Any 40-ish survivors?



  • odie16
    odie16 Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2012

    Just stopping by to say hello..

    Had a busy weekend with lots of chores (dogs to vet,  routine "normal" crap ....) and took advantage of the great weather to put in my garden.  Some days it feels like I really am getting back to me, other days not sure who I am anymore. Figure that will slowly get better each day. 

    Counting down to a girls trip weekend to Charlotte in 5 days.  Hope this week goes by quickly....  

  • profbee
    profbee Posts: 307
    edited May 2012

    Hi gang! Eema, happy birthday. I hope you're 100%. :).

    Betsy...way cool! A vaccine! Now that's on my list for my next onco visit...too bad that's now 3 months away.

    Must hit the hay. Work is still freakin CRAZY for another week or so. Can't wait to catchup with you all!


  • joanneasiata
    joanneasiata Posts: 305
    edited May 2012

    Hi there ladies my mamo and ultra sound was all clear GREAT now having a full body bone scan tomorrow and hip and pelvic u/s Friday, I've been having hip pain now for around 6 months and today I've noticed my gland in the left side of my neck is swollen and sore I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the hip or hopefully i might be coming down with something ironic isn't it we hope to come down with the flue instead of thinking it could be something more sinister


  • blueyez
    blueyez Posts: 73
    edited May 2012

    Awesome find Betsy!  I'm putting it on the list for my next Onc visit as well, unfortunately not til July, but hopefully he'll know something about it by then.

    Odie, good to hear from you!  So glad things are more normal.  For me too I think!  Have a great trip.  Sounds like fund.

    Jojo, glad to hear your mammo and ultrasound were great!  Awesome news!  I think all of us think the worst if something is going on in our bodies, natural reaction, just hope it's the flu! lol!!  did you ever think you'd hope for the flu? lol!!

    Anyways, have a great day ladies!

    love and hugs, tracy

  • kmur
    kmur Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Hey Tracy,Odie and Prof!!  You all have been MIA...LOL  missed you girls

    JoJo...we have said with our group here..that it seems crazy to be so excited to have a bad back or a hernia or ( whatever kind of normal ailment) but we are .  I have said before yippee for a torn whatever it was in my back!! I'll take that any day....I will be sending good vibes your way and we will hope for just the normal getting older ailment.   

    eema....I know hernias are not to be made light of!!  Said that before you got after me!!  Hope you were able to enjoy your birthday some...let me know when you are ready for that drink!

    Betsy..thanks for sharing that..any news like that brings hope for more and more understanding...I really hope this BC stuff will be gone with a mere shot in the arm someday...I will hold onto that!!  THANKS

    Well...graduation is tomorrow.....I have a large group of kids back in Ohio I miss them very much ...they are graduating tonight...I have known them since three...makes me homesick kinda !!! Anyway...I made my sons graduation cake..finished today and posted two pictures on FB...It really is a MOM cake kind to me!!  LOL Oh gosh ...I am laughing all by myself.......

    Lisa...take care of yourself..I know you have been working so much...I am so proud to think one of my friends is getting ready for trial...I say that to myself...I am so amazed by you ladies with  the work you do...proud to "know" you

    Take care Girls....I gotta finish that memory book thing....

    Love to all,


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Posts: 338
    edited May 2012

    I do not like this new format at all!!! I posted on Friday and I don't know where it went.  I have just been so busy at work, I can't keep up.

    Kiwimum, so sorry for your loss.

    Eema - happy birthday! belated.

    I pretty much ignored my to do list this weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  I blew off going to the Y, which is not so good, but a friend needed some time, so I felt good being there for her.  We went for an hour walk, then I had her and her son over for dinner.  We sat on the patio, drank some beers, watched the sun set and she vented about her recent separation.

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone!

    Jojo I have hip pain too, comes and goes, but when it hurts it really hurts.  it's on my radiated side.  My clavical area is also swollen right now, but not the radiated side - the port removal side....I think I'm just falling apart! lol. Good luck with your scans.

    I had blood drawn today for tumor markers. Appt next Wednesday for results. Any experts in tumor marker field? Surely my MO told me before, but I was a little busy in treatment then....hehehe.

