying that way!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Kiwimum - You 1/2 way there on the the AC - You can do it!!!  I have heard that Taxol is easier then A/C, I hope that follows for you as well!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Hi corian68 - I have follow of few of your post so I feel like we have already met! 

    Welcome to the Fabulous and Fourties Thread Laughing

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Hi all! I am killing time at the airport so thought I would drop in and say hello. We just wrapped up 7 days in Athens and are now on our way to Mykonos. We had a great time in Athens and saw so many amazing things, but I am exhausted! I can tell my energy is better than a month ago, but it still is not back 100%. Looking forward to a couple of lazy beach days in the islands.

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited May 2011

     Hi all!

     Hope you don't mind me chiming in here!  I hope I can call myself a "survivor" too - as I am Stage 3c/Stage 4, but have been NED for 8 months after chemo/rads last year for recurrance mets under collarbone and arm. I'm 43 and live in S.Wales, UK. Noticed this thread after reading corian68's post on Stage 4 boards and saw I'm 1 day older than her!  I'll read up on all your posts soonish, but wanted to briefly introduce myself.


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi Sarah! Welcome!

    Lisa Well deserved lazy days on the beach!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Sarah!

    Lisa Thakns for checking in from Greece...ahhhhh lazy days at the beach sound so nice. 

  • pamdo
    pamdo Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2011

    This is a great thread..thanks for starting Burley!  I want to introduce myself - 

     I am now 42..diagnosed with 3c TN occult (any others out there?)  at 41.  Married for 19 years, two boys 10 and 12. Finished chemo and rads and now awaiting date for surgery and reconstruction.  Sara..we sound similar...they moved me to stage 4 last summer after suspected mets to neck on other side...but nodes have been stable so now they are saying likely 3c still, and we can now go ahead with mast they said no to due to stage 4 diagnosis...(those were very dark days).

    I'm following diep forums beacause likely will be uni diep, but waiting for more tests to be sure.

    I'm finally recovered from chemo and rads (had lots of after effects - shingles, heart damage, neuropathy) but all are improved except my darn frozen shoulder - currently in physio and hope get that improved before next surgery. 

     Great to "meet" you lovely ladies....


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    Kim - what made you get a bone density scan?  had you had one before?  Which doctor prescribed it?  I would think it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to get one too, but haven't looked into it at all.  Not sure if insurance would cover it at our age?

    Michelle, sorry for your troubles with your onc.

    Lisa, sounds like you are having a great trip, can't wait to hear more about it when you are back.

    I found Taxol much easier to tolerate than A/C and found most others agreed.  The bone pain is slightly worse, but there was almost no nasua for me (and I was extremely nasuasous on AC).

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    If you are ER or PR positive and take an AC you have to keep a check on your bones.  I know my Dr. will do a bone denisty check every year.

    Hanging in there.  My fingers hurt still and so do me knees...shhh they seem a wee bit better lately.  Maybe the motrin is working.  Now if I could just go to bed before 3am.

  • simplesoul
    simplesoul Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2011

    Hello ladies. I'm 44 with 2 boys ages 5&6. Late start! Sitting here on day 6 after TAC #3 wrapped up and trying to find the right soft foodntonkeepndown. Looks like my zofran quit overnight but I have a few options. This is when my white cells disappear, even with the neulasta. Say, I've never tried the uh herbal remedy in my life but it is now legal here in California and cancer pts seem to be the first in line for a prescription. Does anyone know if or how it works? My onc suggests just to crash under Ativan for the worst days when the other stuff isn't making a dent. I would love to hear from those who've been there on this!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Lisa:  Enjoy your much needed rest on the beach!  thanks for keeping in touch ;)

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Welcome to all the new commers

    Simplesoul, I too have had bad nauseau I have had 3 rounds of FEC and tomorrow am in for my first round of doxetaxol. My doc says that it is much easier to handle as far as nausea goes I am praying this is true. I also found that my zofran would just quit over night on about day 2 then it was misery for the next 6 I have tried everything my onc had even the pot pills lol I am thinking the herbal remedy is the way to go. I havent tried it but I still have 3 treatments to get through and I am not going through this any more if I dont have to. how many more treatments for you?

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    Kymm, Simplesoul, not sure if you are doing this already, but I alternated between Compzine and Zofran every 4 hours.  So Compazine 7am, Zofran 11am, Compazine, 3pm, etc.  I found Compzine to be stronger so always started the morning with that.

  • corian68
    corian68 Member Posts: 86
    edited May 2011

    Thanks o2bhealthy! 

