Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Computer lab?  I had typing... no internet--and what the hell was that song? 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      I know typing.....and I dunno what that dam@ song is cause my brain does not work!!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     will google and return with answer

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Just call me Madonna!!  You all are so jealous of my guards, really feeling like the most popular girl tonight!!  I must take a picture to perserve the memory.  Maybe someday we will all meet and you will get to see the picture.  I do see that other ladies do eventually meet on these boards.

    Eema, laugh at me all you want, at least my new nips are front and center!  You absolutely need to make your PS get it right.  I think I would have been mad that he was consulting your DH on this issue.  Once when I was buying a new car, the salesman was just talking with my husband, kind of like I was not there, finally l said "look, I am the one that will be driving this car and make the decision, so you need to talk to me, not him". 

    Kmur- you silly girl, you are soo apart of this crazy group.  Over the weekend, I will look you all up on facebook. 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    was the song 'Vogue' ???

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    thats it Vogue!  Weren't the 80s great! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Oh you girls are so funny .....I am very jealous about the fancy cones. She even showed me how to mound up my extra large cotton balls and stick my thumb in the middle to make a to serve as protection....

    I did google her pointy bra "era" and I guess she wore that during the blonde ambition tour. Yes the 80's were great...perms and big fat belts (which are in again I guess)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    I fb requested you ladies... my name is Betsy Schreier Davis.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    kmur, how long did you keep them protected??  I may need to do the country cotton thing after my cones come off. 

    Wish I had more hair, I would get a perm.  lol

    I will be the christine that requests to be your friends on face book.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    My BS called this afternoon and said there were two spots on the MRI that have to be looked at further.  This was my 1 year annual MRI, which, thank goodness I pushed for.  I am SO upset!!!!  I was just getting to a good place, finished with all treatment except Herceptin, starting to excercise and starting to think about nutrician and all that stuff.  Now its a mammo and u/s and two biopsies.  Its like last year all over again as it's almost 1 year and 1 month to the day of first dx.  I'm trying to be positive, but it's not working so well so far.

     Burley - I think it's lovely that you sent a card with a memory and I bet the family will really cherish that as people often "disappear" or really don't know what to say, esp. with a suicide.

    KiwiMum - congrats on being done with chemo!!!

    Not on facebook yet, otherwise would joing you all.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Oh, I am so sorry to hear this Readingmama.  How soon to your u/s, biopsies, etc?  I hope not long.  Maybe just scar tissue??  I know it is so hard to be positive when we know the reality of breast cancer.  Wish I could come and give you a hug and hold your hand.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Oh ReadingMama. I can feel your pain and am so sorry you are facing this. I will be thinking of you and hoping it's nothing. Good for you pushing for that MRI. It's a lesson for all of us to make sure we get heard.

    I'm off in an hour for surgery to remove my port. Yippee. I had a CT scan Monday for rads simulation. They just phoned and said my port was obscuring their view and I need to come back for another CT next week. I am annoyed to say the least. Don't they know that too much radiation can give a girl cancer. I'm trying to rid myself of cancer, not expose myself to unnecessary radiation.

    Great to have new FB friends.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     readingmama.. I am sorry that you even have to think about all this..I am really thinking of you. I know how scans are. I wish we could all be there for you in person. My feeling or hope is that now that we have this BC maybe they are much more careful....please let us know how you are.

    Christine...i think I wore those cotton balls for at least a week and 1/2 ?? Funny I can't really remember for sure. I still have a few stitches stuck in there. They should dissolve but have not yet. Unreal how real they look. I did not have much hair either at 5 months,but it is really doing well now. It is about 5 inches long now and thicker too. I have been using all natural Henna on it to color and I think it helps. Makes it very shiny and soft. when my hair came in-it was white. I had it colored and then thought that color was too dark. At that point I was ready to shave it again and then read about Henna on line. So ....I put Henna over the color and got too red first ,with Henna you can re-color right away to make it darker and I now have it down pat .

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    readingmomma, thinking of you...I go for scans the week of Thanksgiving. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone,

     Kiwimum...I hope port removal was easy and you are feeling well today.

    It is wonderful to connect with all of you here. You will have to forgive me with Facebook. I am new to it and don't post that often. More to keep up with my friends from other states. I chat way more here than anywhere. I will check on you girls in both locations.

    I would really like to meet all of you someday. We do vacation mostly down south. We love Point Clear Alabama and have stayed at The Grand there. If any of you really love the Old South, you should google that resort. It is on Mobile Bay not Ocean. Very full of history and they do have a Civil War Cemetery on the grounds...sounds weird,but it is beautiful. You can ride bikes in to Fairhope Alabama....Panini Pete was on Diners,Dives,and Drive ins (however that show is called) ,but we need to get north someday too. Don't know why I went into that about the Grand,got carried away I guess. Maybe when everyone is done with all this active treatment we could try to do that somewhere. Maybe even Charleston???