    Kim, LOVED the cake. The use of the candy to make hats was adorable.  I've already passed your secrets on to moms of grads.    

    spell check crapped out or web page is acting funny, sorry for errors.

  • burley
    burley Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Hi girls!  

    Welcome Jojo-here's to clear scans!  Hopefully you get the results quickly.

    How am I not friends with Kim on Facebook?  I can't see this cute stuff.  I'll look for you now.

    Nothing exciting here-went out to kareoke on Saturday night with some friends.  I haven't been to a bar type atmosphere in sooo long.  My hair came out really cute, but I was still self-conscious?  I annoy myself sometimes.  A friend was there who went through breast cancer about a year behind me, so she's about 6 months out from chemo?  This was the first time I've seen her without some type of head covering.  Her hair was super short and super curly, like a chia pet, with some really thin patches (it was straight and thick before.)  I commented on how cute her hair looked and she said, "I hope mine doesn't grow as slowly as yours."  In front of the entire group.  Really?!  I could have done without the comment.  There's some kind of antagonistic thing going on between us (from her end) about who had the worst experience with chemo.  WTH is the point with that.  And who is better friends with MY best friend.  And she's my same age.  I try not to buy into it, but sometimes her comments get under my skin.

    We're going camping this coming weekend, so this is going to be a crazy busy week.  It will take me this entire 4 days to clean and pack the trailer because of my broken wrist.

    Oh and I have a head CT on Wednesday morning because of all the headaches I've been having.  I don't really want to, but I always do what my Onc says.

    So if I don't check in, have a terrific week ladies! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Posts: 460
    edited May 2012

    Kim - the cake was great.  Well done to you!!  There was also a photo you posted of you with the most amazing long hair.  How long has it been since chemo finished? I have total hair envy.

    Jojo - yay for the clear results.  Good luck Friday and look forward to hearing all OK.

    Kim - What a rude thing for that lady to say!  It's odd when we come across people who compete with us ... and we don't even know or want to compete.  Her problem I say.

    Gina - can't help with the tumour maker question sorry.

    Betsy - I'm all for a vaccine.  I will ask my onc too.

    Funeral was yesterday. Can't say much more :(

  • kmur
    kmur Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Kiwimum...just had to let you know that picture you mentioned is really old. I think my son was in 1st grade..he is now graduating 8th hair is only to my neck ( just touching shoulder)...sorry you thought I had all that hair....someday..unless the short hair looks better???

    Kim..sorry you have had to deal with that.  I do not understand. I will send you good vibes too for good news scans.

    Hi Meegan...missed you lately

    Gina...I'm afraid I do not know either...I have had blood drawn to check for something or other..I do not know what exactly...I no longer have blood drawn though which bothers me...I'm going to ask about Zometa again too when I see ONC next time.

    Thanks for your kind words about my cake...Kim I do not know how we were not connected?? I am also not in our 40 group.. I removed myself to see if I could see what you were talking about since some of us here need to be discreet...seems if you start the group and get out you can NEVER return again!!  LOL that's ok though Lord knows I chat here enough!!

    Good night all you girls!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2012

    Actually Kim.. if you ask to join, you can re-join... but no one can add you if you don't request it somehow.

    Facebook has made it much easier to rejoin a group now. However, and here is the key, only an admin can allow you back into the group, and you have to wait 48 hours for the change to go into effect. This allows Facebook's servers sufficient time to process the request, since it ranks as a low priority on a very busy network. Also, admins can only change the group's settings (Public, Closed, Private) until it reaches 250 members. After that, the setting lock in.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Posts: 34
    edited May 2012

    Girls, what is this fb group? I'm feeling like maybe I want a piece of it!

    Burley, I was shocked that your friend said that about your hair. I really gasped over it. I'm sorry about that. She really stuck her foot in her mouth. She's clearly in a lot of pain, bless her.

    Kiwimum, funerals are so sad. May your friend rest in peace. I have a funeral on Wednesday also. Not a bc related death, but way too early at 42 years old. :(

    Readingmama, beers with a friend sounds like the better choice I agree. Separations are very traumatic. Girlfriend time is def in order! I had the best girlfriend day on Sunday. 11 mama friends took me out for a belated birthday. We chilled and had cocktails on the beach and a beautiful lunch. It was energizing and full of laughs to say the least!