    Good grief! An hour ago I had expanders filled again....ouch! they feel like over it lol!  

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    I was also very very nauseus with AC, but Taxol was sooo much easier as far as nausea is concerned.  I agree with ReadingMama about the bone pain, though.  When I started Taxol, the extreme nausea from AC was replaced by bone pain, which I didn't have with AC.  The bone pain was pretty bad at times, but if I had to choose bone pain over constant and severe nausea, I would take the bone pain any day! 


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hi girls!

    Welcome corian, Sarah, Pam and simplesoul.  Glad you found us!

    Meegan-my onc ordered the bone density scan.  I asked him for it when I found out they needed to take my ovaries.  We basically did it as a baseline scan so we can monitor any bone loss from this point forward.  He's been really good at ordering whatever scans I ask for.  I asked for a pet scan when I was done with chemo so I could be comfortable with taking my port out.  Then I asked for a breast MRI just because I wanted one.  And I am very lucky that my insurance has covered it all.  I have United Healthcare.

    Michelle-sorry to hear of your problems with your onc.  Let them have it next time!

    Sorry for those of you still going through chemo-there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    I had AC, then Taxotere instead of Taxol.  Symptoms were supposed to be not as bad: like not a lot of neuropathy, less bone pain, less nausea.  I'm not exactly sure why he chose that for me other than the side effects.  I didn't ask-just went with what he said.

    Well tomorrow is my appointment with the nipple tattoo lady.  Just for a consultation.  I'm interested to see if my insurance will cover it.  A friend's sister actually works there, and she said it costs approximately $700 per nipple/areola.  Holy crap.  I guess she has the only office in the area, and you get what you pay for.

    I bought a sundress today (Ross, $12.99) and it's nice that I don't have to wear a bra to have perky boobs in it.  Bonus! 

    I hope everyone has a terrific day!

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Hi Corian, It's nice to meet my twinSmile.  Still waiting on my next cancer step...ugh!  Now they want to send me to Boston to see Dr. Eric Winer.  My friend with stage 4 BC told me he is considered a celebrity in the field.  I have just sent a note to my oncologist that I see on the 25th to find out if Dr. Winer will re-read my slides and offer an opinion w/o me going to Boston.  I live in VA so its not exactly close.  I would go if he has anything to say other than "Statistically we don't think you need chemo, but you have reason to be concerned so we will give it to you if you want."  I'm not going through that again.  At least they should say we are leaning this way or that.  UGH again!!  Anyway, welcome to all the new people. 

    Burley, I thought about sending you a PM to ask a question on a sensitive topic that I think you have addressed before.  Would you mind?  Thanks!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Burley - I love that I can wear pretty sundresses and still be perky!  The down side is my scars have adhered to my muscle so anytime my muscle flexes, my foobs fold in at the scar line...not very attractive and I am VERY self conscious of this Frown

    Holy moly on the cost for nipple/areola tat's!!! I have found an artist in my area who only charges $350 for both and the 3d Tattoo guru vinniemyers on the east coast only charges $350... stop by the "Anyone in the Phoenix area?" thread and maybe post a question there to see if anyone has other referrals in the area (especially if not covered by insurance) because that seems pretty excessive for nipple tat's.  I know if I had my areola tat's in my PS office by their guy, insurance would have covered it but his work looked like peperrioni's and that was really not the look I wanted. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies,  anyone have their tats done in the PS office?  My PS tells me he does the tattoos in his office, wonder if he can show me a picture of his work.

    How soon after chemo did most of you start the tamox??  My onc office just called and moved my next appt, it will now be 5 weeks post chemo.  I am strongly er/pr+ (98%), does it make a difference waiting?

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Hi Christine! My PS did my tats in his office and they look really good. I would ask to see pictures to make sure you like how he/she does them.

    Also, I started Tamoxifen about 6 weeks after finishing chemo. I don't remember ever hearing that it is crucial to start right away.


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    thanks Sherrill !  Never had tatoo before, would seem weird going to tatoo parlor.  I love my PS, but it will seem weird having him tatoo me, guess I will worry about that after my exchange and nips.  Guess a break to feel really good post chemo before starting the Tamoxifen will be nice.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited May 2011

    hi gals, great idea for a thread!

    diagnosed 6 days before my 40th birthday, which i then spent consulting between two surgeons re: the MX. here i am, 20 months later! surviving and thriving.

    hugs to all.


  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    I don't have any other tattoos either, so the idea of going to some random tattoo artist wasn't even a consideration. I just assumed most people had them done by their PS.