    Sarah...have not seen you here in a bit...hope you are doing well. My sons art teacher is from the UK and she has been helping me with my art. I have never been able to draw but now I can...I have also started with water color. I hope I will not be offending,but her accent is so pretty and much more proper than mine...I could listen to her talk all day.

    Have a good day everyone. Saying prayers for clean scans,successful surgeries,and healing...we deserve it!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi Kim and all!

     Just catching up on all your girls' news! I've been offline recently as we went out for a BBC animal show on Sunday - it was crazily hot - about 85 degs F/29 C. I am truly dense as I didn't take a hat or suncream and wore a heavy bag over my chest. Had a coughing fit in the park and when we got home ended up in so much pain with my chest and back, I couldn't move! I'm not sure what I've done:either muscle strain or sunburn on my rads area/lymphodema, but it has been awful again. Getting a bit better now - will be seeing Dr (again!) tomorrow I think. I forgot that I have to "take it easy"sometimes - you can't get into that mindset when you're 43, can you? Then it comes back and bites me in the bum! I'm a big fan of Seinfeld and to paraphrase George Costanza, " I am Queen of the idiots!"

     Lovely to hear your news, Kiwimum! So pleased you've finished and the shingles are better. You really are strong to keep on working full-time through it all. Good luck for the rads.

     Readingmama - I am sorry to hear you are having more investigations. The spots could well be rads damage or scar tissue - I have had both.Wishing you all the best.

     Burley - I'm so, so sorry to read about your son's friend - it was truly horrific. I would have reacted just the same way as you and it is good you have made contact with his family. Thinking of you.

     I like all your new breast/nipple stories! It is surreal that we are chatting to people now that we've never met, sometimes from totally different parts of the world! The Madonna conical bra images were funny. I know the guy who designed it was Jean Paul Gaultier and it was late 80s - can't remember the tour/song though. I'll have to ask my brother - he saw her live around that time and she was one of his many teenage crushes!  Also - Happy New Year to Eema - is it called Rosh Hashanna or am I barking up the wrong tree? Enjoy your lovely grub!

     Where you live sounds lovely, Kim. It would be great for you all to meet up - hope you can organise something. I like the southern US accent - I'm reading "The Help" at the mo. which is based in Jackson, Mississippi, so I'm imagining the way the characters speak all the time. We're not really very proper in Britain - only certain parts of Southern England speak poshly/BBC English. We have a very wide range of regional accents here too  - you would struggle to understand ( as I would) a very strong Glaswegian or Liverpudlian accent, for instance. I'm Welsh and prob.have a similar accent to Catherine Zeta Jones when she's not being American! I used to have a Yorkshire accent as a child, but that's different kettle of fish!  I hope you don't mind me dropping in these silly expressions btw, I have the idea (misguided, prob!) that you might find them funny!  Good luck too with your water colours!

     All the best, Sarah xxxx

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for the well wishes, Sarah!  Yes, Rosh HaShanah (doesn't matter how you spell it in English, because it is a Hebrew word!).  Friday night starts Yom Kippur, the Day of Attonement, where we have a complete fast for 25 hours and pray for forgiveness from G-d.  I wont be able to fast, but I have a lot to talk about with the Big Guy!

    ReadingMama, I'm so sorry to hear about your scans.  I hope all turns out to be just a little scar tissue, like someone said!

    Now, my nipple-guard sisters!  I believe it was Blonde Ambition, and I also think it was Vogue.  Wow, I'm sooooo glad the styles have come back and I can wear crazy leggings and no one will look at me sideways.  I had the worst perm back then, so I'm just going to leave that part of the 80s for someone else!

    15 years ago I met people from a chat room, it was called IRC, and we are still friends in real life.  The meetings were just another way to communicate--we were already friends, we just added a body to the equation!   Wish I'd be abe to travel, but I'm too busy playing in CancerLand to have THAT much fun!

    I'm going to try to be productive today as I have stopped puking for the time being.  The last day and a half I've had some funk that has knocked me out.  My R hooter that has slipped  from its mooring rubbed on my ribs every time I lost it and today OMG.  I feel like I cracked a rib.

    We have a beautiful day here!  I think I might make it outside today! xox

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Everyone, sorry you had the back issues,but glad you are feeling better. I have to say...I really do find phrases and such to be very funny..wish I could remember them all. Love language and listening to others speak. I read The Help. It is a good book. (I thought anyway) . The area I was going on and on about (sorry) is in Alabama , we are in Kentucky. I would love to live there though in that area.