    Kim and Tracy, thanks for the reconstruction info. Glad to hear that fat grafting is a sound thing to go for. I absolutely dread another surgery but am dismayed by the rippling and concave look in the center of my chest. My ps told me to "pork up" (he's great) for the fg so ive been eating like its my job! Lol! Up 5.5 lbs in no time at all! Funny, it takes just a few days when you set your mind to it and months to lose! I also still have "dog ears" (I loathe the term) where my nipples and areolas once were. Makes me so self conscious. It's hard for me to look at and I know it's hard for my husband. It scares him I think. Not because he doesn't like my body, but it reminds him of pain and suffering. He's a delicate one this husband of mine.

    Kim, congrats on having a young graduate in the house! I'm sure cake delish!

    Night! Do


  • joanneasiata
    joanneasiata Posts: 305
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies thanks for all your well wishes , had a bone scan today and NED , I soo loves those words 2 tests down 2 to go that will be Friday

    Burley what a rude thing to say to someone ,some people ,well ,the ground SHOULD swallow them up lol


  • christine47
    christine47 Posts: 846
    edited May 2012

    Hello Girls,

    Seems like it took me an hour to read and digest all I have missed.

    Welcome to our new peeps and glad to see some of my old friends back.

    Sounds like all scans and recent tests have been good, even when I am not posting with you all I am thinking and praying for you.

    Kmur, I need to get on facebook tonight and see "the cake".  We finish 7th and 9th grade on Friday!!  We leave on Sat (5am, if I can get them up) and head to Hilton Head Island, only until Tuesday, but so ready for school to be done and get out of town.  I come home and then off to see my parents on the following Friday.  My dad continues to hang in there.  I feel some guilt for not going this weekend, but the boys and DH have been planning on this beach trip, and my heart says go with the boys, unload some stress and smile.  I really am not sure I want my boys to see my Dad like he is now, just want them to remember the old Grandpa. 

    More later!

  • burley
    burley Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Chantal-we have a "40 somethingish" group on Facebook as well.  Friend me, and I'll try to add you.  Search for Kim Melvin, it's a picture kind of close up and I have short brown hair and glasses.

    AC was finally fixed today after 10 days of no air on half of the house.  Got up to 82 last night and I couldn't sleep-up until 3am and back up at 6:30.  I'm exhausted.  Busy day-no time for a nap.

    Yeah, I don't know why the "friend" said that about my hair.  She's a semi-recent friend, about a year, and when I met her I was just barely going out in public without a wig.  At this point, my hair has probably only grown about an inch since I met her.  So yes, it's growing very slowly.  Something I deal with every damn day.  22 months post chemo and 4 1/2 inches on top.  I sincerely pray no one has this slow of growth :-) 

  • kmur
    kmur Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Jojo..will continue to send those good test vibes your way...hope they are all good.

    Betsy..  I don't mind not being in the 40ish FB group..I really do not chat on FB much anyhow. I can catch up with you girls here. Thanks for the information.. I do well to post pictures etc..

    Christine..had been thinking of your dad and you. I am glad he is doing ok.  I hope you have a great time with your guys. My sons last day was today. We are getting ready to head south to the beach as well. I will post some beach pictures.

    We got the young man through Catholic grade school. I have been so kind of in a funk I guess. I am so happy the young man is done...but I miss my old school moms/kids...feeling homesick for them tonight I guess.  His school has a little reception following graduuation...then the boys dance with their moms/dads with daughters...only one dance then the parents must leave and the kids dance until 11:00..I am off to get him now .

    Hope you all are well

  • kmur
    kmur Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

     I was trying to hurry...I hope my post sounds the way I mean it to...I will have to read it again,but have to go!!!  See you all!!

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Posts: 34
    edited May 2012

    Kim, I sent you a friend request on fb. At least I hope it's you! I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.

    Kim, we got it! ;)

    Does anyone suffer from anxiety and insomnia like I do? I could be dead tired and bing! I'm up all night. I can't sleep without some type of medicinal support. Xanax or Ambien are the 2 I switch around with, but not together. Melatonin doesn't work. My awesome surgical oncologist gave me a prescription for medical marijuana (still makes me laugh!) but it just makes me want to eat, not sleep.

