Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    I had 34 DDs that had to be memorialized. This same friend was sadder than me about the loss of my girls because she is small and I guess looked up to my boobs in a strange way! I have the bust drying in my linen closet (but after 2 months, it is probably dry:)) and when I go into grab a towel, I get to have a visit with the ghost of boobies past!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    A dear friend of mine sent me the tummy cast kit for pregnant women to use on my boobs.  We had laughed on the phone about a way to memorialize the gals.  Hubby did NOT get it.  I had to explain to him how my friend was being funny and not mean.  I keep cracking up that at my PS TE fill, I told the doc that I'd like an upgrade.  "I'd like 'em bigger than before," I said.  He said, "Oh, they'll be bigger."  HILARIOUS.  He's so mild-mannered it really cracked me up!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

    ah, a kit, let's see I'd need three, one for each D! lol.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Eema...I'm glad you were able to hold onto I said , I would not have thought of it. In my case ...I think the first few months after DX...were kind of a blur.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Take a day off and look at you crazy ladies.

    christine47-so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has to have the toes done for surgery. For BMX had blue toes with silver streaks. Thinking hot pink with purple streaks for exchange.

    bdavis-you should be in bed by now, but good luck with tom and work. Let us know how it goes.

    KiwiMum-bummer. I know waiting even a week to be done with chemo seems like forever-yuou have every right to moan and shingles suck ontop of that. Veg out with your vampires the next couple of days and hopefully you'll be back on track in no time. Apparently I have to move to NZ for people to get the whole peckish thing, in Ky they swear I just made it up.

    rachelvk-I remember briefly thinking about the upcoming hair loss before it happened, but I figured there was nouthing I could to about it so why worry. It does suck, but on the flip side, it's kinda cool watching it come back in now. Just be the most beautiful bald chick that you can manage to be.

    profbee-I've been cold all over since my BMX, aside from when I'm having a hot flash. Don't have many spasms anymore since I'm done with fills but I get the cold feelings. Speaking of x-mas-"all I want for x-mas are my two front nipples."

    Eema-what a great idea. I didn't really like what was left of my boobs after three breast feed kids so I wasn't as sorry as some to see them go. What we did do, was when I lost my hair, my three kids (5,7 &10) painted my entire head with crazy paint, I painted their faces and we took lots and lots of pictures. I love it "boobies past", that hysterical.

    Hang in there ladies, Big hugs to all.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone

    Face looking worse today. I am trying to ignore it - very hard to do. I saw my onc this afternoon. He still wants me to go ahead with my last chemo next week. I was hoping i wouldn't have to. He says that because of my 12 nodes he wants to get was much chemo in my as possible. I got a script for tamoxifen and will start in a few weeks. Anyone here on Tamox? Is it ok?

    Ladies, love the thought of immortalizing the girls. I should have done that before I lost one.

    Re getting your toes done for surgery. I remember having a bikini wax just before my babies were due. My DH thought I was crazy, but if people were going to be looking down there I want it to be tidy. Lol

    Good luck tomorrow Betsy.

    Thanks for all the kind thoughts. Does anyone watch Cougar Town? I'm planning a big glass a "big Joe" glass of wine tonight to drown my sorrows.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi all!

     You are all such good fun on here - you cheer me up!  Christine -  am I right that you are having surgery on Thurs? If so - good luck!

     Kiwimum - sorry you're still yuck! I took tamox. for about 2 1/2 years after first dx. It was fine - but I think it made me hungry - that's all I needed!  On femara now since Feb. -  less hungry, but other se's instead!  I tried " Cougar Town" last year - couldn't get into it. Pity, as I love Friends - me and OH used to watch Ellen, Friends and Frasier on a  Fri. night before going to the pub - all excellent!  I can't believe how much I used to drink in those days!  Enjoy your wine. I love a NZ wine called "Oyster Bay" - sauvignon blanc - delicious, but £9 a bottle - about $16 (US) (wild guess!) - so a bit of a luxury for us at the mo. Quality, not quantity, these days!

     Love, Sarah x

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    KiwiMum-have been on Tamoxifen for a little over a month and at first had alot of knee joint pain and insomnia, but that has all resolved. Alot of people say they get lots of hot flashes, but I haven't noticed a big increase as compared to chemo. So hear ya about bikini wax before delivery, I did the same thing with all my babies. As a side note, as an operating room nurse I can tell you that we do appreciate nice toes, and a nice clean tidy "bush"-you would not believe how some people come to the OR (for elective cases none the less). I've watches cougar town a few times and thought it was really funny, well written, unfortunantly we are always running to soccer practice, choir practice, etc and by the time I get the boys home, showered and settled for bed, I'm pooped and usually fall asleep on the couch. Enjoy your wine and TV.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Good day to all,

    Kiwimum....hope it gets better really quickly...and I hope that wine hit the spot.

