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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for the link, Tracy - very promising news!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

     Hi Girls,

    I tried to keep up with you all while we were gone...that is hard using a cell phone.

    Tracy..that is great news hopefully it is a step in the right direction for all breast cancer.

    Thought I would confess to you girls ...I did many bad things while on vacation. I got too much sun....I did not have three drinks in one week..I had three drinks in one day!! I ate fresh oysters and had cake, I did not wear my sleeve, I did not think about being sick/different!!  Two years ago I would have not let myself do these things. I had fun!!

    Thought about you all though...hope everyone is doing well. Eema...what the heck??? I do not know what this means..must google. But really hope for better ...much better months ahead. glad surgery was easy...I do think once you make it through is not too bad??? Fat grafting can make you sore though I guess.

    Gina...I think I understood your tests to be all good?? I hope that was right...I also meant to thank you regarding my sons high school days...I think you are correct in that I will be able to do some things with volunteering. So hard to see them grow up...

    I will scoot out of here for now...thinking of each of you


    edited to delete my horse pick as I am a dingbat...the Belmont is next week!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    Kim... for what its worth, I do all those things all the time... and I am not on vacation. Glad you had fun!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

     Thanks Betsy....I try to be good most of the time,but being bad is more fun I have discovered. LOL

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2012

    LOL.  I had some beer last night.  I swore off liquor at New Year's Eve, but I'm trying to do it WAY rarely as a maybe 3 times since NYE.  I just wanted the relaxation.  It tasted so good...Stella Artois.  mmmm.

    It's so nice to hear about travels and summer fun.  I'm working on some little Pinteresty projects.  I love to have a project.  Today I bought 2 cheapo frames, but some nice paper in them, and hung them up...going to use them as dry erase boards.  Write on the glass, and wipe it off.  One for work, one for home.  And, I bought the molding I'm going to use to frame out the mirror in my master bath.  But, I'm not starting that project today.  :)  It feels so good to accomplish things.  Work just seems like it never ends, and I can never give myself credit for grading when there's another pile coming along.  But little crafty projects (and I am SO not crafty!) feel good.  (Exciting weekend, eh?)

    Love to all!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2012

    I have cut way back on drinks, but I do drink a couple of times a week (2-3)...  I do believe that everything in moderation is ok... and if alcohol causes cancer, then most people would get cancer... but that said, I think its best to not overindulge... I am an advocate of a good quality of life.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2012

    Totally agree with you Betsy.  I have tried to be as healthy as possible, but I do enjoy my wine and chocolate!  

    Good for you on the crafting Prof!  I am so not a crafty person but it definitely feels good to hold something in your hands that you've made, one of the reasons I enjoy cooking so much.

    Well I have to brag a little, our fundraiser yard sale made over $750 today!!  I can't believe it.  Our Relay for Life Team has raised just about $5500!  I feel so humbled by my family and friends generousity and support.  Helps keep me feeling so positive and blessed!  Also, Open House today trying to sell my house, can i fit anything else on my plate???, was very successful.  Realtor said she'd be shocked if we didn't get an offer, 25 couples came in!  Hopefully that little grey cloud has blown over.

    Have a relaxing Sunday night everyone!

    love and hugs, tracy

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2012

    Well let me say that I am glad that I am not the only one enjoying the occasional glass of wine. . . . I have cut way back since diagnosis as well. I am trying very hard to be healthy - ! Operative word here is TRY! ;).

    Tracy - congrats on the yard sale! Wow! That is awesome. You certainly do have a lot going on.. . . . Hope the offer(s) start coming in Monday!

    Prof - amazing crafty streak in you! I think I may have to share your description with my daughter who is always looking to "create"......

    Kim - you keep enjoying that vacation. . . . Sounds like a great escape. . .

    Eema - hope you are hanging in there my friend.

    I was sitting around tonight, feeling a bit sorry for myself and jumped on to see what was on everyone's mind . . . . And after reading a few posts I found myself smiling. . . And feeling not so alone. Thanks to your guys for welcoming this newcomer. . . .


  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Chiming in on the alcohol discussion....  I was not a big drinker before bc but did enjoy a beverage once in a while.. (i.e. one or two every 3 months or so).... However I did indulge in 3 margaritas over the course of the girls weekend last weekend. My onc also says in moderation is ok... 

    Kelleyod - Glad you are settleing right in and feeling at home here.

    Kim - I hope you had a fabulous vacation and don't waste a minute on guilt. You deserve a little fun!