    Wishing you all a good night! ;)

  • burley
    burley Posts: 248
    edited May 2012

    Chantal-I added you to the group on FB.

    I suffer from anxiety, depression and insomnia-the first two are worse for me when I'm really tired.  I take Ambien to sleep, but I never sleep soundly through the night.  I either wake up to pee, or a hot flash wakes me up, then as my girls know here, I sleep eat.  The other night I actually got up and said outloud, "I wish I didn't want to eat" then raided the pantry.  I ate crackers and cream cheese, a chunk of hard cheese, almonds, and God knows what else.  The previous week I was eating salt and vinegar chips, and was waking up with my mouth so ripped up.  Hahaha.  I shouldn't laugh, but it is funny.  Except for the weight gain.

    I had two FB friend requests in the last couple of days, so tell me if I know you from here (please and thank you!)

    Miri Davies Pardo and Terry Beasley Penner

    Head CT this morning-no biggie.  The worst part was the iodine flush-felt like I peed my pants. 

  • sagina
    sagina Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

    Burly ~ too funny on the iodine flush! First time I had one they forgot to tell me about that. I must have look horrified when it happened cause the tech jumped in real quick, with opps forgot to tell you that part!

    I don't have insomnia thankfully.  I have trouble getting myself into the bed to go to sleep - depression perhaps masked as boredom.  I think I should tell myself for every minute I'm not in the bed after 10 pm I have to exercise instead - bet my butt would find the bed fast! lol

    Kim, you can still volunteer at the grade school even though he's gone from there....I did.  Sat on some boards etc.  Bet you'll find plenty to do at his high school too! I know I did.

  • joanneasiata
    joanneasiata Posts: 305
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies

    Love your comment Gina on telling yourself you'll be execising after 10 pm lol

    My husband is always reminding me of the $44 a fortnight that goes to my gym that I'm NEVER ini think I should start to make the effort it might help. With my mild depression I think it comes on more so when I'm thinking about how I feel about the fear in this whole cancer think and being to scared to move forward .so I'm going to start having counseling with a life coach ,if I've got it right there more into the power of our minds , I'll let you now how it goes


  • joanneasiata
    joanneasiata Posts: 305
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies

    Love your comment Gina on telling yourself you'll be execising after 10 pm lol

    My husband is always reminding me of the $44 a fortnight that goes to my gym that I'm NEVER ini think I should start to make the effort it might help. With my mild depression I think it comes on more so when I'm thinking about how I feel about the fear in this whole cancer think and being to scared to move forward .so I'm going to start having counseling with a life coach ,if I've got it right there more into the power of our minds , I'll let you now how it goes


  • bgirl
    bgirl Posts: 435
    edited May 2012

    Insomnia yes, my least fav thing since starting tamox.  Only had 2 periods since I started.  The farther I get away from having had it the less I sleep (down to 1-3 hrs a night).  Get it after several months, sleep for 2 days and start the cycle again.  Kind of crazy.  I always loved sleep!

    MRI mostly good, something they still want to monitor so on 6 month follow-ups still, but nothing of immediate concern. Yeah!

    It is always good motivation to go to the Y when I see the monthly fee on my credit card.  Starting to feel better doing it, not so tired.  Hooked up with a personal trainer who also works in physio at our local hospital.  Throw in a little rehab too and this helps keep me motivated.  Do an Arriba (mixed dance) class which is just fun, yoga, etc.  Avoiding the mindless treadmill right now as it would not motivate me to go.

    You could always try a little "exercise" in bed. That might help you sleep.  Working on that too!!

  • profbee
    profbee Posts: 307
    edited May 2012

    Hey friends!

    Oh my gosh, if I don't take 2 ativan, I don't sleep a WINK!  I felt the anxiety more at the beginning, but every now and again I freak myself out worrying.  ugh.  I'm trying to accept a good prognosis and let myself move on with life.  (But I LOVE you all--and that's not why I haven't been on here.  I truly believe that I can "move on" and stay here.  :)  I've just been so damn busy with work!)

    Nipple surgery is next week...and I just don't know.  From the very start I've been unsure.  I think I even started a post "to nip or not to nip" I'll have to go back and re-read it.  sigh.  