    Eema....I spoke with the big guy this morning at Church with my son....I really just would love for all of us to feel healed and better and happy. Maybe if we all put in the word..we may get his attention. All kidding aside though...cause I really don't want him angry with me..I did have a talk this morning. Hope you feel better soon.

    Now off to get something done....

    Thinking of all you girls....


  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Kim, was he in a good mood?  Because we have a lot to talk about, He and I!

    Since I have nothing really to do with my free time until I have my surgery, I've been blogging and cutting out coupons.  I'm going to Target today to get my boy a FREE Transformers toy with all the coupons I found!  My DH wanted me to go to the dr today for ongoing UTI symptoms, but this sounds like more fun!  Who wants to go see ANOTHER doctor when there are deals to be had!? 

    Have a good day, Ladies!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Hi All, thanks for the thoughts.  I am able to go in today to get mammo & us, but will have to go back for biopsy.  So annoying, why can't they do it all is one day. Don't they realize how worried we are about this and that we work????? And the woman is just rushing, rushing me off the phone!  I know the mammo wouldn't see it, I just had one in August, I don't trust them at all anymore (the mammo did also not see last year my very palpable large 2cm+ lump).  Hoping u/s will see it, but these are much, much smaller so not sure...

    She said will not be able to get biopsy until next week...  One is near the tumor bed, so hopefully you all are right and it's just scar tissue, the other is not near, but I didn't think of rads damage, I'll hope for that.

    Luckily I work from home Wed., now I have to call my boss and tell her I need to take this afternoon off.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Everyone,

     Just sat down for a bit of lunch. Today I canned green tomato blueberry jam. least I did do something. Eema...I don't know his mood but I can tell you I just had a feeling today all will be good somehow. I did ask him  for a bit of healing in our circle here. Would be so nice if everyone could get to a really good place in life...sorry don't know how to put it. So sweet with the son is too old now...his thing was Star Wars figures. Miss those little guy days. I made him a big Teddy Bear years ago for Christmas and the bear is wearing a pair of his bib overalls (sp) I love that bear ...reminds me of him so little. Have fun with him.

    Readingmama....hope all goes well today..I know it is a pain and yes I think they should know how our nerves operate when words like that are spoken.. for us they should do it all right away so we can get on with it!! .I really do want to think scar tissue too. Please let us know how you are. Wish we could give you a hug or take you out for coffee or something stronger if you like. Will say extra hard prayers.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Hello All!  Been catching up on my reading.  Sorry I haven't been on forever! Life has got a hold on me again.  I guess that is a good thing. A lot has been going on here!  Burley-  I am so sorry for what you have been having to deal with.  My heart goes out to you and your son and the family.  Readingmama- so sorry you have to deal with this stuff all over again and the emotions that go with it. Here's hoping it is just scar tissue. I understand about the mamo's, mine was not caught during my mamo either.  Was found on US and I had 3 lumps. Will be thinking about you next week too, for the biopsies.

    You all are cracking me up about the nipple guards.  I have to go with Kim.  Mine weren't cotton balls, but I had to change out twice a day with holes cut in gauze pads. No fancy ones for me.  Maybe it is because we are in the South.

    Betsy- sorry to also hear about your Father-In-Law.  Sorry I am late on that.  When is your walk?  I looked into the Avon walk. But there isn't one close and not sure if I am ready yet.

    Did Race for the Cure 2 Sat. ago and had so much fun, had a lot of friends join us. Also had a PET 2 weeks ago for right shoulder blade pain, but all was clear.  Onc. seems to think it might all be muscle due to all the surgeries. Well, I will quit taking up taking up so much of your time.  I hope all of you are having a good day today.

    Eema- I love to read your posts, you have such a good spirit about your foobs.  I know it may be a case of laugh because you don't want to cry, but keep me laughing.  Hope you have a great holiday weekend and get some answers to your "talks".

    Kiwimum- congrats on being finished!  Hope the shingles keep improving.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi my favorite chicks,

    Hate when I am busy and can't read your posts thru the day.  I had lunch today with a friend, wanted to show her my nipple guards, then realized she really would not understand.  Yes who would have thought we would be discussing this kind of stuff with total strangers (who actually get it, even though they have never met us). 

    mamachick and sarah, good to hear from you both.

    Readingmama, I hope things went well for you today.