    Sarah...we loved Frasier too,but (for me) still love Seinfeld....even today in re-runs...makes me laugh.

    OK ....speaking of laugh and because you all ARE 80's on the ride into school B52's Love Shack came on and I was singing along and then I told my son about how we used to dance to that song and about the part where everyone would have to say "bang,bang,bang on the door baby..... and then the "tin roof" part......those were the days....He looked at me and I got the eye roll but a hidden smile too   ( swwweet)....hope that made someone smile today...Maybe no one else liked the B52's though???

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Ok ..I am such a goof ball these days in that my grammer is awful "used" or use correct??

    we used to dance or we use to dance?? My brain just isn't what it "used" to be ......

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Love the B52's. Alot of fond memories to that song.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Kiwi - That sucks!  I am so sorry.  I would be very upset to be so close to finished then have to delay.  I got sick with a sinus infection the day before my first chemo and was so worried that it would delay everything.  I just wanted it to be over.  Hopefully you will be back on track soon.

    B52s - Ha!  yes, Love Shack is a classic.  I went to law school in Athens and drove the "Atlanta Highway" frequently.  I never saw the Love Shack though.

    TV shows:  Frasier is outstanding, but I agree with whoever said Seinfeld was the best. I am pretty sure I have seen every episode of Seinfeld at least 10 times.  I have seen his show a couple of times too.  It is great.  If you ever have the chance to see him, do it.  Not sure if he tours anymore.  I am also a big fan of Everybody Love Raymond - I never watched it until it was in syndication.  It is too funny.  And Cheers - now that was a great one too.  As for currently running shows, Modern Family is great. There need to be more shows like these.  I hate 99% of what is on TV these days (lol . . . makes me sound old).

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Hi Kim and all!

     Yes!  Love Seinfeld too - got all 9 Series on dvd. I like that B52's song and think I remember the dancing bits! I remember dancing similarly to " Don't You Forget About Me" and "The Only Way Is Up!" too in College. Went to France for my year out in 88/89 and when I came back to UK, it was all Acid house and Raves and weird dances - missed all that and never caught up! I love discos, as we called them back then, but haven't been to one in at least 15 years...shame! I quite like the stuff my son listens to like Ke$ha, Tiny Tempa and David Guetta, but my dancing now is sooo embarrassing!  Must make dinner - 5.40pm - nice and early!  BTW  -it's "used to", you were right!

     love to all, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Ok Shows....You all are going to think I'm so weird,but lately "That 70's Show" has been on and it cracks me the mom "Kitty" I never watched it when it was on for real,but we catch the funny...

    I would like to cruise "the Atlanta Highway" ...I think

    And as for dancing...don't really do that anymore either...oh my son would be mortified if I danced in public  Lol

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Survivor11, Yep I am up for surgery on Thursday.  Toenails are pretty red and will get manicure tomorrow.  I will tidy up don't think I am going to do the bikini wax.  Of coure I will shower morning and night before, mouthwash and even though they say no makeup (I will have alittle).  Always hate that I can't wear my jewelry, I need big earings with my sassy  1 inch hair.  I am thinking about leaving my PS a note with a skin marker to tell him not to be shy about the lipo and places with the best fat, LOL.  I also work in health care and am amazed the way people with go to the doc or dentist.  I will not schedule a gyn appt unless it is 1st thing in am and I am right from the shower, and brush my teeth one last time in the denist offices bathroom.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    Love Shack was a total kareoke standard for us!  LOL!  My bf and I used to do the harmonies.  Too funny.  My hubby and I are low on funds (who isn't?), but we usually pick a TV show and buy the series and watch it together when we can.  I usually teach days and he teaches at night, so if I'm up when he gets home (11ish) we can maybe squeeze in a show together---and then see some on weekend nights.  It's nice to have something together.  We're working our way through Mad Men--just got the 2nd season in the mail today.  

    We watched the first season of Burn Notice--totally not something we'd usually watch.  I think it runs on USA network!  LOL.  But it's cute, about spies, sorta Moonlighting one dies, not too heavy, and the guy who played Robin Hood in Xena (Bruce Campbell) plays a great part.  Gotta love him.  (I never watched Xena, but he's just hilarious!)