    As for exercise...I count laundry and chasing around my 5-year-old as my exercise.  But I did just get a PT referral for a little cording.  At least I'll learn some good stretches.  

    Love to all!

  • odie16
    odie16 Posts: 1,415
    edited May 2012

    Kim - I just sent you a FB request as I would love to join the 40's group on there.  I am Karen Quick.

     Happy Hump Day everyone! Trying finish laundry and pack for the girls weekend. One more work day and I'm off to some sun & fun! Hope everyone has a wonderful & safe holiday weekend......

  • Terryberry23
    Terryberry23 Posts: 12
    edited May 2012

    Yes I friended you. I also want to be part of the fb group Please.

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed at 46 (last Feb) and am now 47 - am I too old for the group??  It's funny because evey doctor I have spent time with always mentions how "young" I am to have had breast cancer.  I feel old as heck!  I have 3 kids, 11, 10 and 8.  Busy busy mom and work full time.  Can I be in this groupl?? :)

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Posts: 34
    edited May 2012

    Sheribell, you're not too old! You're just right!

    Oldie, you lucky girl! Where are you going?

    Profbee, I'm so curious about your nip job. Mine is coming up smack in middle of summer and idk either. I think I will go for it, but am very unsure of the whether I'll be pleased w my decision. I hope so! Best of luck to you! Looking forward to your wisdom. Can I find the nip r not to nip post? I will try. This site's layout is difficult.

    Burley, night eating sounds like the pits! I do like your choice of snacks though! My sister has always been a sleep eater. I can still picture her doing it, like in a trance.

    I'm trying to sleep before midnight, we'll see, so goodnight all!

  • kmur
    kmur Posts: 849
    edited May 2012

      Hi Everyone..

    I know I will forget something,but will try to not...

    First...sleep??? What is that...Oh gosh you all know cause I have said before...I have not slept all night in years...probably explains my goofiness????  I do not take anything though other than Fareston....The sleep meds make me feel funny.

    Prof...good luck with your surgery...seems they make nipples form all parts and places ( LOL ) we go again..I hope you get those fancy cones..although I have to say my hillbilly cotton ones were very comfy...but seriously..I will be thinking of you hope all goes smoothly. I think you said that so well...I love this group here and it is not always BC but life and fun to share with you crazy girls.

    SherriBell...welcome to our are for sure not too old. I am 46 and have one son ( 14). Look forward to getting to know you. We really do chat about never knows where the conversation will go.

    Have to tell you 40 something 80's girls.....I picked the young man up from his dance and as I entered the gym I heard...." Ice Ice carried away...cracked me up and took me back to well times...anyway asked if he danced with anyone....embarrassed "yes" followed by laughing..I said "what"..."nothing"   ( mom) ....."Oh...tell me" turns out he danced with two stole his tie and wore it. I can not believe I got that much of the story.

    So now we are in full getting ready for vacation.  My husband will celebrate his birthday. I have a big surprise set up for him..I will let you all know how it goes. I am not telling him anything until the day of.

    Odie...have a great time with those girls....have a drink for me and know I am with you in spirit...and as you offer cheers I am too!! the heck are you???

    Gotta go to you all and I will see you soon...Oh...have fun with the guys Christine!! Happy last day of school.....YIPPEEEE

  • SheriBell
    SheriBell Posts: 32
    edited May 2012

    I am not sure but I think some of you are chatting about nipples so I will share my story.  I had the nip surgery where they just kinda twist the skin and sew it to make a pucker and then got tattoos.   Well after the surgery I was in constant "ping" because he had created the nipples.   Over time they smoothed back down and actually they are almost completely flat again.  Then I had the 3d tattoos which are so realistic it is amazing!   

    So in short, remember if you have the nipple surgery where they graft - you will be constantly "cold" so you really can not go without a bra unless you want to have headlights all day - lol

    the 3d tattoos are so dang realistic that I am so happy my nip surgery didn't really "take" because the tattoos look more real than my natural ones and I can go braless whenever I want - which in the summer is A LOT.

    I had not taken that into consideration when I went into the operating room that day for nipples - that I would be stuck wearing bras all the time I mean.  Ok am I making any sense?  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 


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