    Eema,  while you are talking to the Big Guy, make sure you put in a good word for all of us.  I do believe he hears us and he is listening.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone, good to hear from you today. Congrats on your race and the good scan. I'm glad I was not alone with my southern shields  Lol. They really worked ok though. I'm glad you are busy with life...that is really good. Hope the teaching is going well.

    I know Christine...I do not talk about breast cancer with any of my friends. I guess I feel like I would have to explain in more detail..and they may not want to know all those details. It is nice to share this with you all and I know you understand. It is also refreshing to laugh. Most people would not feel comfortable making fun of nipple guards now would they....Lol

    Hope you are doing ok tonight readingmama...we'll be talking to the big guy again tonight

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Teaching has been keeping me very busy.  I guess that is a good thing, since I had to have so much help last year with it. 

    I too talk to Him and will talk to Him about all of you, especially those of you who are having struggles right now. Thankfully I have a few friends that I can talk to about BC, but they still don't get the humor that you all have on here.  I embarrassed one friend when I made her poke my TE's when I had them, but than I had one friend that poked them every time she saw me because she couldn't 't believe how hard they were. But you really have to have been there to be able to laugh about what kind of nipple shields you had. Have a good evening all!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Not much today.  The mammo and the u/s did not see the "spots", so now I have to go for an MRI guided biopsy.  Luckily then can get me in Monday, so it's soon and it's a work holiday so I don't have to ask for more time off.  So anyone ever have an MRI guided biopsy??  I can't even imagine how they can do that?  I was lying on my stomach for the MRI with my boobs hanging down. Certainly the radiologist is not on the floor?  And it can't be when the MRI machine is on and making all that noise, can it be?  Guess I'll find out...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    mamachick... My avon walk is Oct 15 weekend... I am not really ready yet either... doing a short 3 miles altzheimers walk this weekend.. a little prep and walking for my dad... For AVON I have raised over $5300.. yay!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Yay Betsy. $5300 is awesome.

    Lots of posts today. You ladies make me laugh.

    I'm feeling a bit sore today.  The surgeon gave me a local anesthetic and proceeded to cut open the old scar to remove the port.  Guess what ... the anesthetic wasn't working yet and I screamed and felt him cut.  I wasn't happy.  What a twit!

    I've loved connecting with some of you via Facebook. It's amazing to see our "other" lives before BC and everyone's lovely hair.  We will all get back to that happy place one day I hope.

    ReadingMama - I agree. I have no idea how they'd do a MRI guided biosopy.  Thinking of you.

    Kim - green tomato blueberry jam sounds interesting.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Wow Betsy!  What an accomplishment!  Way to Go!!! tomato blueberry jam?!?! I am really having a hard time imagining that


  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Hi Girls!

     I was dreaming of nipple guards and couldn't sleep, so here I am!  Actually, I tried to wear a bra today on my Target excursion and it left me feeling like I have a couple of cracked ribs.  WTH?  Something I will discuss with Him over the weekend.  It is a BIG holy day from sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday, so I will be praying for everyone's speedy and complete recovery.  This is the time of repentence (not that we can't do it at any time), so I'm trying to be good.  Last year this time I felt great and a little cocky, then I was hit with a mystery illness from Oct. 15- Jan.  Turned out to be, among other things, breast cancer.  Who would have thunk it?  I was about 20 lbs thiner this time last year.  Blah.  Then I drank my first Gatorade (it wasn't kosher before, became kosher last October) after a stomach upset and withing minutes my face and neck started swelling and I was in anaphylaxis.  I almost died in the back of the ambulance.  I had like 20 of these episodes and was in the hospital a total of a month during that period.  Then I decided I wasn't going to be sick anymore, prayed about it, and was better!  Then the breast cancer, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    But you know what?  If I hadn't had breast cancer, I wouldn't be able to laugh about nipple shields with crazy women I don't know in real life!  Not that it makes it worth it, but it helps when I can laugh.  

    Oh, regading my EPIC Target trip--I spent exactly $130 and saved $58.40!  My boy LOVED his Transformer (shhh, don't tell, I have one saved for Chanukah, too!) and broke it within the first five minutes!  "Look Eema, the head comes off!" "uh, I don't think the head is supposed to come off, sweetheart..." "Fix it, Eema, fix it!  Use your magic powers!"  Yeah, I told him all Eemas (moms) have magic powers they get when we become moms and have been playing that hand since he was a tiny baby... I 'appear' presents for him from time to time.  One day he told me he knows I go and buy the presents ahead  of time.  I told him not to EVER say that again, or my powers would stop, and he bought it!  He wont be six forever!

    Have a good night, my sisters.  I'm going to go find what I have that will make me go to sleep without pain.  Too bad I have no wine in my house right now!