    When I graduated from college, my 2 gfs and I moved into a railroad apt in NYC.  We would have "Must See TV" Thursday nights at our house--Friends, Seinfeld, ER (the Clooney years!).  SUCH good times! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

     Hey case you are not on Wednesday...good luck with surgery and all on Thursday.  I know you will do just fine.  Let us know how you do. You will be all shined up and ready to go- Lol

    Oh...I just love thinking about all those old TV shows. We would not plan a thing on Thursdays so that we could watch all those shows even ER .  Really not much these days that keeps me watching. We saw the B52 's at Kings Island Amusement Park years ago and Kate was still rockin'...they are just a fun band.  We also loved " I'd stop the world and melt with you" I think Modern English  ( I used to think they were called bad English ),but I also used to think Eric Clapton was singing Hey Love instead of gosh now I forget.. is it Layla ....DAH ...

    Thanks for the good thoughts...just smile thinking about dancin' and jumpin' around...

    BTWif  you have not watched one of the That 70's Show. episodes..oh gosh you just have to watch one or two...I really thought it looked like a show I would not like at all.. (probably not for young children).every time now I laugh...I wonder if my sense of humor may have been "altered" by the chemo???

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    We love That 70s Show. I watched a few episodes of Mad Men and couldn't get into it. It always gets rave reviews so maybe I should try again. What do you think Profbee?

    One new show we've loved is Modern Family. Great characters and funny too.

    I took the girls to school this morning and have come home and am watching tv in bed. I've just watched Greys Anatomy and about to watch another Vampire Diaries. I work full time so despite the shingles it's quite nice to have a week a home. DH at work and DDs at school - very peaceful.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Kiwi - I am obsessed with Modern Family.  It is the first sitcom I have watched since friends went off the air.  Did you see the episode last season when the two gay guys were trying to get their daughter into day care by playing the diversity card?  LMAO.  I was showing a scene from that to my mom this weekend because she had never watched the show.  "Disabled inter-racial lesbians with an African kicker?!  I did not see that coming."  It just kills me.  There are so many great lines in that show and it is so well acted.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    I've GOT to watch that show.  It seems so up my alley.  I just missed it when it went on air.

    Kiwi--Mad Men is darker than I thought it would be....kinda creepy.  I ADORE the clothes!  It's not the fun, guilty pleasure of the other stuff, but I do like to see what all the talk is about.  Mostly, I just love the clothes.  :)  

    Lisa--did you see Wanda Sykes on Ellen?  I just happened to catch it, and she came out about her BC and BMX.  She said she wasn't sure if she should talk about it b/c how can she be the poster child for EVERYTHING?!  (Black, lesbian, and now breast cancer survivor?!)  It was really funny.   

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    profbee, my BF got me into BattleStar Gallactica right after my BMX and we just finished the series 2 wks ago. It was a great idea cause it always guaranteed "together time" at a time when I wasn't always up to going out with recovery and then chemo. Think I'm going to now try to catch up on True Blood, he's a fan but I've never seen it.

    Go Wanda Sykes, she was hilarious to begin with.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Prof... I had a BMX and DIEP and when I drink I can feel the cold go down too.. so that is not the implants...but the MX...

    So two days of work down and I am exhausted.... one more day and then a day off.... but after work tomorrow I am going to a show at Princeton with my gal pals...

    I love thos older TV shows... but funny watching them now and the acting is so bad.. part of what makes it funny... Now I love Survivor, Breaking Bad, True Blood...among others... with all my surgery I have had a lot of down time... I also weirdly enjoy the real housewives of all cities/states...(Beverly Hills, NJ...)

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    Ah, we watched that together too!  It is so nice to have together time and shared references and it just brings us closer.  :)

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011

     Is Wanda Sykes in Curb Your Enthusiasm  as Larry's wife's friend - I can't place her?!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited September 2011

    Yes!  Her stand-up is Hi-larious. 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2011

    Totally agree Lisa. Both season 1&2 have been good. Profbee, you must get the Modern Famiy box set.

    Having stuff you can watch together is great. Another show we like is The Good Wife, great tv.

    Never heard of Wanda Sykes. Off to Google her ...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Hope you are feeling better KiwiMum!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011

      Hi Everyone,

      Good luck with surgery Christine...I know you'll do great.  Hope you are feeling better KiwiMum and thank you for helping me with my grammar Sarah!!

     Good night all

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited September 2011

    Prof - I did not see the Wanda sikes interview. I can't say I blame her - that is alot to be the spokesperson for.

    I too missed modern family when it came out. I would have never watched it but my best friend and her two daughters came to visit this summer and the girls wanted me to see a few episodes so they brought their DVDs. I was rolling. I ended up keeping them so I could catch up on the first two seasons. The third just started last week.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited September 2011

    Thanks kmur, good thing I saved a xanax and ambien for tonight.