    Tracy - Bout dang time that cloud moved on...Happy to see things are going better for you. Way to go on the fundraising. You rock!

    Profbee - I hope you are continuing to heal well and are happy with the new nips!  

    Happy Sunday evening ladies. Wishing you each the best possible Monday (well, at least as good as a Monday can be!)   

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2012

    Hey ladies!  Dreary rainy day here today.  

    Kim, hope its sunny and beautiful where you are and your still enjoying being bad!

    odie, so glad you enjoyed your girls weekend away!  i love all the beaches from Virginia Beach on down, such warm water and good waves. and sipping a margarita near the ocean with good company sounds delightful!

    Kellyod, this is a great place for company and inspiration!  hope your still feeling up.

    unfortunately, i'm feeling sad today.  i just learned a great family friend has breast cancer.  i shouldnt have said that grey cloud moved on!  this disease sucks!  i pray for the day that no woman has to tell her children, her husband, her parents, her friends that she has breast cancer (or any cancer really!!) i hope to see it in my lifetime.  i pray my daughter and my step-daughter never get it.  i pray i never have a re-occurrence. i pray you ladies never have a re-occurence.   please let someone find a cure or a cause for this dreadful disease.  Please send warm wishes and prayers to my friend Denise.  thanks.

    love and hugs, tracy

  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012

    Tracy - my thoughts are with you and your friend at this difficult time in her life. I am sure she is comforted knowing that she has a good friend close to her that knows how she is feeling. Tell her about us, let her know she is not alone in this journey. Good luck to Denise as she begins her voyage back to good health.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Tracy - I will pray for you and your friend Denise as well as pray for a cure so no other woman ever has to go thru this crap.  Well said.....  Sending a touch of sunshine your way..

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2012

    Oh, Tracy.  I know.  A dear friend's mom died of BC about a week back.  She was claygirl on here.  I get so angry reading medical reports and news stories about new drugs--come ON already!  On one hand it feels like we're so close...that they have wonderful drugs nowadays (like the Herceptin I take), but on the other hand the stats for those with mets hasn't improved much.  It makes me crazy.  Why can't they figure this out?!  People are smart--so many people are so smart--find a cure.  Please.  Tell Denise to come here and we'll be here for her.  Lots of love.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi Girls,

    First ..Tracy good/bad news. I am so happy for you regarding fund raising,but sorry to read about your friend. At least she knows someone who can answer questions and listen. Thinking of you both and yes....please lets get this cure done...wouldn't that be great. is fun to make things..I was "pintresting" the other day. I enjoy weaving baskets and since DX..have been able to draw?? Never before though??

    Thanks for the good vacation wishes. I was actually bad about every day. I do believe in moderation but not sure I live moderation. At home, I may have a drink or two on a Friday night. (sometimes)..while in full vacation mode more like 3 drinks a day..not every day but darn near. It is really easy to be bad when sitting by a pool all day. We had a good time. Lisa...we did go to St. George Island and wow how nice is that?? No wonder your family vacationed there. We were in Florida two years ago and I had no hair/eyelashes..could not eat really because of mouth issues and had some issues with head aches and body aches while on Taxotere...I have to tell you I was typing this , I actually forgot what Taxotere was called...maybe this is a good sign ..a letting go sign?? It takes time to feel better I think after all this we go through...I know I will never be what I was, but I do think I am a better person I know good has come from the bad if that sounds right??

    Thinking of you all...I am going to check out my magazines that came in the mail today...I still love Southern Living is a situation that usually requires a cup of coffee and a comfy place to sit and read.

    Thinking of each of you...wish I could tell you all the funny vacation stories,but it would take too long...someday we will have to all get together so we can laugh...I promise to be good ( unless we have a pool...then I can not make said promise) LOL 

    Love to all,


  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2012

    Tracy, so sorry to hear about your friend. She must be in terrible shock. Aren't we all still in shock over it all? I am. I remember falling asleep crying and waking up crying for weeks and weeks straight.

    Kim, your vacation seemed grand! Hooray! My husband and I and another couple are flying to Vegas next weekend and I assure you that I will be very, very bad. I might spend my drinking allowance for the next 6 months in just one weekend! Ha! But who's counting...well, maybe we are a bit, but it's important to live it up once in awhile. Right!?

    I'm still researching the nipple situation like it's my job. I want to connect with the person who does the final (hopefully) touch on my boobies.

    Wishing you all some good zzz's tonight!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Profbee, glad your surgery went well.  Will be following with interest how you feel about them as time goes by as I will be there in September.

    Tracy, thanks for the link.  Did not see the news, but there was an article in the paper calling it a "smart bomb". New drugs are always exciting news.

    Kim - glad your vacation was good.  I never worry about going overboard on vacation as I don't go on vacation very often!  I hardly drank at all since I was dx, but the last three weekends I had 3 drinks each w/e, which is a lot for me, but we had fun parties to go to, so it was very nice!

    I had my surgery yesterday, my Stage II for the diep.  So far so good!  I start the oxygen treatments (HBOT) tomorrow as a precaution.  Despite what PS said, it does look like he was able to make lefty bigger, now we will have to see how much of the fat stays.  Thighs are definately sore, but nothing compare to the DIEP.  Surgery was about 2.5 hours.  I slept in bed, but was awake on and off as it is not comfortable for me to sleep on my back.  Prob. should have slept in recliner.  Am in long compression garment (that has no crotch though, its a litte weird!, but good for peeing!).

     Eeema - hope to hear an update from you soon!

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2012

    Tracy - so very sorry about your friend. . . Will say prayers tonight. . . Horrid. I agree with profbee - enough already. Seriously. Since I have been diagnosed I have four friends who have been diagnosed - four. I just am sick of it as well.

    Meegan - hoping you get good rest and heal! I am anxiously awaiting the day I can say Done to something related to BC. My next phase of recon surgery is August....

    Kim - I think that was an excellent sign! What a fantastic way to realize your are moving forward! I applaud you. . .

    Chantal - what are your finding on nipple recon? What are your leaning toward?

    I started back to work this week.... Jumped right into a biz trip to Boston. . . . Boy do i miss my energy. . . Came up here in a cute little "beach dress" . . . I mean it is June, right? (ok, not to mention my tram scar / hysterectomy scars could still use a Break from pants and waistbands....). Guess what the weather is? Like 50 degrees! What the heck?

    Hubby had a job interview in farmingdale, ny, as well - anyone know the area?

    Happy Tuesday ladies....


  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012

    Prayers for your friend Tracy. I hate that anyone has to go through this and especially if you have to worry about the future of your daughters. Mine are 24 & 20, will have to have early mams bacuse of my original age of finding, not sure about the benign one at 18.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2012

    Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers for Denise.  She had surgery yesterday, now waiting on pathology. waiting, waiting, waiting.  ugh it truly is the hardest part! 

    Kelleyod, I live right outside Boston!  How long are you here for?  Yes it certainly has been unseasonable weather for June but we've had a great spring and winter, but thats no help for you right now.  Good luck to your husband!

    Momx3, my sisters and my Mother are already on a higher risk catergory I guess because of my diagnosis, my daughter is only 10 but I'm sure that's her future as well.  Maybe there will be a cure before I have to worry about her, praying anyways. 

    Busy Wednesday running around doing a ton of errands.  Now get to chill on the couch for a little bit before i have to get the kids from school. AWESOME!  doesn't happen enough lately.  enjoy your afternoon ladies!

    I have a question for the question game, What piece of advice would you give to someone starting their breast cancer battle? 

    love and hugs, tracy

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Kellyod, I know a little about Farmingdale, it's on Long Island, where I grew up.  It's probably 45 minutes west of where I grew up.  There are many nice towns around it.  Are you thinking of moving up here from Florida?  And it's been cold in NY this week also, mid-60s mostly with rain almost every afternoon.

    Well, after further looking it doesn't seem like lefty is much bigger, but both have better slopes/cleavage .  Ozygen was okay today, but my ears are still clogged and it is very annoying.  Went for a pedicure afterwards though, so that was nice.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2012

    Hi girls,

    I guess it is nearly 2 weeks since I have been on the site.  I don't have the time tonight to read all the posts, but hopefully can catch up soon and meet the new ladies.

    The last 2 weeks have been rough, loss of my dad, kids getting out of school and missing the last days, etc.  I got terrible poison ivy while staying at my brothers house (I was so anxious that I went out to his yard and started pulling weeds, guess some of them had three leaves).  I had my 3 month onc appt yesterday and my labs are wacky (probably from the steroids and maybe stress?), so will need to recheck in a couple of weeks.  I am scheduled to start my Zometa in a few weeks, had to stop by infusion room to schedule, almost nausea just from the distinctive smell.  Sorry to whine.

    Meegan, glad your surgery went well.  Breath some of that good Oxygen for me.

    Kmur, great to see you had a nice and indulgent vacation. 

    My baby turns 14 years old tomorrow!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Christine so good to hear from you. If you had not posted..I was going to send a message your way to check on you. Knew you had so much going on.  Hope everything went as well as at could for your family.  I imagine your labs could be off due to meds, did you have to take something for the poison ivy? I swear I think poison ivy finds me somehow..or oak..let us know how the infusion goes..and I know what you mean about the distinct smell...smells get me more than taste. My son was 14 back in November...time races by too quickly!! Hope you have a great celebration.

    Hope all " y'all's" are doing well tonight...

    I have been moving plants and digging in the dirt...I am a tired girl...not as young as I used to be..acyually cursed at the stupid weeds...not sure that helped??  LOl

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2012
    New here!  When am I considered a survivor?  After I complete treatment?  I just don't want to prematurely start posting  Laughing  So glad I found these boards!
  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2012

    I just wanted to pop in and say hi to the new peeps. Belinda, you are a survivor now. You are here, and fight that battle every day.

    Personally, I don't like survivor. I'm Jewish, and it reminds me of holocaust. I choose to say I'm Cancerific. :).

    Either way, welcome. Sorry you are here, but you have come to the right place!

    Kelleyod, thanks for thinking of me! I still look good, and right now, that counts for a lot!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2012
    A survivor wakes up every morning to a new day and continues to FIGHT for the next!!! Kinda like being a Mom.... it's never JUST over!!!Sealed
  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2012


    It has been a LONG time since I was on site. I had my BMX on 3-27-12 was out of work for 8 weeks, been back about 2.5 weeks now. Not quite at 3 months and I still have a significant amount of pain. I had the lat flap reconstruction done and my left expander popped up into the upper muscle (lots of pain). My switch-out surgery is not scheduled until Oct 22nd. I am still sleeping in my recliner most nights as I am a side sleeper and it is VERY uncomfortable to sleep in bed. Had had maybe 2-3 hours sleep a night the last 3 nights because I really want to stop taking the pain meds. The 800 mg Motrin are not cutting it at all. I can go almost all day with minimal pain but my nights are very different. Sorry for the dump.

    Kiwimum - sorry for the loss of your friend. I understand the feeling all too well (as we all do).

    Kim - I can't find you on FB, can you find me  Gigi Cadieux-Lyon, I would like to be a part of the 40 group.

    Tracy - your friend is in my constant prayers, please let her know that she is not alone we are all here for her.

    As far as nipple surgery goes mine won't be until sometime next year but being as I have had inverted nipples ALL my life I am actually looking forward to having nipples.

    My sister sent me a picture the other night and it had the BC symbol on it with this saying "Yes they are fake, my real ones tried to kill me" it is so to the point. I am so glad that I have the good Lord watching over me and the doctors were able to find this early on. MY mother passed away from BC when she was 44 (I was 21, now 47), I always knew there was a possibility but it can never prepare you for those words.

    Since being dx'd in January I have chosen to appreciate every little thing in my life. I have forgiven a group of people who have hurt me in the last couple of years. Life is too short and I want to live it to its fullest potential.

    I just graduated last Saturday (6-2-12) with my Bachelors degree in Accounting. I plan to take the next year off and concentrate on me getting healthy again.

    Sorry this is so long,  it really has been too long since I was last on.  

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Christine47 - Sending huge hugs ... You have had a time of it. Welcome back!

    Way to go Gigi! Congrats on getting your degree. Now enjoy some time for yourself...

    Been a busy week with some emotional hurdles but I am at peace again. Have to share a prayer one of my friends shared with me during a down moment.   "Lord give me patience. 'Cuz if you give me strength, I'm gonna need bail money to go with it."  Hope it gave someone else a smile or chuckle like it did me....

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited June 2012

    Congrats Gigi!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Yeah Gigi! Way to go!

    I've been off the boards, crazy at work, exhausted at home.

    My nerve damage in my side, boob, underarm, etc. seems to be getting the best of me at night. I have not had a restful, pain free sleep in a while. Makes the 9 hour work days really long.....

    I read someone mention Boston ~ I have a friend who's child is headed to Berkley School of Music.  They were wondering how apts or housing work up there...This is oldest child heading off to college.  He did a year or so of community college near home and is transferring in. They seem a little lost in the college process.  Does anyone have any knowledge housing/apts etc. there?  My DD's college town - people rent homes by the room -  I thought that was nuts when I saw it, but it works.  

  • Tigerg64
    Tigerg64 Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2012

    Odie16 - I like that prayer I may have to use it. Thanks and I hope you continue to get better.

    Belinda977 - thanks.